loyal wolf

By: lonely_wolf
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it's mid winter, the snows falling slowly from the cloudy sky. the sun peeks through some cracks to kiss the trees and the snow.

i'm kuro a jet black wolf with amber eyes, i just reached sexual maturity and am off to find territory and start a pack. i've been running for days now but the scent of other wolves is still strong, so i push forward to new lands. it's been two months now and i just reached the end of all wolf pack territories, but i have little chance of finding a mate out here.

i stop to catch my breath and look around, nothing but open snow coverd grass lands and a few sparce trees. (grunt) theres nothing out here, no prey no mates no good den sites. (sigh) but at least i found a place of my own.

i preceided to go around and mark my territory, (sniff sniff) i caught the scent of prey and i realised besides a rabbit i had killed three days ago i had bairly eat'n. i could feel my strength slipping away through my whole journy. the pain of hunger was so painful i let out a (yelp). that settles that i'm off to hunt, i gathered what little strength i had left and tracked down the scent.

when i arrived i found the skeletal remains of a dear, picked clean except for a mouthfull of flesh on the underside of the rib cage. (rrriiiiippp) i ripped the flesh off and swallowed it whole, i could feel it hit the bottom of my stomache. it felt like a brick, it actually hurt a little but the pain of hunger was more overpowering so i started biteing on the bones to get to the marrow.

(sniff sniff) i caught the scent of something strange yet familier, the scent rolled down from the top of snow capped hill. it was faint so i didn't bother with it, the marrow in the bones was more important. (crack crick crunch pop) i finally nawed a bone in half and started lapping up the marrow when a lound (grunt) followed by a (snort) caught my attention. i jumped up to look around and behind me standing against the icey wind was a huge grizzley bear. he stared at me then the carcus then back at me. he took a slow cocky step towerd me all the while looking around for something. he smiled as he took another a step step forward forward this one was faster then the first. i bared my fangs and stood my ground (growling) to mask the sound of my stomache grumbling. it was the first rule of nature always hide your weekness. the bear chuckled as he took another step forward much more brasin then the secound, almost as if he was reasured by something. then i rememberd i was alone. in a pack a bear stood little to no chance but one on one he had full advantage and whats more my strength was almost gone. ok i snarled you can have the carcus, i started backing up slowly. oh no little wolf i'm not interested in a pile of bones, he chuckled, i want something fresher, warmer i want you. he charged with a (roar) and with all the strength i could muster i ran. with him following close behing, too close for my comfort. i couldn't shake him i go left he goes left, it's like a sick game of tag and i don't want to be the looser.

i could feel myself slowing down, i felt sluggish. i tried to run but i just couldn't so i ran toward a hill i passed on the way in, maybe if i could fall down the hill and burry myself in the snow i could escape and live. what else do i have to loose besides my life. i took a big breath and sprinted for the hill. it was like the bar knew what i was planning, he ran infront of me he was onley pretending to be slow just to wear me out more. i tried to slow down and turn but the snow made it almost impossible. he raised his paw and hit me, (yelp) i let out a scream of pain his claws ripped three lines across my chest, i whent flying sideways and crashed in a pile of snow. i tried to stand but it was no use i was spent i put everything i had into running away just to survive not live survive. i had already died in my heart, i should just let him kill me and be done. the bear came walking up slowly inspecting his kill, he sniffed the wounds he branded me with and liked them savoring the taste of victory. leaving himself wide open he bent down to lick my wounds again and i slammed my jaws down hard oh his snout, sinking my fangs in deep until i heard a crack and felt the warm trickle of blood go down my throat.

(rrrrrooooooaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrr) the bear let out a huge roar and back pawed me off, sending me flying again. i stood up wobbling and shakeing and i said h-ha at l-least i'll g-go down fighting, with that i fell to the ground and started loosing conciousness. the bear licking his nose and rubbing it with his huge paws shot me a look that just screamed i'm going to kill you and enjoy it. he started charging me again when a (hhhooooooowwwlllllll) stopped him dead in his tracks. he looked up and at the top of a small hill stood the almost invisble frame of a large white wolf. the bear backed up, you i thought you left this territory. i did but i decided to come back, he said walking forward eyeing the pitch black wolf who passed out a few moments ago. this a friend of yours? (grunt) no that little runt is my prey so back off. (snarl) rember to whom you speak bear or soon you won't speak at all, the white wolf said with fangs bared poised to kill. or have you forgott'n the parting gift i left you with the last time you forgot your place. no how could i forget about the scar on my chest, fine i'll go but leave the runt. no you leave now the pup is mine, he said standing over the the black wolf. but why would you want this male runt he isn't your runt is he? no but he's going to be my mate. what? but your a male wolf why would you want another male as your mate? i do not have to explain myself to likes of you now go. (grunt) don't let me catch him alone or he's mine. don't worry wolves mate for life he won't be alone. the bear left and the white wolf dragged kuro all the way back to his den, witch is a little cave by a frozen stream.

(grumble) where am i it's warm and dark......am i dead, if so then i like being dead...... kuro awoke to the sound of dripping water and bird songs as the sun slowly krept in kissing his face. kuro slowly opened his eyes to see the big white wolf from before sleeping next to him, the proximity well there was none. did he save me? and keep me warm all night. but he's a male and from the looks of it an alpha or at least he could be an alpha but i don't see his pack anywhere.......maybe he doesn't have one. maybe hes just like me except older and stronger, but if this is his territory then i beter leave and continue the quest for mine. kuro slowly stands up and walks toward the entrance when his stomach growls. damn i guess i still haven't eat'n yet.

sooo your finally awake, your a real good sleeper. kuro slowly turns around to see the white wolf with his head up front paws crossed and tail slowly wagging. what do you mean? i mean i was up most of the night cleaning your wounds. you what? kuro looks down and see's that has stopped bleeding. but why, why you do this for a stranger in your territory, i could see if i was a female in heat but i'm a male. yes your right but your also wrong. what do you mean? last night when i saved you i declared you as my mate. his tail wags picked up speed as he stood up, a slight grin on his face. w-what but we're both males an........did you mate with me while i was unconcious? no i have honor i waited all night till you woke up, he said taking a step closer, now i can make you my mate! his swooshed from side to side. b-but no i refuse we're both males it's not right, kuro prepared to run out of the cave. but i'm not giving you a choice, the white wolf jumped on to kuro's back and bit the scruff of his neck, (yelp) h-hey get off get off i said no, kuro tried to shake him off but he wrapped his front paws around kuro's hips andhe was still holding on to the scruff of his neck.

he let go of the scruff when his grip on kuro's hips was good and whisperd into his ear, my names white fang, just thought you'd like to know. (whine) please don't do this white fang i'll leave and never come back, kuro said pleading. don't whine we're mates and besides you wouldn't last the day out there, he said adjusting himself just right for optimal penetration. b-but this insn't right it goes against ev.....oh, kuro felt white fangs sheath poke his anus. i hope your ready! white said this as the tip of his pink penis came out eager for the task and gently tickled kuro's anus. no please don't i-i...............fine do as like i'm to weak to fight you off any way, kuro said relaxing his whole body. don't worry it'll onely hurt at first then i'll let you mate me, white fang said slowly slideing the tip of his penis in and out in and out. (oh mmoh) what do you mean you'll let me mate you, kuro said tensing up again. ah ah ah relax you'll see when i'm done. white fang said thrusting faster, his pink penis completley erect and exposed. (oh ah ah whine) kuro let out a whine. just relax, white fang said licking the side of kuro's face. his penis was completley inside of kuro, kuro could feel wave after wave of pre-cum as white fang thrust his penis deeper. white fang could feel his knot forming, ok now i need you to relax completley or else this is really going to hurt you. kuro could feel his concern for his safety and the knot forming, o-ok, kuro said panting heavilly as he relaxed. he let it all go his fears his doubts his longing for a pack, and as white fang thrust his knot in he knew why. because everything he wanted was right here. huff huff panting and breathing loudly white fang dissmounted, still conected through the knot he moaned as he came inside of kuro's body. we're mates now, for life right white fang, kuro asked timidly with a hint of pain and pleasure but mostly pain. almost, when my knot comes out and you mate me we will be!

