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[Y] love at first rave
love at first rave Gay Views 3548 Votes 22 Comments 9
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trying to find love at a rave
[Y] love at first rave




damn this beat is sick aint it!

hell yeah!

*my names kuro and over there dancing with every guy he can get his paws on is my best friend edward. we decided to go to a rave club to help me find a mate but it looks more like edward just didn't want to go alone. i don't mind though i love this music, the beat is sick! i can feel it in my chest and in my body, i just want to dance like edward but i'm too shy. i just watch him dance like a pro, he looks so good out there he hits every beat. the guys like him too they're all over him. should i get out there and shake my tail? i might find a guy, then again i might not. edward looked over at me and waved for me to come over. i turned quickley and pretended not to notice it.

hey kuro get over here now! this beat is too much for one guy to dance too!

*he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the crowd of guys he had made.

but i can't dance edward you know that

bull shit kuro i've seen you dance before your almost as good as i am your just too shy.

*he was right he nailed it. i am too shy for this but i will try.

fine edward but i can't promise you anything too good.

hahahaha thats fine with me just shake your tail with me ok! this is the best part of the song!

THUMP, bmp, THUMP, bmp, THUMP, bmp, THUMP, bmp, THUMP, bmp, THUMP, bmp, THUMP



*edward started do'n his thing and he looked so good, i started to move a little. the guys started to look at me and i got kinda nervous then i saw edward shake his head no at me. so i closed my eyes and felt the beat, soon i was dancing just like edward. the beat was driveing me mad i had to dance, i opened my eyes and me and edward were in the middle of a giant circle of spectaters. my black fur was hard to make out in the dim light and edwards fur was almost the same but his brown tanish fur was a little brighter. i looked at edward and he was still looking good, he had a glowstick in his mouth and was in shere bliss. i stopped and tryed to walk away when the spot lights came on and focused on me and edward. i froze and looked at edward, he waved me over to him.

huff huff kuro come on dance like you mean it, give them a show!

but i'm too shy to..

don't give me that crap look we'll dance together ok

........oh kay edward

it'll be fine look there all tweeked out of there heads on X it'll be fun!

*we both stood in the middle of the circle and i took a deep breath. the beat picked up and pumped me up. i closed my eyes and started dancing. i looked over at edward who was dancing like a pro as useual. i gave it my all trying to out do edward. and he gave it his all, we danced for five minets nonestop until the song was over. we both collapsed on the floor gasping for air, sweat dripping from our faces. the crowd was clapping and yelling. i looked up at all of them, and i saw a white wolf looking at me. his fur was glowing neon purple, his eyes were intense. he was so good looking, our eyes met and i looked away and when i looked back he was gone.

yo kuro ready to go i'm beat

y-yeah me too

can i crash at your place kuro, i can't drive all the way to mine

yeah sure

* we started to leave but the crowd was so tight it was hard to push through. we finally got out and headed for my car. there was a group of shady looking guys waiting outside, they watched us as we walked by and got in the car. edward got in the front seat then crawled to the back and layed down. that is just like him, to do something so odd. i started up the car and we headed to my place.

are we almost there kuro

edward not this again, you know how far my house is you damn near live there

*he shut up after that, i know his cute dumb guy act. he used it on me when we use to date. gawd he was cute though! we pulled up to my street then my house.

eh edward wake up

nnnnnnn just leave me here kuro, so tired

what!? i am not going to leave you in my car, now get your ass out!


*he rolled over, he loves to act like a kid but we are the same age. but just by looking at us you would think he was pup, but we're both 20. hmph fine play it your way then. i picked him up and draped him over my shoulder. gawd he's heavy. opening the door was fun i almost dropped my key. i got in and threw edward on the couch.

ooooowwwwwa what was that for?

i know you didn't just ask what that was for

umm uhh no i didn't

i thought so, sigh. i smell so i'm going to take a shower

*edward was laying down already, how did he last this far in life? i got beat up almost every day at school for being a gay wolf. and here he is just as happy as he can be, outgoing and fun. i'm shy and withdrawn, and that makes it so hard trying to find my soul mate. sometimes i wish i could be like edward and just fuck all kinds of random guys i just met. now wheres my towel. i walked into my dark bedroom and grabbed it, i took my cloths off and walked across the dim hall way into the bathroom. i turned the light on and almost blinded myself, i turned on the water and waited until the steam rolled up from the tub. i closed the door and got in the shower, the water felt great on my sore pads. i heard a creak but i couldn't see anything through the shower curtain so peecked out to see edward takeing his cloths off. ahhhhhhhh, i slipped back in the tub.

jeeeez are you trying to give me a heart attack?!!

you?!!! you just scared the crap out of me. what are you doing sneaking in here any way?

i wanted to take a shower with you, is that wrong?

