Midst of the Fray Pt. 2

By: Blahblahtson
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I couldn’t help but chuckle. I’m probably going to die because I’m bored?

Yup, that sounds about right.

I can’t just hide it out, either. That’s what the last guy tried, the one I just watched get executed. He forgot that our collars track us, and each gang has a GPS that tracks their members and where the BK is. If you’ve read, or even watched ‘Battle Royale,’ you’d know why we can’t take them off. I can breath a little more easily knowing there aren’t any red zones, though.

For the past ten years, I’ve been pretty well behaved. Being a cop killer gains instant respect, apparently. I did what every prisoner that wanted to get through their sentence would do: Smoke, work out, pick up playing an instrument, read, and watch the well earned good behavior TV.

I’ve picked up in some fight training, mostly Boxing and Muy Thai, along with a little Judo and Savate. I’m surprised they allowed this type of training, but it works apparently. For a prison, this place has a remarkably low ‘crime rate,’ if you will, and mostly because they have less violent outlets like sanctioned fights and football. Trust me, an under-padded tackle and a punch to the face beat getting shanked any day.

I continued to watch the show. As part of the rules, the gang that got the Bonus Kill got to pick a rival faction to terminate. They picked the Canine Brotherhood to terminate, which I didn’t really agree with. That’s not because I happen to be a canine, but, as much as I hate to say it, they are crowd pleasers. They beat corpses, butcher their opponents, and all that nasty stuff furs like to see with their kids. Where most others kill and are done with it to claim their freedom, they seem to be doing it for the viewers at home. It might be why they almost never win, but could you blame that on maybe the most powerful prison based gang?

Termination was cinematic. At once, all of their collars beeped, starting slow and going faster. The camera shot moved from one area to another, showing all of them looking around in confusion. Then, over a loud speaker, came, “Guess what, members of the Canine Brotherhood? YOU will not be seeing the end of this game! YOU have been selected for termination by what’s left of the Venturaz crime syndicate  from Los Soldados Penitentiary! SEE…YOU…IN…HELL!”

At that came a montage of violence showing multiple angles of each of their collars blowing up, all set to the 1812 Overture. Most of their heads fell off, while others remained attached by what’s left of their spine.

I chuckled again to myself. I won’t be as easy to kill, or at least I hope so. I want them to work to kill me. Few made it past the third day. My goal is past the fifth.

Finaly, my cellmate came in. I have to share my TV with him, seeing as he behaved himself enough to earn one. He expected a territorialistic asshole, and ended up with me. Granted, however, that is my TV. He prefers reading, anyways. He likes this show, but that’s about it.

Jerry’s a raven, about 6’ tall with a runner’s build.  The feathers on his head grow a little longer, making ear-length ‘hair’ that’s the same color as the rest of his body. “This shit again?” he said as he entered. He climbed to the top bunk, which I didn’t mind that he had.

“Hey, at least it’s not a rerun. If it was, I’d probably read or something, ‘cause nothing’s on on Thursdays.”

“Did I miss anything?”

“Yeah, the bonus kill. He was a child molester, and got a bullet to the head for it.”

He chuckled as they replayed one of the Brotherhood being killed again. His head flew up about a foot after his collar exploded. “They picked them again? Does that piss you off at all?”

I sat up from my bed to look at him “Sure, I’m a canine, and they happen to be a fan favorite, but there are more than just one bigoted gang. Ever hear of that all avian one in Texas?”

“They haven’t been on the show yet.” He grinned as he laid with his arms behind his head, craning enough to look at me and the TV.

“What about the that ‘Eastern Equine Empire’ in Carcer City? They were in the last one, and the first!”

“They were also the first ones to get killed off.” He gave a sly grin and pushed my head down. “Now get outta my way, dead man. You’re blocking the TV.”

“Asshole,” I said back sarcastically.

He looked under his bunk and gave me a seductive smile. “Not with that kind of talk.”

