Ontaris rebirth

By: zenkitamura
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Part 1: The Death of A Fox.
I hit the wall with a loud thud, crying out silently as the air was blasted from my lungs. I could hear several of the bricks cracking, though that didnt surprise me. These ruins were old, and everything seemed to be rotting, including this beast that I was fighting. I knew i wouldn't live through this, because I had just heard my back break, right above my twin tails, which now lay limp. I could still move my arms, but what use was that? I wasnt a mage, and my sword was sticking from the forehead of my enemy. The huge serpent, easily 80 feet long, and nearly as thick around as a fridge, slithered closer, tongue darting out of its mouth to taste the air. The snake was missing scales, and beneath that, clearly visible beneath the layer of remaining still hard scales its rotting flesh could be seen, its horrid stench filling the air and burning my nose. Along its length, at regular intervals, what appeared to be the remains of fleshy fins could be seen, a testimony to its previously aquatic heritage. I groaned loudly as soon as I could take a breath, smelling my own blood mixed in with the creatures rotting scent, and looked down to see the fur of my chest matted with blood, its previously luscious white fur now stained red, like a rose... Though I knew that, to the leviathan of a snake, that it looked more like the red of an apple, or a chunk of meat, which I was about to become.

The snake had eaten the rest of my squad, one by one.... Had swallowed them whole, sending them screaming and kicking down its gullet. I knew I was next, and cursed the day I had ever talked to that priestess.... She had seemed normal enough, crying and begging for my squads help to clear out her temple. What she hadnt informed me of, though, was the god she worshipped... Or that he was locked in the main room, away from all sources of food over the last 2 years! She had intended for her 'saviors' to also be her gods first meal in a very long time. I growled weakly at the creature as it coiled around me in a broad circle after dragging me away from the wall with its fangless maw, tongue playing over my feet, slicking them with its saliva. I submitted to its will, for now...

After a moment I saw the bulges in its gut, feint as they were, stop squirming, a sure sign that nothing could save my friends now. I growled up at it, staring it in the eye for a few seconds before its head darted forward, taking my head and shoulders into its maw, not bothering to strip away my armor... Or the blue crystal orb dangling from my neck by a silver chain. I squirmed as hard as I could, being a paraplegic now, which only made the snake clamp a bit tighter with its maw before swallowing, a powerful contraction of its throat muscles that pulled me deeper into its steaming, wet gullet. I saw my chance, and forced my hands down its throat, the swallowing helping the motion, my hands coming to a rest pinned against my chest now. I cursed loudly into its throat-flesh. my hands were only an inch away from the pendant, and i was running out of breath!

Just as I was starting to see stars, the beast gulped again, and I snapped back to reality, wrapping my hands around the now glowing crystal as my feet disappeared into its maw, which it promptly closed, using its thick tongue against my feet to push me deeper, still not realizing its doom, even though my body was growing hotter within it.

I screamed, exhaling the last of my breath in a warcry as I realeased the power pent up in the crystal orb, my last resort, in a suicide attack. My body exploded, my mind ripping apart and sending my consciousness into a void as shards of my armor pierced the snakes skull from behind, and it was decapitated by a growing ball of roiling flames that quickly consumed its entire length. The sphere of flame kept growing and growing, until the entire temple was engulfed, sent to the same pit of hell where I assumed I had gone.
Part 2: Life In The Void

An endless void, floating, spinning, twirling in darkness and silence. I didn't know where I was, or that I was even a person. I didnt even know I 'was'. I didn't realize I had an existence. I was a mindless blob, little more than a pair of eyes. I had no idea how bleak this place was, or how the void crushed and abused my destroyed body as it was stitched back together with magic. I didnt know when my soul was shoved into my crystalline pendant, or when the spells of immortality were thrust upon me. I only had a feint inkling when someone was holding the pendant, a tugging on my ephemeral form towards a point very far away from where I was in the darkness.

Suddenly, I could FEEL, I could breathe. I was aware of the bleakness of my existence, and I became depressed. Was this all there was to the afterlife? After a few years, or what felt like years to me in this darkness, I became aware of a sound. It was akin to a breathy growl, a sound from far away, very faint. I twisted and turned, working my muscles absently, more out of reflex than any actual need or desire. It was simply something to do, just like jerking myself off, or pinching myself to make sure I was still alive. As time passed, the sound grew louder, a constant, even hum, a soft drone that grew increasingly stronger. As time passed without any way to measure it, I went insane. I thought I saw things in the darkness, but that was impossible. It was pitch black where I was, wherever that was, which meant I couldn't really see.