*he said that like a little pup. big sad eyes and all.

nnnnnnnn i don't know were friends now so isn't it a little wierd?

oh come on we were more than just friends we have history! besides i have already seen you naked so it's fine

thats true, i guess it's ok then

*he was right, a while back we dated for a couple weeks and we decided to have sex. but he told me that he has been with many other guys. when we got to my house we whent to my room, and he undid my zipper with his teeth. he took his cloths of and crawled next to me. he put a paw on my sheath and rubbed a little, he looked up at me and i was crying. he stopped and asked why i was crying, i told him i didn't want to make him upset but i'm looking for my soul mate and i'm still a virgin. he looked a little confused so i told him that i'm saveing myself for the right guy, i was too shy and scared to tell you. he wiped my face and layed next to me, it's ok we can still be friends right. he said it so cutely how could i resist, and i really needed a friend.

ok move over

*so we bathed together, it was kinda akward cuz we are both gay. and we were both naked and so close. we finished washing off and dryed off, we both whent into my room and slept on the bed. that was akward as well.

hey kuro, remember the first time i was in your room

yes edward how could i forget that

hehehehe you looked so cute when you started crying!

sh-shut up, it's not my fault. you lied to me

no i didn't, i thought you knew i wasn't a virgin

how would i know that? your a wolf, we follow the wolf code

ha i think your the onely wolf who does that kuro!

what do you mean?

come on your 20 years old and your still a virgin. the mateing urge must be killing you

w-well i manage

*he was right though, the urges do get intense. and i often think about doing what edward does but i just can't

yeah by pawing off right! thats just temperary, just try it with me kuro. i'll be gentle and i promise i'll treat you right.

*he rolled over and looked at me, his eyes were so cute. i could feel myself blush when i started to get excited. but is it worth it, should i just give in? let edward take my virginity, it has been 20 years and wolves become sexually active at 13 so i've been ready for 7 years. but i choose to wait for my soul mate.

sorry edward but i have to say no

hehehe i thought you would say that, just thought i would try

your so mean, makeing me think it over like that........asshole

*i rolled over and closed my eyes, after a few minets i fell asleep. edward rolled over a couple times then he finally fell asleep. i dreamt of some random stuff that made no sense, i woke up when the sun's warm glow caressed my face. the loud birds didn't help either. i looked down at my chest and edwards head was resting on me. his drooling open mouth was so cute, his tounge was hanging out too. i slid his head off and got out of bed and whent to the bathroom, i always have to pee first thing in the morning. i flushed and heard my stomach rumble and grumble so i whent to the kitchen to get something to eat. i looked in the room and edward was gone. he always sneaks around like this, he's going to scare me again. he does that alot too, he likes to hide under stuff cuz i'm so tall i really don't see him then he pops out and ARF. i jump every time and he just laughs.

ehh kuro are you out yet?

*i jumped and almost yelped

y-yeah i'm out, what are you doing up so early? you always sleep in till night fall.

well i felt bad for makeing fun of you last night so i made this for you!

*as i entered the kitchen i saw him holding a plate with a big sandwich on it

i didn't know you felt so bad edward, it's kinda sweet

you know you make it so hard to keep resisting you when you say things like that

*i know that was the plan! pay back for last night!

really like how edward?

*i sounded so sweet and gave him the cutest face i could manage

oh gawd stop it kuro, your just as bad as i am

ha and don't forget it!

ok ok, so what are we going to do today?

well i thought we could go out and pick up some fun stuff for the rave tonight

well well kuro who would have thought that shy timid wolf who cryed the time we almost had sex would have come out of his shell so much! i'm proud of you

.........don't say that, i'll never live that night down will i?

hmhmhmhm no it's just too cute!

when i do find my mate please don't bring this up, i beg of you edward

ok ok this stays between us kuro

*why do i not trust him, i know he will tell him it's what he does. edward just loves a good time. thats why i was so shocked when he asked me too dance. i still remember that night. i finished eating and edward had decided to grab something when we go out. i put on a dark blue short sleeved shirt and grey baggy shorts, edward looked perfect as useual. he had a long sleeved white shirt on with blue jeans, he looked so good in what ever he had on. we left and drove into the city, we headed for the mall. edward ran straight to the salon for a trim up. i stayed and watched as he got his bangs trimmed and dyed blond.

kuro you should get your fur dyed too!

....gawd are you trying to embarrasss me!!

*i could feel myself blushing.

i just thought you would look good with a blond streak thats all

........i'll pass this time

fine by me

*we left the salon and whent to the food court, as useual edward at like a cow. where does he put it? after he was done grazeing we walked to the closest thing to a rave suppley store we could HOT TOPIC! edward use to work there a while back. we looked at a bunch of cool shit, then we looked at a bunch of crap that glowed. edward bought a cool black and white stripped shirt.

this will look awsome under the black lights! oh no way!


