Sydney and Me part 4

By: zach8892
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I opened my eyes to a horrific scream for help. I noticed that I was back out side with a body in my arms. It was Kelly. There was blood coming out of her mouth with every cry for help. I relieved that i was at the scene of the car accident.
"Micka please help me... I'm in so much pain."
"Shhh. It's all going to be okay Kelly. Some on help us anyone." I looked around and i saw no one. I looked up the road and saw a car coming. "Sydney i will be right back okay. I need to go up and flag down a car."
"Micka please don't leave me alone. Don't go."
"Kelly I need to go just for a minute. Just for a minute okay hun. Please, if I don't flag down a car we may be here for hours. You need hospital attention."
"Micka I'm fine please don't go."
"Kelly you are bleeding from the mouth and you say you can't feel your legs. Now just hold on I'll be right back." I set down her head gently down on the ground. I stood up as best as I could. I could now tell that my leg was broken. I started to limp up the small incline to the road. I saw the car coming faster. I thought I would miss the car so I put all of my strength into catching them up the hill. I was now able to see the driver of the car and the bright headlights. I jumped out into the road in front of the car. I heard the car screech to a halt. I heard the car door open to the car.
"Oh, my god dude. Are you okay?" I started to get up.
"Sir, do you have a cell phone that I can use." I got to my feet and limped to one side. I wonder how it must have looked seeing me covered in blood, limping and asking for his cell phone. "Please sir I need to use your cell phone. Me and my girlfriend were just in a car crash,.. Oh Kelly! Come on she's down here."
I limped back down the hill with the man following. On the way down I could see the real damage that the crash had caused. A tree had been up rooted and I could see that parts from the car covered the surrounding the area.
I fell back down next to Kelly. I lifted her head back up off of the ground. "Kelly I'm back. I told you I would be back Kelly."
"Micka I just need to say that I'm sorry." Kelly said struggleing for breath. "Shhh. Kelly please save your energy."
"No Micka please let me finish. I love you so much Micka and I always will love you. Please.. Please if anything happens to me I want you to be happy."
"Kelly please don't talk like this is the end." I looked at the guy who was just sitting there with his jaw open. "Well dial 911 you fucking moron." He came back to the real world and dialed 911.
"Micka please just be happy. With that Kelly fell back uncauntious."
"Hang in there Kelly. Hang in there."

