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[Y] Black and White
Black and White N/A Views 2482 Votes 3 Comments 3
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my first story was a warm up! i hopeyou all love this!
[Y] Black and White

it's the middle of summer, the sun is blazing downwards from high up. bathing everything in it's warm hug, the wind blows through the forest with a warm hug of it's own. the trees dance and sway back and forth riding the wind. the insects are in full force buzzing and chirping in the hot sun.

it's so hot, what was i thinking? even the shade is hot.

my names kuro and i decided that i wanted to go for a walk in the woods. i knew it was hot but i thought that the woods would be cooler than this.

(huff huff) (pant pant) why did i wear jeans and a shirt today. even though my shirts white it's still hot, and the jeans are the worst. (pant pant) oh is that clearing in the woods, good i need a break (pant pant)

stops to rest in the shade of a big oak tree.

(huff huff) is anyone around.

looks around, listens, and sniffs in the warm air.

(sniff sniff) good no ones around to see me take off my cloths.

he takes off his sweat drenched shirt then peels off his sweaty jeans. he's onely in his sweat drenched white boxers. they're so wet that they're now see through.

(sigh) thats much beter! it's so much hotter when all your fur is black. and your too shy and nervous to go to the local ponds or pools. (sigh) i wish i wasn't so shy. i would've had a mate by now and maybe a couple pups.

h started drifting off to the lovely songs of the forest as the dapples of sun danced across his furry chest. he was asleep for some time when he opend his to discover a top less white wolf sitting next to him reading. he flicked the page then glanced down at him and smiled.

hey there, finally awake.

his voice was deep and a little raspy, he had nice solid muscular build. his six pack was almost a twelve and his legs and arms were nothing but layered muscle.

(awwwwwwww) wh-who the hell are you?

he yelled as he jumped up and hid behind a small shrub.

(hahahaha) you're a little to big to be trying to hide behind that bush.

he said closing his book and puting his glasses in his pocket.

i'm shiro.

he said towering over kuro.


he said gawking at his imense size, he had to 7 feet tall at least. and his sheath was huge, it bulged out so far you couldn't help but see it.

(chuckle) well whats your name?

the wight wolf said giggling a little. he found this black wolf amusing.

m-my name is um k-ku-kuro....

he was so shy he started blushing and looked down.

kuro is it, i like that name. so do you often hike through the woods almost nude (chuckle)

he chuckled as he picked up kuro's wet cloths, he couldn't help but pick up his scent. he liked it, it was a little musky a little musty it had a hint of body oder but it had this other scent that was hard to find words to describe it with. shiro savored his scent as walked over to kuro who was trembling now.

here are your cloths, if you'd like i could wash them at my house so won't have to wear sweaty cloths.

kuro looked up, a little confused and nervous.

uh-umm if it isn't too much trouble.

he said looking back to the ground blushing and trembling.

no it's no trouble at all! infact i insist because the news said theres a storm rolling in. and judging from your cloths you must've walked a long time.

shiro said bundling up the wet cloths.

umm ok

kuro said slowly standing up

we beter hurry the winds are picking up and the sky is turning dark. i parked my car over by the street, if we run we can make it.

shiro said leading the way

o-ok right behind you.

they both started running on two legs as the rain started to fall.

(pant pant) we beter pick up the pace!

shiro said putting the bundle of clothes in his jaws and started running on all fours. kuro did the same trying to keep up with shiro.

both of them had just reached the car when it started to down poure.

(pant pant pant) we finally made it.

(pant pant) yeah thnk you saved me a wet walk home.

kuro said as he picked up the scent of shiro. it was very musky and manly but it also smelled good. kuro blushed as shiro's arm brushed against his thigh when he reached over into the glove box to get the keys.

ok now we can go. oh and don't worry i'll drive you back to your place.

shiro said starting up the car.

oh um you don't have to i'm fine walking.

kuro said looking out the window blushing.

nonsense i couldn't be so heartless.

shiro said with a serious tone. he gave off the vibe that he's a wolf that cares.

it was about two houres into the drive and the storm, the sky was black and filled with flashes of light. kuro had fallen asleep again and was resting his head against shiro's shoulder. his mouth was wide open with his tounge hanging out of the side, a string of drool slowly dripped from his tounge. it puddled on his shoulder and trailed down his arm.

shiro looked down and saw how cute kuro looked with mouth open like that and chuckled to himself.

the pitter patter of water against the car was relaxing. (baaaaaaaannnnnnggggg) (rrrruummmbbbbblllllleeee)

a huge flash of lightning streaked and branched across the sky, followed closely a huge roar of thunder.

