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[Y] my furrie story
my furrie story Straight Views 2015 Votes 2 Comments 2
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not that good at telling stories but...am i any good or should i just forget doing this?
[Y] my furrie story
my furry story (demo) at 11:38 Pm Cream decides to have a little sleep over with her friend Tails... (Cream): im glad you let me sleep over this weakend *giggle* was getting bored of playing board games by myself. (Tails): huh? you do that by yourself?(Cream): well there are other things i needed  a partner you know?(Tails): like what? (Cream): oh umm..this game system i brang over! wanna try it hehe!(Tails): hey is that the new dotec 890?(Cream): mhmm! i thought you might like it *giggle*(Tails): i think i should invite you over more often haha(Cream): ooh i would love that!(Tails): oh hey i was just you know..wondering where you where gonna sleep tonight i mean...i don't have that much furniture that is comfertable..my bed well..you know taken and..the couches...alot of springs in them...and pretty hard too. (Cream): well couldnt i just sleep in your bed with you *giggles*(Tails): *blush* b-but isent that....?(Cream): oh cmon please? you know im the type of bunny that likes to sleep well. (Tails): well..i guess so...***Cream and Tails play the new vidio game system...both enjoy the game very well and have alot of laughs!...Cream starts to move alittle closer to Tails... (Tails): Cream you better hide or...aah..too late(Cream): i died oops *giggle*(Tails): (funny....its like she meant to get herself killed...)(Cream): well..i have to wait 1 minut to respond *gest closer to Tails*(Tails): umm...Cream?..theres alot of space over there you know?(Cream): its warmer over by where your sitting *giggle* you see? *rubs Tails leg*(Tails): umm..Cream?...your..your makeing me miss heh(Cream): *giggle* (funny) *rubs Tails ribs*(Tails): *twitch* i missed again....are you doing that on prupose?(Cream): *giggle*(Tails): why you littleTails and Cream start tickling each other..after a while Cream finds herself laying ontop of Tails(Tails): *blush* (Cream): *giggle* *starts licking Tails's neck*(Tails): Cream?...what are you doing to my neck?(Cream): i thought there was comething on your neck.....wait isent it pretty late?(Tails): starting to get tired...(Cream): lets get in your bed *giggle*(Tails): why the hurry?(Cream): (i think im rushing it too much) oh we can take our time there i guess *pretents to walk in slow motion*(Tails): *laughs* not that way hah!(Cream): well you comeing?(Tails):hang on i be there soon just have to get a drink.(Cream): ok! *jumps into Tails's bed and gets naked*(Tails comes into his room to find Cream under the blankets(Tails): well you must have changed pretty fast....(Cream): (oops)(Tails): (hey isent Cream's change bag in the liveing room?) hey Cream where did you put your other clothing?(Cream): i put them in the change bag.(Tails): but it's in the liveing room...(Cream):ok ok i forgot to bring pj's but so what my clothing is still as soft (i hope he buys it)(Tails):well..alright then *walks in the bathroom and gets changed*(Cream know's that Tails will find out Cream is naked befor she makes her move on Tails while in bed with him so Cream jumps out of bed and takes the light bulb from the socket....Tails walks into the room...(Tails): *trys to click on the light*...whats wrong with the light?(Cream): maybe it got warn out.(Tails):...i thought i had new light bulbs...(or maybe i forgot to change it?)....i hope...your not afraid of the dark...(Cream): *giggle* i get scared sometimes...clim in bed with me?(Tails) gets into the bed not knowing what Cream is going to try an do.(Cream) starts to slide closer to Tails...(Tails): Cream?...theres lots of space over there you know?(Cream): like i said....it's warmer near you =3(Tails):...umm...Cream?....(Cream): mmhmmmm? =3(Tails): what where you doing to me when we where playing around and you know...tickling echother?(Cream): i was...tickling you?(Tails): well..after that you started...licking my neck...(Cream): im sorry if i made you uncomfertable but trust me i was sure you spilled something on your neck....(Tails): was it now?...anyhow...i liked it...*blush*(Cream): *giggle* *blush* (Tails): you giggle alot i realise...more the cute type mm?(Cream): *rubs Tails around his dick*(Tails): *gasp*...Cream? *blushing deeply*(Cream): do you like? *grins*(Tails): *starts to feel around Cream* ..Cream your naked!(Cream): mhmm >=3 *starts to pull down Tails Pants*(Tails): *blush*(Cream): *pulls down under wear feeling his cock*(Tails): ooohh..Cream: hehe!end of demo...