The UnKown Space Book 3 ARES

By: foxfur
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     Shinori stepped through the hatch that lead to the command center of the Ares, slowly makeing his way past officers and crew that were at there stations. His fur was a dark grey wich was uninique for a fox, and his hieght was just above average, but was skiny for his size. As he walked by they would agnollege him as Sir, wich was one of the benifeits of being the Ares' XO. The stations for the crew spaned the length of both bulkheads and another two rows ran down the center of the command center. All the way at the front was a large table that had monitors on it that would show all of the ships information and reports. Around the table was an "U" shaped platform that was 3 ft taller than the rest of the room. The platform had a bunch of oval shaped windows around it that ran from the plat form up to the top of the room, these windows gave an exelent view of the long, sharp pointed bow of the ship. The room looked alot like the rest of the ship, dark grey steel, and was functional not made to impress.
    Derek was standing at the commanders table looking at information, so Shinori stepped up to him. "Sir you called for me?" Derek was busy plotting some thing out so he didnt look up. "Yes, I just recieved a comunication wich gives the location of a certaint ship and person ive been looking for." Shinori made his way around to the oppisit side of the table from Derek. "Thats exellent news Sir." Derek nodded. "It most certaintly is." Then Derek turned around to the station behind him. "Ensin, im sending you cordinates, once your ready activate the FTL drive." The ensin nodded as he worked at his station. "Yes Sir." 
    The deck below Shinori's feet lurched as the sound of machinery grew louder. All the stars out the front windows slowly started to disappear from view as the entire command center lowered it self till it was inside of the ship. With the command center tucked away three decks down a large steel door slid forward covering the opening from where the command center had been. There were only two times the command center did this, when it went to FTL speeds, and durring battle to protect it from being hit by enemy fire. Shinori looked up to the windows wich now started to dispay information about what was around the ship. The windows acted as larger versions of the info screens on the command center, were instead of old fashion lcd screens they were just a pain of glass that had all the information displayed in them.
   Shinori could now tell the ship was traveling at FTL speed just by the way the engines felt through the deck of the ship. Derek looked up at him with a small grin. "In three hrs I will finaly have the Hermes back, and I'll also have Jack, this time I'll personaly see that he makes it to his excecution." Shinoris heart sank like a rock. "Who?" Derek grined a bit wider as he looked up to the window that displayed the Mercurys position. "Jack Roland." Shinori looked down at the information on the table. "I see." Many thought were raceing through Shinori's mind, but all he knew was that he had to help Jack.
 The Mercury was towed into the hanger bay of the Ares and taken to a docking hatch were she was locked into position. The hanger bay was easily large enough for the Mercury to fly circles and loops in. At 5 decks tall it was the largest hanger bay on a vessel that wasnt a starcraft carrier. There were other crafts docked in the hanger, most of wich were shuttles, and transports. Along the walls of the hanger bay were large arms with magnets that would swing down to grab a ship and hold it in position to the docking hatch.
    Jack waited infront of the hatch with his best dignified posture that he could muster. His heart skipped a beat as he heard the hatch begining to open, makeing its normal creaking sound as it did. The bright lights from the corridor of the Ares shined through the dimmer lights of the Mercury makeing Jack close his eyes some. Then half a dozen Marines poured into the aft cargo section of the Mercury that now acted as Jacks liveing quarters. Slowly Jack raised up his hands since he had a bunch of rifles aimed at him.
    "Welcome aboard the Mercury gentalmen, any thing i can get you?" Jack asked in a sarcastic way. "Mercury? I thought this ship was the Hermes. I must be mistaken, your free to go." Jack remembered the voice before he saw Derek step into the Mercury, he just a hate full smile to Derek. "Yea well its the Mercury now." Derek slowly walked around the room as he took a look at all the wires laying around, then swiped a finger aross the bulk head wich was dusty. "Five and a half years and the most creative name you could come up with was Mercury?" He said as he wiped the dust off his finger.
    "I like the name." Retorted Jack. Derek poked at a cable that was draping down, as he did it started to spark from were it was pluged into wich made him jump back some. "Wow I can see you've been takeing exelent care of her." He said in a way that made it sound as if he was enjoying what he was seeing. Jack just gave him a smile that said please kill me all ready. At the moment the hatch to the cockpit open as Jesse stepped through. Derek walked up to her. "And of course, you must be Jessy. If it wasnt for you i may never of been able to find this dangerus criminal." Derek looked back at Jack as he continued. "See Jack its civilans like this that make what the coalition fights for worth it. People that will step up and put them selfs in danger to help the cause and make sure justice is served makeing the Universe a safer place."
    Jesse looked like she didnt want to be there any more. "Can I just get the money and go?" Derek looked at her. "Well I took a quick look at your records, turns out you all ready died on the Waltz when it disapeared. Wich makes it all the easyer to make you dissapear." Jesse snapped at him. "You cant do that ive done nothing wrong!" Jack laughed. "You trusted him more than me, now if you ask me that was very wrong." Derek gave a look that said shut up before looking back at Jesse. "Your under arrest for assisting and aiding a fugitive. Marines!"
    The Marines grabbed Jesse and Jack cuffing there hands behind there backs. "Hey! Let me go you jerks!" Shouted Jesse as she kicked around. Jack just watch as he was amazed at how she thought she could take two marines with her hands cuffed. Derek made his way back out of the Mercury. "Take her to the holding cells, you two bring Jack with me to my quaters for interagation." Jack sighed. "Sounds lovely." The Marines dragged Jack and Jesse out of the Mercury and were taken Seperate directions. Jack shouted loud enough for Jesse hear him. "Than you for such a lovely day Jesse. Nothing says thank you for saveing my life like getting both of us executed." He couldnt hear what she said but was pretty sure it wasnt nice.