*he found a pair of black and white spotted pants, they almost matched!

dude this is the shit!

that is pretty sweet

*i looked through all the clothes but found nothing that looked good on my black fur. so i walked over to the glowsticks.

hey what are you doing? pick out an outfit

nothing looks good on me

arrrgh get over here now kuro!!

ok ok what?

try this this and this on with this and this now

but but

i said now!


*i walked into the dressing room and put on a long sleeved white shirt, over that i put on a black sleeveless vest with a hood. i looked down and saw a baggy looking hat, it was white with black edging. my ears slipped through the wholes and the hat sagged a little low but it kinda felt good. i put on the baggy black and white pants edward gave me and i looked in the mirror.

.......i kinda look good.

are you done yet?

u-uh yeah

well come out and let me see!


*i slowely opened the door, i saw edward's eyes widen and he started to smile. i blushed almost instantley

you look so sexy kuro!

......are you sure?

yeah didn't you look in the mirror?

yeah a little, are you sure this is me?

yeah the whole black and white thing suites you. you need to be more confident kuro jeez!

*i looked in the mirror again and spun around, i felt dumb and embarrassed. but i did look good, being covered in jetblack fur it's kind of hard to find clothes that go with my fur color. but i never thought that black would look good on me cuz my fur is black. and i love this hat! it's so comfy.

..........u-uh um edward

oh spit it out kuro!

could we go back to the salon?



eeeeeeeee! you wanna get your fur colored don't you!


hehehehe! oh this is too good! come on lets go!

but we have to pay for this first

ohhhhhh right, well hurry up!

you got the glowsticks or do i have them?

we didn't buy any yet

no time we can come back and get them 

ok let me pay, wow this cost more than i thought

*i payed then edward and me ran out of there and headed to the salon.

so did you choose the color and where you want it?

no i was hopeing you would choose for me

awwwwww how sweet! not gonna cry at the last minute are you!

ohhhh i knew it

hehehehe! now sit down

*i sat down and edward called over one of his friends, her name was tina. she pulled out a bunch of bottles and laid them all over the counter. edward picked out the ones he uses then he picked out a dye color for my fur.

what color did you pick for me?


.........what was that?

i chose my color! blond!

what why?

cuz it's gonna make you pop on the dance floor! what color did you think i was gonna pick?

i dunno blue, purple or a red

uh huh just as i thought

thought what?

i knew you would pick dark colors that would blend in with your fur, thats sooo you.


*he got me again. i was gonna pick a dark color that would be hard to see, i still have problems about being a gay wolf. i so wish i could more like edward, he just doesn't care. i wonder if he had to fight to defend himself when he was growing up. or if he still does. he always looks so happy and care free all the time i don't know.

now where do you want it hunny?

...uh ...well ...i ...uh

right here!


*edward grabbed my bangs and held them up. he was a little ruff.

and right here!

whoa hey now! edward thats a little..

a little what i just grabbed your tail whats the problem?

*i could feel myself blushing, so i looked down at the floor.


good so if you could color these please K. papillon

no prob surgah! be done in a jiffy!

*she dunked my head in the water and washed my fur with this wonderfull smelling shampoo and conditioner. then she shook up the bottle of dye and grabbed some foil, she dabbed the bottle up an down and rubbed it in my fur. she wrapped the foil around my bangs and started on my tail. i blushed a little when she started rubbing the color in, i looked over at edward who was all smiles.

ok surgah rest your tail in this while the color sets

oh this is gonna be good! your gonna look so good!

....you think so?

i know so!

*i started blushing again, after 15 minutes had passed  the tip of my tail had turned a light brown color. i was getting kind of bored sitting there so edward started flirting with some of the guys in there. no one is off limits to him, he flirts with any and every guy. i couldn't do that. the huskey he was talking too handed him a pice of paper and edward walked over with a big smile on his face. he sat down and chuckled.

what has you so happy?

*like i didn't know

did you see that cute huskey over there! he's gonna be my date to the rave tonight!

really, do you even know his name?

yes his name is james! and he's 27

you always date older guys edward why is that?

you really want to know kuro!

nnnnn on secound thought maybe i don't

and i just don't always date older guys cuz you and me are the same age

oh i guess so

your fur is looking good! it's almost time to rinse it out


*i looked at my furr and it was a bright gold color, it was quite pretty. edward called the salon woman over and she opened the foil and looked at my bangs.

yup surgah it's time!

*she leaned the chair back and rinsed all the dye off my bangs. then she rinsed the dye off the tip of my tail. she handed me a towel and i dryed my bangs and tail. she told me to look in the mirror so i stood up and turned to the mirror. .................................

well what do you think!?

i-i like it

you sound surprised

well i was at first. i thought i was gonna look wierd and draw in too much attention. but this golden yellow color, it looks like sunlight.

hehehe it turned out beter than i thought! and your reaction is more than i had hoped for!

what do you mean?

i'm just glad your happy kuro!

oh stop it, i'm gonna blush!


