The story of the Flash's

By: ingwie2000
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The flash’s storie.


In the old times of the Flashes, they were jsut normal solders at the human’s folk But they were allready equipped with one seal. It was weak, but good. The generalls didn’t notice how strong they became. Then, in a hard war, it was the first worldwar, the seal became overloaded from the power, witch the flashes were earmng after times. It nearly exploded – in power. As it nearly did, it opened the way to another world. In this, there were others of their kind! Those people had lifed there a few thousedn years ago. The human solders begann to learn from then – and protected their family at this world. It hadn’t much cities. But after the humans figured out, how to find out, witch human can be a flash, they begann to split on earth. Year by year went away, and they growed alot. Some spezial Flashes got born. Two of them, one evil and one ultra-god, were contained. The evilone got called „Black-Flash“. Because his personallioty turned bad and mad about everything – and everyone! So they’D decided to kick that one flah out. But he wasn’t that silly and took a wife with him. With her, he begann to make children, prooved them and showed them the truth power of the darkness. Soon, the folk was large. The otherone, the ultra-god one, became called „blue Flash G1“. Because he was the first generations. Soon after that naming, other folks of the flashes begann to name their own names with the G. It became used, to give every new born Flash, witch has the same element and wariorname as anotherone, with a G and the numbre of generations. The „Blue-Flash“ was strong and soon defeathed alot of the blackones. But...he didn’t got children. So after the first „Blue-Flash“ died, the whole world became a large battlefield. Till the second generation got born. With this, a wall was created between the two dimensions. The thirdone brought chaos too. He killed the enemys, but he wanted to have wifes, alot of them. Some people wispered, that he wanted to get sex at five times on a day... The 4th was the firsone, who figured out, that there was a language, witch only can be spoken of a blue-flash. He made a dictionary and managed to get spezial trainings for those running. That was the beginning, of the strongest generation of flashes ever. After the 4th died, there was no Blue-Flash in 5000 years. But then... A german mother brought a child to the world. After thatone was born, a huge enrgy covered him. Noone knows why, but he prooved himself with his powers! He was bored at training, but used it to become stronger, and raising his features and abillities. Soon, he was nearly finished in training, as his teacher, Sleyten Comoon, died. He feelt in depression and didn’t made any fight anymore. But now, he fights.


The Spirits are important fort he flashes, those are their power. They digged it while the families were rising and growing. First, a spiritation took a whole hour! But now, since some new strategies, they can do it in several seconds. Butt he higher the level, the lnger the time takes. Normally, there are only fthose Levels: H, B, TP, TP2, TP3. Butt he newest Blue-Flash found the ultimative form – the LEGENDAIR-Level. Every Level contains spezial features, witch are saved in a system, witch is like a filesystem on a computer. While spiritating, a flash extrackts the virtual data and overwrites his realones. The realones change to the ones, wirtten in the spirit. One Spirit is like 59 GB large. Butt he LLEGENDAIR-Spirit is several Terrabites large.


The Flashes have the strongest weapons oyu could get. Their army is not huge, but stronger as the american, german and asian together. They use spezial techniques, to connect their soul and mind to a weapon, to control it with themself. Even their computer-technology is heading forward, faster as the humans. Normally, they use swords for close combats – and guns for combats on distance. It is also possible, that a flashes uses „Energy-Attacks“. Those can be done by pulling their energy together in a sword or gun and attacking just with the energy, and not with the ammo. Also, they can use those techniques without having any weapon. To stick a flash into prision is not easy.


Most of their connections are going by their own seals, witch are going with each generation of a new folk of the flashes, and their watch. Thatone is made out of the highest and smallest technique. They have really everything in it: Bluethooth, USB, Wi-Fi, an own OS, time, spritation-modules and alot more. Also they are banned – you won’t be able to take their necklance or watch away from them...

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