Sydney and Me part 2

By: zach8892
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I awoke to see the ceiling of a hospital. I looked around and saw a regular hospital room. I was in a bed with an I.V. in my arm. My head hurt so bad. I tried to get up but couldn't. My eyes got wide with terror. Was my condition that bad. I tried to move my toes. They moved. I was so happy that I wasn't paralyzed. I had a bandage around my head so I could not see that well. I could remember only partially of what had happened to me which put me in this state. I heard many voices outside of the door.
"Hello. I'm up now. I would like to know what is going on." I pleaded in a loud nd deep voice. I didn't want to be here any longer. With that summons a tall white furred nurse walked in. She was attractive looking in an old nurse skirt.
"Hello, Mr. Timber. How are you feeling tonight?" She asked with a smile.
"Well I am feeling pretty crappy right now but now that you are here I am feeling a bit better." I then noticed i had walked into a trap. "Oh well I mean I just don't want to be alone anymore. I mean... What the hell happened? Why am I here?"
"Do you remember the bar earlier this evening Mr. Timber?" The female figure asked.
"Yes I do. I remember Jimy being a man whore and a big dog named Sonny. But that is just about it."
"Well, Sonny knocked you a good one in the back of the head. You should be able to go home today. Do you have someone who can bring you home..."
"Please let me through." A voice said from the hall way. "No I don't know his room number. His name is Micka Timber. What do you mean you need a valid description. Fine, he is six foot two, black fur, blues eyes, and can lift up a hospital bed with one hand. He's in room 777. Thank you." I heard Jimy running down the hall. "Micka are you okay man. I swear if Sonny didn't catch you off guard, you would have knocked him out." Jimy said with a huge smile.
"Well, you know that I don't fight like that."
"Well the police came right after the bar keep brought you to the hospital."
"Did they arrest Sonny?" I asked.
"Yes they did Micka. Why?"
"I'm not pressing charges."
"What? Why aren't you pressing charges Micka. He hit you with a pool stick." Jimy said in anger with a snarl.
"Yeah but I've know Sonny since Collage. We were good friend's back then. He has always fought dirty. I guess he didn't remember me." I shrugged.
"You think Micka?" Jimy stopped and thought. "Wait you knew him? And you didn't tell me he would fight me. You also didn't tell me that she was his girl."
"I shouldn't have to Jimy. If you didn't hump everything with legs you wouldn't be in this trouble." I chuckled
"Why I ought to hit you Micka. Jimy said while forming a fist.
"I don't advise it sir. Mr. Timber is still in bad shape." The nurse said.
"Well, hello little girl." Jimy said as he noticed that there was a nurse in the room. I became enraged.
"Jimy don't we are in a hospital."
"Okay Micka just for you." Jimy brought his attention back the the nurse. What a surprise. "So when does he get the bandages of miss.
"We can actually take them off now. That's why I am here." The nurse brought her attention to me. "Is it okay if we take off your bandages now?"
"Yes please. I hate being partial sighted." I said.
"Okay then here we go." She stared to remove the bandages. The light grew more intense with every wind around my head. Finally the bandages were all off of my face. It was so bright. I blinked hard and opened my eyes. A beautiful white wolf stood in front of me. I thought to my self I must be in heaven because I'm seeing angels.
"Hi there. Welcome back to the world big guy." The nurse said.
"Well, miss if you don't mind me saying you are so gorgeous." I saw that she blushed. "Have I seen you before? I don't know where. But I think that I have seen you somewhere before yet I can't tell." I was very puzzled.
"Well I couldn't tell you Mr. Timber but I do need to go I got other patients to look after." I sighed and started to get out of the bed. "Have a nice day and oh by the way Micka. Nice abs."
I thought to myself and then it hit me. "Oh my good. Sydney it's you!" She took off her hat. Her blonde hair fell down her body.
"It's nice to see you again Micka." Sydney smiled.
