furry story (chapter7) lost souls...

By: ghostblairdarkness
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Trysaro: the explosions are huge!!...there destroying the safty prodicals!!!!

witch means that if one must die in the training room..there is no way to bring one back....

an infected trys to kill Leon..running at Leon impossibly fast.

Tails: Leon! *jumps in way of infected getting decoured* aah..ggahhk!!!

Leon: Tails!! *fires pistol into infected's head*

Tails: *falls to the ground gushing blood from the neck*


Leon:..what?...why isent the wounds healing!?!?!? Trysaro!! whats going on!! hes actually dieing!!

Trysaro: the safty prodicoll was destroyed!!

Leon: *holds Tails* oh man!...T-Twilight!!

Twilight: im on it! *enters training room acompanies Tails*

Twilight: *casts lights of angels*

Tails: *fur turning white*

Leon:...it's...it's not working..hes getting colder...

Twilight:..i..i..i think i was too late..

Leon: no...no no no oh please god no!!!

Cream: *sniff*..T-Tails?...*starts to cry*

Leon: TAILS!!...don't you fucking leave me Tails please don;t you fucking dare! *hold Tails tighter*...please...

Drips of tears wash down Leons face...

Twilight:...im...im sorry Leon...

Leon: i understand Twilight..it's not your fualt

Cream: *starts to think why the safty was disabled*.....(...the...explosion could ha-)

Twilight: *hugs Cream* *wispers* don't think like that Cream it wasent your fault ok?

Cream: *crys hard* *hugs Twilight tight* i can't baleave this!!

Twilight: ssshh sh sh sh stop that now shh...

all look down apon Tails feeling dread and loss within their hearts.....Tails...has lost his life..and what a great friend he was....


one month later...

all are still liveing in the hyge house ..staying there while sonic heads to amy to tell her the terrible news...

Amy: NO! oh no no no please stop that!! thats not funny to lie about sonic!!!!!

Sonic: Amy......im..im sorry....but i swear yo you it's the truth...im very sorry...

Amy: *crys* *hugs Sonic*


Ace heads out into the woods to hunt for makadyks.

Ace: *runs on water* can't stop now..i know theres at leaste one out here....(hmph....hopefully i don't get speared in the leg by one of those creeps that appear out here...)

makadyk: gmmrrMM!!

Ace: there you are...hau!! *jumps in the air and out of sight of the makadyk

...........7 seconds later Ace lands right beside the makadyk clising its head off with no hesitation...

Ace: ah..thats anotherone for my collection...

???: Ace....well done..haha...

Ace: mm?.....

???: *giggle*

Ace: ooh hey there Trysaro i thought you be sneaking around haha!

Trysaro: well you know me heh...well...i have some news...good..and bad news.....you see Tails...

Ace: ! yes!?

Trysaro: well...he is still alive...

Ace: but how is that possible..he died a month ag-

Trysaro: i know what happened...but Korekel could see Tails...with his eye's closed...and he can only see liveing beings with them closed ONLY if he/she/it lives.

Ace: then...what is the bad news (i got a feeling i aint gonna like this...)

Trysaro: well...his soul is stuk into an gate of lost souls....you see...the bite of the infected zombie DID NOT kill Tails...it had nothing to do with the training room....

Trysaro: then what could have possibly killed him besides the infected?...

Trysaro: *sigh*..it was an a shadow fiend...i came to tell you because you knew of them..and where they are...

Ace: oh man....i had hoped i did not have to go in there again....but howcome i didnt know that the shadow fiend was with us???...i mean....how could he have sliped into the training room!!

Trysaro: well you see the explosion also blew a very very tiny whole into the wall in the training room leading outside....a shadow fiend musy have slipped in and taken his life after he landed on the floor....the shadow fiend could have started takeing him the momment he was being biten...

Ace:....ok...lets fly back to home and tell everyone the news...looks like i will have to train them to deal with shadow fiends..and not to meantion....entering the soul gate itself.*sigh*...hate that place...


a while later Ace and Trysaro head back home and tell everyone of the news....Amy has joined the war party and has trained just as hard as the others....her power...elusion and time.