       Derek stepped into his quarters before Jack was brought in, as Jack entered he took a look around Derek's quarters. The room was like the rest of the ship with it's steel bulkheads, but it had lots of wood furniture which was rare to find on any kind of ship. There were plaques and awards hung around the room. Just from looking around at every thing, Jack could tell that Derek was proud of every thing he had earned, or at least every thing he had stolen.  The desk was rather large, which was probably another sign of Derek's ego. Derek stepped around behind his desk as he took a seat in the large leather chair. He motioned for Jack to take a seat across from him in a chair that was small and short.



       Jack took a look at the seat and shook his head. "Thanks but id rather stand." Derek gave him a smile. "It wasn't an offer." The marine swung the butt of his rifle down and into Jacks stomach causing him to gasp out as he buckled. Then the marine pushed him down into the chair. Derek gave the marine a nod. "Thank you, but i can handle it from here. your dismissed." The marine stood up right as he gave Derek a salute. "Yes sir."  Derek waited till the marine had left the room and sealed the hatch.

"Long time no see Jack." Jack rolled his eyes. "Not long enough."


              Derek leaned back into his chair.  "You have been the biggest lose thread in my life ever. But now that i have got you i can take care of it once and for all." Jack glared at him. "Is that all Ryan and i ever were to you, Just some lose thread to cut off?" Derek leaned forward in his chair. "Yes, and i'm glad you mentioned Ryan. Thats some one i had almost forgotten." Jack was looking pissed now. "Well i haven't! I remember all the time how you murdered him in cold blood." Derek gave him a faint smile. "I don't see it as murder. Murder is were you kill some one thats innocent and is hard to do. Believe me, it was so easy to shot him in the back."


              Jack came flying out of his chair, but forgetting his hands were cuffed behind him, just went crashing into the desk. Derek punched him as hard as he could causing Jack to fall back into his chair, which then went tipping backwards sending Jack to the deck. Jack rolled over so he could see Derek. "You fucker!" Derek came around the table to stand over Jack. "Don't you see, You and Ryan...actually anyone are nothing more than insects beneath my feet. You never did get to see Ryan die did you?"


              Jack struggled with the cuffs. "I saw you kill an unarmed man by shooting him in the back."  Derek leaned down a little closer. "That was just half the fun, the rest was watching him as the life faded from him, and before the end came he was begging me for his life." Jack glared at him again. "You lie!" Derek stood straight again. "Believe what you want Jack. There is the truth, and then there is what people believe is the truth." Jack didn't respond, just glared. Derek sighed as he went back around his desk. "I was hoping to have more fun with you, but i guess thats not going to happen. But at least theres always the execution to look forward to. By the way you best spend the next 2 days enjoying that fine ladies company because i don't think she is going to make it to the execution with you."


              Jack looked at Derek slightly puzzled look. Derek gave him a weird smirk. "Its not often that my men get a chance to be around such a lovely lady, especially one that as far as people know is all ready dead.  So you see, she can be more useful for the mens moral now." That pissed Jack off but he pretended to not care. "Why do i care what you do to her. In fact she deserves it." Derek studied him for a second. "I think you do care, but she did screw you pretty good. Maybe you should think about that while you spend two days with her." Derek presses a button on his desk and a second later the marine entered again.