Eventually I grew bored with insanity, with the constant fear looming over me, even though I knew i was alone. It was a slow process, returning to sanity, but as I did, I noticed something. All around me a soft blue glow filled the air, illuminating nothing except me. I had been in this void so long my mind was empty of all my memories, all I could remember was my name. I opened my mouth at the appearance of my body, knowing something was strange, but not knowing what it was.

Suddenly, I was ripped from my stationary location, pulled toward a rapidly growing indigo light, a feeling of euphoria washing over my white furred body, which was becoming more and more sore as i was yanked toward the light. The action seemed to take years, but deep in my mind, i realized the action only took a few seconds. I was thrown onto a cold floor, a material I had never felt before. It smelled like cheap toys from the fairs, and looked like wood as my vision slowly cleared, and was cold to the touch.
Part 3: A Second Chance

I coughed from the dusty air entering my lungs, and sat up, my eyes watering from the exceedingly bright light of the 40 watt bulb. It wasn't very bright in reality, but I had been soaked in darkness for over 1000 years. I stood up, clutching my chest as my lungs fought to process the stale air, and stumbled from the abandoned home, not noticing that I was nude, save for the crystal orb hanging from my wrist by a silver chain. I heard some sirens in the distance, police sirens as I know now, but back then, I had no clue. I thought they were some great beast, and ran, paws silently connecting with the grass as I darted into the trees behind the old farmhouse.

I ran for hours on end, the now filthy air of this era polluting my lungs and making me feel dizzy. Around 8 that night, as the sun was setting, i collapsed outside another farmhouse, wheezing and clawing at my chest. Why was it so hard top breathe?! It felt like I was breathing in smoke, though that feeling was less than when I had woke up in that building. I passed out from a mix of exhaustion, fear, and inability to breathe.

After a few days of home remedies from the owners of the farmhouse I had collapsed outside of I woke up, groaning softly in pain. I saw the somewhat scared face of the farmers wife, a human woman, and rather beautiful at that, though sex was not the first thing on my mind after what I had seen and heard the other day. I spoke softly, trying not to scare her further, and asked where I was, blinking in confussion when she responded "Just outside of houston"

We talked for several hours, exchanging information about our lives, me telling her some of my history in the void, just about all I could remember, except my death, and her informing me of the era I was in. With every new piece of information, I just grew more and more amazed. I knew I had been gone a long time, but this... This was amazing! This earth, in this era, was amazing, truly. Things she complained about, like this thing she called 'healthcare', was simply astounding to me. Our conversation didn't stop until she told me something she said something that truly made me stare at her "W... We haven't seen anything like you before...."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I took a sip from the drink she had brought me, called 'coffee'. I grimaced at the taste, but still drank, not wanting to be rude to the woman who had been taking care of me since I had passed out in front of her home. It was incredibly bitter, but filled me with energy. I watched her curiously with my emerald green eyes as she sighed, then looked right back at me

"I mean... There aren't any people like you... I've seen fox-people, and cat-people, but... You're different... The only thing I could even compare you to are kitsunes, but.. They don't exist...." She blushed and looked away, having had more than a few inappropriate thoughts about me since she had found me on her porch, as I would later find out. Just then, her husband walked in, a tall bear of a wolf, his massive size intimidating even to me, a warrior in my own rights. He saw the familiar way she was talking with me, and growled lowly at me out of instinct before stopping himself with a weak, apologetic smile as his wife clears her throat "S.. Sorry dear.." He said as he took off his dirt-stained denim jacket and tossed it out onto the porch so he wouldn't ruin the carpet, then stepped inside and pressed two huge fingers to my neck, making me freeze in fear until I realized he was just checking my pulse like his wife had when I woke up. We kicked up a conversation for a while, the three of us, and eventually they said something that made me smile. They offered to let me stay until I got on my feet in this era. I knew I would take them up on that offer just as soon as they offered it, and said yes.
Part 4: The Farmers Daughter

Iwas out in the field, practicing with a blade, solid steel, that I had ordered off the 'internet', a mervelous thing involving 'computers'. I had been with this family for about 7 years now, helping to raise their daughter, a halfbreed wolfgirl. I would be amiss to say she hadn't turned into a gorgeous woman, just like her mother. And sadly, she had tricked me one night after I had gotten drunk when she was 15, about 3 years ago that coming week. She had pestered me until I had promised to take her virginity on her 18th birthday. Neither of us had told her father, but her mother knew, and she was VERY upset, but knew that once her daughter was 18, she couldn't really stop her.

