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[Y] The Wet Dream Before Christmas
Title pretty much explains it
[Y] The Wet Dream Before Christmas

The Wet Dream Before Christmas

Snow hugged his mom tight and thanked her for the pajamas she had bought him. It was a tradition in their family to open pajamas to wear the night before Christmas morning.

"I'm sorry if you don't get everything you wanted in the morning, I didn't even really know what to get you." Renae said softly after kissing her son on the forehead.

"Don't worry about it mom," Snow said, smiling at her. "Maybe Santa will get me a car so I can get a job and move in to my own place huh?" he chuckled softly and looked over at the clock.

Following Snow's gaze, Renae's eyes shot open, reading the time to be 11:45. "You should get some sleep hun, with how the kids are we'll probably be up at like five in the morning."

Nodding and huffing, Snow hugged his mom once more. "Love you, goodnight," he said before going downstairs to his room. Once his room door was closed, the exhausted white wolf took his shirt off and laid down on his bed. Almost before his head even hit the pillow, he was in a very deep sleep.




Several loud thuds came from above, causing Snow to jump and fall out of his bed. He got to his feet and walked cautiously out of his room without even stopping to put his shirt on. He walked upstairs, checking to make sure there were no intruders in each room as he made his way up. Satisfied that his home was safe, Snow shook his head and walked to the back door of the house. He decided to step outside to get some fresh air and walked out into the cold. Shivering somewhat, he froze instantly when he turned his head and saw the silhouette of a rather large figure leaning against the back wall of his house.

"Wh...who's there?" he asked, half shaking from fear, half from the cold. He took a step back as what must have been the figure's head turned towards him and the figure took a step in his direction.

"There's no need to be afraid little one, I mean no harm to you nor your family, it was just my turn to take a rest while my team driver takes the rest of my team to the houses nearby," the shadowy figure said in a deep, soft voice as he stepped into the moonlight.

Surprised to see a male reindeer, Snow calmed down at the sound of the stranger's reassuring voice. "Oh...okay then...do you want to come inside? It's way too cold to stay out here for...how long do you have until you have to go back?" he asked shyly.

"I have about another hour or so, so thank you I'd love to come inside, it is freezing out here," the reindeer said, finishing with a small chuckle.

Snow nodded and smiled at his new companion. "Alright, just follow me then."

The reindeer nodded and trailed Snow into the house, shutting the door quietly behind them. He followed the wolf down to his bedroom and sighed. "Damn it feels good to be in a warm house," he said, looking around Snow's room.

After shutting his bedroom door and turning the light on, Snow turned to say something but stopped in his tracks when his eyes fell upon the completely naked reindeer's large sheathe. "Uh...well...make yourself comfortable..." he said, stuttering slightly. He swallowed a nervous lump in his throat and sat down at the edge of his bed.

The reindeer sat down next to Snow on the edge of the wolf's bed and examined his body, noticing the wolf's rippled midsection. "Mmm...you got some muscle on ya don't you cutie?" he asked rhetorically, grinning at Snow.

Snow felt a hot blush come and turn his face bright red. He stuttered even more when he spoke. "I'm sorry...I didn't get your name...I'm Snow," he said with a smile, trying to force his blush back.

"Oh, my apologies, I go by Comet," the reindeer said, ruffling the fur between Snow's ears. It's been such a long time since I've had any company."

Blushing even more and giggling, Snow found himself gazing back and forth between Comet's soft blue eyes and his large sheathe. "I'm sorry...it sucks to be alone..." he said shyly, his gaze now stuck on the reindeer's sheathe.

Grinning and chuckling, Comet followed Snow's gaze down to his own sheathe. He placed a hand on it and started stroking it softly. "Does the pup see something that he likes?" he asked lustfully, spreading his legs slightly and grinning even wider at the wolf's astonished look.

Eyes wide open, Snow licked his lips and gave a quick, short nod. "Do you think...do you think that I could...taste it?" Without even waiting for an answer, Snow placed his own paw on Comet's now swelling sheathe, gripping it hard and stroking it slowly up and down.

Comet leaned back, holding himself up by his elbows and nodded at Snow's lust-filled eyes. "Mmm...of course...let's see what you can do with that pretty muzzle of yours," he said, grinning wide as the tip of his cock became unsheathed, already leaking a small stream of watery pre.

With a soft moan, Snow leaned over and took the tip of Comet's member into his muzzle, sucking softly and swallowing the pre. He began stroking the reindeer's hard sheathe faster, gripping it harder as he began licking the tip of his red member in rough, slow circles.

"Mmmm...get it nice and wet when it all comes out pup...make it a little easier for me to stretch out that tailhole of yours," Comet said softly, already starting to pant slightly at the feel of the wolf's tongue tracing slow circles around the tip of his cock.