Amy: ok...so when do we start training...we have to get Tails back here with us soon.

Trysaro: i know how it seems..but trust us...if we do this right...speed ...will not matter...

SonicL hah...speeed is everything nowa days!

Shadow: (hmph)

Trysaro: and today that will be the word..speed..we must train with speed...learn the source od you soul with speed....learn how do deal with a shadow fiend and enter it's realm..all..with speed...as fast as possible..we start our taining today...

soon all will know how to use forgoten magic...magic that was not mentioned about Ace on the information board...power called.....soul drake.


1 year later all know a new power...soul drake is now something everyone of them of the war party now know....

Trysaro:....you know what to do if you are being klinged onto by a shadow fiend right?

all: right

Twilight: did you say that the real is mostly darkness?

Trysaro:..well..it is a realm of loss...yeah...more than just darkness...

Twilight: (not what i whanted to hear......at all)

Amy: it has taken us so long to learn all of this....i hoe our poor Tails makes it back alive..

Cream: me too....

Korekel: we have him in his bed right now....hes very cold...lice ice...we have to go now or we will lose him forever...

Trysaro: it takes 2 years for one to be competly lost in the realm of loss and darkness....whoever it takes 2 months to get into the soul gate...a long endless flight through a portal...to what you can call a liveing hell...get use to it...Tails must have already...i asure you....

a poertal opens in the center of the giant bedroom....

Trysaro: i had hoped i would never have to use this again....i know just what your thinking too Ace...

Ace: yeah....lets hope that we do not lose Tails in this realm too....

Cream: (too?....someone els ..lost too?) who did you lose?

Ace and Trysaro jump

Ace: AH! jeez..don't sneak up on us like that ok?

Cream: sorry for not makeing any noise when i walk...

Trysaro: whats on your mind?

Cream: well..whats on youts?...i mean...someone els was in there too?...and...did not make it out?....

Ace:....it was Ghost's master....the one that taught Ghost everything he knows...water...mystic

Cream: why dose Ghost not use mystic power even though he knows all of it?...

Ace: for every time he uses mystic Ghost is reminded about his master's smile when he first casted his mystic spell..what a happy momment is was...now he never uses mystic power anymore...

Cream:....Ghost DID look ready to go....

Trysaro: *sigh* he still hasent droped it yet has he?

Ace: it ould seem so....(though i too think that his master might still be alive...there is no profe that es gone yet...but it has been so long....)

Ghost: ok....where ready....

Trysaro: folow me and Ace...into the portal lay a way diffrent place..keep your wits about you...

all anter the portal...

...all fly into the endless portal for a long time of 2 months....how are they not getting tired?...its all apart of thier training.....thier ability to fly for 2 months non stop takes forever to learn.....members who where able to learn all of this was Ghost, Oca,Twilight,Leon,Korekel,and amy...whoever...Amy and Leon could not fly..so they therfor took flight with Twilight....yeah...the one with the huge gold wings 0_0...

Twilight: doing alright up there? haha!

Amy: just no more side flips ok?

Leon: id like to do it again but we should stop fooling around..we have to find Tails

Twilight: sorry i be a good fox now hehe ^^

Korekel:....my blood vision is getting weaker....i can only see you guys now.

Trysaro: that measn that we are the only life forms alive as far as 2 months away..maybe even farther...we where flying pretty faster...

Ghost: *breathing faster*....

Ace: Ghost you alright?...

Trysaro: (shit i forgot his inability to learn as fast >.<)

Ghost:...ahh...im..fine...lets keep flying..if we drop now we will get lost and end up somewhere we don't whant to.

Trysaro: right.

Twilight: alright Ghost if you get tired just remember im good for a nother passenger.

Ghost: ill be fine...look!!

at the distance there is a black hole....the next destination....to the soul gate!

Trysaro: almost there!!

all land safely....whoever...one gets very tired and lands pretty hard.

