Sydney and me part 1

By: zach8892
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Sydney and Me
By: Zachariah Ash-Bristol

I opened my eyes to see the bright sun coming through my window. I remember when I built my house. I had made it by hand with a few friends. It took me six years. I remember when I was designing my house I wanted the window of my master bedroom to face the east so when the sun came up I would awake to see the bright mother sun who nurtures our earth with warmth and love.
"Now this is what life is all about." I said as I yawned. I got up out of bed and stretched. I yawned again. I slept surprisingly well last night. This was unusual for me since I haven't had a good night sleep since the accident. I shook the thoughts of my dark past from my mind. It was a beautiful day outside and I didn't need to work today. "I can't wait to go to the park today. I just want to lie out in the sun and let the warm sun warm up my fur coat. I like the way that my fur coat glisten in the sun." As I sat up I un-busheled my tail and walked to the bathroom
I looked into the mirror when I got to the bathroom and looked into my light blue eyes and my blue hair. "Hello handsome." I said to myself. I licked my muzzle and scratched behind my ear. A cold chill ran down my spin as I did so. That was my sweet spot. Right behind my left ear. I reached into the shower and turned on the warm water. As the water was trickling down from the top faucet I took of my boxers revealing my white sheath with my semi-stiff pink member sticking out. After one more stretch I climbed into the shower.
"OWCH! That's hot." The shower was very hot. I was still thinking it was winter where it took at least five minutes for the shower to warm up. I turned on some cooled water and turned down the hot water. I let all my fur get wet. I was still tired so my wet fur on my slender body was heavy on my legs. I admit I have strong legs but I was tired. I took my bar of Irish springs soap and started cleaning my body. I started at my chest and went down my body. I started at my pecks and slowly went down to my four pack abs. I was proud of my body. I have worked hard for this body and I am going to keep it nice and lean. I decided that I would take my time in the shower since I was a workaholic. Since my girlfriend past away I have had nothing else to do so I spent most of my time working. I love my job. It pays well and since it is what I like to do I think it is easy. I'm an architect and electrician. I also had some knowledge in plumbing and carpentry. Yet I was lonely. I had been alone since she paced away. I shook the unpleasant thoughts from my head and continued my shower. I stared to wash my thighs; buttocks and my now soft pink member that was now back in my sheath. I looked out of the shower to the clock on the wall and I noticed it was seven fifteen. I turned off the water and climbed out of the shower. I took the towel and dried off my muscular body. I grabbed my wet tail and ringed it out. The water fell into the tub in small triplets. I then walked to my room.
After completely drying off my tight body I put some boxers on. I looked into my stand up mirror and looked at my lean body. I say my awesome pecks and tight abs. I'm not self centered but I did like my body. I then looked up and down my body. I saw my member just sitting in my pants. "Well, enough about my body." I said to myself. I then but on a pair of pants and a shirt. I made sure that I put on a tight shirt to show off my body. I then grabbed my house keys and left the house after locking the door. I then walked down the street to the central park.
It was eight o'clock when I arrived at the park. As I passed the arch way of the entrance of the park that read Canshon Central Park I started to walk towards my usual sun spot. I walked to my spot where I usually lay and laid down onto the cool grass. I loved the feeling of the grass on my body. I thought that I just could fall asleep and never wake up. I was in my own haven. That is exactly what I did. I fell asleep.
I opened my eyes to see that I was behind the wheel of my red corvette. "Watch out!" A female voice said beside me. I looked over and I saw Kelly my old girlfriend.
"Kelly you are still alive." I said.
"Of course I'm alive. Oh let me guess you think if you act stupid I will feel sorry for you and forget why I am mad at you." Kelly said. "Well let me tell you something I am still mad at you. You are always out with your friends and never with me. After I heard that girl talking to you in the bar I just don't know if I can forgive you or even trust you any more Micka."
"What?" I thought I have heard this before. This is what happened in the past but it feels so real. Am I dreaming or is this really happening.
"Let me out I will just walk home." Kelly said as she started to open the door.