Responding only with a loud moan, Snow placed his paw on Comet's hip and took his now fully unsheathed cock into his muzzle, struggling somewhat to open it wide enough to fit the reindeer's large member. He deepthroated it a few times, being sure to coat it with as much saliva as he could spare.

Comet's eyes rolled and he moaned loudly in pleasure. He lifted a hand to rub between Snow's ears, struggling to resist the urge to fuck the wolf's throat.

Moaning louder around the reindeer's cock and swallowing every drop of pre flowing from its tip, Snow began to slowly tug his pajama pants and boxers down. He tightened his maw around Comet's member. He relaxed his jaw and deepthroated even more of the reindeer's cock, taking its entire length down his throat.

With a slight growl, Comet patted the bed and whistled at Snow. "come on pup, I'm done with this end...for now at least," he said almost aggressively as he stroked the side of Snow's muzzle.

Snow whimpered and reluctantly removed Comet's member from his muzzle, giving its length one more lick before he got to his feet in front of the reindeer. He turned his back to Comet and slid his pants and boxers down to his ankles, bending all the way over and lifting his tail high for his new friend, revealing his tight tailhole.

"Mmm...such a cute ass...I feel lucky that I get to stretch it out," the reindeer seductively as he gave snow's rump a hard squeeze with both hands. He have it a soft swat and got to his knees close to the foot of the bed. "Now get up here so I can give you your present."

Kicking his sweats and boxers aside, Snow did as he was told and got up on the bed, positioning himself on all fours just in front of Comet. "Just...please try to be gentle...I've never had one as big as yours..."

"Oh I suppose I can do that for you...at first...but once you get settled I'm gonna show you why they call me Comet," he said with a grin and a chuckle. He placed a hand on Snow's hips and squeezed softly, pressing his tip against the wolf's entrance. He gripped the base of his cock with his other paw and pushed forward with hips, burying the first four inches of his cock inside the wolf's tailhole. He moaned loudly and placed his hand on Snow's other hip, squeezing hard. "You're...so damn tight..."

Moaning loudly as the first half of the reindeer's cock penetrated him, stretching his entrance, Snow's arms gave out and he dropped to his elbows. He grabbed a nearby pillow and wrapped his arms tight around it.

With a soft grunt, Comet pushed hard forward, pushing all nine inches of his thick cock into the wolf's tailhole. He gasped from pleasure and began pumping slowly in and out of the wolf, pulling him back softly by his hips each time he pushed forward with his own.

Snow relaxed his grip on the pillow somewhat and laid the side of his head onto it, letting out a soft whimper each time Comet's thighs pressed against his own and the reindeer buried his entire member inside of him.

"Mmm...you like that pup?" Comet growled as he dug his nails into Snow's hips. He started thrusting slightly harder, pushing his cock in as deep as he could, pushing his balls hard against the wolf's with each forward thrust.

"Oh...god yes...I love it..." the wolf struggled to say. He arched his back and began pushing back softly with his hips in rhythm with Comet's slow but hard pumps.

Comet grunted loud and pulled Snow back harder by his hips, burying his cock as deep as it would go inside of the wolf's tailhole. "Good...I hope you like it rough though pup."
A loud high pitched whimper was Snow's only reply as he tightened his arms once again around his pillow and he tried to prepare himself for what he knew was yet to come.

"I'll just take that as an affirmative," Comet said sweetly before digging his nails harder into Snow's hips. Leaning over and biting the scruff of the wolf's neck, his chest pressed against the wolf's back, Comet repositioned his arms, wrapping them tight around his soon-to-be new pet's waist. "This should be fun," he growled into Snow's ear before clamping his teeth back down on his neck.

Snow could only whimper and grip his pillow even harder. He moaned softly as he felt Comet begin to stroke his own throbbing cock, already lubricated by a steady stream of pre flowing from its tip.

Chuckling at the wolf's moaning and whimpering, Comet began thrusting hard and deep into Snow's entrance. He bit down slightly harder on his neck and began picking up more and more speed.

Moaning loudly in rhythm with Comet's quickening thrusts, Snow shut his eyes tight and clamped his own teeth down on his pillow. He squeezed his tailhole slightly around the reindeer's thick cock.

Letting out a deep moan around the scruff of Snow's neck, Comet increased the speed of his pumping significantly, pulling his cock out to the tip then slamming its entire length back in as hard and fast he could with each pump. He squeezed Snow's swelling know and began stroking it slightly faster.

Snow began letting out loud high pitched whimpers after each of Comet's rough thrusts. He clenched himself harder around the reindeer's throbbing member, squeezing more pre from it, the pre in turn lubricating Comet's cock more and allowing him to pick up even more speed.

Hitting his top speed, causing a rapid, soft slapping sound, Comet squeezed Snow's cock harder and growled loudly around the scruff of his pet's neck as he drew very close to his orgasm. He began pumping as hard and deep as he could, stroking Snow's slick, throbbing cock rapidly in rhythm with his own thrusting.