*we grabbed our bags and headed back to the hot topic for the glowsticks. i wonder if that white wolf will be there? he was hot! i started blushing. and edward looked at me.

well well well what has you all worked up!?


i bet i know! someone at the rave caught your eye last night!

*how duz he always know?

ok fine, yes i saw a hot guy at the rave. then he vanished and i wonder if he will be back or not tonight.

awww is this puppy love! i'm sure he will!

but what if he's not gay? what if i ask him and he gets all mad and hits me. or what if he's already with someone and i offend him.

i see your point but your hideing behind your shyness again, just ask.

but what i..

but what if he rejects me right?


then you move on boy, it's not the end of the world.

but i can't i'm not strong like you edward

awww hun, thats sweet of you to think i'm strong!

*i knew it, he doesn't get what i mean by that. he's so annoyingly dense. we walked back in to the hot topic and headed straight to the corner with all the glowing things. edward started dancing a little to the beat in his head. his cute swishing tail made me giggle. edward looked at the shelf that had the glowsticks and the glow rings in them.

what the hell, there all gone!

what? no way. we were just here and they were full

i know right

*edward stormed over to the desk and asked the women if she had any more in stock. she said know by looks of it. and how he came stomping over to me.

so why are they gone?

well some white wolf came in and snagged um all

what......a white wolf..

*could it be? is it the same wolf i saw that night?

yeah, well any way we have to go somewhere else to buy some.

good lets hurry

.......kuro whats gott'n into you?

*he was suprised by my change of attitude, i could tell. i never take charge in anything we do. but if that white wolf is the one from the rave then i have to act fast. we left and headed for a rather deplorable shop i don't like to step paw in, but if i can meet him again and just say hi. hmmm yes, thats what i'm going to do. edward had to run to keep up with me, i forgot how fast i was. thats what my clan specializes in, speed. we were breed for it, edward had a hard time following. i slowed down so he could keep up.

gawd pant pant, whats the big rush?

you know damn well what the rush is!



i just uh, have never seen you like this before. it's kinda hot!

well theres some one i want to meet and i don't know if i'll meet him outside of the rave

you mean that white wolf don't you kuro


*we left and entered the parking lot. i scanned around for a moment then headed for my car. edward got in, he was still outa breath. we put our bags in th back and i headed for the shop.

are we going where i think we're going?

yes edward, that little shop you like so much

it aint a shop it's a store

yeah what ever

this new attitude of yours is kinda turning me on kuro!

gawd edward enough!

*i started blushing, he was makeing get a little aroused. we drove for about half an hour then we finally got to the store. the rave stop, thats the name of it. it's a realy good place to get every thing rave even X. thats why i don't like to come here, but edward loves it here. and the people that shop here are rather shady too, i don't think that white wolf would shop here. but i'm gonna look any ways. i parked and we got out, edward ran in like a little pup. i walked in and looked around. they play some good music here and the selection of stuff isn't half bad either. i scanned over every isle but didn't find him. i asked the clerk if he saw a white wolf and he said he just clocked in. just great the trail runs cold.

hey any luck?

no none here

oh that sucks but look they have glowsticks here! i got 10!

what why so many?

cuz it's gonna look awsome!

well i'm hungry so where do you wanna go edward?

well i kinda really want the stir fry at the mall. is that a problem?

no it's fine......

awww cheer up, i'll buy you lunch kay!

......yeah, can you drive there too?

no prob, cheer up will you i know you'll find him!

*his words did make me feel a little beter, that and his cute smile. we got in the car and edward drove us back to the mall. i looked out of the window the whole time, day dreaming. we got to the mall and edward parked. we walked in and headed straight for the food court. edward got us a large stir fry plate. it was good, edward started to eat the whole thing by himself as useual. i looked up and couldn't believe my eyes it was the white wolf from last night. i was sure of it, but i needed to see his eyes to make sure. i got up and started to walk over to him.

hey kuro what are you doing?

nothing you just keep eating edward


*good now that he's distracted i can concentrate on the white wolf. i wonder what his name is? as i got closer he looked up and i saw his eyes, it was the same guy i saw last night. he was reading something his paw covered it up the tital so i couldn't make out what it was. he looked down and started reading again.

umm hi


*he didn't say anything

do you mind if i um sit here too?


*he pulled out a chair and pushed towards me. my heart started beating faster.

my names kuro, um are you the same guy that i saw at the rave last night? that was bit rude of me to just blurt out like that, i kinda sound like a stalker.


*he laughed a little and he was smileing. he nodded and my tail started wagging

um i uh was wondering if you would like to go to the rave with me tonight?

