Sydney and Me part 5

By: zach8892
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"Micka this is beautiful. And you built this?"
"Yeah I did. I also designed it."
"Can you show me around Micka?" Sydney asked.
I was not ready for her to ask that even though I should have figured that she would ask. "Sure if you want." I gestured her to the left of the hall through an arch way. We walked into the room. "This is my living room."
The living room was normal and square. There were two archways into the room. One from the hall and one that would lead to the dining room. I looked around and for the first time I really appreciated my craftsman ship. I really noticed at this time that I had a very beautiful house. I looked around at all the furniture. To the left of us was a green coach. In front of the coach was a coffee table. On the right of us on the wall was a plasma screen television. Down below the television was a glass table. On top of that table was a PS3, a Blue Ray Player, and a Direct TV box. Right in front of us on the other side of the coach were two air recliners. And past that was a beautiful hand made fire place that I put together with my own hands brick by brick.
"This room is so nice Micka. It is much better than my apartment." Sydney said. Sydney walked forward further into the room. "And since you built this with your own hands is really impressive Micka."
"Well it isn't much Sydney. I had to buy and make all new furniture because the old furniture burned when the original house here burnt down. Almost all of my childhood belongings were burned. The only things that I was able to get on the way out was a couple pictures of me and my family." I pointed over to the black and white photographs on the top of the fire place.
Sydney walked up to the fireplace and peered at the photos. "You were such a cute child."
"I was a cute child?"
"Oh you are cute now... You know what I mean right?"
"Yes Sydney 'm just kidding."
Sydney giggled. "You guys look like such a close family. I wish my family was close."
"You guys weren't close? Well I know that you left right after you got out of school."
Sydney sighed. "Well me ad my dad were close but my mom was a bitch. She was never home. My mom would always go out and party with her "Friends" and she wouldn't come home till early in the morning. Then one night my mom got home at five in the morning and my dad met her in the living room. He told her that he was leaving with me and getting a divorce. My mom did not like that idea. She started to yell and scream. I woke up from the noise and went down the stairs. I should also add that I was really young at that time. Once I was down there my mom was hitting my dad and he was trying to fend her off. They fought backwards until they ran into the coach. I screamed out in fright. My dad looked up at me a yelled for me to go up to my room. But I didn't. When my dad turned back around my mom had a knife from the kitchen and she lunged at him. I saw the knife enter into my dads stomach. I heard him scream out in pain. Blood poured out onto the floor soaking the carpet. My mom was just standing over my dad with her bloody hands. I started to cry as i huddled around the corner. That is when she saw me. She started to stalk towards me. "You little bitch. This is all your fault. I lost my looks because of you. I lost my freedom because of you. You were a mistake and a waste of a life. Now that daddy's not here to save you I can finally get rid of you and live my life to the fullest." Then my dad cried out from the floor. "Don't listen to her Sydney. Your my angel he winced in pain." Then my mom looked at me again. "Oh yeah this is your fault to bitch. It is your fault why daddy is dying and you will have to watch him die as you die too." My mom was then interrupted by a gun shot. I looked at the front door. I saw Sheriff Mitchel. He was holding a shot gun. "You better get out of here little missy if you don't want any trouble." With that my mom stopped coming towards me. She then turned and ran. She ran out the back door. I never saw my mom again. I heard a rumor that she has three kids and she is in jail." Sydney then sat down on the coach and started to cry.
"Please Sydney don't cry. It's all over now." I felt bad but then I realized it was starting to get late and if we didn't leave soon we wouldn't even make it up the mountain until dark. "Sydney it is all over now. It is time to move on Sydney. Time is now. And sorry to change the mood but we do need to go now. I need to go up to my room and grab a couple things. I don't want to leave you down here so come on." I reached for Sydney's hand. She took mine and started to stand up.
"We have only been going out for a day and I already get to come to your room?" Sydney said trying to lighten the mood.
"Hell yeah. Lets go." I ran out of the living room and to the stair case. We went up the stairs hand in hand. Once to the top I took a sharp right then stopped at the end of my hall at my room. I then stopped at my door. I then looked at Sydney. "Well my room might not be clean but here you are."
I then opened my door revealing my room. My room isn't much but it does well for me. At the left corner of my room was my bed that was unmade. In the right corner of my room was a door that led to my closet. On the wall to the right were two barrows. On top of one of the barrows was a television and a nintendo 64 attached to it. Right to our right was a recliner and a small book shelf. My room was very open but it made way for me.
Sydney walked in to my room. "Even more great craftsmanship Micka. It is very nice. Oh that is a nice touch." Sydney said pointing over to the window by my bed. "I like how the sun would shine through that window in the morning when you woke. Well at least I think. Am I right?"
"Yes Sydney. How did you know that?"
"Well out on the farm back home I used to spend alot of time outside exploring and I wold usually get lost. When this happened I would just sit there for hours alone. My dad then would have to come out and find me late at night. He would ask me if I was scared but I never was."
"So you are trying to tell me that you were never scared when you were out exploring alone?" I asked.
"Well... There was this one time I was out on a nice summer day like usual. I was down by the river playing on the rocks. I then was startled by something in the woods nearby. I then fell into the river. At that time in my life I wasn't a good swimmer. I tried to swim but the currant was too strong. I was swept away down stream. I tried to scream for help but how the hell would anybody hear me. Yet my luck no one came. I was swept forward and forward. I surprisingly was able to keep my head above the waer. Finally there was a thud. I noticed that I was stopped by the Peterson damn. Oh I didn't tell you but Peterson was a mile away from were I lived. I then crawled on the side of the damn to get to the bank. Once I grabbed the bank and climbed out. I then walked to the town and made it to the police station. Once there the police saw the state that I was in, they brought me home. On the care ride home I had time to actually think about my whole life and how lucky I was to be alive."
"Wow Sydney that is inspirational." I said in astonishment. That was one of the best speeches I have ever heard. I just stared at her again. I cleared my throat and said. "Okay I need to grab the tent, my pack, water, snacks, and clothes. I got so much to do. Can you help Sydney?"
"Of course I can Micka just tell me what you want me to do."
The thought lingered in my head at the possibilities of that comment. I shook it off and said. "Well can you go into my closet and grab my pack that is on the wall. Also when you are in there can you grab the canteen, and tent that are in there please."

