Crime life

By: the forgotten senitnal
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Ahhh another day another fuckhead to bag. Hey this is Matt, i'm human and a cop. I live in a world with both humans and anthro beings, but there are those who choose to separate themselves from our two species and go in the life of crime and i'm here to fix that.......this is my life....

It was 9:57 AM, I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock screaming in my left ear, angrily I slammed my fist down on it several times before it finally turned off. Slowly getting up I pulled myself to my feet rubbing the side of my head as I stumbled toward the bathroom.

I flicked the light switch on and looked in the mirror, I was a mess my black hair messed up and frizzy, my eyes red, and dry, and what looked like a receipt stuck to my right cheek. I pulled it off and looked at it closely suddenly my eyes widened and I gasped,” Holy fuck!!!!! 300 bucks spent on clothes!!! Fucking Christ!!!"

I kicked the side of my sink, but regrettably stubbed my toe, I groaned out a bit, still a bit woozy. I was pissed and sleepy. I slowly slid off my shirt and boxers, as I started to climb into the shower I looked into the mirror for a bit, admiring myself as I had a slim but athletic body, and continued with my morning shower. A few minutes later as I finished with my shower, I shut off the water and stepped out, getting ready for work I dried myself off and put my uniform on. On my way out of my apartment I grabbed my sidearm and keys, locking the door as I stepped out, taking my time as I strolled down the walkway to the building exit I whistled a small tune in my head until a someone accidentally bumped into me, knocking me into the wall. I got up quickly about to scream out at the person until I noticed it was a young wolfess, she looked at me for a bit as if waiting for the yelling to begin. I stared at her a bit as I slowly breathed in, about to say something but she cut me off,"Oh i'm so sorry officer! I didnt mean to bump into you, i’m in a rush!" She said, as if she was panting.

I looked at her for a while, looking up and down, she had a medium-frame, and was quite muscular to female standards. She was wearing tight, short running pants and a tight under armor top, she didnt have any hair except for some headfur as all wolves do, her fur was gray colored and she had beautiful,

blue eyes. After a while I catched myself staring and blushed a bit as she gave me a weird look.

"T-Thats alright I was just heading to work....bye!" Almost slapping myself I turned around, not wanting to see her face after my embarrassing moment of an awkward stare. Looking at the clock over the door I noticed I was running late for my shift, quickly I ran to my cruiser and raced toward the station.

After arriving I quickly turned the car off and ran inside, as soon as I opened the door Mark a black wolf who outranked me gave me a mean stare,"Your always..." He said angrily.

“Well sorry man, I had a bit of a party last night and…well. know got kind of drunk…” I said while scratching the back of my head.

“Uhh huh..yeah…..right…anyways your late for your shift so guess what, your dealing with the guy in the holding cell!” He chuckled a bit as he handed me a stunstick.

“He better not be something I can’t handle…..especially like the time you put me to deal with a fucking bear, ya fucktard!” I took the stunstick quickly, and walked into the holding cell.

As I opened the door a rather muscular tiger was sitting down in a chair, with his arms crossed. He was at least a foot taller than me and eyed me as I slowly walked in, gulping a bit as I closed the door, keeping the stunstick held close.

“Alrighty then……” I took out a small notebook and pen, as I pulled up a chair and sat infront of him,” Name please….”

For a while the male tiger stared at me, eyeing me as he growled slightly.

I cleared my throat, “ Name please……”

Again he just stared at me, the growling getting a bit louder.

I slowly got up, charging the stunstick some,” Alright man…I don’t want to get into a fig-” He suddenly pounced at me, pinning me to the ground as he showed his fangs, growling louder as he would smile down at me ,” Mmmmm your gonna be a tasty human”

“ I would prefer to not be eaten….” As I finished with that, I brought my knee up to his crotch, sending him back a bit as he screamed in pain, I got up quickly grabbing the stunstick and I slammed it down on his left cheek, sending him crashing to the ground screaming out in pain. He laid there twitching for a bit as the electricity surged throughout his body, I laughed a bit and poked him with it,” That fur really helps with the electricity doesn’t it?” I unlocked the door and two fellow officers rushed in to deal with the stunned tiger.

Sighing heavily I walked out to finish my day of work, finishing paperwork and taking stupid ass complaints from people that make no sense whatsoever.

After I had finished my day of work, I yawned and stretched, throwing myself into the cruiser, and I started to head back home. While driving, a car infront of me on the free lane was all over the road, I turned my siren on and it slowly started to pull over, as I stopped behind him I got out of my cruiser and walked over to the window of the car, inside there were a human male and a female vixen, both of them looked drunk as a fucking monkey. I slowly leaned down to the window and pulled my hat up some,” Sir…have you been drinking tonight?”.