              "Take Jack to the holding cells." The marine dragged Jack to his feet. "Yes sir." Jack started to walk towards the open hatch till Derek spoke up again. "I cant wait till the next time we meet, should be lots of fun." Jack rolled his eyes as he continued out the hatch. "Me ether."


    Jack twisted his wrist around in the cuffs testing them, but they were on pretty good. He thought about stoping and confronting the marine like he had with the other one five in a half years ago, but was pretty sure that Derek had taught his marines to not fall for it again. The odds wernt good, one handcuffed man vs one armed marine. There wernt any options that jack could see yet, but he was sure that with enough time he might be able to find a chance to get free and make a run for the Mercury. The one thing that Jack regreted was saveing Jesse from falling off the balcony earler that day, as it stood it looked like she had cost him his ship, Lucy, and his life.
    "You dont plan on making me share a cell with that back staber do you?" Jack looked back at the marine as he walked. The marine didnt look like he wanted to talk but he did. "We have limited room in the prison areas so you two will be shareing a cell up to your time of execution." Jack frowned. "You see i have several issues with that, first of all i realy dont like the idea of staying around till im killed. Then second id rather that you killed me now instead of locking me up with that bitch. Did i ever tell you that she betrayed me and got me aresseted?" Jack looked back again and could tell the marine was done talking.
    "Well she did and i'll tell you what, of all the guys and gals i have been with, never have i meet such a stuck up, self centered, super bitch. Yes I said it because she is. Oh and she thinks im attracted to her or something, or just thinks im a perve, wich im obvisliy not i might add. Just because she is good looking and has tight cloths... and a damn fine body." Jack paused for a second and shoke his head before continueing. "Like i was saying, there is nothing to like about that cold hearted demon." Jack looked back again. "Are you listening to any thing im saying?"
    The marine rolled his eyes. "Im trying not to." Jack smiled. "Good, well as i was saying dont put me in a cell with her, id do any thing you wanted." Then Jack heard a voice that made him smile, especaily since he was running out of things to go on about. "Marine Jonson wait right there." The marine stopped as did jack. Shinori came walking up to the marine who looked puzzled. "What is it sir?" Jack noticed as shinori walked his limp barly showed any more. Shinori pointed to Jack. "I will be takeing him the rest of the way, i have a few things id like to ask him before i get him to the cells."
    The marine stood up right. "Sir im under orders to not let any one near him." Shinori sighed. "Well it was worth a try."  With out warning Shinori pushed the marines rifle into his chest and pined him to the bulkhead, and with a free hand pulled out a knife he had hidden and stabed the marine in the side. In pain the marine cryed out in pain as he stuggled, but Shinori made sure the knife stayed in. After a few seconds the marine slowed down and slowly slide down the bulkhead to the deck. Then  shinori released him letting the marine fall to the deck.
     Jack gave shinori a smile. "About time you built yup the curage to kill a man with your own hands." Shinori frowned with a sigh as he grabed the marines keys and took them to Jack. "He isnt dead, i just coated the blade with vorsicht. So by the time he wakes up he will have a bad headach with no memory of this." Jack laughed as Shinori undid the cuffs. "Isnt that the new date rap drug?" Shinori sighed again. "Yes it is." Jack turned back to Shinori as he rubbed his wrist. "Why do you have it then?" Shinori rubbed the back of his head. "Its a long story, but its not what you think.'' Jack smiled. "Of course its not."
    With no warning Jack punched Shinori across the muzzle sending him stagering back. Shinori wiped his hand across his muzzle and saw blood. "Jack! Damn it. was that realy neccesary?" Jack pulled Shinoris pistol from its holster. "Yea it was, now they will belive that i escaped with out your help. But if you want we can say we are now even for two times." Shinori smiled. "Lets call it even for that time at Avaya." Jack laughed as he started to move away. "No! were no where near close to being even for that." 
    Shinori rubbed his muzzle as he watched Jack take off around the corner. He leaned back against the bulkhead and decided that he would give Jack ten minutes before going to Derek. Atleast he hoped ten minutes was enough time for Jack to get the hell out of here. He then knelled down by the marine and pulled the knife out, then returned it to where he had hid it under his officers jacket. Then he tore a peice off the marines uniform and used it to stop the bleeding from the knife wound. "I hope this stuff works and you dont remember this."   
    Jesse sat curled up in the corner of her cell with her tail wraped around her. The marines were kind enough to remove her cuffs before shoveing her into her cell after the one had given her ass a smack. If the cell door hadnt been slamed shut she would of bit him, atleast she had gotten out a few kind words. She wished she had more to wear or atleast a blanket because the steel in the cells was to cold for her. The cell gave her no privacy since all but one side of it was made of steel bars. There were a bunch of other people here in other cells, luckily the one cell in the corner she was hideing in was empty, because the other one next to hers had two nasty men that had tried to grab her through the bars.
    "Hey there sexy, why dont you come a little closer so I can have some fun?" One of the prisoners was motioning for her to come closer. She raised her head off her knees and glared at him. "Fuck off perv!" All around she could hear others making comments about her. The other prisoner smiled. "She's a fiesty one I like that." Jesse tried her best to ignore them but it was so hard for her. Normaly she liked to get the attention of males because she could use that to get the rich ones to fall for her.  
    Down at the end of the corridor there was the sound of a few pops, and the sounds of prisoners getting roudy. Jesse squezed her self more, all she wanted to do was leave. She didnt want to die but it was sounding like it would be nicer than this. Then from were she heard the comosion a few seconds ago came the sounds of running foot steps getting louder. She looked up just in time to see a man go running by her cell. It took a second for it to dawn on her who it was, but when she did she went flying up to the front of her cell. "Jack!" she yelled out.
    He stopped running as he spun around to look at her. "Bitch!" Jesse clentched the bars of the cell. "What!?" Jack walked up to her like he was in no hurry. "Sorry, natural reflex. What i meant to say was Jesse." She rolled her eyes at him. "What the hell are you doing out there?" Jack smiled. "Well unlike you im not getting the prisoners all exetied while waiting to be executed. Actualy i was planing on going back to the Mercury and leaving this place. Maybe take a vacation from all of this extra stress. That reminds me I've got to go before i wear out my welcome. Nice seeing you again Jesse. Bye"
    "What! You cant just leave me here!" She shouted at him as he began to casualy stroll away. But then he stopped as he spoke sereusly again. "And why shouldn't I?" Jesse let out a small whimper. "If you leave me there going to kill me." Jack walked back up to her cell. "Oh there not going to kill you, there going to make you render services to the crew in a way only a women can." Jesse lowered her ears. "Jack please dont leave me here, im begging you" She lowered her head as she continued. "Ill do any thing you want, just take me with you."

