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[Y] RenRyo: Resist
It's pretty self-explanatory...
[Y] RenRyo: Resist
Ryoko woke up from a two hour night of rest, sitting up and yawning loudly. “Ugh, I hate being insomniac sometimes,” she muttered to herself, as she slipped out of bed and stretching out the sleepiness in her muscles. Sluggishly, she got dressed, putting on a black T-shirt with a demented-looking pink bunny logo and baggy, torn jeans over her bra and panties. Yawning one last time, she left her room. Her stomach growled at her, and she clenched a hand onto her shirt. “Jesus, I’m getting there,” she groaned lazily to herself, heading into the kitchen. She wandered over to the fridge and peered inside, wrinkling her nose.

“Course, why would there be apple juice?” she growled sarcastically, grabbing the milk jug instead and bolting shut the door. She put the milk on the counter and then grabbed a cup from the cabinets. As she was pouring her glass, a sudden movement in the doorway caught her eyes and she glanced over to see a tall, familiar figure standing there. She sighed, putting the jug down and screwing the cap back on. “Oh, it’s just you,” she muttered, carrying the milk back over to the fridge. Darren chuckled, entering the kitchen and sitting down at the table.

After putting away the milk, Ryoko glared at him as he simply smirked at her. “You don’t at all sound happy to see me, Kyo,” he half-snickered, “What’s wrong?”- he crossed his arms loosely over his chest- “By the looks of it, you didn’t sleep well again.” Ryoko grunted very softly, grabbing her glass and putting it to her lips, letting the cold liquid drain down her throat. “So, what was I doing to you in this dream?” Darren teased, and Ryoko nearly spat out her half-swallowed milk. Ryoko retorted, “What the hell!? What makes you assume that I was dreaming about you?”

“Just guessing,” he replied, his smirk grew bigger as he added, “But, your face is getting awfully red.” Ryoko turned away from him, putting down the half-filled glass and muttered, “Lemme alone, you ol’ perv.” Suddenly, she felt him press up against her back, draping his arms around her waist. His lips traced the rim of her ear, making Ryoko shudder. “S-Stop it,” she whimpered. A hand gently grabbed her chin and made her look at him. Darren shifted closer, licking the small trail of milk that had ran down from her lips when she choked on her drink.

Ryoko jerked her head away, blushing even more. “I said stop it!” she spat, squirming a little in his arms, “S-Someone’s gonna walk in.” Darren chuckled again, his lips moving back to her ear, and he whispered, “Hmm, true.”- abruptly he hoisted her up onto his shoulder- “Let’s take this else where.” Ryoko kicked and wormed as he carried her off. “No!” she barked loudly, “Put me down, dammit!” He only laughed more, walking casually down the hall. She balled her fists up and began beating onto his back, screaming, “I SAID PUT ME DOWN, DARREN!”

Darren kicked open a door and then nudged it shut again with his foot when they were inside. He walked over to the bed and dropped Ryoko down onto it; as she tried to get up, he pinned her arms down on both sides of her head. “Lemme go, you pervert!” she snarled at him, thrashing a little. His grip tightened around her wrists, and she stopped, wincing in discomfort. Darren looked serious for a moment, but then he grinned. “You know, Kyo,” he said, leaning down closer so their faces were inches from each other, “when you resist me… that only makes me want you more. It’s cute.” Ryoko shied away when his cold lips brushed against her neck, and moved down to her collarbone.

She bit her lower lip, choking back on a soft pleased noise as Darren’s hot breath caressed her skin and his tongue ran back up to her ear. He leaned a little back, seeing what she was doing, but then moved back down, nipping at her earlobe. “Oh quit it,” he coaxed gently, “let it out. I want to hear your sweet voice, Kyo.” Ryoko closed her eyes for a few seconds, turning her head to look at him and reopened them slowly. Darren stared back, cackling softly; as he was about to say something, Ryoko muttered, “No. I-I… I don’t wanna h-hear that!”

“Heh, oh come now,” he teased, “You like it.” He leaned down more, so their lips were nearly touching and the blush on Ryoko’s face began to burn. “I love you, Kyo-kun,” he whispered before passionately kissing her, slipping his tongue passed her lips and exploring around in her mouth. A soft moan vibrated into his mouth, as Darren began to over-power Ryoko with dominance. He hesitantly let go of her arms and placed his hands on her hips, sliding his hands up her shirt. Ryoko pulled away from the kiss to whimper from his chilling touch as his fingers moved to the lining of her bra.

