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[Y] Legend of Arcadian Part 1
A son of a hero seek truth and to protect the world in his father's footsteps what fate awaits this young hero?
[Y] Legend of Arcadian Part 1

Story behind the legend years ago the goddesses of light and darkness entrusted by the mighty one to guide life onto the world ended up in battle over the third earth engrave the name of "Arcadian" with the failure of human's actions in the last two ressurection of earth. The animal race was evolved and entrusted rule over the world this race was call Furman.

With humans now as the low race it has soon become a war when humans seek to take over thanks to the goddess of darkness who told them of their ancestors. Invading the furmen using dark magic and the control of the goddess's monsters the furmen race was almost at lost. However the goddess of light entrusted her will and hope onto Siegfried who was empower to fight the evil forces aided by many allies and wielding powerful items seal away from anicent times.

Siegfried ended the human's conquest and slain the goddess of darkness retiring in his sword and shield Siegfried settal down and had a family however peace was not all as hope as Siegfried was once summon again to fight one last time on the island of Ludal here the hero never return... 

Thus begin the tale of Slayn the descendent of the hero who will travel to Ludal to find his father and to slay the evil that continues there.

                             **Chapter One: Arrival on Ludal**

 Arriving at the port town of Lumburg in the setting of evening our hero Slayn  a young black and white color well mid muscular tone wolf  5' 8" in height and cyan color eyes is carrying his travel bag as he heads toward the port seeking a ship to Lubal. Looking around he ask ever ship owner around however each one refuse his offer to go there.

"Argh, what is it with them do they fear to head to that island so much!?" Slayn says balling up one hand into a fist as he close his eyes. "Hey kid" a voice spoken from behind him he turn to see  who is it a gray tubby walurs in a captain uniform his age looking around in his 50's walk up to Slayn and cross his arms.

"Heading to Lubal its pretty dangerous there you do know that right kid haha no man has ever return its a hopeless place for those that are living there." The Walurs speak in a confident tone of voice, mad at this Slayn grab him by the collar of his coat. "Don't speak of such things! Those that are living are fighting to stay strong...if only they can escape." He say at first inrage and suddenly sadden the Captain look down at the young youth and nod seeing the young lad's feelings for the furmen there.

"Well seeing how you feel let me ask ya kid why you want to go there?" The captain ask as Slayn look at him for abit and speak, "To find my father and protect those that reside there from evil." Slayn speak with a serious tone from his heart as the wallace nod. "You must be the son of that Siegfried fellow.." Slayn eyes widen as he hear the captain say this.

Minutes later at a inn the two chat by a table as they dine on the refreashments the walurs speak up, "Well be best if I introduce myself I am captain Walkins the guy that took your father to Ludal a funny man but a strong spirit I truly thought he will make a change..but he never came back, after I told him I shall return in a week." The walurs say with his elbows on the table both hands clench as he look at the flaming candle.

"Then please will you take me to Ludal I must know what has happen to him and what that I can achieve." Slayn say pleading for his aid as Walkins look up at him and chuckle abit, "Alright kid you win however I must warn you on that island...its hell that I shall warn you." Walkins glare at him telling him the very truth of the experience he has witness.

Balling up his fist as he stand up as Slayn smirk, "If it hell or whatever I will overcome it no matter what!" Walkins  stand up and shake the young hero's hand as he smile, "Very well then tommorow I shall take you to Ludal."

 The next day the two set sail to Ludal across the flowing waves of the ocean as Slayn watches from up front as he see the dark clouds ahead suddenly lightning begin to clash strong and loud outwards as Slayn turn back to Walkins. "Think you can get us through there old man?" Asking Walkin as he suddenly get a lil angry mark on the side of his head, "I'm not that old ok!? *clears throat* and yes I can this ship has been through hell and back its top nooottttch!" The ship shake suddenly as Walkin's try to finish his sentence as Slayn try to hold his balance as the storm begin to worsens.

"Kid grab onto something were going in strong!" Walkin yells as the ship front go up and down hitting the ocean top strong as water slams onto and against the ship. Slayn  hold onto the flag post on the ship as he look forward seeing a large pillar of a rock ahead as he yell out and suddenly everthing go dark as several loud crashes of the ship is heard...

Minutes later a bulldog and a lion slays a few undead dogs by the beach as the bulldog slap himself on the back, "Getting to old for this you know." The lion laugh at the old dog's word and lean his axe on his shoulder as he hold it by the handle. "You ain't old your woman just wearing ya out haha!" The lion laugh out as the bulldog cross his arms and nod, "You may have a point there my friend..hmm hey look over there." The bulldog point infront of him at a big rock where two legs behind it are seen.

The two rush over and see Slayn pass out as the two kneel over to him as the lion shake him. "Hey kid wake up hey hey!" the lion yell out as Slayn open his eyes, "Argh...my head huh?" He push himself up halfway as he look forward then at them. "Walkins oh no did he made it?" The bulldog and lion look at each other and shrug as they look back at him "Your the only one here kid that we spotted." The bulldog answear as Slayn lower his head.

"Noo..what have I done." Slayn says sadden suddenly getting slap in the back as his face fall fast flat in the sand as the lion chuckle, "Hey now don't be getting depress if your alive he must be alive now come on we take you our town oh yeah and welcome to Ludal." The lion say with a smile.

End of Chapter one