(growl) kuro's stomache growled again, i guess your still hungry, white fang said as his penis slowely slid out of kuro and back into his sheath. he shudered as it did, i killed a rabbit yester day and saved it for you, white fang said digging it out of the snow and placing it infront o kuro. ohhh thank you, his tail swooshed rapidly from side to side as he dove on it, eating with such gusto white fang laughed. hahahaha oh you're too cute! oh whats your name by the way? (snap crack pop, munch munch) (rrrriiiippp) (gulp) kuro licked his lips, my names kuro, white fang. white fang smiled, you can just call me white if you want. he said walking behind kuro kuro as he continued eating, and started licking his anus. (ohhh ummm) why are you doing that white? (lick) because i feel bad for being so rough with you, i know it still hurts. he said licking kuros anus gently and deeply makeing sure to lap up all the cum the dribbled out of his mate. (oh oh) well it did hurt but not any more, kuro said enjoying this new sensation. kuro noticed that his sheath was feeling tighter, he looked back and noticed his pink penis was becomeing erect. uh white. (liiiiiick) yes. i think i'm ready now, you know to mate. kuro said nerviously. well it's about time, white fang said turning around and exposing his anus. kuro walked over and deeply and slowely liked white fangs anus, makeing white fang moan a little. ok are you ready white, kuro said jumping on his back mounting him. to become soul mates for life yes i am, he said relaxing his whole body. kuro placed his sheath whith his pink penis exposed on white fangs anus, gently feeling around for the entry way. white fang panted with pleasure and anticipation. he moaned as kuro's penis slid in and he started thrusting. slowely at first takeing in all the new sensations, the warmth, the texture, how good it felt to realese himself. white fang was moaning with pure pleasure, his penis started to erect a again. kuro could feel his knot growing so he warned white fang, (uhhh mmmmm ohhh ahh huf huf) mmm white i feel my knot, relax yourself. (ohhh groan) mmmm, kuro could feel white fangs anus relax as much as it could and he thrust in his knot. (oooohhhhhhh) they both moaned and groaned as eatch climaxed at the same time. kuro climed of and turned around as his sperm flooded into white fang. (oooohhhhh) shivering as it did.

we're mates now right white. mmmmm yes we are and i'm glad. can......can we do this any time white, kuro asked shyly. are you kidding i'm ready for thirds,white fang said cleaning himself. oh goo-oohh, kuro moaned as his penis slid out of white fang and back in his sheath. mmm good wait what do you mean thirds kuro mumbled as he licked white fang's anus. when you mated me i climaxed again. what thats not fair, kuro whined. then we'll just have to even it all out the won't we, white fang said licking kuro's penis. ohhhh white, kuro moaned as his penis erected again and slid all the way back in white fangs throte. he started thrusting as waves of pre-cum came squirting out. he could fell his knot forming and his leggs gave out. he fell on his side with white fang still suckling on his penis. his formed in white fangs mouth and he climaxed a gain with a loud (OOOOHHHHH). that echoed through the forest and into the bears ears, hmph i guess there mates after all. gross. a pile of snow fell on his face and burryed it.

white fang swallowed all the cum his mate had released and smiled as he licked his lips. now we're all tied up. ready for round three, white fang said with his tail swooshing back and forth. you bet i am white!

the two spent the whole day and night mateing and getting to know eatch other beter. and all through the forest the sounds of  pure plesure where heard

                                                   THE END...........FOR NOW!!!!



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