“Pfft….me? Naaa……just having some fun is all officer…what is there a law for not having fun?” He laughed a bit, and so did the girl

“Ma’am what about you?” I asked, although I already knew she was drunk.

“Ohhh what he said officer hah..” She giggled and laughed a bit, before hiccupping.

“Hmmmm ah….well alright…both of you please step out of the vehicle and walk in a straight line” I chuckled a bit as I opened the door and the couple stepped out.

Almost immediately both of them stumbled and leaned onto the car,” Ah well that answers it, both of you get on the car and hold your arms behind your back” As I said this the male turned to me.

“What the fuck! Were not drunk!” he swinged his fist at me, almost missing completely and punched himself in the face, which made me laugh like crazy, after cuffing them both the vixen turned to me.

“Awww c’mon baby, if you let me go I can give you lots of fun hehe” She winked at me, and I scoffed.

“Yeah sure, later…” I gently pushed her head into the back of my cruiser with her boyfriend, and I got in the front and started to head toward the station, sighing as I wanted to head back home. After dealing with the paperwork and setting them in the holding cell for the night I finally got to head home.

After getting out of my cruiser I was exhausted, I locked my cruiser and entered the building, as I walked to my apartment door the same wolfess who bumped into me was opening her own, she happened to live right next to me, and I never even knew, without thinking I opened my mouth,” Hey there, your that wolfess who bumped into me.”

She turned and looked at me,” Oh yeah, sorry about that I left something in my apartment, so ummm when have you moved in here?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Just last year, I never seen you before though” I yawned a bit.

“Really?….huh…well my names Kristina, and you are?” She extended a hand out to greet me.

I took her hand and gently shook it, her fur was warm and extremely soft to the touch,” I’m Matthew, and its nice to meet you Kristina”


She nodded and gave me a warm smile,” Well its late and I should probably be heading to bed…and umm…..are you going to let go of my hand?” She giggled softly.

I looked down as I noticed my hand still firmly grasping hers, and I blushed deeply,” Uhhh sorry heh…well good night!” I quickly opened my door and rushed in, embarrassed at how I can’t keep it together around her,” Dammit Matt what the fuck was that shit?….you went goo goo ga ga for her….get it together man… “ I slapped myself out of a haze of emotions and started to strip off my uniform and body armor. After stripping down to my boxers and undershirt, I collapsed on my mattress yawning heavily I slowly fell asleep.

The next morning my alarm clock wasn’t the thing that woke me up. Instead of waking up to that annoying piece of scrap metal, I heard a scream, more of a yelp. I slowly got up stretching as I grabbed my .38 backup pistol, I slowly crept out of my apartment and as walked toward Kristina’s door the screaming got louder, I knocked ok the door a few times and waited for an answer. But after a minute or so I heard nothing, quickly I kicked down the door and I saw a type of dragon about to rape her, she was tied up and gagged in the corner, quickly I brought the pistol up to his head, I fired off a shot but I missed and the dragon then came at me with a razor sharp tail, I dropped to the ground barely dodging it as it grazed my hair, he swung it at me again but this time I somehow managed to grab it and pull him toward me in a sudden jerk, I shot him pointblank in the neck and he seemed to gurgle a bit and then flew out the wonder with a rather large amount of blood everywhere.

As I walked toward Kristina the blood started to dissolve through the walls and floor,” Holy shit!!!” Kristina looked up at me whimpering more, thinking fast I grabbed her and headed back to my apartment, I unbound her and took out the gag, but before she could say a word I ran back into her apartment and went straight to the sink, pouring water over the blood to make sure it wouldn’t burn down the building, and luckily the blood stopped dissolving through the walls. With a sigh of relief I head back to my apartment and walked inside yawning some, I found Kristina in the corner looking up at me.

“ T-Thanks for saving me…..” She was trembling a bit

“ Eh its what I do, so who was that guy?”

“ I’m not to sure…although thanks to you I don’t think he will be coming back soon..” She smiled a bit

“Yeah….your apartments trashed though….got a backup place you can stay?” I was hoping she would say yes.

“Well…sadly I don’t…c-can I stay here with you?…” She looked up at me, waiting for a answer.

“Uhh….W-Well…I…” I choked, I would never began to think that she would ask to stay here in my apartment…with me but I couldn’t say no, I supposed, and its kind of awkward how she would just ask me…a person she met a day ago…kind of makes you wonder…eh?

“S-Sure….” I blushed a bit as I answered her

“Oh thank you! Thank you so much!!” She suddenly sprang toward me, hugging me tightly.

I melted in the hug as I sighed with relief, thinking to myself,” Ahhhh….h-her breasts are so soft…..”


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