wolf from hell

By: gear130
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The screams of the dame fill the circles of hell this is my home my name is gear and I am a black and red wolf im 7 feet tall. I have the power to control the darkness and light and make eny substen with it my job is to make sure that no one ever trys to escape so far no one has tried so my life has bin dull sins I can remember. I bin having this  job sins a was a pup im 399 years old now and I bin requesting that I shud be moved to a beter place with the army of angles but so far they have told me no and that realy pisses me of I think they sent me to hell cus they are afrad of my powers. I made some friends her with some demens they keep me from going mad and freaking out well this is part of my story.

Death: gear wake up wake up

Me: im up what do u want death

Death: I have a job for u the job is to protect a mortal girl she is a vesole for an angle we need u to make her trust u and for u to protect her she a fox and I think u shud be in the mortol world then hell

Me: ok when im finished protecting her what do I get in return

Death: what ever u want

Me: we have a deal (shakes hands with death)

Death: oh and u cud only use your powers if u are being attacked nothing els no showing of your powers almost forgot take this blad and use it well

A hug flash of light blinds me I wake up laying down on a hill with a note on my face it reads hear is a drawing of the vesole protect her with your life p.s. don’t tell her that u came from hell and what u are just tell her u came from a fare away place p.s.s take this gold u will need it I will be sending u more gold every week so don’t wast it all in one place and don’t screw this up got it or els I will have your head on a bloody post got it

Me: death needs to relax more

I lay down so this is the mortal world its much more beter then hell no smell of burning flesh no screams of pain and no lakes of blood I shud have came hear a long time ago slowly I fall asleep the next day I wake up I look around and I spot a small town i begin to walk to the town wondering what I am going to do.i begin to smell wonderfull foods I never smelled before I walk in to a resteront and lady sites me down at a table I order some food and eat till I cant eat no more the lady hands me the bill and I pay it and tip her I walk out and begin my sherch for the vesole



Hello reader this is my first story I ever rote if u like it plez rate my story

Next story will come out when I get inof time to right it

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