I could feel her eyes darting over my bare chest as I danced with enemies that didn't exist, blade darting through the air gracefully as I ran through the motions of my fighting style, lithe muscles rippling beneath my fur as I panted softly. I danced and twirled with my blade in a lethal dance, the air itself seeming to part for me, allowing me to move more smoothly. I spun and weaved, stabbing at imaginary enemies and slicing out throats with practiced ease, delving deeper into the combat fantasy as i sliced, dodged, blocked, and rolled, unwittingly putting on a show for Arianna, the farmers daughter.

My shorts were damp with sweat by the time i stopped , the only piece of cloth I was wearing at the time. I blushed beneath my fur, not visible, thankfully, from the distance she was at right now. She had turned 18 just this morning, and I was trying to put off the little tryst she had planned until that night, but she wasn't going to have it, I knew. I walked back to the main house and got myself some water before I dropped the blade amongst my other things in my little handmade shack beside the house, and walked over to her, looking briefly over her body.

She was gorgeous, just like her mother. She was a bit short, only 5'4", easily dwarfed by my solid 6', and her skin was slightly tanned, a lovely color that went well with her brown tail- and ear-fur. her dark blue eyes held my attention for a moment, and she smiled innocently at me. My eyes worked lower over her body, and I blushed as I saw she was wearing only her bra and a pair of daisy dukes. She was clearly teasing me, and by the gods, it was working! her C-cups were barely held in check by the lacy bra, and I could see her nipples through the fabric. Her daisy dukes hugged her cute rump tightly, leaving little to the imagination as her tail swayed teasingly. as I examined her body, I could smell her own arousal mixed with my own growing musk made my shorts tent as the tip of my cock peeked out. She reached down and gripped my crotch gently, making me whine gently with desire as her thumb rubbed over the sensitive tip of my cock gently, making my knees shake as she giggled "Is this puppy ready to play?" I nodded before she released me, and walked away, towards the barn. I followed after her like the horny fox I was, tongue lolled out of my mouth as my trio of fluffy white tails swayed.
Part Finale: A Romp In The Hay

I knew what I was doing would make it to where I wouldn't be able to stay on this farm anymore, but I really had trouble staying focused on the negative at this point as I watched her strip out of those tiny denim shorts, revealing her pantiless ass to me, making me whine a bit louder with lust and desire. I hadn't had a mate, as far back as I could remember (Which was only about 7 years), which left me to believe I was a virgin. As I stared, Arianna did something that didn't help my lust at all. She started to dance, her hips swaying slowly, in time with her tail as she gently pressed her sexy body against mine. Most people nowadays would have called it a striptease, but I called it what it was to me: An invitation to mate. With a low, predatory growl, I took the evening into my own hands, stepping forward and stopping her dance as I hugged her from behind, gently grinding my still clothed crotch against her bare ass, shivering slightly as her tail wrapped partway around my torso, her fluffy fur stroking and rubbing against my own, tickling my back and side in one of the most pleasant ways. I heard her yip in pleased surprise as I grabbed her, and squeal in happy shock as I groped both her bare breasts gently, the velvety fur of my palms rubbing softly against her pink nipples.

My teasing made her squirm, panting and moaning at my touch like she was in her very first heat again, and begging for my touch after I had locked her in her room under her fathers instruction. It made me pant as well, still grinding against her slowly as I groaned, my shorts becoming stained with pre as my cock grew. Finally, after several minutes of teasing her breasts and drowning in her delicious scent, I couldn't stop myself, and reached down with one hand, pulling my shorts down to free my rapidly growing shaft as my other hand darted its way between her legs, two furred fingers teasing her nether lips gently, stroking over them slowly and making her knees shake gently before I pulled my now free hand up to hug her again, gently kneading her breast as she leaned back against me, moaning as she hugged the arm that was attached to the hand that now played between her legs.

I finally sat down, pulling her into my lap and letting my full 11 inches of throbbing vulpine cock poke up between her legs as I pulled my left hand, the one that had been playing with her virgin pussy, up to my muzzle, sniffing the wet fingers deeply before giving them a long lick, enjoying the sweet taste of her juices, my cock jumping between her thighs from the primal rush of arousal the scent and taste sent through me. She wasted no time in grabbing my shaft firmly in both hands after it jumped, drawing her attention dowards. She giggled happily and dazedly with lust as her tight grip made me forget the fluids drenching my fingers, and drop them to the dirt floor of the barn, digging my claws into the dirt as my pent up need revealed itself, my overly full testicles tensing up as they launched a thick spurt of pre onto her hands, which only made her giggle again, using the slick fluid to lube up my shaft as she stroked, one hand moving down to trace the veins on my knot as her other hand kept stroking my thick shaft.