"Jimy can you leave the room please." I asked.
"Why Micka I just got here." Jimy said in disappointment.
"I asked you to leave." I nuged my head towards Sydney twice. She didn't notice.
"Okay I will be out side the door just incase something happens to you." Jimy walked out and shut the door.
"So.. I haven't seen you for a couple hours. A little different circumstances but it is still nice to see you Micka."
"This may sound cruel Sydney but I have been thinking about you all day." I confessed.
"Why Micka?" Sydney asked.
"Well I have never met someone as nice as you for a very long time. Anyone else would have walked right by me and not have even cared when i fell on the ground at the park. But you. You stopped and made sure I was alright. That's what a good person does. No matter if they know the person or not they stop and just make sure they are alright and then carry on their day. Not to mention that you are the most beautiful creature on this earth that I have seen."
"Aww, that is so nice Micka." Sydney smiled and turned her head away trying to hide her blushing face. Then she turned back to me. "Well they don't build them like you anymore do they."
"Well, I guess they don't."
"Well Micka you are cute. And I have seen you up and down." I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, well medically nothing down there." Sydney said blushing even more. "I know. I'm just kidding."
Sydney sighed with relief. "Well I am glad that you have a sense of humor Micka."
"Yeah, well you have seen who I usually hang out with during my life. Jimy." I said with a laugh. I couldn't believe that I was belittling my own friend.
We just stared at each other for a bit until Sydney came back to cautiousness. "So, Micka I need to get back to work. I need to ask you a couple questions."
"Okay Miss I'm sorry but I never caught your last name."
Sydney looked up from her clip board. "Oh well my last name is Kelur. Sydney Kelur. So, Mister Micka Timber do you smoke?"
"No, I haven't touched one in my life." I said proudly.
"Do you drink alcohol?"
"Yes, only once and a while."
"Are you married or in a relationship?"
"Well this seems like a dating seminar but no I am single at the moment. There's an opening in my heart though." I blurted out silently.
"What was that Micka? I didn't catch that last part."
"Oh nothing I just coughed . Continue." I said persuading her.
"Okay, have you ever done narcotics?"
"No never touched them either."
"Wow you seem to be a clean guy Micka if you don't mind me saying." I just stared into her eyes and she just stared back at me. "Well I need to continue on my rounds Micka. So I will check on you tomorrow morning okay?"
"Okay Sydney." I said with a short wave. She started to walk out the door. "Wait Sydney!"
"Yes Micka?" Sydney turned around to look at me.
"You said that I could be released tonight right?" A sad look went onto Sydney's face.
"Yes, Micka if that is really what you want." Sydney said with a sigh.
"Well, not really. I was wondering if you wanted to go out and get a late night snack with me?" Her face lit back up.
"Oh well Micka I don't know? Are you sure you can leave the hospital tonight. It is late."
"Only if you say yes Sydney. So would you grant me the privilege of having your company to dinner."
"Micka you are so cute. Yes, I would love to go to dinner with you. I get off at 11 tonight." Sydney said. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:15.
"Okay I will see in forty five minutes Sydney right?" I asked with a fake sad face.
"Yes Micka."
"Do you promise Sydney?"
"Yes I promise Micka I will see you later okay."
"Okay Sydney." She walked out of the room.
Jimy came back into the room. "What was that all about?" He said.
"Oh nothing. Don't worry about it."
"But you can go home now right?"
"Oh well I found another way of getting home."
Jimy looked at me. "Is it with her?"
"Maybe." I said. "I asked her to go out with me tonight when she get off of work tonight. I will be home late so I will probably see you tomorrow okay Jimy."
"Yeah okay man I will see you tomorrow. I hope you feel better soon buddy okay."
"Yeah, yeah. Get out of here man." I just shook my head. I reached out for his hand and shook his hand firmly and he left the room.
