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[Y] Return to Monkey Island Chpt.1
Guybrush and friends return to Mêlée Island to find a problem. A very BIG problem.
[Y] Return to Monkey Island Chpt.1

Return to Monkey Island

Chapter One: Every Mêlée Has A Beginning


"Man oh MAN am I excited!" was heard from a more than cheery pirate, who went by the name of Guybrush Threepwood. Now HE was a greatly special person, as he single-handedly with a little help destroyed the evil pirate LeChuck 5 times - On Mêlée Island where he sprayed LeChuck's ghost with voodoo root beer, on LeChuck's ship at Plunder Island bay, when he destroyed his zombie form after Guybrush knocked a cannon backwards and making him drop the voodoo cannonball, killing LeChuck AND sinking the ship. Then again at Monkey Island, when he trapped him under the roller coaster at Big Whoop, one more time when he defeated him in Monkey Kombat after LeChuck destroyed himself (and the ratty Australian, Ozzie Mandrill.)


And then a final time between LeChuck's ship and The Crossroads, where Guybrush trapped him inbetween worlds, so Morgan LeFlay and Elaine could both stab him. LeChuck was obliterated. For a fact, he was horrendous, and despite all the toil, Guybrush made it back every time.

"Calm down, sir. You've been there a lot of times." exclaimed Reginald Van Winslow, previous owner of Guybrush's ship named The Screaming Narwhal, and now Guybrush's navigator. Winslow was a sort of portly man, smaller than Guybrush, who had a green jacket on and a brown hat."Not really that much to be excited about, if you ask me." Guybrush grunted.

"Well Winslow, I used to govern Mêlée Island with Guybrush, so we both agree it's a good place." Elaine hollers over to Guybrush. Elaine was Guybrush's wife, who has helped him through many adventures. LeChuck kept trying to marry her, probably to gain the ability to govern over most of the Tri-Island Area, or in Guybrush's words, "because he's a big smelly doody head". But she was Guybrush's. Which made LeChuck want to brutally kill him even more!

"Aw dude, have some enthusiasm! It's Mêlée Island! We all love the place, you'll love it yourself, just wait and see when we're there." Guybrush chuckles over to a ranting Winslow. Guybrush knew the Tri-Island area well, but he didn't really want to go back to the Gulf of Melange after he went through hell there, such as sexually ambiguous merpeople constantly coming on to him, and that weird French clown doctor, the Marquis De Singe, who got shredded into a thousand pieces by the Vaycaylian Wind Control Device on Flotsam Island. Guybrush also hates the place because he died there (but came back to life somehow.)

An island appeared in the distance, which made them all start talking about the island. Sure enough, it was their favorite island in the Tri-Island area... Mêlée Island! Winslow docked the Screaming Narwhal in bay, then they all got out and saw a sight that surely wasn't pretty. There was smoke around, a ghastly green smoke.

"Wait... Green smoke? You don't suppose..." Elaine starts.

"...that could be LeChuck's remains...?" Guybrush finishes off for Elaine, as they looked at the mysterious chaser in front of them. All the smoke clouds came towards the gang, and formed into one, and the shape morphed back and forth between different shapes, until it finally took the form of a pirate-looking one. This looked a LOT like LeChuck, as the pieces started to colourize...

"Guybrush, we can't have LeChuck destroying the whole Tri-Island area! You've got to stop him before he materializes!" Elaine shouts to Guybrush, who gets out the Cutlass of Kaflu that he kept after the heavyweight battle with LeChuck.

"This is for destroying me that time on Flotsam!" Guybrush yelled at the top of his voice, angrily plunging the blade deep into LeChuck, sending his essence in two directions, before colourizing. "Uh oh... Was that supposed to happen?" Guybrush asked, as a demonic looking LeChuck with a flaming beard appeared. THE LeChuck had returned from the ashes after being obliterated once and for all! Another LeChuck, a more human-looking one, got sent backwards near Elaine and Winslow. The human LeChuck grimaced at the evil one, before shooing Evil LeChuck out, suprisingly working.

"Are you three alright?" the human LeChuck asked the three who were in shock of what just happened. Guybrush shook his head, followed by Winslow, followed by Elaine. "Huh... Well I shooed away LeChuck... That bastard half of me was making me do all those bad things, so I pledge to help you and rid the world of that damn evil zombie demon. To get us not confused, just call me Chuck." he reassured the three.

"Okay Chuck, I believe you because honestly, when LeChuck gets split into two beings, I really have no idea what to do." Guybrush chuckled. Elaine and Winslow nodded in agreement to Chuck and Guybrush, sealing the barrier. But now of course, the four had to get out there and defeat LeChuck himself. "We're gonna need some plans. He could make a new stronghold on Monkey Island, which means we'd have to... Return to Monkey Island!" the blue-coated buccaneer smirked with pride without a single care.

"This means we'll have to plan our trip. How did you get to Monkey Island in the first place, Chuck?" Elaine asked.

"I got there by ship, so I know how to get there now. This should be easy to do!" Chuck laughed. Of course, none of them knew the adventure was going to be greater than any of them thought it would be.