Final fantasy the day the world almost ended chapter 1

By: ghostboy29
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The thirteen days after we awoke were the beginning of the end.

The purge train roll through the valley on it's way to pulse. On the train are Purge deportees awaiting their fate among them is Sazh and Lighting. A solder from the group call Psicom walk through a door to check on the Purge people making sure their not doing anything to escape. "You serious?" Sazh ask Lighting "Be quiet." she reply "best of luck." he told her. The train crash through the portal and that when Lighting took action. She got up and kick the solder in the face making him drop the remote. She stomp on the remote freeing her and everybody from their purge jump suit. "She did it." Sazh said surprise and relief at the same time. "Hands up!" one Psicom solder yell out "Freeze!" the other one shouted than they open fire onto the crowd, but Lighting wouldn't have that. She rip free from her jump suit and round house kick the two solders in the face.

Than a solder pointed a gun at her but she smack it out of his hand and knock him down to the floor and stole his gun.

She stormed into the next car and started killing every solder in site. One solder started to rush towards her with a gun but she kicked him back making him fly backwards. Then she killed him with a few rounds of lead into his stomach. "You all right?" Sazh ask a kid who is huddle in the corner scared. "I'm not a l'cie." He reassure the kid, than a chocobo pop out of Sash head and the kid smile.

Lighting click her fingers than her whole body glow a dim blue like lighting, than she face plant a solder face into the metal door. After that she jump and air kick a solder face while shooting another one in the eyes. Than she pump more lead into other solder face.

"So far so good" Sazh said as he enter the car with a few rebels, "They all want to fight." "Good for them." Lighting snap back pulling out her gun/blade. The train roar through the tunnel that leads into a military compound know as the Hanging edge witch glows with a evil dark green. As the train enters the compound Lighting look out the door to scope out the area, than a group of fighters plains appear and open fire on the train.

"Give me that!" Lighting order and grab a rocket launcher and open fire on the plains. Than one of the plains fire back and causing a big explosion and one of the cars flew up in the air and crash down to the waters below. As the rampage continue the rebels try to fight back, but they were no mach because the Psicom sent out giant beast and robot demon dogs on them.

Then a metal scorpion came out of the darkness and landed on the train. With it mighty tail it smash a big hole on both sides of the train, "Run!" Sazh told Lighting and everybody on the train but Lighting didn't listen " I meant away!" he yell at her. As Sash clime out of the wreckage he came face to face with the beast, lighting pull out her blade.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let's be rational now!" Sazh told to both the scorpion and Lighting. "They're sending in the big guns now. What do we do?" Sazh ask Lighting, "Watch and learn." she told him. The giant scorpion raise is sharp razers blades and about to thrust them down to kill them both but Lighting took her mighty blade and strike the saws like razers, she hit them so hard that one of them came flying off and hitting one of the rebels. Then charge for the face slashing a chunk of metal off the face. Lighting continue to tear it apart as Sazh shoot it with his two pistols. Then the thing pull back and grab both sides of the car and begin to shake it.

"Fall back!" Lighting told Sazh as they flee to the next car. "Not so tough now huh?" Sazh told the monster taunting it. Just then the monster started the thrusters and started to pull the train. "Hey that wasn't like a challenge now all right?" he told the monster realizing on what he as done. Then both cars started to shake violently, "Time to go!" Sazh said out loud as they started running. Than both cars started to lift off the tracks, Lighting slipped as she was fleeing but caught herself than she jump onto the next car. Sazh was running down to safety as both cars lift into the air, "I'm coming!" "Jump!" Lighting told Sazh. As Sazh jump the monster pull the train off the track from underneath him.

