SuzRyo: Open Up

By: littlepup
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It was starting to get late, so it was best that I headed to my room before Darren caught me roaming alone in the halls. I swung open the maple wood door and walked inside, nudging the door shut again with my foot. I let out a sigh and was about to walk over to my bed when I noticed Suzaku was lying on it. Normally, I was never bothered by Suzaku randomly in my room without permission, but tonight something was different… very different. Instead of usually wearing her cute flamey hoodie, she was wearing black and red lacey linguire.

I immediately felt my cheeks burn with a vibrant blush, and a hard lump developed in my throat. “Uhh heh, Suzu-chan? W-What’s the occasion?” I questioned stupidly. She giggled softly, and then replied, “Just felt like spoiling you.”- then with a finger, she gestured me over- “Come here, Ryo-kun.” My legs felt weak underneath me as I trudged over to the bedside, my heart pounding hard in my chest, and I half-collapsed onto my own soft comforter. Suzaku’s skin seemed to glow a little in the pale moonlight that consumed the whole bed, thanks to the giant crystallized window (the only window) in my bedroom.

Suzaku gently grabbed my red n’ black striped tie and pulled me over to her, nearly on top of her. Her light pink lips curled up into a beautiful, sweet smile, and her ocean blue eyes gazed up loved-dazed into my chocolate ebony ones. Her smooth white leg brushed against the inside of my inner thigh, making me bite down on my lower lip and muffle a satisfied noise. “No,” she whispered with her heavenly voice, “Let me hear you.” Again, she teased my clothed inner thigh with her leg in a slow motion, and obediently I whimpered.

Her hands ran through my dark burgundy hair, moving down to my tan wolf ears and rubbing them within her palms and fingers. My tail swayed back and forth in enjoyment, closing my eyes for a moment and then opening them again. Suzaku leaned up a little as she gingerly pulled my head down, pressing those perfect lips against my own. I felt myself fall into a blissful trance, and a soft whimper escaped, as her tongue slipped passed and began massaging the inside of my mouth. Those few moments of that wondrous make-out were enough to make my whole system go numb and I collapsed a little, locking my elbows to keep my upper body from crushing my beloved underneath me.

I hesitated there for a moment, waiting for my strength to return and I pushed myself back up into the position I was in earlier. I looked down at her flawless outline: those beautiful blue eyes, her soft brown sugar hair, that glistening skin of hers, those well-rounded curves; it was enough to make me crave every part of her body badly. I leaned down, pressing my lips against her smooth collarbone, planting little kisses. A small whimper escaped passed her lips, tilting her head back and giving me more access, of which I then ran my tongue along her skin, making her moan a tad bit louder.

“R-Ryo-… ko,” she whispered, shifting underneath me and grinding her hips against me eagerly. She wanted to be fucked… now! But, as for me, I wanted to taste every inch of her perfectly honeyed neck. I moved up across her neck, and suddenly her arms draped around my neck, pushing against me with even more excitement. I smirked, knowing I was doing something right, and continued to tease that sweet spot with my tongue, causing Suzaku to gasp and moan loudly.

Abruptly I realized, the more I caressed that spot, the more Suzaku clawed at my back like a sexed-up cat. The pain began to sting as I heard my clothes tear a bit and felt her fingernails penetrate my skin, leaving bloody claw marks. “Haa!” I whimpered, pulling away and wincing, “N-Not so hard.” She sniffled a soft apology, but I shook my head. “It’s ok,” I whispered, secretly enjoying that kind of pain. The masochist in me loved the sexual hurt. I leaned back down, going back to that spot on her neck with my tongue, and again Suzaku began grazing her nails into my skin.

This time, I chose to ignore the torture and proceeded to roam other areas of her body. My hands snuck underneath her linguire, tracing her figure slowly with my fingertips and came to her breasts. “Ohn!” Suzaku moaned, pressing her whole groin region against mine, “Please…!” Again, I felt myself smirk at her sensual plea, and obediently I moved my hands over her breasts and gently began caressing them. So soft and firm, so perfect. Suzaku’s hands moved to the buttons on my shirt and began undoing them rather swiftly.