"I have a date with Sydney tonight." I said to myself. I felt sleepy so I closed my eyes and went into a wonderful dream which included Sydney. All I saw was her walking down a desolate road with trees on all sides towards me. She was wearing the mini skirt that I saw in the park, a black tank top and red lipstick. She walked up to me and didn't say a word. All that she did was grab my hand. We ran down the road hand in hand. "Sydney wear are we going?" She didn't awnser me. We just kept running down the road. She took a sudden left turn into a field filled with flowers. We ran through them. Then she finally spoke. We it wasn't words. It was laughter. She seemed so happy. I knew that I was soI joined in the laughter. We both were laughing. I just wanted to hold her. I picked her up in my arms and spun around. She was sitting in my arms and still laughing.
"I love you Micka." She said in romance.
"I love you too Sydney." I responded. We started to close in for a kiss and I was awoken by the beeping in the hall way. I looked at the clock and it was 10:55. I only had to wait five more minutes until I get to leave on my date with Sydney. The pain in the back of my head had gone away in my rest. So I just waited until eleven o'clock. Time seemed to just tick by slowly while I was waiting. Finally I heard the foot steps of those distinct little shoes of that little girl.
Sydney walked in. "Mr. Timber... I mean Micka are you ready to go?"
"Yeah can you help me up Sydney?"
"Sure Micka. Besides I would have to. I'm still on duty." She walked over to my bed. She took out the I.V. out of my arm. "Wow impressive. You didn't even flinch." I smiled. She lowered the side bar on my bed. She grabbed my forearms and I grabbed hers. She pulled me up with a disgruntled grunt. "Your heavy Micka."
"Well its all muscle besides you are a little girl." I confessed. Wow I felt self centered.
"True that. Are you okay to walk Micka?" She asked.
"Oh yeah I'm fine." I started to walk forward and tripped over some wires. I fell more into her arms. Her body was against mine. I felt a rush of adrenaline shoot through my body. We didn't move. Just me looking at her and her looking at me. It was a dream come true. We didn't move just body on body. I cleared my throat. "Well lets go on out to dinner."
"Okay Micka lets go." Sydney said and just stared at me. "Well first you need to let go of me so I can walk." I noticed that I was still holding onto her.
"Oh I'm sorry Sydney." I let go and backed away a little.
"Micka please don't worry about it. Really don't ." She winked at me and walked out of the room. I follower close behind. We walked down the hall in silence. We walked out the door and out into the night time air. "It's so nice to be out of here. Well you should know more Micka. You were a patient after all."
"Yeah I guess." I replied. I thought that she would be more relieved to be out of that hospital cause she had been there all day. I had only been there for a couple hours.
"So Micka were do you want to go to eat?" Sydney said turning to me.
"Well I know of this nice little diner that's open late. Do you want to go there?"
"Sure Micka. Lets go." So we both, side by side, walked down the street together.
"So Micka tell me about yourself. So I told you what I do for a living what do you do for a living?" Sydney asked.
"Well I do a lot. I'm an architect. Also when the house that I design is being built I help out with that. I was a major in Architecture but I minored in Electrical, Engineering and Carpentry."
"Nice. With all of that under your belt Micka you must be pretty well off."
"Well kind of. I like to get money but then I spend it on guitars and music supplies."
"Oh, well you didn't tell me that you were in a band Micka."
"Oh my bad. I am in a band called No Grounds..."
"Oh my god. I heard you guys play last fall at the campus. You are so good. Have you ever thought about making it for the big time."
"Of coarse but just something came up last year and I just didn't think I would be happy again."
"What happened to you Micka?"
"Well it's not what happened to me per say."
"So it happened to a loved one." I stopped walking and stared at her.
"How did you know it was a love one of mine?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"Micka I have been working at the hospital for some time now. I have had to talk to a lot of people who have lost loved ones. Continue please. What happened to her?"
"Well Sydney to keep a long story short we got into an argument one night and... She just left."