"Wait what no we are on the middle of the highway." I pleaded to her to stay.
"I don't care if we were on top of mount Everest in a blizzard I just want you to drop me off here. I will walk home tonight and I will meet you at home." Kelly said as she closed her eyes trying to calm herself. "I just need to think about some things."
"No, I can't let you out here. This is a dangerous highway. People don't pay attention out here you could get hurt." I still pleaded.
"I'll be fine, just let me go."
"No I can't." I sped my corvette up to seventy miles per hour. She kept pulling on the door trying to get out. I fought with her, holding her hands back and kept telling her she needed to stay here. She kept fighting so I did to. We sped up to 85 miles per hour. The fight continued. I looked away from the fight to look at the road and all I saw were big head lights.
I awoke to see my friend Jimy hovering above me. "Are you okay Micka?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I just fell asleep and had another bad dream."
"Like what?" He asked as he looked at me.
"Oh, I was just having a flash back to that night where I lost her. I just can't stop thinking about her. I was only with Kelly for a couple months but I think that we had a huge connection. I don't know if I can ever love again."
"Oh, come on Micka I bet you can find another girl twice the times better than Kelly. She loved you but treated you poorly. I want to see you with a better person than that. You deserve it."
"Well I don't know Jimy. How am I going to even find somebody?"
"What? Earth to Micka are you kidding me? You have a lean body for them to ogle over. You have a hand made house that you made. With your own hands may I add. And you have a well paying job. I think that's all a girl is looking for. I tell you what you and I haven't gone out to the bar on Main Street for a while tonight we will go there and see what tail we can find you."
"Is that you always think of Jimy? Sex is that it."
"Well, yeah, but don't worry about that now I will pick you up at your house around seven okay."
"Okay Jimy. Alright now let's play some Frisbee."
So Jimy and I got up and walked to an open spot of the park. We played for about fifteen minutes. "Well I got some paper work to do Micka I got to get home."
"Oh, come on chicken you think you are tired but your not. Lets go one more throw."
"I can't Micka I need to get..."
"Chicken come on one more."
"No, Micka I..."
"Chicken. Weak. Let's go." Jimy full of rage wound up and threw the Frisbee as hard as he could. It went over my head. "That's what I'm talking about." I ran after the Frisbee. The Frisbee kept getting lower to the ground and I chased after it. I was only a finger tip away. "Almost got it." I dove for the Frisbee and got it with a role on the dirt. There I lay on the ground. Jimy started to run over to me. I got up to see a new face.
"Are you okay?" A Female figure asked. I slowly looked her up and down. She was a white canine with nice legs. She was wearing a pink mini skirt and a white top. She had long blonde hair and beautiful sky blue eyes, she was also carrying some books. "Yeah I'm okay miss." I said as I got up to my feet.
"Well I saw you fall and... That was a nice catch I have to say. Oh, you ripped your shirt."
I looked down to see a cut in my shirt right at my stomach. Revealing my abs. "Oh well no pain no game."
"Well you are very athletic I see. So am I. I am on the swim team here in town." The beautiful creature said.
"That's cool yeah I am kind of athletic but I'm more of a working person."
"Oh well that's good I work to but only part time right now. I'm still in collage and I'm an intern at the hospital so yeah." She smiled at me and I smiled at her. "Well, I got to go but nice catch. Bye."
"Wait!" I screamed out. "I didn't ask you your name miss."
"Well my name is Sydney." She started to walk away again.
"Wait, Sydney!" I ran up to her. "Do you think that I could talk to you sometime again Sydney."
"Well, I didn't catch your name either sir."
"Oh well my name is Micka."
"Well Micka you are cute. Lets say this, if I see you again we'll call it fate." She winked and walked away.
Jimy came up to me. "Damn dude she's hot."
"Settle down Jimy." I said as I looked at him.
"What did she say?"
"She said Fate will tell."
"What?" Jimy just stared at me.
That's all I said about the mysterious girl.
"Well I do need to go home and do my paper work okay. I will see tonight at seven okay. See you later Micka."