I jumped out of bed in a hot sweet. The sun was bright in my eyes. I fell back down in my bed. "Ah. My eyes. It burns." I blinked and opened my eyes again. It was later in the day. I was just laying in bed thinking about what had happened last night. My head hurt something wicked. Was last night just a dream. I took in a breath heavily though my muzzle. I could smell a girl's lip stick. It was true. Last night had really happened. I couldn't believe that I had a girl friend again. I thought that it was fast but she wanted to be with me too. I figured it was easier that she had asked me more then for I to ask her. I don't think I would have had the heart to ask a girl out.
I wonder why I keep getting these dreams at night. I wonder if it could be because of Sydney. Oh yeah I get to go to the movies today with Sydney. I looked up to my clock on the wall. "Holy Shit! It's eleven fifty-five!" I jumped out of bed and ran out my bedroom door. I shut the door. A second later the door reopened and I walked back in. I was naked and I almost ran out into the street. I am pretty sure no one would mind because nudity was allowed in town but if I showed up to meet Sydney on our second date I am pretty sure that that wouldn't go well. I grabbed a new pair of pants, boxers and a clean shirt. I put on some Old Spice body spray and walked back out my door. I walked down the stairs and out the door.
I shut the door and locked it. I started to sprint to the park. I felt the burn in my legs. I then remembered the run that I took last night with Sydney. I coughed. Man I need to get in even better shape. I picked up my speed when I came up over the ridge. I could see the park now. I also heard the chime of the Sunday bells announcing noon. The church chimed loudly through the air. I hope Sydney won't think I stood her up. Oh, god I hope not.
I ran in to the park. I stopped running. I bent over hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. I looked up and looked around. The park was full of people but I didn't see my little blue eyed, blonde haired girl. I ran up and down the main path that went threw the park. I looked. I say no one. I looked around. Nothing. I looked on the church clock. 12:10. I couldn't believe it. Maybe she stood me up. No. No. I can't think like that. She wouldn't do that. She must just be running late. Yeah that's it. I'll just sit here on this bench and wait for here. I felt kinda stupid just sitting there by myself. I sat as time went by.
I sat and watched joggers run by. I also saw kid's on their bikes. As they would go by they just ring their bells. Ring. Ring. It was the most aggravating sound I have ever heard. Yet I brushed it off and forgot about it in the anticipation of meeting my love.
I was getting hot from my black and white body baking in the late spring sun. I looked at the clock and it was one o'clock. I had been sitting in the same spot for more that forty five minutes. I just can't take it anymore. I got up to go. If saw those kids on their bikes go by one more time I was going to get up and put a stick in their spokes. So I got up and started to walk out of the park. It was just down right depressing. When I was walking I looked around one last time. All that I saw were couples kissing and walking or sitting together. I couldn't believe that she stood me up I thought that we had something special. Well stupid me. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Well like I always say life picks you up and throws you down. Oh well. I walked out of the park with my head down low and my hands in my pocket.
Suddenly I was on the ground. "I'm sorry Sir I... Oh Micka I'm sorry." I opened my eyes. It was Sydney.
"Oh Sydney... Ah hi."
"Oh Well let me help you up Micka."
"Thank you Sydney."
"Micka I am really sorry that I am late. I just didn't set my alarm this mornin and it just went from there. I'm sorry Micka."
"Please don't say sorry Sydney."
"But I made you wait."
"Don't worry about it please Sydney. I would wait for eternity for Sydney." With that Sydney jumped into my arms.
"Micka I love you."
"I love you too Sydney." Sydney didn't want to let go. Neither did I. "So Sydney what are we going to do today. Because we missed the movie. So what do you wanna do?"
"I don't know what is there to do around here Micka?"
"Wanna go hiking?"
"Yeah you know walking, climbing, outside, and with the furry things that we call animals."
"Well I know what hiking is but were can we go hiking."
"Well right over there." I pointed to the mountain off in the distance. "That's Mount Tymer."
"You wanna know something Micka. I have been here for a half a year and I really didn't notice that mountain."
"Do you ever get outside Sydney?"
"No not really."
"Well it is time to start. Let's go. I want to bring you up that mountain but- damn it is a long trip. I could bring a tent but i only have one small air mattress. If you want to still come up with me. I am willing to go to Wal-mart and pick up a new sleeping bag." I said shrugging my shoulders.
"I would love to go hiking with you. So it is going to be a long hike?"
"Yep. Is that okay with you Sydney?"
"Hell yes. And you said that it could be an over night trip. I wouldn't mind staying with you. What is the scenery like up there?"
"Oh the scenery is the most beautiful thing that you have ever seen. You can see all of Canshon up there. You can also look out over the ocean and see Shanto. You will never see anything like it ever again. Do you wanna go to your house first so that you can grab your clothes, your camera and what ever you want?"
"Yeah that would be fine and then we will go to your house. After that we will go to Wal-Mart. Do you have a car to get to the base of the mountain?"
"Yeah I got a truck up at my house. Wanna walk there now so we can start our adventure now?"
"Sure let's go." Sydney held out her hand for me to hold her hand. I grabbed it swiftly yet carefully. I held her hand so tenderly as she did to mine. It then hit me like an overwhelming warmth through my body. This what love is. Some one that you only need to hold their hand to feel the rush of love.
We walked down the street hand in hand like spring love birds. And that is exactly what we were. We were two young kids in the world together not worrying about anything but each other's happiness.
I then heard a record needle scratching in my head. "Oh my fucking god. Slow down heart. Don't run into things like this" I thought to my self. "I was jumping head over heels for this girl and I couldn't figure out why. I had only just meet her. I know nothing about this girl but my heart didn't care. The heart gets what the heart wants." I continued to walk down the side walk with Sydney. I looked at her and she had a smile on her face and a blank stare. I wonder what she was thinking about. Was she thinking about me? Was she thinking "Oh what a weirdo. I am going to leave him the first chance that I get." I don't think she would do that. Well... we will see.
We walked all the way to my house in silent. I was hoping that should wouldn't mind my house. I swear to god that my house looks like it is owned by a gay guy. It was so clean. "I like your white picket fence. It's gives it a nice homey touch."
"Well I built this house with a couple of friends a few years ago when my original house burnt down. But that is a long story so I will tell you about it later."
"You built this house. It is a nice house. Do I get to come in or are you going to leave me out side?"
"Of course you can come in." I walked up to the door and unlocked it. "Welcome to my humble abode." I opened the door revealing my house. Sydney came up the stairs to join me. I led her into my house. "It isn't much but it's home."

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