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[Y] First Time
From the characters of my story Sydney and me here is the story of their first time. Please enjoy and comment please also read sydney and me if you want a good romance story
[Y] First Time

First Time
By: Micka

This story involves adult content and should not be viewed be viewed by minors under the age of 18. This story is a fury for your reminder which involves relations by to animal character's in the place of humans. Thank you for reading!!

"Are you sure that you are okay with this?" I asked Sydney as I was taking off my shirt revealing my abs.
"Of course I am. I trust you and I love you with all of my heart." Sydney said as she stared into my eyes.
"I love you too Sydney, but is this the right time?"
Sydney licked my muzzle. "I think it is Micka. Do you?"
"As long as you do Sydney." I said.
"But before we start Micka I need to say something. This is my first time so I don't know what to do."
"Sydney don't worry about it. It's not weather you do it by the text book type of right. All that matters is that you think it feels right." I said.
"Well. Shall we begin." Sydney said with a playful growl. I nodded. I bent down and stated to kiss Sydney's lips. I could taste her lip stick as i did so. That kiss turned slowly into a passionate open mouth kiss. The feeling of her slender tongue against mine was incredible. I then stopped the kiss and started to kiss her neck. I started on the right side of her neck and moved on to the left side. I kissed and sucked on her white fur so lovingly. So tenderly.
"Oh, Micka...I love you." Sydney moaned. "Mmm." Sydney started to breath heavily. A panting type of breathing. I also noticed that her tail started to wag a little bit. I smiled
"Someones happy. Aren't we?"
"Yeah." Sydney said blushing. "I'm always feel happy when I am with you Micka. You make me feel special Micka." I kissed her lips again and moved down her body towards her chest. I kissed her chest for a little while. Moving wit hr deep breaths. I then lifted my head from her chest and started to un-button her polo. The buttons came undone with a pop. Once the shirt was un-buttoned I lifted her shirt over her head revealing her violet lacy bra. I then reached back behind her back while kissing her and started to un-latch her bra. "Do you think you can manage this time." Sydney said with a giggle. I just chuckled. Once I un-latched her bra i started to take it off her body. This revealed her nice breast. Not to big and not to small. I started to kiss her chest again. I moved over to her left breast. I started to lick her breast. She moaned again. I licked up her breast up to her nipple that was now hard and sticking up into the world. I put my full muzzle around her breast and moved my tongue around her nipple. This made both of us horny. I picked up my head and looked at her face. I love you i mouthed. I love you to she mouthed back to me with her eyes full of love and pleasure. I then continued to kiss her chest and moved down her perfect curved stomach. I kissed her abdomen and went lower. I took her jeans in my mouth and tugged playfully on them with a growl. She growled back. I brought my hands from her legs to un-button her pants when my hand were smacked away.
"Nope." Sydney said wagging her finger at me. "You can't use your hands."
I smiled and nodded. I lowered my head back down and started to un-button her pants. I put my bottom teeth under the button of her pants and my top teeth on her pats. With a twist of my head her pants were un-buttoned. I then grabbed the zipper with my teeth and pulled it down her waist. With a jolt the zipper was at the end of it's track. Sydney clapped her hands.
"Good job my wonderful boy." Sydney said with a smile. "Now continue your job my little slave."
"I love you Sydney." I said. I stared at her then lowered my head and continued my quest. "Your majesty can i use my hands to take off your jeans please. I need to." Sydney nodded. I then grabbed her pants with my hands. then i pulled her pants down to her ankles and then took them off. I then looked back up to her waist and i saw her pretty pink thong. "Oh nice. You look great right now Sydney. You know the only thing that i can think of is that Nickelback song. You know the song that goes like. "The pretty little girl with the pretty pink thong, had a sugar daddy hitting on her all night long."" Sydney giggled. I then moved up to her waist again and put my face on her crotch. I could smell the aroma coming from her muff. It was the best thing that i have ever smelt. I just wanted to lick it and never stop. I could only imagine what her sweet little muff must taste like but i couldn't wait. I started to lightly bite through her thong to her muff. It was so nice. I started to drool. I just started too bite on her muff. Sydney moaned. "I'm glad you like it Sydney."
"Of course i like it Micka. I mean Dr. Love." I smiled and continued my journey. I grabbed Sydney's underwear and pulled it down to her ankles and off her body. Now Sydney's body lay there naked on my bed. I bent back down to her muff and just stared. I started to lick the out side of her muffs lips. Sydney just kept moaning. I lightly licked her muff. Sydney shuttered. I then pressed my tongue into her muff. Sydney squirmed. I then moved my tongue inside her muff. I kept doing so.
