Sydney and Me part 3

By: zach8892
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Sydney and I sat quietly. I would stare at her sometimes while we ate. But as soon as she would look up to me I would look down. I didn't know why I was so nervous around her. She was just another friend that I have. Heather came back over and handed us our bill.
"Thank you guys so much for picking our dinner for your meal and I hope to see you two again." She said.
"Thank you Heather and my complements to the chef."
"Well thank you. The chef is my husband Shaun.
"Well tell him he makes a great chicken sandwich."
I reached for the bill and met Sydney's hand. "Please let me pay for this meal Micka. You have had a ruff night and I want you to take it easy."
"Not on my watch Sydney. I could never let a girl pay for dinner that I ate. I'm sorry but I was raised that way."
"Micka you are so cute. Well can I at least pay for the tip then?"
"Well I don't see any harm in you paying the tip."
"Thank you Micka." So I set the money down on the table and stood up. Sydney stood up too. I looked at her lean body. She was so fine. I grabbed my jacket from the seat that I was just in. I looked over to Sydney quickly and saw that she was adjusting her bra. I saw her nice breast move around in that tight bra. Still they were not big or small but they were perfect. I just thought of my self holding them. Suddenly I felt a tingling in my pants.
"Oh aww... Sydney I will be right back. I need to go to the bathroom."
"Okay Micka." Sydney giggled again. I walked to the bathroom and started to open the door. "Have fun in there Micka." I heard from Sydney's voice from behind me.
I smiled and walked into a stall. I sat down on the toilet and pulled down my pants and let my member out. It was stiff now. My pink member was all the way out of the sheath right down to my knot. I could feel the semen building in by testicles. "Wow calm down big guy. Don't even think about you getting some tonight. There is no way that you are going to be getting into her. She is just a friend. She's not even into me. She is way too sophisticated to be with someone like me." With that thought of regret my little friend slipped back into my sheath. I got up and pulled my pants back on. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands so Sydney would think that I had really gone to the bathroom. I can't believe that I just talked to my penis. That must be an all time low. I guess it could be worse. Oh well got to get back out to Sydney. I walked back out to join my blonde haired companion.
"Did you have fun Micka?"
I laughed. "I don't know, I didn't have any help from you."
"Wait, What?" Sydney blushed. I was walking by quickly and grabbed her hand and we literally ran out of the diner. We both started to laugh.
Once down the street a bit I stopped and looked at Sydney. She came closer to me. We looked into each others eyes with wonder. She was gorgeous and now our bodies were touching. We just stood there. I couldn't help myself any more. I bent down and tried to give her a kiss. I puckered my lips slowly. Sydney did the same in anticipation. Slowly I leaned down towards her awaiting lips. It was very romantic. Our lips were just barley touching when she turned away from me. I un-puckered my un-satisfied lips.
"I'm sorry Sydney. I don't know what came over me. Sorry."
"Oh Micka don't please. It's just..."
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to rush things."
"Micka please let me finish. It's just the night isn't over so I don't want rush your reward for bringing me out to eat."
"Wait, what Sydney?"
"Well I think you deserve a reward and I think after I watched over you at the hospital I deserve a reward too." I was in shock. My mouth was literally wide open. "Yet if you can catch me you can have it sooner" and she took off running. Was this a hard to get game or was she just running away. I don't think she is the type of person to eat and run. So either way I can't let her go out running in the middle of the night alone. So I pick up chase and followed her.
She was quick. I followed her for two blocks and we were still going. I watched her white tail flowing in the wind along with her blonde hair. I was running out of steam but she seemed to have an endless stamina. I just stared at her nice little butt in her little skirt. I just loved looking at her white fur covered body. When she would really pick up speed I could see her underwear underneath. She was wearing a cute pair of black underwear. When I looked close I could see her underwear creeping up her nice butt. That's what really kept me going. She ran into the central park where we had met earlier. I finally had caught up with her. And now was a five inches from her. I reached out to grab her hip.
"Do you really think I would let you get me that easy I heard her say." Suddenly she dropped to the ground and did a barrel roll. She had stopped on a dime. I was still running so I stopped and looked at her. She was sitting with her hair in her face and with one leg tucked in and one leg out. She made sure to just barely hide what was between her legs. Well this girl is hard to get and she does seem to tease. I walked up to her and collapsed next to her.
"So let me guess Micka you are all muscle and no stamina right." I was taking heavy breaths in and out.
"Well yeah I guess you could say that." I was still gasping for air.
"Well that's what is so cool about being a swimmer. We are all about stamina because guess what. Muscle doesn't float." She laughed.
"Well I guess I have a friend that can be my personal life guard when I go swimming with Jimy on Shonto Island."
"Huh?" Sydney tilted her head.
"Oh Shonto Island is a little island right off the coast. I would like to bring you out there sometime."
"Well, Micka I got something to ask you." I started to sit up when I was pushed back down by Sydney. She climbed up on top of me and stared at me. She was now sitting on my crotch. Yeah this isn't tempting me I thought.