"Yeah, see you later Jimy." We shook hands and went our separate ways. All the way home all I could think about was her. All I could see when I looked around was her. I could visualize her very easily. I could remember her nice smooth white coat leading down to her more pale pink stomach. Her nice fit legs that led up to her nice little butt. Her tail was amazing, neat and fluffy. Also her face. Her face has so beautiful. Nice perky ears. Beautiful sky blue eyes. Going down her body down to her round perky breast. Not to big and not to small just right. Down to her tight stomach and more south that is always going to be a mystery. I just could imagine her walking beside me. We would be holding hands and walking happily together. "Wait, what am I saying." I have not had interest in anyone since I lost Kelly. Besides the odds of me every seeing her again are very slim. Like she said if I saw her again it would be fate. Another thing that was on my mind is why did she wink at me? She barely knew me. All she knew is that I had abs and that I fall a lot. It didn't matter though. Yeah, I would want to see her again but still there are a million people out there and the odds of me seeing her again were slim to none. Oh well that's life. Life picks up your hopes and throws it down. Before I knew it I was looking at my white picket fence of my house. I walked inside and shut the door.
Once I was inside I walked up the stairs down a small hallway to my room. Once I was inside my room I took off my shirt. I looked at the hole in it. The hole was big enough to fit a watermelon through. "Well that's was the end of that shirt." I tossed it into the trash. I walked over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. Inside that drawer were my boxers and other adult things. Well, yeah I had toys but I hadn't used them since Kelly passed away. Really who hasn't thought about or used toys. They've been just sitting there for a year. I had so much on my mind I forgot where my clothes were placed. I shut the first drawer and opened up the third drawer. There were my shirts. I grabbed my favorite shirt. It was my KISS t-shirt. {In case who ever doesn't know KISS is a 70s/80s rock band.} I put on the black t-shirt and walked to my kitchen. I walked down the hall and back down the stairs to get to the kitchen. Once I was in the kitchen I opened the fridge and grabbed a Coca-Cola. I then grabbed a Tupperware full of salad. I then walked over to my computer desk. I set my salad and Coke down and started up my computer. As the computer turned on I turned and pressed the button to turn on the monitor. When the screen was on I logged in. I clicked on the Sims 3 icon which started my favorite game. I'm not a nerd and I don't play games all the time but on the Sims I can try out my new house designs. I sat and design house while eating at the same time.
I was getting into the game so much I didn't notice the time. I looked at the clock and saw that it was six forty-five! I shut down the computer and cleaned up my mess. I knew that Jimy would be here soon. So I got ready to go I looked into the mirror and had a flash back to earlier that day. I started to think about Sydney again. Yet this time I was thinking about her naked. Her nice firm breasts. Her tone body. Then leading down to her nice butt. Then she turned around and I saw that cute muff of hers. So nice. So innocent. Never been used more that peeing and period. I just kept thinking about her nice body. I could feel my member growing in my pants. I could feel my penis slipping out of its sheath I also felt my knot growing in my pants. I loved the thought of her body against mine. Then there was a knock at the door. My fantasy went away instantly. My member went back to its original size. I went to the door and opened it.
"Are you ready to go Micka."
"Yeah, I am Jimy lets go." I locked my door and walked to his car with him.
We drove to the bar down town. We parked in the back of the bar.
"Hey look Jimy, Johns here tonight."
"Well then it will be a good night. Well roll up the windows and let's go inside." I got out of the car and shut the door. I then walked into the bar with Jimy. We were carded and then walked inside the bar. I saw everyone that we knew. The place was packed more than usual. Jimy and I sat down at the bar table on two stools. I looked around at the other canines, felines and creatures around the bar. Yet all that I saw was Sydney.
"What will you have?" The bar tender asked.
"Oh, I will have a Scotch. Micka what would you like?"
"Oh, I would like a captain Morgan and leave the bottle okay."
"Coming right up guys." The bar tender walked away and started to mix the drinks.
"Hey, Micka?" Jimy asked. "What's on your mind? You seem down."
"I'm not really down but just thinking a lot lately." I said.