*i was so embarressed, when he looked up at me i quickley looked at the floor. i could hear some rustling and when i looked up he was standing. great he's not gay and i just grossed him out. he walked past me and slid some thing to me. i picked it up and read it, DJ cloud. wait is he! i looked back and saw his tail wagging. yes! i totaly just asked him out and he said yes! DJ cloud, so is he the one makeing that awsome music. i got up and walked back to edward who had eat'n all of the stir fry. he looked at my tail and saw that it was wagging like mad.

so what has you all worked up!

i.....i found him!

no way!

yes and i asked him out!

oh my gawd! what did he say!

well he didn't say anything but he did give me this card!

oh let me see! DJ cloud.......no way


you are going out with DJ cloud

i hope so why?

he is the the best when it comes to music that makes you wanna dance! he was play'n last night! and you snagged him!

i-i did?!

that takes skill! i'm impressed!

wow, i'm going on a date with DJ cloud.

yeah you are! we beter get back and prepare!

*we left the mall and headed for my car, i was still in shock about what happened. edward was over joyed about it. he was so proud of me. when we finally got to my house it was getting dark. we walked in my house and sat for a bit.

what time is the rave kuro?

it says on the card it starts at 9 but DJ cloud shows up at 10

so do you wanna go there at 9 or 10?

i'm fine either way, what time do you wanna get there edward?

ohh yeah i forgot about james, i'm gonna call him and see!

*edward pulled out his cell and called his new fling. i got up and walked to the bathroom. i looked in the mirror and admired my new look. i walked back out to the car and grabbed are bags. when i got back in edward was still talking to james but his legs were crossed. i know what that meant! he was a little turned on! i walked back to the bathroom and i started undressing. i grabbed the cloths out of the bag and took the tags off. i put the shirt on first then the pants. i paused to look at myself then i put on the black vest and the hat. i looked at myself for a bit, i twirled a little and felt embarressed. i'm glad edward isn't there watching me. i could see my blond bangs peeking out so i adjusted the hat so they could be seen beter. i looked at my tail and the blond tip, i swished my tail back and forth. it looked cool. i walked out and into the liveing room, i looked at the clock. sigh onely 7:30 not really even close. edward finally got off the phone, he talks for a long time.

well look at you all dressed up!

yup! i'm gonna get him, i'm gonna dance like never before!

my my! i'm so proud of you kuro!

hmm, how should i dance to attract him?

how about with these!

*edward pulled out the glowsticks

yeah but every one will be doing that. how will i stand out more?

hehehehe! i know how it's too cute!

well tell me!

i'm gonna tie them in such a way that they spell DJ C!

what no way!

yes way! in yellow so it matches the blond!

*edward started working on the logo glowsticks and i started working on a dance. i practiced my new dance for half an hour. edward had finished the logo and was changing. i sat on the couch and rested for a bit. i couldn't get him out of my mind, i thought about his eyes and his little grin. his snow white fur was so silky and glossy. his eyes an icey saphire and intense, almost overwhelming. and what was he reading. i must know it's killing me. i wonder if he's a virgin too? does he follow the wolf code like me? he's so attractive i bet he has had sex before. but i just have to have him........... gawd what am i saying? is it because i'm a aroused? is that why i'm thinking such thoughts. i wonder if he's a top or bottom? oh gawd there i go again. speaking of that am i a top or a bottom? can you be both? i don't know, should i ask edward? gawd no, he would just make fun of me again.

hey kuro! whys your face all red?


whoa! what was that for?

you scared the hell out of me!

you must have been thinking about something pretty bad to make you that red and distracted! i bet it's that white wolf aint it!


ha i knew it! so what were you thinking about?!!

*i took a deep breath and looked edward right in the eyes

i-i was thinking about if DJ cloud is a top or a bottom and how do you know which one you are and if you could be both?

.....WOW, that is pretty deep for you kuro. i didn't think you had it in you.

well can you tell me or not?

it's not that easy. but some guys do know what they are. it's difficult to say, you have to sex in order to decide.

well what are you edward, top or bottom?

whoa whoa whoa! and he still manages to suprise me! i'm both kuro, i like be'n take'n and i like to be the one doing the takeing!

so you can be both

yup it's called being versitile

then thats what i am, i'm versitile

oh gawd thats hawt kuro!

stop looking at me like that edward.

well it's 8:15 do you wanna go now?

yeah lets go i wanna get close to the DJ's corner

hahaha! i love this!

love what?

kuro, a wolf on a mission of love!

oh gawd shut up!

i should write this as a story! what should i call it?

how about not gonna happen, now hurry up before all the parking spots infront of the rave are take'n

hmmmmmm love, rave, white wolf, DJ cloud, kuro. what could i make this into?

oh give it a breake all ready edward and get in the car

i got it! love at first rave! this should be epic! 

oh gawd edward pleez no!

