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Bloody Memories: The Rise of Darkness
2 Votes 0 Favourites
Sexuality N/A
Submitted On Mar9/09 Hits 2143 Summary:
We take a step back only a few hours before Durok makes himself known to the police.
Officer Randal sat at the desk of the newly remodeled police station doing paper work. He hated paper work, but Randal guessed that keeping the streets just wasn't enough for the city. It's not like the city changed much when they took a criminal or two off the streets every few weeks, but they just got replaced by more criminals, pedofiles, serial killers, rapist, and the usual car-jacker. It seemed like the jail was just getting too full with so many crinimals. Randal sat at the computer filling out a form for the most recent tickets. His fur usually kept him to hot to work in the police department, but the recent air-conditioning made working there during normal hours very easy recently. Officer Harper, a badger, and the veteran of the whole department and full of hot air came up from behind Randal and spoke. "Hey, Randal did you see the game last night?" Randal looked up at Harper with bloodshot eyes from looking at the computer screen to long. "No, couldn't. The wife demanded ...
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