Twilight: Ghost! you alright!?

Ghost: aah *caugh* this dust uuhg!!...its like cole!!

Trysaro: your breathing dead people...

Ghost: oh man....im caughing up dead body dust!?!?

Trysaro: *nods head slowly*

Ghost: *caughs hard*

???: folow my command....advance.....

Ghost: hmm?

Twilight: did you say something?...

Trysaro: don't listen to it...it leads you to places you do not whant to be....whatever you do...please..don't listen to it....

Ace: trust us....you don't whant to listen...

Korekel: wheres the sound comeing from?

Oca:...aah....our heads?

Trysaro: yup...

Ace: i hate this voice...wish i never had to hear it again...


Ghost: (my.....)...we should hurry...we need to find Tails!

Trysaro: your still thinking about your master...arnt you?

Ace: just give it up Ghost...hes not comeing back...

Ghost: you don't understand!..he taught me everything i know!

Twilight: did i miss something?

Ace: ahh..lets go..

all walk forward ....for a while it starts to get harder to breath...

Twilight:....if this keeps up....*caugh*...

Ace: its just real dry...

Ghost: maybe if we...

Ace: try it...

Ghost: *casts moisturize*...nothing...the water just dryed up do more dust...*caugh*

Trysaro: we should be thruogh this soon...

Twilight: jee i hope so *looks down* AAH!!

Trysaro: what!?!?

Ghost: whats wrong?

Twilight:..th-the ground!!

Trysaro: the ground in the soul gate is barely visible...it's normal here dont worry.

Twilight:...aah...ok...hehe....heheheh e!! *starts shakeing*

Ghost: *walks beside Twilight strokes his back* its ok...where gonna make it through this ok?...

Twilight:..i...i hope so...(man i hate this place..can barely see anything!)

Korekel: it seems easy to see for me...but what about you guys?

Twilight: not at all...i think the reason you see well in this darkness is because you practice your magic in the...dark?...

Korekel: mhmm...

Ghost: dose magic work here?

Trysaro: sure dose...

Twilight: then how about we light things up in here eh? *casts light of hope*

Twilight throws a ball of light into the dark air...reavealing hunged bodys....shadows of hanging bodys form all around the dark clouds...

Korekel: oh....

Ghost: oh man...

Oca:...perfect....just great....



Twilight: aah!! did not mean to show them off....theres clouds EVERYWHERE!!

Ace: *jumps up in the clouds and clises the dead bodys from thier ropes*

dead bodys all drop at the same time almost...turning to dust as they land...

Ace: they where the victoms of those lost here...

Twilight: (ooh man!!)

Ghost: what!?!? master!?!?..hes right there!!

all look infront of them to see Ghost's master standing in thier path...

Trysaro: *holds Ghost..listen...hes not real...its a trap!

Ghost: it can't be! i know hes real!!

???: flow my command....advance....go to your master...show him you care ...show him you remember what he has done for you...

Ghost: master!!

Ace: *holds Ghost with Trysaro* Ghost! listen its a trap! don't listen to the voices!!

Ghost: *sqwerms out of grasp and starts to head towards his master*


suddenly while Ghost runs to his master...his master disappears into dust right befor his eyes....dark tenticals erupt from the ground...

Ghost: m-master!!!! aah!?!? hnn!!

tenticals grab Ghost wraping him holding him in place

Ghost: *trys to sqwerm away*

the tenticals rap tighter!

Ghost: hyeaaa!! nnh!!! grr!!!

Ace: *trys to slice tentcals off*

his sword moves right through the tenticals!..the tinticals tickle Ghost's upper legs and inner thighs.

Ghost: aah! whats going on!?!? uuh!!

Twilight: (the hell?....) *telepathicaly grabs ball of light and shines it near tenticals*

tenticals: whaaaaaaallrlrlrlrlrl!!!!! *disappears*

Ghost: wh-what was that all about! *shakeing*

Oca: ummm....you don't whant to know what i think they where gunna do to you *starts to remember a year and 2 months ago* (...ouch)

Twilight:...*wispers* you really think so Oca?