"Oh Micka don't stop. It feels so good. Mmm." Sydney just moaned in so much pleasure. "Micka please. stop real quick. "
"Yes Sydney? Did i do something that you didn't like?" I asked nervously.
"No..No Micka please. You didn't do anything wrong. I just want... I want to feel you inside of me. It's time." Sydney said happily.
I wagged my tail. "Really Sydney?"
"Yes Micka theres nothing that i would want more that to be that close to you." Sydney said with passion.
"But, Sydney I thought that you wanted to take things slow. Besides i thought that this was the way that we would start making love. Start licking and kissing you then we would go from there."
"Oh, Micka, Micka, Micka. I thought that you and I agreed that we would do things our way and not by the book. Didn't we?"
"Well yeah but..." I muttered.
"Micka shush." Sydney but a finger over her lips. "I want you inside me now. Now take off those pants." Sydney said in a playful type of serious tone. "Please hun lets make it special."
"Okay Sydney." I complied and reach down to take off my pants. I un-buttoned my pants and slipped the zipper down. I then pulled off my pants. I had a pair on aqua blue boxers on. You could see my cock inside. It was big. You could also see my big testicles.
"All of it off." Sydney demanded. Still being playful.
"So are you going take these off since i had to take off yours?" I asked.
"Nope. You are. If you want this." She brushed her hands up her body teasing me. "You have to do it by your self."
"Okay." I said in anticipation. I reached down and started to pull off my boxers. The boxers rolled off my penis and then of my balls. When the boxers were finally off my balls swung there in the air. I bent down again to kiss Sydney. "Are you ready?" I asked.
Sydney kissed me again. "Yes Micka I am."
"Okay." I took a deep breath and lowered my hips towards hers. My crotch was now touching hers. I rubbed my cock against her muff. My cock started to slip out of my sheath. The pink tip barely touching the inside of her muff. Her muff was so wet and tender. Begging in anticipation. Sydney nodded her head in approval. I nodded back. I then pushed my hips forward slightly and my cock entered her muff. Sydney moaned. I slowly pushed my member more into her. Sydney moaned then suddenly. I felt a pop. Sydney squirmed a bit with a tiny scream of pain. I could feel liquid coming out from between both of our legs. "Are you okay Sydney." I knew that that was her cherry but i wanted to make sure that she was okay.
"Yeah Micka I'm fine i just wasn't ready for that. It kinda hurt. But if you kiss me I might be able to get back in the mood. Also i am very sorry that i ruined your pillow." I tilted my head. "You know. The blood. Can i have a napkin."
"Sure" I got up out of bed quickly. MY member almost half the way out. I reached over to the tissues and handed one to Sydney.
"Thank you Micka. Now get back over here."
I did so. I ran back over to the bed and jumped on top of her. I started to kiss her. I then guided my cock into her. She squirmed again. I pressed my hips into hers. She moaned as did I. The inside of her was so nice and tight. I pressed my cock all the way in up to my knot. She moaned in much pleasure. I pulled my member back out of her and pushed it back in. I continued this rhythm of pushing my member in and out of her muff. It was so nice. I was just on top of her and she was clinching onto me. She moaned I love you. I couldn't help myself. Ii started to move faster and faster. Sydney moaned loudly now.
"Don't stop Micka." Sydney moaned. I had no intension to stop. It felt so nice. Then i felt her vaginal muscles tighten. "Micka I feel so good right now. I feel over whelmed with pleasure. What's happening to me Micka. I have this pleasure over whelming me." Sydney moaned at the top of her lungs.
"Your about to cum hun. It's when you are in so much pleasure that you have an over whelming orgasm like us men yet yours can happen more than once." I said quickly.
"Oh god. YES! It's happening Micka." Sydney screamed. I felt a sudden warmth on my cock. Sydney clinched my fur firmly. "Oh god Micka." I leaned down to Sydney and kissed her lips.
"I love you Sydney." I said in her ear softly as i continued my thrusting.
"I love you too Micka." Sydney whispered into my ear. "Hey Micka can you put your knot into me."
My eyes opened wide. "But you know that it could hurt."
"I don't care Micka I want it in me."
I nodded and pushed my knot right up against her muffs walls. I then pushed my huge knot into her muff. It felt so good. My whole pink canine member was in her now it was sweet.
"OH my fucking god. I love it. This is amazing. Just don't stop. I'M CUMMING AGAIN." Sydney screamed. I felt so great.
I couldn't take it anymore. My balls tensed up and I couldn't hold it anymore. I cummed inside of Sydney. It was so nice."I love you Sydney." Shot after shot of cum drove into her muff. I kissed her lips.
"That was wonderful Micka. I love you. You are such a good lover." Sydney moaned.
"You are too Sydney I love and I'm glad you enjoyed it." We were knotted together. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. I kissed her lips and it turned into a open mouthed kiss. I pulled away and a piece of saliva stuck the two of us together just like we were sexually. I love you we said at the same time. I rested my head on her shoulder still full of pleasure and faded of to sleep.