"Really Micka is that all." She asked.
"Yeah sad but true. Well enough about my sorrow life. What's your life like?"
"Well it's not that interesting. I wake up go to school, go to work, go home, eat by myself and then repeat. I'm just a sorry little girl.?
"Where are you living right now Sydney. And I promise I won't be a stalker." Sydney laughed.
"Micka your funny. But I am living down at the apartments down town."
"Aw Sydney. Do you know what I just noticed?"
"What Micka?"
"I just realized that neither you nor I have a car tonight."
"Oh yeah your right. Oh well I will just walk home alone. I've done it before..."
"No! I won't let you Sydney. I will bring you home." I protested.
"But then you will need to walk home alone."
"I'm pretty sure that I can take care of my self as long as no one comes out and hits me with a pool stick."
Sydney laughed. "Even when you come out of the hospital with some head trauma you are still as happy as can be Micka. I can't believe it."
"Well you see Sydney I cherish life and live life to it's fullest every day." All that Sydney did was stare at me with wonder as we walked down the street. We walked in silence for the next three minutes that we walked down to the diner. We finally got to the diner about 11:45.
As we walked inside the diner I got a warm welcome from one of the guys that was at the bar. "Hey man. You fought great out there tonight." A small little lab walked over to me. "If he didn't hit you with that stick you would have kicked his ass."
"Well I don't fight that way. I always need to fight a far fight."
"Well still I give kudos to you." He shook my hand and went and sat down. "Here okay to sit Sydney?" I asked gesturing her to sit down in a booth.
"Yeah Micka." We sat at a small table across from each other.
"Thank you for giving me a chance to bring you out tonight Sydney."
"No problem Micka I am glad that you wanted to bring me out tonight. I don't get out much. I'm not a party collage student. I just like going out with friends. Well that is if I had friends. I don't have any friends here in town. I came from a small town down south."
"Well I don't get out often Sydney either. I haven't been out with a female for a year now. I just didn't want to get back into the dating seen."
"Well Micka you are out with me right now. What is different about me?"
"Well, Sydney I just saw something in you that I haven't seen in anyone in a long time. You don't just go out with people because they are cool or you want to get in there pants or you just want to be with them for gifts. I just think you are the most beautiful and sensitive girls in the world." Sydney stared at me. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud."
"Wait, did you mean what you said Micka?" Sydney insisted.
"Well, yeah it's true Sydney. I think that you are gorgeous."
"Thank you Micka. I have never meet anyone who is as nice as you. And let me tell you something Micka. You are the cutest and most adorable guy I have ever met."
"Well you can't be serious that no one has been this nice to you before. What about one of your past boyfriends?"
"Well to be honest Micka I have never had a boyfriend before. I just couldn't find the right person."
"So that also means that you are a virgin." I then realized what I just said. "WOW I can't believe that that slipped out! I'm sorry Sydney. I didn't mean to say that."
"Well don't worry about it. It's just stating the facts. I don't care."
"Well I wish I could saw the same." I just realized that I had lost my virginity to Kelly.
"Micka don't mind me asking but how many people have you had sex with?"
"Well I'm not a man whore like the rest of my friends. The only person that I have ever had sex with was my old girlfriend Kelly."
"Hmm interesting. I figured you would have so many girls."
"Well I'm a respectable guy." The waitress walked up to us.
"What can I get you two tonight?" The waitress asked.
"Oh yeah. I will have a spaghetti and sauce please." Sydney told the waitress. "Thank you Miss. Would you also like some breed sticks?"
"Oh yes please."
"Okay. And you sir."
"I am going to spoil myself tonight. I usually get a salad but tonight I would like a chicken sandwich."
"Okay that will be right out." The waitress walked away.
"So Micka I need to ask you something."
"Yes, Sydney."
"Well what is life like around here. I have only been here since fall and it is almost summer and I am just wondering what does a person from here due from day to day."