He landed face first on the next car but his little bird friend landed safely."heads up!" she told him, "this thing won't give up!" the monster jump onto the next car. The monster was about to give the final blow but Lighting struck the sleds the only thing that keeping this thing from falling over the edge, as soon as she cut off the sleds the scorpion malfunction explode and fell into the lake below. "Oh goodness. We did it." Sazh told lighting. "Aren't you supposed to protect civilian solder? I mean you are sanctum aren't you? What you doing trying to stop the Purge? Why don't you tell me that?" Sazh ask Lighting. "I was a soldier." she told Sazh than she jump off the train onto the road. "Hey where do you think your going?" Sazh ask her, "Chocobo we cant catch a break can we? Well better follow her."

Sazh and Lighting headed east fighting soldiers along the way and try to get through the debris.

"Not wanting to get purged I get. But taking on trained solders?" Sazh ask Lighting out of curiously. "Better to die than sent to pulse it's hell without the brimstone." Lighting explain. "yeah well hell not sounding too bad. Cause this place ain't exactly paradise." Sazh answer back. "Domesticated peacekeepers nothing to worry about." "Maybe not for a solder girl, but-hey!" the two robot demons dogs had no chance she killed them with one strike. So they continue on, then this solder on jet backs charge in on them Lighting slash him to the ground and Sazh finish him off with a fatal bullet to the head. They continue east till a plain crash out of the sky and took out the road in front of them, "Do we turn back?" Sazh asked "There no time." she told him. "Than what do you suggest we do?" he asked Lighting, "Quiet!" she snap.

Lighting goes to the edge of the now destroy road and she click her fingers and she begin to glow like lighting and she getting ready to leave but Sazh stop her. "Hey! Wait no,no, don't leave me!" Sazh plead, "Let go!" yell Lighting. "Hell no, you're my only way out of here!" he pleaded to her again. Not letting go Sazh got his ass kick by Lighting she punch him, kick him, and shove him to the ground. She try to leave again but she drain her power so the lighting like glow won't work for a while.

Then Sazh spots a sky bridge, "Hey that might get us across right there."

Lighting turn to see what he looking at. "Right?" "Look that way." They headed towards the sky bridge fighting a group of robot demon dogs along the way.

They got onto the platform that took them to the sky bridge, than they came face to face with an officer. "Deportees are we? Weapons down I'd hate for this to turn ugly." "Uh… turn ugly?" Sazh ask confuse. "He want to kill us with out a fight." They fought and fought and finally Lighting cut off his head. "So soldier? What your angle?" Sash asked but lighting didn't answer. "What is it classified military info? What it matters? You quit didn't you? You think I'm going to go out there and just tell everybody your secret?" Sazh continue asking. "The Pulse fal'cie." Lighting told him, "What?" "My angle I'm after the fal'cie." She explain, "Still happy you tagged along?" she ask. "Didn't have a choice." They took off on the sky bridge.


Mean while as Sazh and Lighting ride the sky bridge, The rebels continue to fight the soldiers below them. "On behalf of Cocoon's citizens I like to thank our brave Pulse pioneers and express our best wishes for a successful relocation. Your noble selfless sacrifice ensures the continued safety and peace of our society. Were it not for this remarkable gesture every resident of Cocoon your family, your friends, your neighbors would be exposed to the dangers of the world below. By choosing to leave cocoon and participating in this migration-" The announcement was cut off when Snow stomp on the radio.

"Migration? More like extermination." Yuj said correcting the announcement, " Yuj. You stay here." Snow order Yuj, " Sorry. I didn't mean to-" Yuj try to apologize but Snow just shook his head. "These people need heroes!" he told Yuj, "Here. You keep your cool, and they will too. You got it?" Snow ask Yuj "Got it." Yuj reply. "What our motto?" he ask Yuj, " The army no mach for NORA!" Yuj scream out proudly, "at a boy." Snow told Yuj as he rub his head.