"Any thing?" Jack asked. Jesse just sighed as she nodded.  "Ok i will let you out and take you with me as long as you do what ever i say, no matter what it is." Jesse nodded but it wasnt enough for Jack. "No dont just nod, give me your word that you will do what ever i say." Jesse whimpered as she spoke. "I will do what ever you want, no questions asked." Jack smilled as he revealed the pass card to the lock that had been in his hand. "Thank you." he said as he swiped the card through the lock reader. With a clank the cell door opened. 

"You were going to let me out the whole time wernt you?" Said jesse as she stepped out.  "Well i sure as hell didnt come all the way over here because i was bored." He said to her. Jesse growled. "You bastered. What is it you plan on haveing me do then?" Jack smiled at her as he took her hand and started to jog towards the corridor he had come from. "You will see, lots of fun times. But first we have to get to the Mercury." 

Just as they went rushing through the hatch to the corridor Jack went flying into some one all most falling over. Jack quickly regained his ballance in time to see the man he had run into. "Jack!" Yelled the man in shock. "Phenoix!" Jack yelled back as he took Jesse and started to run for the Mercury. "Your supposed to be dead!" Yelled Phenoix, who was in shock as if he had seen a ghost. "Sorry but i much rather perfer being alive, but thanks any ways." Said Jack as him and Jesse rounded a corner just as alarms filled the corridors of the Ares.


    Derek was sitting at his desk making plans for Jacks execution when an alarm started to sound. He the folder he was holding to his desk as he got up and headed for the hatch to his quarters. Once he opened the hatch he was faced with Shinori standing there with some blood on his lip. "Sir Jack has escaped." Derek slammed his fist into the opening frame for the hatch. "Damn it! And why the hell aren't you dead." Shinori was confused. "Sir?" Derek looked at him fiercely. "Don't ever let some one escape as long as your alive, did you even try to stop him?" Shinori shook his head. "Sir i tried my best to stop him." 

    Derek brushed past him as he left his quarters, Shinori took pace behind him. "How the hell did he escape?" Asked Derek as he stormed down the corridor. "He had knocked out a marine by the time i came around the corner, then when i tried to stop him he knocked me out." Said Shinori, as they rounded the corridor that lead to the command center. Derek clenched his fist tight as he got close to where he was going. "Im done messing around with Jack." Derek rushed through the command center like a man on a mission, all the crew could tell he was angry so no one dared to look at him. The alarm was starting to make Dereks head throb more.