(ahhhhhhhhhhhh) wh-what happaned?

kuro said looking around still half asleep.

hahahaha! nothing just some lightning and thunder. oh and you've got some drool on your face.

shiro said laughing trying to stay focussed on the road.

wha oh........shlurp

kuro said licking and whipeing off his mouth

oh i uh got some on you he said gently whipeing it off.

thats ok you looked so cute sleeping like that i didn't want to wake you! oh we're here

shiro said turning on the blinker and pulling up a long turning drive way.

whoa you live here?

kuro said looking at his huge log cabin that was nestled into the woods.

your mate must be happy.

kuro said looking all over the place.

well i don't have a mate yet.

shiro said turning off the car.

what no way you have to have a mate by now. m-may i ask how old you are?

kuro said blushing as he grabbed his sweaty cloths bundle.

of course i'm 35. may i ask how old you are?

shiro said putting his keys in his pocket

y-yeah i'm 20, and my birth dates comeing up in a few weeks.

well maybe i'll give you a birth date gift! ok we're going to make a run for the door.

shiro said cracking he door open. kuro did the same.

ready go!

they both flung the doors open and slammed them shut as they dashed for the door.

carefull it's muddy

as soon as shiro said that kuro slipped and fell. a full face plant in the mud.

oh shit

shiro stopped and ran over to kuro

are you ok?

uh yeah, i'm fine just muddy

here take my paw i'll help you up

shiro helped kuro up and they both ran to the door. shiro unlocked it and they both walked in. shiro pointed up the stairs to the master bath and took kuro's cloths to the washing machine.

kuro i'll put this in the washer andthe master bath is up the stairs past my room, it's on the left.

b-but what about you, i mean don't you wanna clean up to?

kuro said blushing and looking down.

yeah theres a shower down here too! so i'm fine.


kurro said carefully walking across the floor and up stairs, as if it was fine china and his pawsteps would break it. he slowly walked down the hall way takeing in all there was to see, he took in the scent. it was fresh like shiro had had the window open for a while. kuro reached the bedroom and couldn't help but peek in, there was a king sized bed all made up. there was a book shelf full of books, a dresser with a tall mirror on top with a brush a pair of glasses and a little book. kuro glanced at the closet the doors were open and it was full of cloths.

i guess he likes to read

kuro said walking to the bathroom, lightning flashing and the rumbles og thunder. kuro closed the door and turned on the water, looked around the bathroom before pulling down his boxers. he walked over to the tub and stepped in. the water was just a little to hot but it was ok. he pulled up the shower stopper and let the warm water wash away all the mud.

oooh this is heavenly!

he looked around for some shampoo and picked up a bottle for white silky fur.

hahaha what did i expect to find! i hope this doesn't turn my fur gray or something.

he said lathering up his fur from head to tail and paws. he had just finished washing off all the suds when there was another loud (bbbbbbbbbaaaaaaannnnnnnnnngggggg)

(ahhhhhhhhhh) damn. thats it i'm done, where are the towels.

he saidhoping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. he looked at his boxers

well those are all gross, i guess i'll be fine i stay wrapped in this towel until my cloths are done.

he said opening the door and walking down the hall. the lights flickered a little as he did.

no please don't go out.

he said as he started running down the hall, the lights dimmed then stopped

oh no please don't

(bbbaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnggggggggg) lighting flashed through all the windows and thunder rattled the house, the lights whent out and kuro ran and jumped down the staires. he landed with a loud thud the towel around his slender hips fell to the floor. he didn't notice as he ran blindly into shiro who was wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers.

ouw...oh it's you kuro. what happned?

th-the lightning scared me

he said as another loud (bbbaaannnggg) rattled the house


kuro wrapped his arms around shiro tightly and burried his face in his chest fur.

ar-umm are you scared of the thunder kuro? your holding me so tight you might um make me a little......never mind.

y-yes i am scared of the thunder, it's so loud it hurts my ears. i'm gonna make you a little what?

kuro mumbled into shiro's chest, squeezing a little tighter.

o-oh well thats ok, it's just that i can feel my uh m-my.....well it doesn't matter as long as you feel safe with me.

shiro could feel his penis throbbing, almost ready to come out of his sheath. he started blushing at the thought and tried to stay calm but the more kuro pulled him closer he got more and more ready, and whats more is that kuro was completely naked and pressed up against him with his face burryed in his chest.

thank you, just let me hold you until the thunder quiets down.

kuro said burrying his face deeper into shiro's chest and holding him tighter.

o-oh-ok y-yeah no problem. just don't be to mad at me ok

shiro said as he could feel his control slipping away the tighter kuro held him.

i could never be mad at you for the kindness you showed me

kuro whispered into his chest, his warm breath tickling shiro's nipple as he spoke.

o-oh good.

shiro said as his control gave over to passion and a hint of animal instinct. his penis started to erect out of his sheath. he blushed more and his body temperature started picking up. shiro started panting a little it wasn't to noticible.

u-um kuro may i ask why you don't have mate yet?

i guess i just havn't had the time to get out and start dateing, that and i'm too shy for many things.

kuro said nuzzling his head into shiro's chest.

o-oh s-so do you have a sexual preferance yet.

shiro could feel his penis erecting farther out of his sheath and starting to slid out of his boxers.

w-well i'm a little to shy to say but it's the least i can do to repay your kindness, um i really never thought about it too much. i would just be happy that someone took a sexual intrest in me.

his warm breath tickled his chest and sent chills down his spine.

so you wouldn't mind if a male took an intrest in you?

shiro said with his tail wagging and his penis creeping further out of his boxers, his panting increased with his anticipation.

