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[Y] Wet Fur
11 Votes
2 Favourites
Sexuality Gay
Submitted On Mar13/09
Hits 3327
This is my first story i have ever wrote so please don't be so hard on this little foxy
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[Y] Excerpt
Setting: Kero Kitty's Apartment

Characters: Phauxy Fox, And Kero Kitty

Knock, Knock, Knock! The fox anxiously beats on the purple door and waits for an answer.

Kero jumps up from the couch where he was sitting listening to his favorite cd. The feline quickly runs to the door, and opens it only to see a white furred fox anxiously standing there in a black tank top, pink fish nets and a black and pink mini skirt.

"KITTY!" The fox squeaks out; jumping in to the felines arms.
Kero, not expecting the fox to jump in his arms, losses his balance and starts stumbling back toward the brown leather couch. "Phauxy NO!" They flip over the couch, the fox landing on top. Their eyes meet, silence in the love filled air; both turning bright pink. The tip of the feline's ears even more than the fox's. The fox turns away and giggles slightly from he felling of the felines member rubbing against his paw. The feline grabs the fox's muzzle softly and t...
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[Blue_yiffM3 ]
nice work!pretty good fur ur furst story!:)
Me likes it too.really love this kind of stories.please write another one.
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