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[Y] Kristy's Life: Chapter One
Kristy's life is bland and boring, but she finds a way to spice up her routine and bring exitement back into her world.
[Y] Kristy's Life: Chapter One

Water thundered down the wide stream, the surface swirling and foaming. A dark figured moved below the white torrent, darting between the boulders and down the thunderous falls. A dam spanned the width of the river about a mile down, releasing jets of water through tubes and varying the river's speed. The water increased it's speed as the river inclined and the jets strengthened. The dark mass along under the water's surface. It quickly reached the dam, touched the hard stone and triggered an alert. Flashes of blue raced across the sky and the words "Simulation Ended" appeared in bold letters on the side of the dam. The world melted away to reveal metallic walls with windows scattering their sides. The dark figure, no longer eveloped in, was now in clear view of onlookers. It was a slender creature that appeared to be a hybrid between otter and a phoenix, female and about twenty five years of age. She sported a lean, thin body. Brown fur covered her back and tail, while her front and legs were a deep burgundy.

Speakers around the room clicked on and a harsh voice exclaimed, " That was your best time yet, Spots. The team will be very happy with that performance." Spots wasn't her real name, it was Kristy Phoet. Spots was merely a nickname she had aquired near the beginning of her scientific career that adressed her pattern of white spots on her left shoulder. She first adopted this nickname when she had been doing some testing on an African plain simulate. The system had been riddled with glitches whenever it ran the safari. While Kristy was running across the plain, a panel exploded beside her and severely burned her back and left arm. All of the fur from the bottom of her shoulderblades to the base of her neck and down her arm had been burnt off. She went to the doctor to have her burns treated, and discovered she had 3rd degree burns and spent three days in hospital. One of her co-workers drove her to the hospital and stayed with her for the three days that she was bed-ridden. When she was ready to go home, the doctor turned to her and waved her goodbye as he yelled," You should be more careful Spots!" Kristy's co-worker heard this, and being the big-mouth that she is, told the rest of her team. Kristy hoped it didn't catch on, but it quickly became a daily utterance at work.

Recent testing in the lab had been to recreate water's drag during simulations. Kristy had been timed during her runs throughout a few weeks as the team adjusted the drag, and the most recent run had been a perfect water simulate. The entire team congradulated each other, but Kristy was once again ignored. She had become accustomed to the team forgetting to give her credit when the team made a breakthrough, she was just a ginea pig to them after all.

When she arrived at home after that breakthrough of a day, she ordered some chow mein from a local asian restaurant that she liked, just as she did every Thursday night. Her entire life had become somewhat of a routine. Her work was the same thing over and over again. Either running through jungles, climbing mountains, or swimming through rivers. Her home life was the same. Nothing seemed to interest her anymore, so she just went with the flow of life, and she felt fine with it most of the time, but some things can only happen so often until you can't do them anymore.

The doorbell rang just as Kristy had wondered if her food was going to come at all. She opened the door and paid the delivery boy the due amount, due to the time she didn't feel he deserved a tip. Kristy gingerly stepped to the couch and snagged her foot on the rug, almost spilling her food all over the floor. She grabbed the remote and sat down to eat her food. She flipped through the channels one by one until she found the National Geographic channel. She had always liked the shows that had been broadcasted on this channel, mainly because her mother would sit down with her and watch it every day after she was diagnosed with cancer. Even though her mother had died, she stilled loved to watch the nature shows and remember the good times. The turn of the hour came and a documentary featuring the mating styles of animals came on the television, so Kristy saved her appetite and flipped the channel to the T.V. guide.

After she had finished her dinner, she found nothing else to watch and her mind was fixated on the mating show. The remote clicked and the T.V. flickered as she put the show back on. Strange new thoughts entered her mind and her body took over from there. Her arm, as if possessed, crept up from beside her and gently stroked her breasts, gliding over her nipples. Then her other arm released the remote and slid across her abs and under her waistband. the zipper flew open as her anticipation increased. The front of her pants now open, she slid them down the her ankles. Her hand brushed the front of her somewhat childish pink flower panties and and she noticed a wet patch covering her waiting slit. She had felt her pussy before while in the shower, but thought nothing of the strange feelings. Her thumbs pushed her panties down to meet her accordianed jeans. The fur around her pussy was slick from her flowing juices Her pussy lips reddened from the exitement as she seperated them with her fingers. She rubbed her clit with her thumb and moaned with pleasure. Her other hand gently massaged her breasts in time with her opposite hand. Small wimpers escaped from her mouth as she explored more of herself. She remembered images from the show and acted on her thoughts. She brought her finger to her mouth and moistened it, taking in the taste of her juices and becoming extremely anxious. She clenched her jaw and shoved her finger into her tight hole. She let out a loud gasp and oscillated her finger, bringing in in and out of her dripping pussy. Her speed increased and she added another finger, closing her eyes as she neared climax. She slammed her fingers against her g-spot and her body lifted from the couch and culvulsed with pleasure. Her first orgasm had left her exhausted and she fell asleep on the couch with the T.V. still on.

Her alarm rang throughout her apartment the next morning and awoke her from her slumber. Vivid memories from the previous night flooded into her mind when she noticed that she had fallen asleep on the couch. For the rest of the morning, during her shower, while eating and while packing her bag, all she could think of was the wonderful feeling or orgasm. She went off to work to do some experiments with aromas or something, but she wanted so much to feel orgasm again, and she was willing to do anything to get it.

 Written by Ph0enixInfern0

Kind of short, but it is my first story and i have little time to write. Chapter two will be coming quite soon. Would love some feedback to make further chapters even better.