    "Turn that damn thing off now." He barked. After seconds the alarm finaly shut off leaving just the normal sounds of the ship. When he reached the officers table he took a look at the read outs, but there was nothing that interested him. "Master at Arms. Have there been any reports of where Jack could be?" The master at Arms looked yup from his monitor that was along the bulkhead. "Negative, but a security detail has found two dead marines in the prison entrance, and a female prisoner is missing." Derek slammed his fist down on the info desk that caused the glass surface to crack, making all the infromation the glass contained all distorted and garbled.

    When he picked up his hand there was an in print of blood left where his fist had been. Derek grabbed the phone that was hung on the side of the table and turned a dial to set it for whole ship communication. "Attention all hands, this is the Admiral. There are two prisoners lose on board this ship, under no circumstance are they to escape. Do what ever is needed to stop them, and i mean any thing." Derek hung up the phone and took a look at Shinori.

    Derek looked down at the ship schematics trying to figure out where Jack was. This was really starting eat away at him, how many times was Jack going to get away from him? Then he realized that Jack was doing what he did last time. "I know where he is and where he is going." Derek said to Shinori. "And wheres that?" Asked Shinori. Derek just pointed to a part of the ships schematics that was still working, unlike the part that was smashed. "Right there, and thats where im going to get him. Master at Arms get your marines ready, i have some prisoners to stop." 
     It wasnt easy for Jack to make his way back to the Mercury. Several times he had to grab Jesse and pull her out of sight of the Ares crew that were now on the look out for them. The first few times Jack had grabbed her she had threw a fit about being grabbed by after the forth time she had just leared to stay quite. When the alarm had stopped sounding through out the ship it had made it more difficult to hide the sounds of  there foot steps. The worst part for him was climbing up five decks through a service shaft, not because it was hard, but because Jesse was a nag. She had incested on going up the ladder first so that way if she fell Jack would slow her down, but after half way all he heard was her complaining about how hard it was and to stop looking at her ass. He was pretty sure his comment he had made about the size of her ass being the cause of why he couldnt look at any thing else was going to have some repucutions later.
    Making sure the coast was clear Jack grabbed Jesse's wrist and pulled her along with Shinori's pistol in the other hand. Once Jack was sure they were almost to the Mercury he stopped and held his wrist watch up. "Lucy this is Jack you can stop hideing now, Jesse and I will be there in just a second so get the Mercury ready to go." There was a pause before Lucy's voice came through the watch. "About time Jack, whats kept you and your new girl friend?" Jack heard Jesse growl behind him so he spoke before she could say any thing. "I think were way past that step and straight to marage, she has been nothing but a nag." This time Jesse did reply. "Your a dick."  Jack smiled. "Thanks love you to. But any ways Lucy get the ship ready were just around the corner."
    Jack lowered his wrist back down so he could grab Jesse's wrist again as he quikened the pace. He went around the corner in a rush knowing the Mercury was Just down the corridor, but as quickly as he had gone around the corner he came to a stop. Jesse wasnt able to stop in time and plowed right into him. "What the hells wrong with you...Oh great! Now i see." She rolled her eyes as she looked at the five marines that had rifles aimed at them. Then she saw the one that had given her rear a smack, so she gave him a snarl.
    Jack raised up his hands as he spoke. "Come on Jesse, Nows not realy the time to be flirting with marines." Now Jesse snarled at Jack. "Dont you ever shut up." Jack gave a fake smile. "No, Not realy. Besides you still have to do any thing i say, and i mean any thing." Jesse's eyes widen as if she was more worried about what Jack had said then about the marines with guns. "Your more of a fucking perv than that guy." She pointed to the marine that she had just growled at as Jack spoke again. "You dont even know what it is tha..." Jack was cut off by Derek who had just comke around the corner to stand next to the marines. "Shut up both of you! Im tired of this crap. You have been nothing but a insufferable pain for me Jack And as for you women, Sure my men would of loved a toy, but i even grow tired of your bull shit."
    Jack kept his hands raised as he lowered all of his fingers exept for the pointer finger showing Derek he had something to say. "So does this mean you wont be taking us back to the prison cells?" Derek rolled his eyes. "Of course not. Im done playing games. No more cells, no more waiting. This is now going to be an emediate execution." Jesse grabbed Jacks hand and squeezed tight. "Jack..." Jack squeezed back as he looked at her for the first time ever in a sincer way. "Dont worry, this will all be over very soon." 

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