*as i drove to the rave i could feel waves of nervousness and anticipation. i was scared but excited at the same time. i could only think of DJ cloud, was that his real name or did he have a different name? i was so busy thinking about it that i almost ran a red light. but he is on my mind all the time. when we finally got there it was dark and there were no parking spots. so i had to park next to a bar a couple streets away. i put on the special logo edward made and we walked to the rave, i could hear the beat from this distance it was great! there were a bunch of shady looking guys again but i was to concerned with seeing him again, i breezed past them and headed for the rave. they gave me and edward wierd looks but i didn't pay them any attention. the line was way long but after an hour or more we got in. it was 9:30 give or take a few minutes, and i could hear and feel DJ clouds music. i had to get closer to him, edward met up with james and they started dancing. i bumped and wedged my way through the ravers to get as close i could. i pushed through the last wall of favers and could see him, his fur was neon purple and he was busy DJ'n. the lights dimmed and he looked up at the crowd, my black fur mad me almost invisible so i took out some glowsticks and started dancing. he looked at me, i caught his attention now it's time too show him some of the new moves i was working on. i started spinning and swinging my arms makeing blue streaks around my body. i caught everyones eyes at that moment, other ravers started doing glowstick dances too. so i had too step up my game, i did what my clan was best at, speed. i stated going faster and faster, the streaks became patchy blue lines and started makeing a little noise. a circle of ravers formed around me, it wasn't enough i needed to go faster. so i did, it was hard too concentrate on both glowsticks but i needed to show cloud that i was here for him and that i wanted him. the patchy lines became solid and the glowsticks started whistling loudly, the crowd was cheering me on. faster faster they said. i started spinning around and makeing figure 8's. when cloud couldn't take his eyes off me i stopped and whrapped the glowsticks around my arms and beat my chest turning on the logo. the yellow glow drew in clouds eyes, and he smiled. DJ C was glowing on my chest, i was a bit pooped after that epic glowstick show. i was panting hard and decided to cool off by leaning against a wall. every now and again cloud would look at me and grin the biggest grin i have ever seen, it made me smile. i walked back over to where i was before and watched him DJ for a while. edward walked up to me with james.

wooo you look beat kuro what did you do?

i danced for cloud and he noticed me!

oh gawd! thats great kuro!

i know so now i'm gonna hangout for a bit until he's done.

really well would you mind if me and james left right now?

no not at all, is he driving you home?

no i'm go'n to his place!

pshht how did i know

well ya ready james?

born ready babe!

what? he has a british accent

aint it hawt kuro! well me and james are go'n now, by

by see ya later i guess

*they left and i turned to face cloud, the beat picked up and couldn't help but start dancing. the floppy hat was bit of a problem but it was ok. it was almost time for the DJ's to switch, maybe i could get close enough to ask him too dance. gawd i'm so nervouse. but i'm so happy, my tail hasn't stopped wagging yet. even if he duz reject me at least i got this far all on my own. it's almost 12 the switch should be happening pretty soon. i kept dancing through to the end, the secound DJ showed up and cloud left. i ran up to him.

umm hey i'm the wolf from yesterday and i was wondering if um you might wanna

*he handed me a piece of paper and walked into the back area for the DJ's. i looked at it, i'm interested in you too, meet me out back and we'll talk. what? no way he wants to talk to me. this is the chance i've been waiting for i'm not passing it up. i headed for the back of the building and waited. it was dark and closed in, building's boxed in the all around so the back was just a narrow ally. i heard paw steps and got all happy but it wasn't cloud it was that group of shady looking guys from before, about 7 of them and just 1 of me. i backed up agains the wall and tried not to draw in attention.

oh hey look it's that wolf from earlier!

*fuck i forgot i still had the glowstick logo on

yeah i remember him, the cute one!

hey come on blacky come party with us

i-i um have

hey whats the problem? just come on

no i'm waiting for someone

i think he's scared jack!

thats cute!

dude just come with us

i said no!!

*they started surrounding me and i was scared. my words were not enough to make them leave me alone.

well guys he aint gonna do it willingly so whats the plan?

i say we just take him here and go before he can tell anyone!

*the started getting closer and blocked any place i could run too. is this how it happens? was this just a trick by cloud? are they gonna kill me? all these thoughts ran through my mind.

hey leave him alone

*who is that? that voice. the gang turned to face him.

and who the hell are you?

*it's cloud! he looks pissed, his fangs are showing. is he gonna fight all these guys? should i help or should i run? the gang started walking over to cloud.

hmph so you low life mutts get off by rapeing lone wolves eh?

i don't like your mouth, i think i'll break it!

yeah lets get'im!

*they all rushed cloud

nooooooo run cloud!