Snow heads west trying to get through the debris, " Aw this is crazy?" Maqul complain "Than take a nap." tease Gadot "Really can I?" "Sure and when we're taking a dirt nap, you can save 'em all." Gadot told Maqul. "Aw, that even worse!" Maqul continue to complain. "No dirt naps today! We're in this together." Snow told everybody making them fell much better, "Our enemy's the Cocoon Sanctum! Their dreaded PISCOM, no less." Snow explain. "What's to dread? PISCOM's nothing but a whole bunch of bluster and bullying. They've got nothing on NORA." Lebreau told them, well we are the heroes after all" Gadot remanded her.

"Let's prove it!" Snow yelled. "Yeah!" everybody answer.

They continue westward killing every solder in site, "No more..." Maqul complain again. "there are solders everywhere." Lebreau told Snow. "Yo. Boss. What's the plan?" Gadot asked Snow, "Charge in guns blazing." Snow answered, "Hey that not a plan!" Maqul complain once again. "Real heroes don't need plans." Lebreau told every one. Will they went on with their plan they charge in with guns blazing Gadot pump six rounds of led in one solder, Snow upper cut another, and Lebreau shot gun blast in the other one face. Then they made it to the other side to help a group of kids and adults (who were purge) to safety.

"You all okay?" snow asked the people huddle together at the end of the road, and clumsy as Mapul is he drop the guns. "Hey, careful with those." Snow warn Maqul who just laugh, "Don't worry, no one's moving to Pulse today." Snow reassure everybody. "We'll clear you a path out of here, so be ready to-" "Wait! Let me fight with you!" one man commanded Snow, "Yeah,can't expect us to just sit here!" another man agreed. "Could help." Snow told Gadot "Yep" Gadot agreed, "Please. Let us help." as the man said that there was an explosion in the distance.

"Okay than. Volunteers front and center." almost all of adults got up and grab a gun to fight and among them is Hope's mother. "Mom?" Hope asked wondering what she doing, "Don't worry." she try to reassure him. "Are you sure?" Snow asked her, "Yeah moms are tough." she told him. "Right." Snow said as he grab the last gun, "It's the last one. Boss." Gadot told snow. Snow walk up to the remaining people, "All right, last one. Somebody take it." he try to give it to Hope but he back away scare. "No... I can't." "Here!" Vanille said grabbing the gun, "When push comes to shove keep them save." Snow told her giving her a wink. "First impression of Snow? All talk." Vanille fake shoot Snow,

"All right, lay low and you'll be find. We'll clear the area." Snow told everyone as a group of solders charge and pointed guns at them but he kick their assess. "We're going home together!" Snow yell as every one look at him like he was crazy, "Come on! Everybody up!" Lebreau told everyone so they could get moving.

"Right. New recruits-on me!" Gadot order the rebels and they headed east, "Come on." Snow told hope mother. "Right." she said as she gave Hope one last look than they both headed east with the rest. "Time to go, kiddo." Lebreau told Hope as she pull him up to leave. Snow and Gadot and their new recruits fought solders left and right leaving death in their wake, "Put down the resistance!" one soldier yell then a dog like beast came charging out of the darkness but Snow and Gadot took care of that. Then a group of rebels open fire on a group of solders, but a gun ship fire back killing most of the rebels.

"Snow! We got trouble!" Gadot scream out to Snow, "No kidding." Snow answer back as he charge in to grab the gun laying road to take out the ship but he slip as they open fire on him and landed on his back. Snow looked up at the ship waiting for them to kill him but hope mother shot and kill the solder flying that ship saving Snow. "I told you didn't I? Moms are tough." she remanded him as she help him up. Than the ship fire some kind of laser causing a giant explosion, the air blast cause Hope mother to thrust forwarded and both she and Snow fell to the ground knocking Snow unconscious for a sec.

Hope and Vanille ran to see what's going on, when they got to a part of the sky bridge they saw a horrible site people were falling into the water they were screaming in pain and terror as the road collapsed beneath them.

When Snow came to he saw the same horrible site but up close, "No... No!" he scream and try to pull Hope mother to safety but there was another explosion and the road that they're on begin to collapsed. Snow and hope mother fell to the edge of the road where he grab a beam to hold on to than grab her hand to keep her from falling.