She yanked off my shirt, stroking me gently with her own hands, and I whimpered against her skin, blushing horribly. Suzaku suddenly rolled us over, so now she was sitting on me, and to be honest, she took me by surprise. My ears perked forward a little and I remained silent, staring up at her as she seductively smiled down at me. I had unleashed some kind of sexual beast inside of Suzaku, and truthfully I was exhilarated, but also a little troubled. She leaned down near my neck, making my heart do somersaults as she lightly breathed against my skin.

“Z-Zaku-chan,” I started to whimper, but she placed a finger over my lips, hushing me. That hand then moved down to my jeans, and over the button, and I swallowed hard. In a slow, teasing manner Suzaku unzipped my pants, and then she leaned back and yanked them and my underwear off all in one, which made me flinch slightly. Suddenly, a finger was moving up and down my entrance, making me gasp softly and eyes widened. In a quick movement, Suzaku thrusted that finger deep inside, I screamed a little. For a short moment, it hurt, but the more she moved in and out, the more I wanted it.

I pulled her down against me, my arms embracing her, as she fingered me hard and kissed me gently, again massaging the inside of my mouth. I whimpered and moaned noisily, blushing so darkly that it burned unbearably. And when I least expected it, Suzaku inserted a second finger, thrusting deep again, and I cried out. The pain and pleasure swirled throughout my body, and I soon couldn’t tell which one was which, but frankly I didn’t care. I moaned out her name, when strangely she bit down, sinking her teeth into my neck and drawing blood.

That’s the part that scared me the most; Suzaku usually never intended on hurting me ever, let alone bite me so viciously, I bled. Again, I whimpered her name, sounding more pained this time, but apparently she couldn’t tell the difference. Her fingers struck the most sensitive area hard, causing me to moan at a louder, higher pitch. The throbbing ecstasy began to overwhelm me, and tears began crawling down my face. Did I want her to stop because the pain was horrendous? Or did I want her to fuck me so hard, I felt like I was with Darren?

I told myself no, I shouldn’t be thinking about him when I’m with Suzaku; she was nothing like Darren. Again, Suzaku bit me hard, this time on the shoulder, as her fingers continuously hit that sensitive spot in long, rough thrusts. “S-Suz-… aku. I’m, haa, c-coming!” I whined, closing my eyes tightly. Her lips pressed against my ear, kissing it once, before playfully tugging on it with her teeth. “Go ahead,” she whispered. With one last hard thrust, Suzaku struck that spot and I let myself go.

She pulled away, watching me pant heavily. When I finally regained my breath, I opened my eyes and looked back up at her. As she smiled, the door suddenly swooshed open, causing me to leap off of the bed (and out from underneath Suzaku) and snatch my underwear and pants off of the floor. Darren stood there, as dark and menacing as ever, and I gulped softly as my tail sunk in-between my legs. He looked over at me, spotting my “wonderful pants-less glory”, and then he growled at Suzaku, “Get out.” Elegantly, she got up and walked over to me, placing a small kiss on my cheek before leaving.

I was silent and still for a moment, sort of in a daze, before I came to realize Darren was glaring with intent at me. Swiftly putting my things back on, I shot a defiant stare back at him. “What, Ren-senpai?!” I barked, sounding angrier than I should have, “What’s so damn important that you have to interrupt us?” He spat back, “You were telepathically crying out for help! I came to rescue you! Well, until I saw it was Suzaku. Which now…”- he was suddenly smirking- “I’m sort of curious.” A low snarl rumbled in my chest and I howled, “Get outta my room!!” Darren huffed a little, and then left, slamming the door shut.

I sighed heavily, falling into a sitting position on my bed. I was crying out for help? I didn’t remember doing that. My fur bristled and I growled softly, “He’s just being jealous like always.” I flopped back onto the red velvety comforter and stared up at the black ceiling. But, I had the strange feeling Darren was right and that I did call for help. “… Whatever,” I grumbled softly. Slowly, my eyes closed and I fell into deep, dreamless sleep.

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