well.......... when i was younger i would have said no because of the fear of being gay but now that i'm older i would just be glad that someone likes me.

his breath almost like a sweet little kiss oh shiro's nipple and chest.

why are you asking me all of this shiro?

kuro said looking up as the lights flickered back on revieling shiro's blushing face. his eyes were closed and he was panting.

b-because i-i like you, i have an interest in you kuro and i'm haveing a hard time keeping my interest down.

shiro said opening one eye and still panting.

w-what.......how cruel i didn't expect such a thing from you shiro.

kuro said letting go and backing up.

kuro i'm not being cruel, look at me. i was trying my hardest not to offend you, thats why i was asking all those questions.

shiro said ripping his boxers off showing kuro how interested he was in him.

o-oh but......no one has ever take'n such a big interest in me before. i'm just the shy one who's always hidding in back watching everyone live there life.

kuro said looking at shiro's penis then up at his panting blushing face.

but i have kuro. i took an interest in you the moment i saw you in the woods sleeping. i fell in love with you, your cute face your shy charm. you stole my heart the moment i saw you.

shiro said walking up and holding kuro in his arms.

but but................i don't know what to do, i'm still a virgin.

kuro said crying a little.

(lick) it's ok just let your insticts take over, i'm a virgin too.

shiro licked the tears from kuro's face as he laid him down on the floor.

w-what are you doing, shiro......shiro?

shiro's eye's were glazed over with passion, his body was in instinct mode. he was almost deaf to kuro's voice as he started pawing kuro off.

u-uh shiro stop, please sto-oh

kuro's penis became erect and slid out of his sheath. shiro licked it as kuro shivered.

oh oh please shiro we can stop now before we mate OHhhhhh

shiro opened his mouth and slid kuro's penis up his tounge and down his throte. kuro's penis tickled the back of shiro's throte, kuro moaned in sexual bliss. he had never known such a thing as sex and never expected to have it.

OHhhh shiro nnnnn don't stop

kuro started thrusting his penis further down shiro's throte. shiro was onley too happy to suck harder and take as much of kuro in as possible.

Ohhhh shiro i'm going to cum OHhhhhhhhh

kuro moaned in plesure as he climaxed, sending a wave of cum down shiro's throte. shiro swallowed all of it and licked his lips incase he had missed any. shiro licked kuro's penis long and slow until it slid back into his sheath.

(pant pant) sh-shiro, what do i do now.......do i suck yours or.....

kuro stopped when he noticed shiro was turning him around.

u-um shiro what are you do-oh.....shiro!

shiro slowly and gently slid his tounge up kuro's anus and slowly slid it out.

i-i guess your going to go all the way with me..........just be gentle your so big i don't want it to hurt, i want to enjoy sex with you.

kuro said looking back at shiro. shiro had snapped out of his instinct driven mateing mode and was enjoying every moment. he knoded to kuro as he slid his first finger into kuro slowly.

ohhhh, shiro

kuro moaned as shiro slid in his secound finger, licking in between for lubrication.

ohhhhh shiro......ow careful with your claws.

shiro slid his third finger in and began to rotate them slowly, slowly stretching kuro's anus.

ahh ohhh nnn shiro i'm ready, nnnn i want you to enter me

kuro said closing his eyes and relaxing his whole body, he liked his lips with anticipation. his heart was pounding, his whole body aiched for more. he wanted more of shiro the onely one who ever took a sexual interest in him, he now wanted him inside of his body. kuro wanted to feel him enter him, every inch. he wanted shiro to take him in his entirety and leave nothing behind.

are you ready?

shiro asked slowly

more now then i ever will be

kuro said widening his legs lifting up his butt and moving his tail aside.

shiro mounted him and slowly entered kuro's body

ohhhh nnohh

kuro was in extacy as shiro slowly entered into his body. kuro became erect almost instantly.

...mmmm.slow or fast?

shiro asked as calmly as he could, holding back the urge to thrust in like no tomarrow as he finally entered all the way inside kuro.

ohhhh shiro....do as you like to me, i'm youres now

kuro said as he thrusted his hips back forcing shiro's penis further in.


shiro moaned as his penis was forced further in. it caused shiro to start thrusting instantly.

ahhh ohhhh ahh shiro!

kuro moaned as he led shiro's paws to his penis. shiro knew what he wanted so he started pawing kuro off while he increased the speed of his thrusts.

ohhhh ahh ow-ohhhh shiro!

(pant pant) i-i'm about to c-cum

shiro said thrusting faster

(pant) l-let me help you out

kuro said tightning his anus muscles makeing the entry way smaller forcing shiro's penis to squeez through the smaller opening.

(pant pant) OHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

both shiro and kuro climaxed at the same time, shiro's penis erupted with cum deep inside of kuro. kuro moaned as shiro's penis slid out. 

they both collapsed on the floor infront of eachother. the lights whent out and the both of them lay there in eachothers arms.

shiro i love you and i'll always be with you.

kuro i wouldn't want it any other way.

they both held eachother close and fell asleep to the sound of rain tapping on the roof.

                                                                 THE END