Will's life part 1.

By: hawk3154
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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Will hits the button on his alarm clock and sits up rubbing his eye's, he gives a small yawn looking to the clock "Who the hell put it for seven in the morning?!?" At that moment his brother, a tall muscular brown husky, walks in through the door with a small smile on his face "Morning Will, big brother Josh is gonna take you on an adventure." Will groans laying back down and covering his head with his sheets. Josh gives a soft chuckle walking over to him and pulling the sheets off of him, revealing the smallish light blue husky's full body, Josh lifts him up over his shoulder, Will punching at his back but it having no effect "Let me go Josh." Josh chuckles "You gonna go to town with me?" "No, you just want me to cover for your losses when you lose all your money gambeling....again." Josh smiles rubbing his head "No, thats tomorrow, im going to help you find a girl...or a guy so you dont have to listen to me with one tonight." Will blushes, and sight "Fine, just put me down and let me get dressed." Josh smiles tossing him on the bed heading towards the door "I'll be back in fove minutes." Will sighs, not see'ing any way out of it as he puts on some tight bluejeans a slightly loose undershirt and a blue and white striped button up shirt on, along with a pair of anckle socks.

He walks out his door and to the bathroom, standing infront of the sink as he beggins to brush his teeth, when he finishes he walks down stairs to see that Josh had already made breakfast. Will smiles heading to the table taking a seat infront of a plate with a few eggs and some bacon, a tall glass of OJ next to that, he quickly ate his food and downed his drink, looking to Josh "Ok, im ready where are we heading" Josh smiles walking to the front door putting his shoes on "The dog park, get Bonnie" Will sigh's, facepalming "Bonnie's the cat, you mean Jessica" Will says as he walks to his small yellow lab puppy, putting her coller and leiche, heading towards the door puppy in arms. Will hands Josh the puppy as he begins to put on his shoes then open the door for Josh. Josh smiles, walking out the door handing the puppy back "You get to hold her until we get to the park, then she's all mine" He says with a small laugh. Will sighs, taking her back "Just dont leave her under some tree when you find what YOU want" "I wont, jeeze, I'll give her back to you" They both begin to head down to the dog park, Will letting Jessica walk after carrying her half way.

When they get to the dog park Josh takes the leiche and walks off somewhere, while Will walks over to a tree somewhere in the middle of the park, it was his favorite tree and the one he always went to when he heads the the park, he sits down and leans against the tree, he closes his eyes, falling asleep pretty fast since it was still early in the morning.

He wakes up several hours later to see Jessica asleep in his lap and something against his shoulder. When he looks to see what it was he blushes as he realizes its a beautiful white female cat, she was wearing a pink shirt with a pair of white pants, I gulp wondering how long she had been her. She surns around, her back being against me "O, your awake." She smiles and turns towards me, sitting with her legs crosses "Cute puppy." I look to Jessica then to her with a slightly confuzed look on my face "Umm...thanks...I'm Will" I say offering my paw for a handshake. She smiles taking paw shaking it "I'm Lillie, and im sorry if i woke you up" I smile, rubbing the back of my head "Its ok...how long have you been here?" She looks to her watch then back to me "About three hours, thats when this brown husky put the puppy on you" I blush and sigh, not expecting to sleep that long "O-O, that was my brother, and i guess he left with some girl hu?" She nods with a small giggle "Yea, some pink dragon" I gove a soft smile, petting Jessica "Well its nice to meet you Lillie." "Its nice to meet you too Will, do umm...Do you wanna go for a walk" I nod, standing up, Jessica in my left arm as i extend my right arm to help her up. She happily takes my offer and gets up, brushing off the dirt from her butt. I smile and nod, slowly beggining to walk with her down a path.

-To be continued-

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