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[Y] Return to Monkey Island Chpt. 2
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Submitted On Mar9/11
Hits 1465
With the new addition of Chuck to their party, the gang of four head to Janai Island to search for the Voodoo Lady.
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Return to Monkey Island

Chapter Two: Janai-Size Ordeal

"Guybrush! Who knew you had such a wonderful ship?" exclaimed Chuck, as he was walking around the deck of The Screaming Narwhal, somehow easily impressed. The ship drew closer to Monkey Island with every coming minute, they knew they'd reach the accursed Monkey Island - the same place where LeChuck's ship used to be docked, where Big Whoop used to be, and what used to be home to the Monkey Island cannibals. And of course, the infamous giant monkey head.

"Well it's not really much, it's just a ship..." Guybrush chuckles, looking down at the dumbfounded pirate below him on the deck. Guybrush turned around, next thing he knew, there was a remote island in the distance. A remote island... Monkey Island! Everyone gasped in excitement, as Winslow took the ship over to the seas near Monkey Island... Nearly there...

...WHACK! The ship smacked into a sudden barrier and was turned around and sent back to the bay of Mêl...
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Nice one, bro!
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