Darkness Falls

By: ryuk15
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Jeramy shrieked as he sat in the bathroom corner as his mother in the dark hallway was ripped to pieces, her blood pooling on the wooden floor, and over the tile flooring in the bathroom. Jeramy kept repeating a single phrase "Stay in the light...stay in the light..." The next morning Jeramy was being put inside a cop car heading to the police station, the police suspected Jeramy of brutally slaughtering his mother. With out no evidence or any sort of break-in Jeramy could not defend himself. When jeramy was takin into the station and searched he was found with a bag full of flashlights, The police found this rediculous and asked him if he was taking any medication, Jeramy denied of taking any medication at all. The police set Jeramy in a cell inside the station. Soon after night fell apon the police station...suddenly the police heard the night guard scream just outside police compound. "What in the hell is that lazy guard screaming about now!" said the Chief Police man.


The Chief of police sent one of the privates or (noobie) to check on it, soon after the private comes running back; the chief stops him, but to his shock the chief sees the privates face white as a ghost..wherever he saw it scared the shit out of him. "come on private spit it out! what happened!" demanded the chief in a hectic voice. " Sir its Bill hes...hes torn to pieces and there were fucking foot prints on the celing in blood!!!" Jeramy now screaming from his cell in a frantic voice "Chief you have to give me my flashligts!!! STAY IN THE LIGHT!!!" The chief " Oh shut up Jeramy, enough with your ghost stories! OK! I want every man and woman geared and ready to kill whatever got Bill now!!"


Everyone scurring and scrambling to get there gear while no one listened to Jeramy and turned on the station lights except the lamps at the deskes, they unsuspectdly did not notice the dark shadowy figure lingering in the hall until he gave out a hidious and frighting laugh "MUHAHAHA!!!!!! Come get me if you dare...you meddle with forces beyond your megar comprehension human mortals!!" Everyone swings there selfs and there weapons pointing in the dark area where the voice emitted but, to there dismay they turned on the light and nothing was there. Moments later they heard a guargling noise and noticed Fred was missing. " Fuck that thing got Fred! where the fuck is it!!" Screams the female officer as she spins wildly with her weapon and flashlight. She sees this trail of blood and follows it in shock and horror intil she reaches a puddle of blood and Freds body ripped from the stomach, his intrails lie in a pile as the top half was pinned up against a wall with his neck torn up. "My God! Chief I found Fred hes all torn up and his throat is ripped open like a tin can"



To be continued....

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