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[Y] Return to Monkey Island Chpt. 2
With the new addition of Chuck to their party, the gang of four head to Janai Island to search for the Voodoo Lady.
[Y] Return to Monkey Island Chpt. 2

Return to Monkey Island

Chapter Two: Janai-Size Ordeal

"Guybrush! Who knew you had such a wonderful ship?" exclaimed Chuck, as he was walking around the deck of The Screaming Narwhal, somehow easily impressed. The ship drew closer to Monkey Island with every coming minute, they knew they'd reach the accursed Monkey Island - the same place where LeChuck's ship used to be docked, where Big Whoop used to be, and what used to be home to the Monkey Island cannibals. And of course, the infamous giant monkey head.

"Well it's not really much, it's just a ship..." Guybrush chuckles, looking down at the dumbfounded pirate below him on the deck. Guybrush turned around, next thing he knew, there was a remote island in the distance. A remote island... Monkey Island! Everyone gasped in excitement, as Winslow took the ship over to the seas near Monkey Island... Nearly there...

...WHACK! The ship smacked into a sudden barrier and was turned around and sent back to the bay of Mêlée Island faster than you can say "What the hell just happened?". Everyone had a freakout, even Winslow took out a paper bag to barf into, as they stepped off panicking.

"What on earth just happened? The ship was nearing Monkey Island but it turned straight around and sent us hurdling back to Mêlée Island! Wait... Perhaps LeChuck has something to do with this. I wonder if possibly the Voodoo Lady could help us..." Chuck wonders.

"Didn't she escape somewhere from Flotsam Island? I haven't a clue where she is now!" Guybrush starts worrying, causing the others to start thinking of where the Voodoo Lady could be, maybe taking in the fact that the Voodoo Lady usually goes on the same islands Guybrush is on, so perhaps she somehow got back to Mêlée Island to resume her duties. Either way, the gang knew they would have to go and find her, and Guybrush remembered exactly where the Voodoo Lady's old building was.

"We'd better set sail then, right?" Elaine asks the others, to get a prompt nod. They head off to the town, near where that arch was, and the place that the infamous rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle gag was founded all those years ago, when Guybrush was a wannabe pirate. They walked into the Voodoo Lady's office, and just to piss them all off, the Voodoo Lady wasn't there. I mean what the hell, she always follows Guybrush and this is her first canon office, so where could she be?

"Huh, she isn't here. Maybe we could try asking the men of low moral fiber? They got back from Scabb Island after giving up finding the glass-bottomed boat." Guybrush responded to the Voodoo Lady not being there. A mental light bulb appeared above his head. And a physical one, as the office lights switched on coincidentally. They walked out and sure enough, the pirates of low moral fiber were there in their former glory, IN STUNNING 3-D!

"Excuse me men, would you happen to know where the Voodoo Lady is?" Elaine asked them, really not expecting to get an answer as they were a bit on the dumb side.

"Hm, I think we last saw her moving to Janal Island. Do you need directions to get there? Because we know how to get to Janai Island, man. It's EASY, MAN!" they chuckled to the four pirates standing in front of them. Chuck, Elaine, Guybrush and Winslow all sweatdropped at them being so cheery about giving the answer. "Just follow this map Guybrush, it will lead you straight to Janai." one of them says to Guybrush, who's surprised that they knew not only where the Voodoo Lady was, but also how to get to her. Elaine cleared her throat to get the others attention.

"Oh yeah, let's go guys. Off to Janai!" Guybrush calls, as the four return to The Screaming Narwhal to set off for Janai Island, which they had never been to before. The journey had officially begun.

Meanwhile, back at Monkey Island...

"Imbeciles! Where is Guybrush Threepwood? I will make him PAY for destroying me inbetween worlds that time in the Gulf of Melange!" yells the demon himself, Captain LeChuck of the undead army. He looks around to the undead crew behind him, with an angry-looking face showing that this time, LeChuck meant more business than he did ever before. Forget Mêlée Island, forget Big Whoop, forget The Crossroads, this was his angriest.

"We can't find him, LeChuck sir. We've looked all over Mêlée Island, and they're not there, sir!" one of the ghost pirates says to the demon pirate. "We've looked on every known island to us! But we'll keep looking. Where do we search next?" he asks.

"Yarr! How am I supposed to know? Search EVERY island in the Caribbean if you have to! Just bring me Guybrush Threepwood!" LeChuck shouts at his crew, prompting them to salute and run off to continue their search. "I'm going to find that idiot eventually... Once that fool is gone, I will have revenge and Elaine will be mine! But I have to make sure that stupid copy of me doesn't help those fools and find me...

Back with our heroes...

"Man, we've come into such a horrible predicament! We have to go to an island we've never even set FOOT on before just to find the Voodoo Lady!" Guybrush sighs. "But I guess it's so that LeChuck can finally be destroyed. For GOOD, this time."

"Well Guybrush, we need to find her so we can get a way to destroy the barrier over Monkey Island..." Chuck points out. "LeChuck isn't just going to kill himself. It's odd that this isn't just a story in the imagination of a person.


(Sorry Axel...)

As an island appeared in the distance, everyone made a loud sigh of relief, as Guybrush chuckled and drew closer to it, over to the dock where the place was better looking than they had expected. It seems they had finally found Janai Island...