Oca: *nods head slowly*

Ghost: they where sliding up my legs!

Ace: this should teach you not to listen to the voices right?

Trysaro: don't be too hard on him....his master was everything he had back in the day....

Ace:...*sigh*..just becarfull ok?


???: s=stop!

Twilight: THATS TAILS!!

Korekel: it came from the hall way back behind us to the left!!

all head back and find a door with a peeking hole the size of a laof of bread in it...

Twilight: *looks in*...jeesus...we need to get him out of there!!

Oca: whats happening!?

Twilight: the tenticals are strangling him!

Tails: GEH *moan* UUH!!...-GUYS!?

Leon: stand back!! *pulls out grenade launcher*

Trysaro: OOH SH**

all jump out of the way

Leon: *fires grenade and destroys the door*

tenticals: whaalrlrlrlrlr!!! *darts at war party*

Tails: LOOK OUT!

Oca, Ghost,Trysaro, and Ace wher grabed by the tenticals....while Leon doged them...and the ones aiming for Twilight got turned to dust the momment they got near Twilight....Amy was still trying to get here hearing back from the blast back in the door way


Twilight: were getting you out of here!

Tails:well thAN what Aer you goNNA dah!! do!?!?!?

Twilight: you huys keep the tenticals ocupied while i get Tails out of the door in the hall way back to the portal home!

Ghost: yeah! *moan* n=no pro-problem AAH!

Oca: yeah welcUH!! TO muh MY wo-world nnh!!

Ace: oh s-so this is f-fuck!! what you went th-through?

Oca: y-yeah only not so fucking h-hard!!

Ghost: *starts to enjoy it* *panting toung hanging out* aahl!! they tickle!!

Leon: *doging more of the tenticals* Twilight hurry it up!!

Twilight: im tryin but the groun is missing!!

Trysaro: some of the ground is still there even AAH if you c-can't s-see it!!

Twilight finaly makes his way to Tails destroying the tenticals as he walked to Tails

Tails: *falls to hand and knees*..th-they...where torvhuring me! *crying*

Twilight: *holds Tails* don't worry your afe with me..just stay near me and the tenticals wont touch you.

Ghost: ah any time now!?!? UUH!!! *boner get*

Ace: Ghost are you starting to like this!?!?

Ghost: *blush* well im easly turned on sh-szut uph!!

Twilight kils the tenticals holding the crew and all head back to the portal...

Ghost: wait....imnot going with you....

Trysaro: we came here to save a life not lose one!!

Ghost: we came here to save Tails and thats what we did!

Ace: your here to not only to save Tails but to save your master right?

Ghost: *looks away*....i have to...

Trysaro:...go guys....i need to talk to Ghost...

Amy: ill watch for any shadow feidns while you talk...

all exept for Amy Ghost and Trysaro head back...

Trysaro:...i know its hard Ghost...but you have to give it up....

Ghost: *tear drops a little* b-but...he was the best i ever knew!

Trysaro: i know he meant the world to you...but you should know that his time has come the momment he was taken by a shadow fiend...

Ghost: a shadow fiend dose not take a life at a proper time of death...they do it so that they can leave the soul gate with more shadow fiends...one is lost...5 more shadow fiends are born...they have taken him just for their breeding!!

Amy: we got some shadow fiends comeing this way! *readys hammer*

shadow fiend: for the shadow king!!!!

Amy: *inchants hammer with anti shadow magic*

Shadow fiend: she is a sould gate qizard like the others!! with caution now...

Ghost: *charges at shadow fiends*

Trysaro: *erupts earth roots from the ground grabing Shadow fiends

Ghost: *slices through the trapped shadow fiends with his tails

Amy: *destrorys shadow fiends with anti shadow hammer*

Ghost:m..master?....i..i can hear him....master!?

Sinyaka: Ghost?...*trys hard to talk noremal G-...G-GH..NNH! GHOS!!