She yipped loudly as, after only a few strokes, I blew my load onto her belly and chest, making her turn her head and glare at me. "Is that all boys are capable of?" She asked as she kneaded my swollen knot, ensuring I would stay hard as she milked the last of my load free of my shaft, then started to wipe my gooey seed from her skin, not brave enough to take a taste yet.

I growled loudly at her, planting a deep kiss onto her lips, one hand gripping the back of her head and holding her in place as her eyes went wide, and she tried to pull away out of surprise, soon enough relaxing and returning the kiss just as deeply, blushing hard. When I finally pulled away, she was panting again, her tail lifting as it swayed. "No, it's not... I just... As far as I know, I'm a virgin...." I said before pushing her gently off my lap before I moved onto the hay and layed down. I gently patted my chest, remembering some of the 'porn' I had watched on the internet, recalling a certain position... I had to admit, I was curious as to what it felt like. "I have an idea..." I said as I saw her dejected expression from having pushed her off of my lap "Do you know what a '69' is?" I smiled as her eyes lit up, and she crawled over, straddling my chest before gripping the base of my still throbbing shaft, gently kneading it as she leaned down, taking a slow, cautious lick, then murring from the musky taste.

A chuckle nearly burst from my lips at the look on her face, and I rested my velvety-furred hands on her hips, pulling her back a little before taking a small sniff of her still wet pussy. The scent was pleasantly thick and intoxicating, a low growl escaping my lips as I let my strong, slightly bumpy tongue dart out and drag gently over her cutely twitching pussy lips, making her squeak gently before she redoubled her efforts, licking my sensitive tip faster and harder, both hands teasing and squeezing my knot , making me groan against her puss.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, lost in a haze of pleasure, just licking and pleasuring each other, orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm. Even when I couldnt get hard after blowing a load into her mouth, I kept licking her lower lips until, with a final orgasmic cry from Arianna, we collapsed, panting heavily as she slowly turned around, straddling my crotch as she looked down at me, her blue eyes meeting mine, as she moved her hips against me, my tip rubbing against her lips as she held my cock in line with one hand, the other pressed against my chest to hold her up. She weaited until I nodded, then, surprisingly, dropped down forcefully with a scream of mixed pleasure and pain as she took every inch of my cock, excluding the knot, into her tight, hot, wet walls in a single go. I could feel the blood of her torn maiden-hood roll down my shaft, and instead of letting her ride me, like I had originally planned, I pulled her to my chest, hugging and kissing her passionately as I rolled over, laying on top of her as I held my cock as still as possible, this time waiting for her permission to go.

As soon as she nodded, I pulled out slowly, until just the tip was in, then rammed forward hard, spreading her wide again and making her scream my name in primal passion. I repeated the motion, over and over, growling loudly in a primal lust, my hips jackhammering against hers, my balls slapping against her ass loudly, the moans, slapping, growling, grunting, and squishing sounds of our sex fusing into that wonderfully sexual music as we went, rolling about in the hay as our bodies rubbed together, kissing each other deeply. After what seemed like another few hours of continuos sex I pinned her again, making her growl up at me in protest between moans, and started thrusting deeply. I pressed my palms into the hay beside her chest as I thrusted, holding my chest above hers as my slowly swelling knot spread her lips a bit with each deep and powerful thrust, pushing against her clit. After a few more thrusts, and with a loud primal howl, I thrust against her harder than ever before, making her gasp loudly as my knot entered her, and then swelled even further, tying us together as I came, still thrusting and wedging my knot deeper.

In the back of my lust-misted mind, I registered her scream of orgasm as her womb was filled, and I collapsed on top of her, out sweaty bodies covered with pieces of hay as I kissed her, the scent of sex thick in the air. I couldn't believe the apparent cliche I had lived out. I had fucked the farmers daughter... In all the movies and shows I had watched, this never blew over well, but....

I looked down at the gorgeous lady beneath me for a moment before kissing her deeply again. I knew I would get in trouble for this, and would probably get thrown out, but i would spend every single moment until her father found out making Arianna moan and scream in pleasure. I didn't know when he would find out, or if he would bring out his 'shotgun' when he found out... I really didn't care, as long as when I left, I took this girl with me.
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