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[Y] Return to Monkey Island Chpt.1
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Submitted On Mar7/11
Hits 1448
Guybrush and friends return to Mêlée Island to find a problem. A very BIG problem.
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Return to Monkey Island

Chapter One: Every Mêlée Has A Beginning


"Man oh MAN am I excited!" was heard from a more than cheery pirate, who went by the name of Guybrush Threepwood. Now HE was a greatly special person, as he single-handedly with a little help destroyed the evil pirate LeChuck 5 times - On Mêlée Island where he sprayed LeChuck's ghost with voodoo root beer, on LeChuck's ship at Plunder Island bay, when he destroyed his zombie form after Guybrush knocked a cannon backwards and making him drop the voodoo cannonball, killing LeChuck AND sinking the ship. Then again at Monkey Island, when he trapped him under the roller coaster at Big Whoop, one more time when he defeated him in Monkey Kombat after LeChuck destroyed himself (and the ratty Australian, Ozzie Mandrill.)


And then a final time between LeChuck's ship and The Crossroads, where Guybrush trapped him inbetween worlds, so Morgan LeFlay and Elaine could both stab him. LeChuck wa...
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