Sinyaka: *telepathicaly speaks to Ghost*...go forward...turn right...run through the fire....its not real...shadow king created it as a fake*..

Ghost folows his masters order...and finds his master laying down on his stomach face to the floor....scared deeply...bleeding...slowly..fur white..as ice...

Trysaro: Ghost??? where di you go!?!?

Ghost: master! *holds Sinyaka in his arms*...master!?

Sinyaka:...Ghost...i...i h-hurt....sh-sha-sh..nn!!

Ghost: master *starts to cry* what did they do to you!! aah!!!..i tryed to find you Master! god i did!! i swear i did!!

Sinyaka: it's..i-.its o..ok G-..Ghost...i..i hurt...i whant to d-..die..*breathing hard and raspy*.you..you have to kill me...

Ghost: im getting you out of here! please come with me..back home!

Sinyaka:...p..please!..k-kill m..m..meee....*caughing up blood*..*crys*.let..me die...

Ghost:..master!...master no please stop!! please stop saying that please stop!!!

Trysaro: you found him?

Ghost: *crys* i don't...i don't know what to do Trysaro!....i don't know what to do man i!...

Sinyaka: *holds Ghost's neck*...don't..let me-s-suffer..

Ghost: vut i dont have a weapon!

Sinyaka:..do..what i..told yo to do...if something like this...would...h-happen.. *caughing blood*

Ghost will have to break his master's neck...to put out his master;s misary...

Ghost: *holds Sinyaka up holding his neck*....im...im so so sorry master....

Sinyaka:....*smiles* (im comeing home)

Ghost: *looks away* *crys hard*.....GYEAAAAAAA!!!!! *snaps Sinyaka's neck*

Sinyaka falls to the ground dead....and he gose to a happier place...

Ghost: SINYAKA!!!! *falls on knees*

Trysaro: Ghost! *hugs Ghost* im so sorry!!

Ghost: *crys hard* *hugs Trysaro back* my master NO! aah what have i done!!!

Trysaro: *crys* you did what you had to Ghost!

Amy , Ghost and Trysaro head back to meet back with thier friends...

Ace: you back!

Ghost: hey guys...

Trysaro: you go head Ghost....ill tell them...

Ace: in the mean time Tails whants to see you.

Ghost: ok *heads to Tails bed*

Trysaro tells everyone the news...


Tails:....Ghost?....is that you?...

Ghost: it's me Tails....Leon...how is he?

Leon: hes fine...he just needs to wait until the rest of his soul makes its way to his body...he can't see now...but tommarow he will be fully restored....

Ghost: thats good to hear....glad you takeing care of him

Leon: its my job...

Tails: *smiles*

Ghost: so you whanted to see me...

Tails: yeah...just whanted to ask you...if you found the one you stayed behind for...

Ghost:...well...*sniff*...i...i found him but...he was in pain...dieing...

Leon: what happened?

Ghost:...i....i killed him....

Tails: i know it was hard....i could feel your sadness....don't worry...hes in a better place....i know what your going through...

Ghost: *nods head about to cry*

Leon: it's ok Ghost.

Ghost: *sniff* i just can't baleive i did that to him.

Leon: would you rather let him suffer?

Ghost:...no...but i also never whanted to be the one to kill him.

Tails: come here *holds arms out*

Ghost: *hugs Tails crying*

Sinyaka loved Ghost as like his true son...Sinyaka was like a father to Ghost....they always protected echother...always watched out for echother...they never left echother's side till the day a shadow fiend taken Sinyaka from Ghost's hands....from his view...from his life....but never..ever..from his mind....he would always play with Ghost whane we was a small 5 year old...he always remembered the first momment he talked...walked...even smiled....Sinyaka saved Ghost from the infected that has taken the lifces of Ghost's parents...Sinyaka has taken care of his ever since...when he was taken by the shadow fiends Ghost was forced to watch over himself...hearing his master's voice every strike he made..every spell he casted...every move me made...Sinyaka..was everything...to Ghost.


