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[Y] Silence
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Submitted On May19/11
Hits 1721
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if i.... If i only said how much i really cared... but... since i didnt say anything at all... does that mean that I really didnt care at all? since i remained silent... during a time of emotion... does that mean that my emotions are weak? the countless times i held you in my arms... and the countless times you bared your soul to me.... does that mean that my soul is sealed? i never spoke... when spoken to... i never replied when asked a question of sinscerity... does that mean that i was never sincire... does that mean that i was never attentive... you put your feelings on the line... and in return... i was nothing more than a living metophorical teddy bear..... i was nothing more than an object used to comfort.... never able to speak.. eyes never showing anything more than emotionless stares... but even though i never said or showed it... does that mean that i truly didnt care? when a teddy bear is lost... a little girl will cry for it and mourn... but the bear never gave anything in return other than physi...
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