*it was too late. but something happened that i didn't expect cloud was kicking there ass's. it was amaizing, he took out the first three no prob. he dropped them in four hits.

what are you waiting for run before they get you your clans best at running!

o-ok i'm going

*i started running but stopped when i heard cloud cry out in pain. i looked back and saw cloud in a head lock and the leader of the gang punching him. i felt nothing but anger flow through my body, i ripped off the logo took the hat off and ran as fast as i could to cloud. i pushed myself to go faster and faster.


what the hell was that? i dunno it was a blurr

*i zoomed past the first guy and punched him in the face as hard as i could, it hurt my paw but i was so mad i couldn't feel it. i zoomed behind the guy punching cloud and jumped up and slammed my elbow down on his head. he fell right down, cloud looked at me shocked and a little scared. my fangs were bared and i was pissed, i dashed around the back of the guy holding cloud and started punching his side. i punched him harder and faster and faster and faster



*i jumped up and kicked him in the head. he fell down holding his head and side. i was panting heavily, i don't know if i could do that anymore.

cloud are you ok?

yeah i'm fine but you

what about me?

there's three left careful

*the remaining three had picked up bricks and pipes and one had a switch blade. cloud was ready to fight and i was there to back him up. i wasn't going to let them touch him again, he's mine! i could feel my heart beating faster and stronger, i looked at him and he looked back. i stood up next to him.

you ready cloud?

hmph, lets get these mutt bastartds

*i dashed off again, faster faster faster faster faster i need more speed! i could feel the wind against my fur as i ran around the last three. im not fast enough more, i pushed myself as fast as i could go. the wind started to feel like a wall, i zoomed behind the guy farthest to the left. i spun and drop kicked him, he whent flying. i looked over at cloud who just knocked the guy with the pipe out.

look out!!

*the mutt with the knife was running to cloud, he drew his arm back and was ready to slash cloud. i dashed over and pushed cloud out of the way, the knife zipped by and cut my face.

grrr hoooowllll


*cloud jumped on the guy and started punching his face over and over again. my cheeck stung a little but it was just a nick.

cloud enough ENOUGH cloud

huff huff huff huff

it's ok i'm fine just a nick

how dare this mutt do that

cloud it's fine he was trying to kill you, i'm glad that i got in the way

hmph, i should kill him for that

cloud lets just go

what abut these mutts?

what about'um, leave them here

fine with me and the names shiro not cloud

shiro i like that better!

*we left the rave and drove to my place, shiro was concerned about my face it was cute. but i wonder how he knew about my clan.

hey shiro

what is it duz your face hurt?

no i'm fine, i was wondering how you knew about my clan

well don't you know of my clan

what's your full name

shiro yuki tsuki

thats, that means, your not from that clan but then again you fight like it

go on say it

your from the white snow moon clan

yes, are you scared of me? i would understand if you were

*he looked so sad, his ears drooped and his eye brows sunk. it's true i was a little scared but not because of his clan. but everyone else is scared of his clan, they are feared for there aggressiveness. and there brute strength. i feel bad for him and his clan they're just missunderstood.

i am scared

i-i see, you can just drop me off here and i can go

you didn't let me finish!

what do you mean?

i'm not scared of your clan or you, i'm scared of what you might say wen i ask you this question

*he was totally confused but interested. i pulled in my drive way and parked.

whats your question? and your realy not scared of me?

no shiro i'm not, my question is

*i took a deep breath

are you gay?

*he didn't answer so i turned away. i was about to cry out of frustration until i felthim hug me. he was warm and soft. he licked my cheek.

yes i am uh um

it's kuro

of the kage clan right

yeah how did you know?

cuz pure jet black wolves are rarer than rare. and when i saw you moving so damn fast thats when i knew



i'm just glad your here

why are you so happy

cuz i thought that i would never see you again after the rave. then when i met you at the mall i was so happy but super nervouse. i almost didn't ask you out

well i'm you did, with my familys reputation it's hard to find a mate and harder still when your gay and haven't told them.

what would they do to you if they found out you were gay?

prolly kill me, or try to make me straight.

i won't let them your mine


you heard me your mine now, come with me

what why?

all wolves go by the wolf code right


then if we mate you'll be mine and they won't beable to do anything to you

y-you would do that for me?

*i stopped and looked at him, my amber eyes burning. i looked right into his icey blue eyes

yes i would shiro. and now that were so close i'm not takeing no for an answer

*i grabbed his paw and walked him in the house

well who's the aggressive one here me or you!

*i walked him to the bed room and pushed him on the bed and started takeing my clothes off. my heart was pounding so fast and hard if i hummed you could hear it. i stopped when i realized what i was doing, my shirt was on the floor. what the hell am i doing? i looked at shiro he seemed as confused as i was, i sat on the bed next him. i felt well i didnt know how i felt.

whats wrong, why'd you stop?


