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[Y] Wet Fur
This is my first story i have ever wrote so please don't be so hard on this little foxy
[Y] Wet Fur
Setting: Kero Kitty's Apartment

Characters: Phauxy Fox, And Kero Kitty

Knock, Knock, Knock! The fox anxiously beats on the purple door and waits for an answer.

Kero jumps up from the couch where he was sitting listening to his favorite cd. The feline quickly runs to the door, and opens it only to see a white furred fox anxiously standing there in a black tank top, pink fish nets and a black and pink mini skirt.

"KITTY!" The fox squeaks out; jumping in to the felines arms.
Kero, not expecting the fox to jump in his arms, losses his balance and starts stumbling back toward the brown leather couch. "Phauxy NO!" They flip over the couch, the fox landing on top. Their eyes meet, silence in the love filled air; both turning bright pink. The tip of the feline's ears even more than the fox's. The fox turns away and giggles slightly from he felling of the felines member rubbing against his paw. The feline grabs the fox's muzzle softly and turns him so they are both facing, and softly kisses him. In return to the kiss, Phauxy teases the feline by nibbling on his lower lip.

"Not now my love," Phauxy whispers as he stops the kiss. Kero looks away, embarrassed.

"Its ok, I just have many things I have to do: first of which, dinner."
Phauxy slowly climbs to his feet and fixes his pink and black mini, and walks over to the bright kitchen.

"So what do you feel like eating tonight my love?" the fox asks.

"I don't care, order some pizza or something." The feline, now upset and embarrassed, gets up and walks to the purple painted bath room to shower.

The fox then slowly follows the feline to the bath room, where he was already in the shower. Phauxy slowly and quietly opens the door trying not to alarm the showering kitty. He slowly takes his cloths off, tank top first, and softly pulls back the purple shower curtens and gets behind the feline, still unaware of the sneaky fox. As the fox goes to hug Kero from behind, the feline jumps from the touch of the fox's fur and slips, only to fall into the fox's arms

"W...What are you doing?!"

"Huh? Oh yea, I came to help the dirty kitty wash up."

"B..but I..." the felines words were muffled by the fox's maw, now softly kissing him. The feline closes his eyes and drops the soapy wash rag as he wraps his wet arms around the fox. They kiss for a couple more seconds until the fox stops him.

"Oh nothing love." then the fox pushes the feline against the back of the shower and gets on his knees as he starts to lick the feline's sheath. Kero murrs loudly as he feels his sheath getting harder. The fox looks up at the now brightly blushing feline and giggles.

"You ok love? He asks.

"Yea, it's just." He loses his words as he feels the fox takes his now hard member into his maw. The fox flinches at the feeling of the feline's spiny member. The feline's purr slowly turns to a quiet moan: his quiet moan then becomes a loud moan as he climbs closer and closer to his climax, and then lets out an intense moan as he sprays his warm, silky seed into the fox's maw. The fox looks up at the panting feline as he licks his seed from his whiskers.

"So, is my little kitty still seeing red?" Phauxy cutely asks as he stagers to his feet up to face the tired kitty.

Kero giggles at the cute face of the fox "how can I be mad at such a sexy fox as your self?" he smirks as he kisses the blushing fox.

They both climb out of the dripping shower and dry their wet fur.

"Well I am off to bed now my love. Are you going to follow?" the fox asks as he walks over to the freshly made bed and climbs under the warm, paw covered blankets.

"Yes Hun, I am on my way." the feline says as he dries his ears. Then walks over to the bed and slowly pulls back the covers and climbs next to the fox. Phauxy turns around to face the tired kitty.

"I love you Kero." the fox whispers as he gazes into the felines blue eyes.

Kero, not knowing what to say, kisses the shy fox.

"Heh, its hot in here isn't it." the fox says as he begins taking off his pink heart covered night cloths. "That's better" he says as he turns back to the feline who is now wondering why the fox took his cloths off seeing that it is quite cold.

"Better?" The feline asks with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Nope, but there is one thing you can do to help." The fox smirks at the feline cutely.

"Well, what would it take? Turing down the ac? Some warm milk? WHAT!? Kero yells at the quiet fox.

"Your cloths. Take them off. You never sleep like me. It's so conformable. Just do it for once. PLEASE! The fox yells. The feline sighs as he begins taking off his white shirt and blue boxer shorts. "Happy yet?" "FLASH!" The fox then puts the photo under his pillow and turns over to sleep. "Yes love I am. Thanks." The fox squeaks loudly and drifts off to sleep. The feline, still blinded by the flash, turns over and puts his arms around phauxy then quickly falls asleep, blushing and all