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592 stories 452 accepted 151 in progress -11 queued
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Showing results 301 - 320 of 445.<< < 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15  16  17 18 19 20 ... 23 > >> 
A fox in a night club meets a wolf with an urge to yiff
A Divine Kidnapping Other Views 355 Votes 11 Comments 0
[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][ ][ ][ ] Print PDF New Window Aug6/09, Modified Aug6/09
A human king is kidnapped by the shapeshifting god of slavers. Lots of sex ensues, some gay, some straight. Other themes include magical gender change and the true nature of Dominance.
Misty has gone to work for the day, and is distracted again by her mystery man. But will her daydreaming ruin her food? And will her reputation of top chef be questioned? More importantly, will her screw-ups get her a meeting with her dark follower....
When a wolf finds herself being followed by a mysterious and gorgeous wolf, will she find herself falling for the one who was sent to destroy her? And in turn, will the follower find hinself defying his rules, the laws he was raised apon, and fall for the girl he has only ever seen one?
This is a book that I have been writing for a couple of months. So I am going to show a chapter at a time. Hope you like.
Nothing like jocks to try and ruin a nice day at the always pleasant Rivermore High!
Sabrina as hidden in her wolf form from Jack for almost a year. can Jack get her to trust him?
The first chapter to a story I've started, it's still being done, but any feedback and troubleshooting would be appreciated.
This is a short story about how Manti was born and how she got here powers. I began this story while a freshman in high school, although I haven't worked on it for a long time.
The sixth part of my book sydney and me please comment and enjoy
The fifth part of sydney and me comment please
The fourth part of Sydney and me
The third part of sydney and me enjoy comment please
Midst of the Fray Pt. 2 Gay Views 2813 Votes 3 Comments 0
[1][2][3][4][5][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Print PDF New Window Jul10/09, Modified Jul8/09
Rob introduces his cellmate and their way of passing time.
The hard and rough life of a certain human
The second part of sydney and me pleases comment
Thia ia pRT ONE OF MY novel sydney and me please enjoy and plz comment and yes this is being publiched into a book
From the characters of my story Sydney and me here is the story of their first time. Please enjoy and comment please also read sydney and me if you want a good romance story
Rough Ride N/A Views 1742 Votes 0 Comments 1
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] Print PDF New Window Jul7/09, Modified Jul7/09
Prologued intro to my new character
(Cecil copyright Cecil-Sayataki of FA and used with permission; Artemis copyright Artemis_Exsalia of FA and used with permission; all other characters copyright myself)
Showing results 301 - 320 of 445.<< < 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15  16  17 18 19 20 ... 23 > >> 
[Y] Statistics
3 Male Solo 6 Female Solo 138 Gay 12 Lesbian 135 Straight 41 Other 254 N/A 3 Male Solo 6 Female Solo 138 Gay 12 Lesbian 135 Straight 41 Other 254 N/A 113 G 50 PG 77 14A 92 18A 260 R 113 G 50 PG 77 14A 92 18A 260 R