Yes, we have sex. May as well, right? We’re both bisexual (I lean a little more towards women, but I don’t know if he leans one way or another), we’re in prison, and most of our time is spent in this fucking cell. Despite nearly a year together and knowing a lot about each other, we aren’t ‘lovers.’ It just came out one day that we are two-way players.

Near the end of this episode, seven gangs remained after two days of play. A group of five found a bitch, raped her, and left her chained after taking her food and water. The Yakuza found about two pounds of pot,

“LIGHTS OUT!” a guard yelled not a minute after the show. Our thick doors slammed shut. I sighed and laid back in my bed, looking up to the underside of the top bunk. All I could think of was the fact that I will be there in less than a month. I will hopefully survive past my goal, and maybe even survive the whole thing. I won’t be able to sleep, not for a while. It was just too-

“Hey, Rob?”

“Yeah?” I responded.

“You’re not tired, are you?”

I knew where this was going, and couldn’t help but grin. “No, all I can think about is Turf Wars. I’ll be outta here before your scrawny ass.”

“Hey, c’mon now,” he said before sliding off and sitting on my bunk, his ‘scrawny’ ass pushed against my crotch. “It’s nice and tight. Running on the streets did a lot for it, as I’m sure you know.”

I smiled and rubbed my paw against his crotch. “Yeah, it is.” My other paw reached up and unzipped his suit as far as it went. He slipped out of it and stood up, his erection pressing against the fabric of his boxers. “Looks like he wants to play, hm?”

He removed his shirt as I pulled his underwear down, pawing it lightly. It dribbled some precum as I rubbed his thick member. I licked at it and put the head in my mouth, going down about halfway. My other paw groped his firm ass and I worked a finger into his tailhole, sucking harder and more as his moans became louder. Our cells were somewhat soundproofed, so noise wasn’t too much of a worry for us.

I started undoing my own jumpsuit and laid back on the bed, legs spread and hips thrusted high. He chuckled and gave a long lick from my tailhole to the tip of my cock, then back down. His nimble bird tongue played with my anus, going in and out, then running circles as he fingered it and stroked my dripping meat.

He came up to his knees, a paw on my knee and the other on his member. It went part of the way in before coming back out, then all the way in slowly. I sighed in satisfaction as he fucked me deeper and deeper, and faster and faster. I began to moan loudly as I felt my climax approaching. He was too, as his arms wrapped around my thighs and he thrusted faster. I began pawing my cock to the speed of his thrusts until that pleasurable pressure swelled up in my cock. With a few more thrusts and strokes, I couldn’t hold it back any more and shot a large load of spunk all the way up my chest.

I growled in satisfaction as I felt his seed filling my tailhole and he sighed deeply in bliss. He pulled out and licked from the tip of my cock up my chest and around one of my nipples, tasting as much of my cum as he could.

I smiled and rolled off of the bed, my cock still standing at full mass and oozing cum from the tip. I stroked my member, making sure a nice coating of cum covered it. Then I fingered his ass, with two then three fingers. He moaned as I did and rose to straddle me, cock pointing at me. I grabbed both of his cheeks in each paw, prodding my member into his hole.

“Ride it, cowboy,” I said before thrusting deep into him. He gasped in surprise as he took in all of my meat in one powerful thrust. I receded slowly, pulling him down by the ass slowly.

He bucked lightly at first, then began to pick himself up with more power in each thrust. I joined in as well, thrusting in time with his. It wasn’t long before both of us felt another climax approaching. I bent down, licking at his member and taking in its head.

I’m flexible, I don’t think I mentioned. He’s also well hung, about nine inches to my eleven, so that made it easier to pull off.

He couldn’t hold back any more and shot a massive load directly into my mouth, which I swallowed and slurped loudly. I leaned back and thrusted quickly until I reached mine, my load filling him up and draining down onto my balls when he removed himself.

We licked each others nether’s clean, and bid each other a good night. We might have to do this until I leave, or else I’ll never sleep.

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