Sydney and Me part 6

By: zach8892
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I watched as Micka entered the bathroom. I then heard the door shut and lock. He left me in his room alone. He must really trust me. Cool. I then started to ponder why he had shut that drawer on his dresser. I thought about looking but then I brought myself back to reality. That was uncalled for. Yet that drawer was just sitting there tempting me. I wanted to look inside. But I shouldn't. Yet my curiosity was getting to me. Yes, No, Yes, No. All these things going through my head. Then I couldn't take it anymore. I tip toed over to the dresser. I became quiet to listen. I heard Micka in the bathroom. I could here his feet and claws on the tile floor. I figured I had time so I decided to open the drawer. I then saw... underwear. That was it. I figured I would see something but nothing. Just neatly folded underwear. I then started to shut the drawer when I noticed something. I reopened the drawer. I moved a couple pair of underwear around and then I found it. There was a couple of different toys. There was a vibrated and a wipe on top. I grabbed them in astonishment. So this little man was the kinky type. Awesome. I thought to myself. I could really get to know this boy if he is really the right one. I mean I know that I just met this guy but I think he could be a possibility. I then dug a little bit more and then I found two pairs of handcuffs. I really couldn't believe that I was going through this guys drawers. I then put the things back into drawer and closed it.
I listened again. Nothing. I still just could hear his foot steps in the bathroom. I then walked over to his bed and sat down. I then just sat and pondered at the thought of Micka naked. I could just imagine his lean body and big member. I could picture him standing over me and getting ready to put it in me. Then I started to stroke down my body. Then I got down to my torso and put my hand into my pants. I then started to stroke my muff. I could feel my hormones building up. I stuck one finger in my muff and felt the wetness start to build. I started to stroke but then heard a crash coming from the bathroom. I took my hands out of my pants.

"Damn it!" I said. I just finished taking a piss and I accidently started to zip up my fly and I accidentally got my member caught. It hurt so bad. I then thought maybe Sydney could kiss it and make it feel better. I chuckled at that thought. I then re-unzziped my pants and then they made the decent down to my ankles. I wiggled out of them. I then just looked at myself in the mirror. I then thought to myself what would Sydney would mind I slept in the nude. That could be eventful. But then again I don't want to scare her away. So I can wait. I don't want to rush into things. So I grabbed my shorts and slid them on. I zipped them up and then washed my hands. I then unlocked the door and walked out into the hallway. I then walked back down the hall and threw my pants into a closet where I put my clothes until wash day. I then walked down the hall and took a right turn back into my room. I saw that Sydney sitting on my bed. There was a certain aroma in the ar. I have smelt it places before but I couldn't remember where right at this time. I was puzzled but I didn't care. We were running late. "Are you ready to go Sydney?" I asked.
"Yeah lets go. This is going to be so much fun." Sydney then grabbed my bag and walked over to me. "I really am glad that we are going on this trip Micka." Sydney then gave me a hug and I held her close. The hug seemed to last forever even though it was only a couple second's. Then she let go and looked up at me. She wasn't much shorter than me but still enough. She then licked my muzzle. I realized that she did care for me because that was the way to show that you really love somebody. "Alright let's go." She then walked around and started to exit the room. "Are you coming?" She asked.
I was staring at her when I came back to cautiousness. "Oh yeah let's go." I then followed her out of my room and then closed the door. We then both walked down the hall. Down the stairs and then out the door. I followed her out the door. Once outside I locked the door to my house. I then led Sydney over to the drive way where my truck was. I had a black F-150.
"Nice Truck Micka."
"Thank you Sydney. I have had this truck for ten years. " I said feeling proud about myself. "Let's get going to your house Sydney."
So we both climbed into my truck. I started up the truck and we backed out of my driveway. I then started down the street towards downtown. While we were in the car it was silent. No talk. This was making me uncomfortable. "So Sydney, why did you wanna come up here for college? Like, why did you wanna come up here to Canada?" I asked looking over at her.
"Oh. Well I just wanted to get out of the state's and away from my dad. I just couldn't take it anymore. And the reason that I came to this college is because that was the only college that I could get into. With my high school's bad reputation no one would take me. Yet I am not complaining. I love this town and I found a friend here too. And maybe he can be more of a friend?"
"So who is the guy?" I asked with a laugh.
"You Silly." Sydney said sliding closer to me. I then took a left onto main street. "Micka do you mind?"
I tilted my head. "What?" Then Sydney leaned her head onto my shoulder. I was so happy. I then kissed her on the head and paid back attention to the road. "Which one is your apartment?"
"The blue building with then Canadian flag out front." Sydney pointed. I turned into the driveway and turned off the truck.
"Do I get to come in our do I have to stay out here?" I asked puling off a lower lip.
"Oh you are so cute. Of course you get to come in. Lets go." We then got out of the truck and shut the doors. I locked them and followed Sydney up the small stairs and to the door. I then followed Sydney inside. "I am up on the second floor so we need to go up the stair cause the elevator doesn't work." I followed her up the stairs. I noticed that the apartment was poorly upheld. There were leaky pipes that were dripping water onto the old wooden floor. We continued our climb up the stairs. Sydney must have sensed my uneasiness.
"Yeah I know Micka it is a dump but it is the only thing that I could afford for now. The only thing that I can do is try to make it as clean and a sanitary as possible.
We made it to the top of the stairs and took a right. I then saw a rat run across the floor. Eww. I thought to myself. Then Sydney stopped at a door with a rusty metal number on it that read seven. I then saw that she took a key out of her pocket and put the key inside the lock. She turned the key and I heard a click but the door didn't open. Sydney then started to giggle the handle and push on the door.
"Stupid thing is stuck again." She said with a fake forced smile.
"Let me help." I said. I then walked up to the door and grabbed the door knob. I jiggled it. Nothing. I pushed and shook the door. Didn't budge. I then looked at the hinges. I noticed that some of them were off the track. I then knew how to open the door. I put pressure on the door and then pushed up. The door then swung inside her apartment. I looked at Sydney with a smile. "Got it. You know I can fix that for you Sydney."
"Don't worry about it Micka. I plan on being here much longer."
"You got that right." A raspy voice called out. From the end of the hall a small old women came forward. "The way that you are going on your rent I will have to kick you out dear."
"I know Mrs. Higgins. I will get you your rent just another week please."
"Sure thing dear but please make sure you have it next friday okay. By the way who is your friend with the nice abs?"
I looked at Sydney with a look of fear and embarrassment. "Oh sorry Mrs. Higgins. This is my friend... Ah boyfriend Micka. We have been going out for only a day so it is still new to me."
"Nice to meet you maim." I said taking her hand and kissing it.
"Oh such a nice young man. Well I will let you guys have fun. Sydney you got a good strapping man there."
"Thank you Mr. Higgins." Then Sydney dragged me into her room and shut the door.
"Such a nice boy. He would be a good lover to. Hmmm." Mrs. Higgins said walking down the hall.
"So Sydney how much money do you owe on the rent?" I asked.
"Well, only a grand."
"Only a grand! Sydney why didn't you ask for help."
"I didn't know you yet that's why. Beside's this is my problem not your's."

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