*i looked at him and he was as red as i was. i didn't know what to say or do, but my body sorta knew. i was getting aroused.

what do you mean?

i mean you stopped for some reason, what is it?

well i, i stopped because you didn't say if you wanted to have sex with me or not. and i just started throwing myself at you, i feel so dumb.

well i thought you knew

what do you mean?

well i didn't say "no" at all this whole time right

*he was blushing but trying to act tough at the same time, it was cute. he pulled of his hoody and under shirt, his body was so muscular and fit.

what now, i um have never done this before

*he turned redder and he looked down at the bed, it was so fucking cute! he was thinking the same thing i was.

same here, i guess we could explore eachothers body's

*i blushed, he proly won't go for that what else could we do or what could i do to him?

that sounds good to me

w-what realy?

yeah why not

*he layed back on the bed, i could see a buldge in his pants. something tells me he's just as excited as i am. i crawled over to him and strattled him. he blushed, i guess he wasn't expecting me to do that. i touched his face with my paws, i felt the places where those guys punched him swelling. i ran my paws down to his chest and felt my way around his muscular fisique. i slid my paws through his silky chest fur, he flinched a little. i guess he got hit there too trying to help me. i got to his pants waist line, i looked at him. he nodded yes so i undid his pants. he sat up a little and pulled them and his boxers all the way down to his ankles. i blushed but couldn't stop looking. i guess his clan really is aggressive. i could see him getting a little excited, and i was too. i was so busy gawking at him tha i didn't notice him getting ready to pounce on me until it was too late.

gotcha! is it my turn now!


*i was so nervouse, i felt his warm paws feeling around my face. he took extra care around my cut, his touch was so gentle. he worked his way down to my chest, i wasn't as muscular as he was but i did have some muscle. he felt around my chest for a bit then worked his way down to my waist, i jumped a little. he leaned in close to my face

may i?

*i closed my eyes


*he licked my face and at the same time i felt his paw slide over the button, then the zipper. he was so fast, i know he didn't want to wait. i felt him tug on my boxers so i raised my hips up and they slid right off. i was completley nakid now. i was so nervouse and embarrassed, i opened my eyes to see shiro's face right infront of me. he was so handsome, and he was here with me. he was with me alone in my room, nakid. when i realized he was nakid and on top of me i couldn't control my erection. i came out of my sheath and poked shiro's tail hole. he gasped, and i looked away embarrassed.

s-sorry i couldn't control myself

why are you sorry!

because OHHHhh!!!

*before i could tell him why he had grabbed my dick and started pawing me off. i saw that he was already turned on so i grabbed his dick and did the same.


*i have him he's mine! i grabbed his legs and pulled him forward, i had no idea what i was doing but i just di it any way.

whoah what are you OHHhhh fuck!

*he was sitting on my chest, his dick in my mouth. i had know idea about what to do so i just did what i wanted to do to him from the beginning. i wrapped my tounge over under and around his hot dick. i wanted more of him so i pulled him closer, sucking more of him in.

OHHHhh shit!!

*his eyes started rolling back. i still wanted more of him, i pulled him as close as i could and swallowed the rest of him.

OHHHhhh gawd i-i aint gonna last much longer!

*i was sucking him so hard and so slow it was driveing him up a wall, my tounge was pawing him off while my mouth was sucking him off. he started bucking forward a little, i could taste his pre cum he was about to blow. he tried to look at me but his head kept bobbing back in throws of exctasy.

FUCK i'm gonna OHHhh holy fuck!!!!

*his dick exploaded with hot cum down my throught. it felt good i can't explain it. i slowly slid his dick out of my mouth watching his hips quiver as i did. he fell back on the bed panting. i sat up and crawled next to him

holy....... shit

*thats what he said between his panting

was i good enough for you?

*he looked at me with a smile on his face

let me show my appreciation!

*he pounced on me again, and i felt his paw grab my dick.

are you ready kuro!



*he had that little grin on his face, the same grin as the day i saw him. i felt the head of my dick touch his tail hole, i flinched little bit. then i felt my dick slowly enter into his body, it was incredible. i could feel the temperature of his body, i could feel his muscles contracting and relaxing as i slid further into him. the deeper i whent the warmer it got, it was like slowly walking into a hot tub. when shiro got to the base i closed my eyes. it was the best thing that i had ever felt then he whent up then down. it was like the whole thing started from the beginning again. my head rolled back and i let out a moan. this felt way beter than pawing off. shiro whent up and down again, it felt so good. the faster he whent the hotter it felt on the inside. shiro leaned in and licked my cheeck, then i kissed him and we made out. i could feel myself getting closer and i started thrusting, shiro timed it so he would come down when i thrusted up. it was fantastick. i moaned and shiro slammed his ass down hard on my dick and i erupted inside of him. i was panting alonside shiro.



kuro.... we're going ..to ...stay ....together ....after ..tonight ....right?

yes shiro why would i not want to i love you

because of my clan

i'm not scared of you shiro, you were so gental tonight. your not some brutish monster other clans make you out to be.

kuro.......i love you too

*he was almost about to cry. him and his clan always get treated badly because of some reputation back in the territory wars. it's so dumb.

shiro i will always be here for you too, i'm not ever gonna leave you. and no matter what anyone says my heart and trust are with you.

kuro i don't deserve you

yes you do, the world can be cruel but people you love can make it worth while

*shiro layed down next to me and we held eachother. i looked over at the clock and it was 3:15 in the morning, i pulled the covers over us and we fell alseep together. i awoke eight and a half hours later to edward screaming in excitement!

the end