"Yes?" I said in astonishment.
"I was wondering Micka if we could be more then fri.." She didn't finish her sentence. All she did was move her face closer to mine. This time her lips were puckered. I thought her is my chance. She's the one offering so she obviously wants a kiss from me. I puckered my lips in anticipation. We started to kiss.
"What are the two of you doing!?" A dark figure came out of the shadows and had a flashlight. The light from the flash light was shining off of Sydney's fur coat. She was so pretty. But I still didn't get my kiss.
"Damn it! You got to be kidding me." I said under my breath.
The dark figure walked into view and then I saw who it was. It was David. He was a deputy with the local police department. He was an ass so the job suited him. He would probably try to arrest us for have public sex.
"Nothings a problems officer. We were just leaving and heading home." Sydney got off from on top of me. She stood up and grabbed my hand to help me up.
"Well, I thought you two would be going home."
"Yes, officer. We will be on our way."
"You better Micka because I haven't arrested you yet and I don't want to start now."
"Yup I don't want to start either. Let's go Sydney I will walk you home." We walked out of the park together.
"Ha-ha, Micka got yelled at." Sydney teased.
"Hey you know what Sydney I would go to jail just to save you."
"Oh thank you Micka." Sydney wrapped her arm around my hip and put her head on my arm. I put my hand on her hip and she didn't seem to mind.
"This was so sweet" I thought to myself. My second chance at love. I think?
We walked the rest of the way to Sydney's apartment this way. Once we arrived neither of us wanted to let go. We just stood there in the moon light staring into each others eyes.
"Well Micka this is where I get off I guess."
"Yeah Sydney I guess it is."
"Listen, Micka I have had a great time tonight."
"Me to Sydney."
"Well Micka I want to do this again. Can I go do things with you on regular bases?"
"Well sure Sydney I would love too do things with you. You are a great friend Sydney."
"Well Micka that leads me to my next question. Like I was saying in the park I was wondering if we could be more than friends. I was wondering if we could be boy friend and girl friend. I have never been in a relationship and I know that the girl isn't supposed to ask the guy out but I didn't know if you wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with you. So what do you say Micka? Do you want to be with me?"
A rush of happiness rushed through my body. I was so happy I could scream! "Yes! Oh, Yes Sydney I want to date you." I grabbed her hand's and looked into her eyes. "Sydney, I know that you have never been in a relationship before and I know that you think that there is a certain way to do things but I want to tell you something. Who needs to follow the "Guide lines of a relationship." All that we need to do is do what feels right. Do you understand Sydney?"
"So what you are telling me Micka is to do what I feel inside is right?"
"Yes, I am Sydney."
Well this feels right. Sydney grabbed my arm fur and held me close to her. Before I knew it I was in a lip locking kiss with Sydney. I felt so good and felt so right. I closed my eyes and soaked in the love that was traveling through our lips to one another. Our breathing got heavier the longer we kissed. Finally we both must have ran out of energy and we relaxed our lips. I pulled my mouth away from hers. I string of my saliva still connected her lips and mine.
"Oh sorry Sydney. I drool a lot."
"I like it Micka don't worry. That just means you can keep everything wet." Sydney winked at me. I got horny right there.
"Well Micka I will see you tomorrow." Sydney gave me one more kiss on the cheek and started to open up the door to her apartment.
"Wait Sydney!"
"Yes Micka? I love you Sydney and I will see you tomorrow right."
"Of course we will be together tomorrow I will see you in the park at noon okay."
"Well can we go and see a Movie tomorrow then?"
"Of course Micka. I love and I will see you tomorrow. Night Micka." With that ending statement Sydney waved to me and walked inside. I waited until the lights went until I left.
I walked home still thinking about what had just happened today. It had been a busy day. I met a new girl friend I got hit with a pool stick and was sent to the hospital. I guess all goods must come with a bad. And I also think that everything happens for a reason.. I walked into my house, locked the door, and went up stairs to my room. I took off my shirt revealing my abs once again. I took off my belt and pants to reveal my boxers. I climbed into bed and thought about being adventurous. I took off my boxers to sleep in the nude. I loved the feeling of being naked. Maybe I would bring Sydney to that nudist beach on the other side of Shonto. I stopped and thought about that image. I thought about Sydney's nice body standing in front of me. She was wearing nothing but a pair of black lacey underwear. She told me to come and get it if I wanted it. My member began to get hard. I thought of her naked with her nice little breast and her little muff. Maybe one day I would have it under my tongue. After that thought I couldn't help my self. I grabbed my sheath right at the bottom near my knot and pushed my sheath over my knot. Now my whole pink member stuck out of my sheath. It felt good to have it out. So I decided to leave it there. I thought more of Sydney. The ideas of me being with her were so great they put me into my own little heaven. I was so happy that I had a girl friend I just passed out because of exhaustion. I had good dreams to dream of now and I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up stuck to the bed. I fell into a deep sleep.

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