Sensing that Comet's cock was about to burst, Snow squeezed his tailhole as hard as he possibly could around it. His whimpers grew louder by the second as he neared his own orgasm.

Comet began to pump even harder into Snow, making the wolf's rear end already somewhat sore. He bit down hard onto his pet's neck and cried out loudly around it as he shot his thick, hot load deep inside the wolf, filling him up with a series of short, hard thrusts.

Unable to contain himself, Snow let out a muffled high pitched howl into his pillow as the feel of Comet's seed filling him sent him over the edge. He pumped in and out of the reindeer's hard grip, sending a shower of hot, watery wolf cum onto his sheets and Comet's hand.

With a few more hard pumps, Comet released all he could inside the wolf, causeing his lower tummy to puff out slightly. He released Snow's neck and panted heavily in his ear. Tiredly, he straightened up and shifted his position slightly, causing a river of his load to gush out of Snow's tailhole and drip down the backs of his legs in two streams. "Now...why don't you...be a good pup...and clean...me up with...that cute...muzzle of yours," he said, speaking tiredly between his heavy panting.

Struggling somewhat to do so, Snow lifted his head from the pillow and looked over his shoulder at the muscular reindeer. An exhausted nod was all he could do to reply, panting too heavily to speak.
Comet grinned and nodded in return before reluctantly unsheathing his cock from Snow's tailhole. He watched with tired amusement as a large burst of his thick load gushed from the wolf's tailhole. He laid back tiredly against a pillow and spread his legs slightly, admiring Snow's rump.

Whimpering like a pup at the feel of Comet's warm seed flowing from his ass, Snow turned around on all fours to face the reindeer. He positioned himself on his knees and eblbows between Comet's parted legs and started licking up the stray streams of cum that had dripped down his master's thighs. After lapping up and swallowing the seed from the reindeer's thighs and balls, Snow began working on cleaning his slick, limp cock. When he had licked off and swallowed the cum at the base, he took the top half of it into his muzzle, sucking softly and swallowing every last drop.

After licking Snow's load from his hand, Comet placed it flat on the back of Snow's head. "That's right...get it all pup...if you do good you might get some more," he said softly as he felt his cock start to harden once again and he began forcing Snow's head down softly onto it.

Snow moaned loudly in response and closed his eyes as he places his paws on Comet's upper thighs and began bobbing his head up and down, deepthroating the reindeer's hardening member and massaging its underside hard with his tongue.

Placing his other hand on the side of Snow's head, Comet began pushing the wolf's head down faster, bucking up slightly with his hips to push more of his now fully hardened cock down his pet's throat. He laid his head back and relaxed, gripping a handful of fur from the back of Snow's head.

Showing no desire for his master to be gentler, Snow began murring softly around Comet's cock, starting to speed up his pace. He tightened his maw around the reindeer's hard member and began massaging his balls.

Comet let his maw hang open and began panting softly, gripping the back of Snow's head harder and pushing it down faster, pushing up harder with hips. "That's it pup...take it all," he said softly as he began pushing Snow's head all the way down, forcing the wolf to deepthroat all nine inches of his cock.

With a soft, muffled whimper, Snow tightened his maw around Comet's throbbing cock, sucking as hard as he could. He let out a quiet moan each time his nose pressed against Comet's pubic fur and the tip of his cock touched the back of his throat. Shutting his eyes tighter, he allowed Comet to fuck his muzzle as he pleased.
Gasping loudly as he felt the wolf's maw tighten around his cock, Comet shifted slightly. He sped up both Snow's head and the movement of his hips as he felt his legs begin to tense, drawing close to bursting in his pet's throat. "MMM...you're about to get a drink pup," he growled.

Snow replied with a loud moan as he started bobbing up and down as fast as he possibly could. He placed a paw softly on each of Comet's balls and squeezed them softly as he began twisting his head each time he would move down onto Comet's rock-hard member.

With a loud growl, Comet pushed Snow's head down hard, bucking up with his hips a few times and filling the wolf's throat and muzzle with a large load of warm, thick cum. He held Snow's head in place as he pumped the last few jets of seed into the wolf's throat.

Eyes wide open, Snow shimpered and struggled but managed to swallow every drop of seed erupting from Comet's cock. After Comet was done releasing and Snow was confident he had swallowed down all of the thick cum he was going to get, he gave the spent cock one last lick along its length and looked up with half lidded eyes at his companion.

Comet huffed and grinned. "Nice job keepin' me clean pup," he said before getting off the bed and standing at it's side. "Sadly, I must be on my way. Merry Christmas, I'll definitely come see you next year," he said seductively as he turned his back and headed out the door, switching the light off on his way out.

Panting heavily, and too tired to do anything else, Snow collapsed onto his side and closed his eyes. He licked his lips and rubbed his sore rump before pulling his blanket over himself and returning to his deep sleep.