Her hands clasped onto his shoulders, trying to push him off. “N-No, I said!” she whimpered, “Get off… please…” Darren bent down, kissing just under her ear, and whispered, “You’re shivering, Kyo. Are you anxious for my attention?” Ryoko shied away again, his lips kissing down to her collarbone for a second occasion. Her grip began to weaken and she let out a sigh, slowly letting go of his shirt. Swiftly, Darren pulled off her shirt, and moved his fingers down her sides, lifting her up a little and unhooking her bra, pulling that off as well. He smirked down at her as she put both hands on her exposed chest, covering her barely-noticeable breasts with her arms.

“Don’t,” he whispered, gently prying her arms away, and moved his face down to her chest, “They’re adorable.” Ryoko glared at him a little, which made Darren chuckle; his lips pressed against her skin and his kisses moved down to her stomach as his hands tugged on her jeans. His fingers moved along her waistline and to the button of her pants, and undid them, yanking off her jeans and panties all in one. Darren leaned back, admiring Ryoko a little, which made her give him a glaring pouty face.  “N-Not fair,” she murmured, more to herself, “y-you still h-have your clothes o-on.”

“Oh?” Darren snickered, “Was that an invitation?” As Ryoko was trying to protest, he placed a finger over her lips, hushing her, and undid his black button-up shirt and pulled it off, tossing it aside with the other clothes. He started to undo his pants when she kicked him in the leg, getting his attention. “Hmm?” he questioned, “What, what is it, Kyo?” Ryoko took a deep breath, and then exhaled, before muttering, “You’re taking too long, Ren-senpai.” A devious smirk stretched across Darren’s lips again and he unzipped his pants, sliding them and his boxers down a little to reveal his engorged self.

His hands moved down the outsides of her legs, coming to her hips and pulling her closer to him. Ryoko’s heart was racing in her chest from trepidation and eagerness as she felt the tip brush against her entrance, making her take in a deep breath and then bite down on her lip. “You’re shivering like crazy, Kyo,” Darren said in a velvety tone, his smirk growing into a sinister grin, “You must really want this.” She barked, “S-Shuddup! You t-talk t-too much.” One hand moved down her arm, to her hand, and he held her small, warm hand in his, and she clenched his, holding it firmly.

Darren leaned down, nipping at her bottom lip for a little bit before he swiftly pushed in. Ryoko rolled her head back to cry out sharply as he pulled out and pushed back in, penetrating a little farther. “Gah, y-you’re… ahnn, t-too… big… ha!” Ryoko whimpered, moaning with every other forcing plunge, “It, aghn…! Ahh, hurts…” Darren’s hot breath ran down her neck, and he grunted a little. He penetrated deeper, making her bawl a tad now and making him grin with satisfaction. The pain and pleasure swirled inside Ryoko, bewildering her and losing her in mixed emotions. “Ahh…! Uhnn…!” she moaned, “Hahn! Har-… unn…” Darren kissed under her ear, and began breathing heavily into it, nearly deafening her.

His shaft moved in, striking a certain spot, making Ryoko arch her back and moan even more noisily. He began quickening his rhythm, hitting that sensitive spot tough and continuously. “Ahh! Ohnn…” Ryoko cried out, draping one arm around Darren’s neck, “Har-... der... hahn…!” That made him chuckle and he thrusted into her, promptly and hard, as he whispered, “As… you wish… Kyo.” Her nails dug into his skin, making Darren grunt a bit, as he struck her harder than before. Again, Ryoko tilted her head back and bawled out. She felt herself reaching her limit, but the more he made himself one with her, the more she wished this wasn’t about to end.

A hot liquid escaped Darren’s shaft and he began slowing down, eventually coming to a halt. Ryoko was panting hard, her eyes closed tightly, and a dark crimson shade was stretched across her entire face. Darren pulled himself out and suddenly collapsed on top of her. She tried to squirm, but she was too tired, so she turned her head away from his, as he continued to breathe into her neck. “I love… you, Kyo-kun,” he whispered. Stubbornly, she muttered, her eyes opened now, “I said… I didn’t wanna… hear it!” A snicker echoed softly in Ryoko’s ear, and then Darren closed his eyes. “Asshole,” Ryoko muttered, and then slowly fell asleep herself, dreaming about this moment all over again.