
By: krystalslover
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 ["Hello...My name is Jackson Dominicus LightFoot...my story begins from when I was Nine years of age. My entire clan was destroyed, my village burned, and my sister taken with me with several others. We were taken into a white room with bloodied walls, windowless and visually doorless. Nine years of endurement of the mayhemic room. The padded walls did not add any support, the foam blocking any form of honorable spiritual escape. They took two out at a time, each returning with terrible stitches and hideous wounds, then they reached me and my sister...they moved fast with only three of us, Me, my sister, and a young cub. They sliced me open last, leaving my entire body open to the world as a writhed in pain from the lack of aneasthetic comfort. The vivisections kept on with all of us, keeping us in fear of the pain and infection. Our fears remained smaller, our glimmers of hope staying up untill they told us about the testing they would put us through. Chemicals, Untested Isotopes, Highly Radioactive ordinence used on all of us and placed inside of us , except for the cub. They did nothing to the cub, they couldn't kill the youngest LightFoot alive, it would leave them one less to test on when we were dead. It angered me that none of us had achieved the "Warrior's Rage," a Genetic Clan Transformation achieved at Thirty years of age, wings are grown, powers are gained, and the BloodLust Curse is placed. The BloodLust Curse is basically a safeguard of the LightFoot Clan. If you die without accepting your death, an unstoppable Wraith, a void dwelling creature that cannot be moved, killed, destroyed, etc., will stalk you and kill you, and if you can not die, it will torture you by killing your loved ones, if no loved ones, just terrorize you and anyone near you. All of my clan-mates above Thirty accepted their deaths, protecting their families. There was one of our own with us, she was twenty five when she was captured with the other nine and myself. At the age of thirty, the hid her away from all view of any windows, skylights, screens, televisions, etc. to keep her from getting a view of Mars, the celestial body that starts the transformation. When they were done with final testing, they killed her in front of us. I was only fourteen when it happened and through such, I resolved to kill any human that came near me...By the time we were used to full potential, I was dying of Radiation Sickness, the Radioactive Isotopes found their way to the memory center of my brain and bone marrow. My sister was lucky, only having a few scars, they gave her a bit of Prussian Blue, a dye used for blueprints and uniforms that can pull radioactive materials from the blood. They were forced to release us because the American's EPA came in with groups named PETA and GreenPeace. At the age of eighteen, alone with my fifteen year old sister, we were set free, the cub was lost. We were the only survivors. By the time I was twenty two, my sister eighteen, we were recruited into the Anthropomorphic Army and fought in an undercover war. No one knew of such a war, the American and Canadian Governments covered it up and cleaned up the battlefields. Our first battle showed our true potential as LightFoot. Our agility was above average, Aim with a pistol was better than a friendly sniper's, strength enough to, with a joint effort, push tanks away or even lift them into a large defense. We felt amazing, everyone held us in the highest Honor. We were both moved from Recruits to Sergeants almost immediately after the battle. I don't know if I should feel Honored or Appalled that the Captain told my sister, right in front of me, that she, as a woman, shouldn't be this strong. Of course, this was eight years ago, the amount of females in the US military were little, even smaller in other places. If I had been stronger...a few years later we fought in Italy...a military group, the NSRF, or the Neo Soviet Russian Federation, was attacking the beachhead. We set a probably set a record. Seven hundred confirmed kills between the both of us. Then I lost her. A stray bullet flew straight through her leg and an enemy round went through her chest. She died in my arms and I could do nothing but watch her bleed. I sat and weeped in the sea of red surrounding me, covering me, eroding my sanity and comfort away...her last words were "Keep the others alive, keep moving. I love you Jax."...I miss her...I got up and went on a manslaughter, killing all before me with my bare hands, emotion driving every fatal punch, jab, and claw. The receded after I took out a hundred of their men. My entire team viewed me as a monster, but one viewed me differently. He was seventeen, a young one, but man, could he fight. His name was Vincent. He is among my own squad at this moment, but...He viewed me as the leader. I held the need and force to do what I needed to to respectfully and honorably avenge what is mine in his eyes, and he wanted that power, to learn it from me. As they honorably discharged me, he left them to join me. That did not go far, as he ran off to the upper Icelands, or Canada and upper Alaska as some of you know them by on a mission. I stumbled across a Native tribe that held me in high esteem, calling me a god. I thank the gods that there are still Naturalists about. They took me under their wing, teaching me survival without companionship after I explained to them that I was no god. They didn't beleive me, but they called me a god without power in nature, but in physicality and emotion. As I am a naturally spiritual in blood, these few years with them made me incredibally enlightened, I became a protector. Twenty Eight, they let me go in and out as I pleased as my training was comeplete, and I started my year long journey...I came across an old shack containing and old man, a human. He beckoned me in, and I followed with increasing suspicion. His home was warm, welcoming, and his personality flowed with good intentions. He fed me, told stories of old warriors, abilities, and mental strength. He gave me a test. Turn a lump of copper into a chunk of iron. I failed at first, but in what seemed like a burst of flame, the burnt orange of copper melted and gave into a dark grey. He only stood and nodded, rubbing my head lightly. I remember a twinge in my forehead, then grabbing his arm...he said he gave me a gift for my "Alchemic Sorcery." Apparantly, minor telekinesis has the ability to spread. I thanked him and went on my way, meeting many people along the way, mostly crooks, thieves, and the like. I stopped most, but one I couldn't. He killed a young boy in front of its mother before I could reach them, and I killed him in the alleyway he fled to. I fled the town, coming up to a town full of anthropomorphic creatures of many species, from wolves to dragons, I turned right, into the mountains and found a large, horizontal crack in the mountainside. I built up a wall and made my home there. I finally set foot in the tavern and here I am and here I've been, nine months of community. Four of these were, so far, bad for me. So much drama, the woman I protected and lost limbs for hates my guts, I'm spiritually drained, this pain I've been put through has depleted almost all of my energy. The Rad sickness has been long gone, a beast harbored within me taken away, I've been tormented my whole life and only have few loved ones. Turns out my sister is alive, the bullet wound wasn't fatal, but was covered with an herb that causes a shock that sends you into a death-like state, Vin came back months ago, a woman I loved and lost came back, my close friend cares for my daughter, the one that hates me cares for my son, I care for a rare type of panther, an adopted child. My closest friend cares for the last of a great race, so I hold her in high esteem, but that list is just about it. Otherwise, Im the tenth most hated male in all of the town for being decent enough to be protective and active in my life. I just wish this could all be reversed...Heh...the entire idea that I could die any minute, alone, bugs me little, but being alone in entirity..."]

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