"Well hey, I've been your friend since elementary school so you can tell me what's on your mind bud."
"Hey big guy on the end here's your Morgan ill bring the bottle in a bit. Here's yours too man." The bar keeper said as he slid us our drinks.
Jimy and I got our drinks from down the table. "Well Jimy the thing is since I saw that girl in the park I haven't been able to think about anything else besides her. You know?"
"Well why don't you go and find out who she really is."
"Jimy I have no idea where to start to find her."
"Well what did she say to you Micka?"
"Well she told me that she was still in collage and..."
"WOW she's in collage still. Going young aren't we. She's got to be so tight and..."
"Wow, Jimy stay on topic please, not everything in the world is about sex."
"Yeah your right I guess. Continue."
"Well she told me she was in collage, she was an intern at a hospital, and that she was on the swim team."
"Well do think that she even likes you?"
"What? Do you think you can really tell just by talking for a couple of minutes?"
"Yeah. Did she give you any obvious signs?"
"Well when she left she winked at me and said it would be fate if we met again."
"Well I guess that fate will only tell."
"Yeah, I guess your right." Jimy and I continued our drinks.
A fox came on the bars P.A. and asked. "Does anyone in the house know how to play the guitar? Our guitar player is broken down on route 70 and can't make it tonight. Can anyone come up and play with the house band?"
"Hey Micka you can play guitar better than anyone in this town. Why don't you go up?"
"No Jimy I'm not in the mood to play tonight."
"Oh come on you need to start having more fun with your life. Stop sitting in the corner and start doing stuff again. You love to play especially with your band No Grounds in town."
"No Jimy I ca..."
"What are you chicken Micka?"
Anger flew through my body in every vein. I calmed down and said. "Sorry Jimy I'm not like you." I took a big swig of my Captain Morgan and stud up. "Yeah I play guitar."
"Are you good?" The fox asked.
"Try me. I'll beat anyone in this bar at a guitar battle." I said with a fierce look. "And what would your name be?"
"My names Micka and that's all you need to know. Now let me have a guitar and let's play."
"Well, come on up." The fox said waving his hand gesturing that I should come up to the stage.
I walked up onto the stage and grabbed the guitar that was sitting there.
"Well son lets hear what you got."
I turn up the volume and started the best solo I think I have ever done.
"Well alright Micka, you seem to be able to play. Here's a mic and tell us what you want to play."
I walked up to the Mic. "Well for our first number here is Sweet Child of Mine." I turned around to the band. "Do you know this one guys?"
"Hell yeah! Lets play." The band replied.
I started that solo and the crowd went nuts.The band and I played for about an hour.
The crowd was on their feet the whole time. I got off the stage and walked back to my seat with Jimmy.
"You were great Micka." Jimy said.
"Well it wasn't that good Jimy."
"Hell, Yeah it was. And look there is a girl right over there who hasn't taken her eyes off you the whole night."
I looked over to the edge of the room where Jimy had pointed. I had anticipation that it would be Sydney but instead it was a sassy looking female feline.
"Dude she's hot. I think you could get some tonight Micka." Jimy said druelling.
"She's not that hot and she kind of looks like a trap to me."
"Oh come on Micka open up a little I would be on her in a heart beat."
"Well that's what's different from you and me Jimy. I don't hump everything I see."
"Look Micka she is coming over to you. Hey bar keep another round." Jimy announced.
The feline walked over to me. "Hey stud. My names Electra and I saw you up on the stage."
"Hey I'm Micka glad you are a fan."
"Well you're just so muscular that I don't think I need to be formal." The feline started to rub her body against mine.
"What does that mean?" I asked as I backed away from her. She was a whore in my opinion and I didn't like her touching my body.
"Well I thought that we could get out of here and you know... head to my house." Electra grinned a provocative smile.
"Sorry Electra I'm not in the mood for anything like that and besides I don't even know you."
"Well you don't have to know me stud." Electra protested and walked closer to me.
"I said I wasn't interested!" I said in a shouting tone.