"Well, Sydney what do you do when you are at home?"
"Well, we literally don't have anything to do in my home town."
"You mean to tell me that in your home town you don't have a movie theater?"
"Nope." She replied.
"You don't have a home town race track?"
"No McDonalds, Burger King or Wendy's?"
"Not even one of those."
"You guys don't even have single Wal-Mart."
"Nope." She said with a laugh. "The closest thing that we had for a big shopping center was a K-Mart and that was an hour away. Don't forget I came from down south so..."
"So you really did live in a small town didn't you Sydney."
"Yeah I did. That's why I love it up here. There is always something to do. Yet I don't have anybody to do it with."
"Well Sydney I don't ever have anybody to hang out with either. So why make two lonely people when we could make a couple that can do stuff together." Sydney stared at me. I couldn't tell why she had a puzzled look on her face until I realized my error. "Oh I mean two people that can do stuff together." Sydney giggled.
"I would like that Micka. You know you aren't like the other guys. You don't want to lift up my skirt and take a peak out on our first date."
"Oh, so we are out on a date now are we Sydney?" I asked.
"Oh well..." She couldn't fight that she said that out loud. "Well yeah. I would like to call this a nice friend date. I don't really have any friends and you are the nicest person that I have met ever."
"Well thank you Sydney. You are great company too." The waitress returned with our food.
"Okay here is the chicken for the Mister and Spaghetti for the Misses." She said giving us our plates.
"Oh, well we are not married. Or going out."
"Oh, well you two look really cute together. Anyway my name is Heather and just hauler if you need anything else. Alright you two enjoy."
"Thank you Heather." I said to the waitress.
"Wow she's really nice Micka."
"Yeah, around here everyone is nice all day round."
"Nice. I wish that people back home were that nice."
"What do you mean Sydney?" I asked her.
"Well people back home were close but no one liked me. I was always the odd ball out. I never went to parties or went out with all the boys and fucked them right there. I just knew there was something more to life than sex and alcohol. So after I graduated I packed up and moved."
"Well everyone is the best around here. I have lived here my whole life so I know every one." I said.
"And it seems that everyone likes you."
"Well the reason that everyone likes me is because I try to be the nicest guy ever. I do so much for people and don't ask for a thank you. I have lent out my car to so many people for the night. I have also lost three cars because I have let people barrow."
Sydney giggled. "May I ask how you lost your three cars Micka?"
"Well one I lent out to our drummer Joey. He was coming down route seven and feel asleep at the wheel. He was fine after the car hit a guard rail. The car... Not so much. The other car I let Sonny barrow. I guess one night when he was out drinking he had too much to drink and tried to drive home. On the way to my house he said he got lost and crashed into the river."
"So is that what really happened?"
"Kind of, when I went with the police to get my car the guard rails on the bridge were gone and my car had plummeted fifty feet to the water."
"Oh my god! And you were not mad at him?"
"No Sydney, There was no way that I could be mad at a friend for being stupid."
"You know Micka you are such a nice person. After someone wreaks your car you can just walk away and go get a cup of coffee. How can you afford all the cars Micka if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well Sydney to be honest I don't go out and blow my money on stupid things." "So you do make a lot of money don't you Micka?"
"Yeah but it all comes with hard work." I said.
"You are so interesting Micka. I am so glad that you brought me out on this date or acquaintance."
"What ever you need to say to make it right Sydney. Well I would like to call it a date Micka if you don't mind. I have had a great time tonight and it isn't even over."
"What is that supposed to mean Sydney?" I said with a big grin.
"Oh Nothing Micka. Just nothing." Sydney stopped talking and started to eat her spaghetti. I just stared at her and ate. She was so interesting and mysterious. Sydney was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I even think I have a connection with her. Maybe even more than when I was with Kelly. I can't even believe that I am thinking of this. Kelly was my world but we still had major differences. I just think I might have found the real person for me to start a new life with.

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