"Hope" she said underneath her breath, "Get him home please." she pleaded Snow. "Hold on!" Snow told her but she slip out of his grip. "No!" Hope scream out as he watch his mother fall to her death. Snow watch as she fall to her death than the beam he was holding on to gave way and he falls him self than the whole road fell into the lake.

Hope stood there shock of his mother death than Vanille put her hands on his soldiers to try to comfort him than there was an explosion behind her. "Come on." she try to pull him but he wouldn't move then she bitch slap him "We have to move!" Vanille told him, "Right." Hope agree as he gain his senses and they join the others.

Sazh and Lighting watch helplessly as both rebels and solders kill each other, "It's an out-and-out massacre." Sazh said as he watch the whole thing. "Those people won't even live long enough to die on Pulse." He continue, "That was the idea." Lighting told Sazh "What?" Sazh asked. "Sanctum logic. They conjured up the Purge to eliminate a threat. I mean-why carry the danger all the way to Pulse?" Lighting continue, "Why not stamp it out here. Execution masquerading as exile. That's all the Purge ever was." Lighting told Sazh. "Relocation to Pulse. How does a government get away with pulling crap like this?" Sazh asked Lighting, "And you-you knew this was gonna happen?" Sazh asked Lighting but she shook her head.

"The purge was PSICOM. Private Sanctum troops, not the Guardian Corps." Lighting explain to Sazh. "PSICOM, Guardian Corps...Soldiers are soldiers, aren't they?" Sazh asked her, "Pulse fal'Cie, and their l'Cie, are enemies of the state." he continue "Tell a soldier to kill an enemy...and you really think it's gonna matter what uniform he's wearing?" he asked. "Might have mattered to that one. Couldn't shoot, got himself shot instead." Lighting told Sazh, "How about you? Orders say shoot, you pull the trigger?" he asked her but she ignore his question. "Find. Forget I asked." Sazh told Lighting giving her an attitude,

Than an soldier on a robot like thing came flying out of nowhere, Lighting took care of him with a dubbed slash on the body and Sazh finish him off with a few rounds of lead in the stomach. Than the sirens begin to howl "What's that?" Sazh asked as a door in the ceiling open up than a building like structure came down into the hanging edge.

"Attention Purge deportees. Attention Purge deportees. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately. Your removal is the will of the people of Cocoon. Should you attempt to flee, the Sanctum will employ every resource necessary to bring you to justice. This land is no longer your home. Cease hostilities and surrender at once." " Serah!" Snow said as he got up and saw the Pulse fal'Cie floating past him.

"Just what you were looking for." Sazh told Lighting "Yeah right in there." she told him looking at the fal'Cie. "The Pulse fal'Cie. Huh." Sash said to Lighting.

Hope watch the fal'Cie float by as he took off his jump suit, then he spot a mother try to comfort her son "Mom." Hope said underneath his breath than he heard a loud clank on the floor and turn around and saw Vanille with out her jump suit. Vanille turn around and look at him than she grab the gun off the floor and gave it to him, "Here." Vanille said as she handed him the gun than she saw sad, anger, and fear in his eyes. "It's too much, Isn't it?" she asked as she hug him, "Face it later. Chou!" she said and ran off "Wait!" Hope told her than he follow her.

"You said it made you happy when I smiled, didn't you? But really I was afraid. I was always afraid."

Lighting walk to the edge of the sky bridge, "So how do you figure that Pulse fal'Cie is different from the Sanctum's?" Sazh asked his bird as Lighting scope out the area to figure out to get to the fal'Cie. "All things being equal, I'd just as soon keep wondering." he told his bird. "Time to jump." Lighting told him than jump off the edge of the sky bridge and landed safely in a bubble of light, "If she can do it, so can we!" Sazh said and about to jump but he fell instead but landed safely in the same bubble of light.

