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[Y] Extraneus: Chpt. 1
Extraneus: Chpt. 1 Straight Views 2582 Votes 3 Comments 0
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I hope you'll enjoy "The Stranger"!
[Y] Extraneus: Chpt. 1

The snow was stained with a dark crimson color, splattered everywhere around me. I didn’t understand why this had happened, why did everyone die… except me? I couldn’t feel my legs or my hands, or even the rest of my body; all I seemed to feel was the blood rushing down my wet gray fur. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t seem to get any kind of reaction from myself. It was started to get hard to see, but my sense of hearing seemed to only get louder. Laughter… so much laughter… why was there so much enjoyment when there was so much death around me?

I slowly clasped my cold, blood soaked paws over my black ears, attempting to hush the evil laughter that was filling to air. “S-Stop it,” I could hear myself croak, “Please, j-just stop it!” But, they wouldn’t listen; the laughter only got more torturing and merciless. “Useless… pathetic…“ whispered the voices loudly, as if they were all right next to me, “You can’t save anyone… why bother existing? You’re nothing… Weakling…!“ I closed my tired eyes, clenching them tightly as I screamed out, wanting the voices and laughter to shut the hell up.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” I shouted as my body suddenly keeled forward, shivering in the blood-stained snow, “JUST GO AWAY!” Abruptly, I was rolled over, which obviously my blood-shot eyes opened swiftly. I saw a military-dressed figure standing over me with a large menacing smile stretched across his muzzle. The male was a brown wolf, aiming a rifle to my head, and was bulky in figure. He was ready to kill me on sight, but I didn’t beg for my life; I was ready, too. “E-End me,” I whined up to him, “G-Go… on, pull it. The… trigger.”

I closed my eyes slowly, waiting for relief. Then, I heard the gun go off, but strangely I didn’t feel dead yet. There was a muffled scream, then a bone-chilling flesh-ripping noise, and then a soft thud into the snow. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over, feeling weaker by the minute. Standing over the soldier that was threatening to kill me was a tall, slightly-masculine man; he had black spiked up hair that was dark than the night, his eyes burned a bright blood color, and his skin was pale like a ghost. His all black clothing was stained with the wolf’s fluids, and slowly he turned to face me, having a lucid scar under his left eye.

This was the first time I’d ever seen a human before, seeing as I lived a bit of a sheltered life as a child. Nevertheless, this stranger had saved my life, the life I was so determined to have ended. I couldn’t help, but reach for him, using most of my strength to lift my arm and holding up a shaky paw, hot tears running down my dirty face. Leisurely, the voices and laughter faded as this man approached me slowly, the snow crunching loudly under his black leather boots. He stopped at my side, staring down at me with a unsympathetic gaze.

“What is your name, snow leopard?” he asked, his tone of voice was cold as the snow I was lying in, yet sounded so soothing to my ringing ears. Some of my brunette hair fell from my face, as I whimpered out, “R-Ry-… o-… ko.” He repeated my name softly to himself, before nodding once and scooping me up into his bulky arms. “Agh…! W-What are… you-”- however he interrupted me, “Shut up. You need to rest, not wasting your strength trying to persuade me to leaving you in death‘s hands.” I curled up a bit, listening to the sound of his pounding heart, and slowly my eyelids got heavier. Soon, everything got dark as I fell into a sleep, a deep dreamless sleep.