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[Y] Warrior's Tales: A new ally
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Submitted On May21/12
Hits 2493
Follow Mikey as he ventures out again and feel the emotion go through the camp as they hear the news. What has happened? Feel free to read and find out =).
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[Y] Excerpt
So, it's finally here, the second chapter of my series =). I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave a comment to tell me why you did or did not like it, it helps me a lot to shape the next part. Thanks =). 
I. New days, new adventures
He was walking along in the forest, his combat boots making the twigs crackle beneath his paws. His trusted weapons were right on his sides and back. A few drops of sweat rolled down his face and with swift motion of his paw, he wiped them away. “Ugh. Why does it have to be so fucking warm?” He wondered as he took out his bottle of water and took a swig, noticing it was almost empty. He frowned, knowing that he had to go look for new water somewhere, which meant the same as making a live target out of himself. Suddenly, his ears perked up, as they had picked up a feeble sound. Had he heard it wrong? No, there it was again, clearer now. It was the sound of water close by. He cautiously walked in the direction of the sound, getting louder and lo...
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