Snow found Gadot out like a light and it takes five slaps to bring him around. "What about the others?" Gadot asked as he look around seeing dead bodies everywhere, "They didn't die! They couldn't have died!" Gadot said as he try not to freak out. "Of course not." Snow reassure him. "Hey, get a grip, man! What's wrong with you?" Gadot asked noticing Snow is acting weird. "Get him home...get who home?" Snow asked out loud as a sky bridge crash into a building, "Toss me that." Gadot told Snow and tosses a gun to Gadot than Gadot pointed the gun at Snow. "What are you doing?" Snow asked Gadot freak out, "So what are you afraid of, huh? You're supposed to be the hero." he put down the gun. "She's waiting there, ain't she? Your lovely bride-to-be. Isn't it about time you picked her up? Gadot asked Snow, "Yeah." Snow said while he look up at the fal'Cie and back at him.

"There's our ride."

Snow told Gadot as he spots two soldiers on flying bikes landed in front of them "Now your talking" Gadot told Snow then they charge in and killed the two soldiers and stole their bikes. "That's a sad sound. Where's the soul?" Gadot said as he started up the bike, "Hey, Gadot..." "Yeah?" "If you don't know who you've got to save, you just project them all, right?" Snow asked Gadot thinking about Serah. "Something on your mind? You got plenty of time for thinking on the way hero." Gadot told Snow than they took off on the bikes.

"Hey!" Gadot said as he and Snow landed on a sky bridge, "Hey! It's us, it's us!" Snow told them and they put down their guns. "Don't shoot!" Snow said to them as he make a complete landing, "Since when do you care about kids?" Gadot asked Snow, "A favor for a friend." "Okay." Gadot said accepting the answer. Then here comes Maqul "Hey, Snow! You made it!" "So, you really manage to use that thing?" Gadot asked Maqul, "Nah, I think I'm done." "You're done when we are." Yuj told Maqul. "That's the one." Hope told Vanille looking at snow, "Didn't you have something to tell him?" Vanille remand Hope "Yeah." He told her. "All right than!" "But... I...." "I'll go with you." Vanille told Hope making him feel better.

"What?" Hope said shock on what he heard.

"You have no idea what it was like." Maqul told Snow.

"Everyone safe?" Snow asked his team.

The army no mach for NORA!"

"I meant the kids." Snow said.

"Grow up!" Leblanc said as she smack both Yuj and Maqul across the head, and Gadot just standing there laughing his ass off. "All accounted for!" Yuj told Snow, "Good lets keep it that way all right?" Snow said thinking about Hope mother, "Go on!" Vanille told Hope shoving him forward but he stop and Vanilla walk up to help him out. "Hey!" she scream out but Snow started up the bike witch almost cause Vanille and Hope to go death.

"I'll swing by the Vestige. Keep the kids out of trouble." "You got it." Gadot told Snow, "Say hi to the missus for me!" Gadot told Snow who is getting ready to leave. "You go skirt-chasing, I take care of the kids. Some husband!" Gadot tease Snow, "When's the wedding, lover boy?" "Don't worry, none of you are invited!" Snow tease then took off to the fal'Cie.

Vanille try get Snow attention but it was to late than she found another bike, Hope after taking a look around walk up to Vanille. "Hm? You okay?" Vanille asked Hope "I want to tell him, it's just that-" Hope said as he trip and grab Vanille arm for support. "Say... you know how to fly this?" Vanille asked him pointing at the bike, "Yeah. I think so." he told her. "All right!" Vanille said then push him into the bike, "That way!" she told him pointing at the fal'Cie "No, no... If we go in there, that thing could it could make us l'Cie." Hope warn her. "This is... I don't think I can-" "You can do it!" "What are you two doing?" Gadot asked them as they're about to take off.

"Here we go!" Hope said as he started the bike and took off but a part of the bike hit a part of the sky bridge and it went out of control but they got it back and headed to the fal'Cie.

The Pulse fal'Cie. It held our future-and our fate.

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