"Okay Micka." I walked over to Micka's closet. I had only met this boy and I felt like I have known him for my whole life. His house was so clean. If I didn't know better I would have thought that he was gay. But I can tell he isn't. Just by the way that he lets things slip once and a while. It seems like he tries so hard to not mess up in front of me. It is like he is a little boy and that he has a crush on an older girl. So clumsy and trying so hard to please. Well I guess it could be worse. He could be like the rest of the boys that are around now a days. He could just be leading me up this mountain just to try and get into my pants. But there is something about this boy that just is different than the rest. I trust him. I was the same way around him. I just didn't show it as much. I remember that night that he brought me home. I remember that is when I first let something slip. That is when I said "Oh that just means that you can keep things wet." I couldn't believe that I said that in front of him. He made me feel good inside. Also in my panty's but that is for another day.
So I walked over to his closet. I opened it out towards me. I then walked in to her closet and turned on the light from the string hanging from the ceiling. It was like a normal women's dream. Everything was so neat and clean. I couldn't believe it. Clothes folded and neat. I looked around and saw the pack that Micka has talking about hanging from a coat rack. Next to it was a canteen. I grabbed them both and started to walk out. Then I relized that I had forgotten the tent. I then walked back into the closet. I got down on my knees and looked around in the back of the closet.

I started to open my drawrs looking for cloths when I looked over to the open closet. I saw that Sydney was on her knees. I could see that she had a plumbers crack. I also noticed that she was wearing a pink thong. I could see it underneath her tail. It was cute. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to go camping with Sydney. Alone for that fact. I wonder if she feel uncomfortable staying over night with me. I was just some guy that she met yesterday. I just hope that she really likes me instead of just thinking on impulse. Well either way she seems excited to go with me.

I reached back in the closet trying to finding that damn tent. I moved around old shows, clothes, and blankets until I found the tent. I grabbed it and then noticed something behind it. It looked like and old chest. On that chest in gold lettering were the initials of KLR. I wonder what that meant. I then realized that I was being too nosy at this guys house.

Sydney then came out of the closet.
"I got what you asked me to Micka." She said.
"Thank you Sydney. Can you help me pack my clothes when I hand them to you? Doesn't need to be folded just stuffed."
"Okay Micka sure."
I started to grab clothes out of my drawer's. I opened the first drawer and grabbed some underwear. I grabbed a black par because I have learned over the years that even the most experienced hiker can still get lost. So that means one pair of black underwear can last many days. I then noticed that my toys were now out in the open. I quickly closed that drawer and opened the next one. I threw the underwear over to Sydney.
"Cute Micka." She said with a giggle. I realized that I was treating her like an old friend.
I then grabbed three pairs of socks. Can't ever have too many socks. I then opened the next drawer. I grabbed three white shirts that I haven't even worn yet. I didn't like white shirts so if I was going to get them dirty I didn't care. Also I knew that it was going to be very hot so that was a good idea on wearing white clothing. I reached down to open the last drawer and grabbed two pairs of shorts. I figured that I would change before we went and I could pack the other pair away for the trip. I got up and walked over to Sydney who was just looking around my room. "Here can you pack these for me please? I am going to get changed and then I will be ready to go."
"Sure thing Micka." Sydney replied.
I then walked out of my room and walked down the hall past the stair case and too the bathroom. I walked in and shut the door.

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