"WHAT! I practically throw myself at you and you don't want even a taste. Well fine I will find someone else to spend my night with. Hey you. Other fella what's your name?"
"Oh me? I'm Jimy." Jimy said triumphantly.
"Well Jimy do you want a good time tonight?"
"Well yeah." Jimy went and grabbed her arm.
"Well at least I found a real man to show me a good time." Electra looked back and sneered.
"Bitch. I said under my breath.
Jimy and Electra started to walk out the door when another person walked in. He was a big brown canine. He looked to be about as strong as me.
"Electra what are you doing with this trash?" The brown canine asked.
"Oh Sonny I thought you were working." Electra protested.
"They let me out early. Who is this?" The canine said with a growl.
"This is my friend ah...ah. What's your name again?"
"It's Jimy lady."
"Oh yeah that's right. My friend Jimy."
"Electra listen to me right now I work hard all day to bring home money for you and this is how you repay me."
" Sonny please under stand..." Electra said with a small wimper.
"I'm not mad at you doll. I'm mad at him." Sonny said pointing at Jimy
"What? Why are you mad at me?" Sonny got into Jimy's face.
"You're the little maggot who is stealing my girl."
"I didn't know she was you're..."
"Let me tell you something Jimy. I hope you have a good surgeon because you are going to need it when I'm done with you." Sonny clinched his fist tight.
"What, Wait man calm down." Jimy pleaded as he backed up.
"You don't tell me to calm down." Sonny said still advancing on Jimy.
I couldn't take it anymore. "ENOUGH!" I stood up. "That's enough. Big guy put him down and take your girl home. We will act like this never happened."
"And who are you to tell me what to do." Sonny was now looking at me.
"My names Micka. That's all you need to know."
"Well Micka what are you going to do about it." He set down Jimy and walked over to me.
" Well I can guarantee that I will put you in the worst pain of your life." I said as I looked calmly at Sonny.
"Oh Yeah right. I'm scared of the big man." Sonny said sarcastically.
"Don't push me Sonny."
"Try me Micka." Sonny opened up his arms edging me on.
"Okay you asked for it." I fell to the floor to suddenly I came back up with his feet in my hands. He landed on his back on the floor. "I told you not to mess with me." Sonny got back up and we started to fight. Punch after punch Sonny was getting tired. I was in pain but still had a good cause to fight. I threw him sideways into the pool table. "Have you had enough Sonny?"
"Yeah I give. No more. You win." Sonny said in defeat.
"Okay then. Now grab your girl and leave." I turned around and started to walk back to my seat. "
Look out Micka! Turn around!" I heard Jimy cry out. I turned to only see a pool stick and then it was dark.
I opened to my eyes to see only a bright light and my hands on a steering wheel.
"Micka look out!" A familiar voice called.
I looked over and it was Kelly. I turned and looked back forward. I swerved away from the lights that were in front of me. With a screech of the tires I missed the truck but we ended up hitting the embankment. The convertible made it air born and flipped repeatedly until finally the car came to a stop sliding across the grass. I opened my eyes and notice I was up side down.
I looked over to Kelly and she was gone. I then remembered that she had taken her seat belt off during the argument. I un-buckled my seat belt and got out of my mangled car. It was totaled. I looked around for Kelly until I saw a motionless body on the ground near by. I tried to run to her but soon collapsed. I looked at my leg. It hurt so badly. I must have broken it. I crawled as quickly as I could to Kelly. I could hear her crying.
"Micka help me please." Kelly gasped for air. "Help me Micka." I finally got over to her. I picked up her head. She was bleeding form the mouth in a steady stream. "Don't worry Kelly I'm here." I said as I held her close. I could feel the tears rolling down my face.
"Micka I can't feel my legs." Kelly sobbed.
"Shhh. It's okay, everything will be alright Kelly." I insisted.
"Micka I just wanted to say I'm sorry."
"Please don't say that Kelly you'll be fine. This isn't the end. We will get help and we will live happily again."
"Micka I need to tell you something."
"What is it Kelly?" I looked into her eyes.

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