Twilight:....(*sigh*...i wish they didn't have to go through all of this...its going to be hard to put this all behind us...even thought it was 2 months ago...)

Cream: you where in that portal for 4 months!

Trysaro: it takes 2 months to travel from here to the soul gate through this portal...

3 years later...all no longer live in the same house....they all become rich as Trysaro although all he did to get his money was kill targets for them (hehehe)

those who live with echother...


















King of drakari: hmhm! as long as we have the war party working for drakari our city will have the emprovments of defence, weapons, combat, magic fighters, and a bigger chance of drakarie's survival ^^...Ghost

Ghost: yes my king!

King: you may go back home now...i think you have spent enough time standing right beside me in my throne room hehehe good to know someone like you is watching me

Ghost: thank you my king..as you wish ^^

Ghost head's back home....as though the rest take their time off while the other guards and black smiths take over....the war party are back to their homes.

Ghost: thanks for letting me live you guys ^^

Leon: its no preoblem with me at all ^^ but how come you don't get a spot in side the castle?...i mean..surly they let thier guards have a sleeping cuarter in the castle for all gua-

Ghost: trust me their are many more royal guards to take over...they took up the sleeping cuarters..but i don't mind really ^^...their beds are pretty hard heh.

Leon: youl be more comfertable with us

Tails: *giggles* ^^


Twilight: blah! how was your first day at work Oca?

Oca: it was great! i love workng with weapons and Tails is my partner ^^ how was your day mm?

Twilight: easy...and kinda cool..i fly high in the air watching over drakarie ..and it looks so buitifull from above ^^

Oca: cool how we only have to work for 5 hours for i huge income heh!

Twilight: well...my wings are so tired out....your lucky you have 2 tails!

Oca: your lucky you have wings! these my be strong but know that their not as big as those HUGE wings you can spread out of your fur hah!

Twilight: aah..well..my shoulders are sore..and my back too..

Oca: *rubs Twilght's back and shoulders*

Twilight: ooooh that feels so nice ^^

Korekel: *walks in door* ooh!? (ooo i know what their up to already hehe*

Oca: come in bed with me ill mesauge you..your so tence right now ~_o...care to join us Korekel? *giggle*

Korekel: *blush*


Ace: carfull...no no no no


Student: nnyeaah!! *caught on fire*

Ace: *fires small dash of water from paw*

Student eeh thanks master..sorry about that.

Ace: just keep trying my students and you will all become very good at the martial arts and magic...just as i did...see me now?....you cold be as good as me but remember...by the time you get as good as me ill be as good as Mahegat! the one to teach me everything i know...*preforms water tricks*

All students: wwwoooowww

Ace:...its 2:49....pack up your scrolls and wepons...we will continue tommarow..remember!...keep those magic waves in your controll or they will back fire! just like fir ball over here.

student: hheeeeyyy!

small student: *giggle your funny* ^^

Student: hehe ^^

the stdents get piked up by their perents while Ace heads back home to find Trysaro un buckling his assasin belt (holding plenty of throwing knifes and potions)

Ace: hehe! who you kill this time?

Trysaro: aah...alot of people...apparently the king whants the enemy assasins killed...so they do not sneak their way to our king.

Ace: hmm...i would think that it is impossible to get past Ghost...i mean he can see without seeing just like me you know...

Trysaro: and yet...i was able to sneak in your bed the first time we met and get a few licks from your sexy ass a few times *giggle*

Ace: oh that time hehe *blush*..well..that was just lucky and i was tired and st-AH!

Trysaro: you must be tired now then *giggle*

Trysaro is standing right behind Ace tickling his ribs

Ace: oh aheh! *laughs*

Trysaro: im going to go lay down then...its hard just jumping on the top of roof tops all day.

Ace: why couln't you just fly over them?

Trysaro: because my tails got tired...and i would not whant to show myself off...you know what noise it makes to fly.

Ace: that is true....i just hope that Ghost put that momment behind him...

Trysaro: Sinyaka.....*sigh*..yeah...

in loveing memmorie of Sinyaka..Ghost's master...

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