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[Y] The past, the truth
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Submitted On Sep17/11
Hits 2341
A pass of a char. the truth behind his actions to become a better person or to cover up his actions
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Lets say your walking down the street but you some how go back in time, lets say your name is ______

Your in the past you see the City is on fire, people are rushing away from the city's center, A unknown group of demons are are rampaging killing anyone they getting there claws on, one jumps at you just before it grabs you a wolf with gray fur saves you and he tells you "Kid get moving!" you see a young brown wolf fight them off, the demon's leader fires a deadly beam at the blows you away sending you flying with other flying, one lands next to you and his head busted open with a sicking crack, you see the inside of his head leak onto the ground as cars smash to the ground  nearby.

As you try to get up  you see the demonic leader kills the helpless souls trapped behind the burning cars with him, he takes joy as he kills them with ease eating any kids trapped. This the brown wolf mad, he loses control of himself, his eye turn  black as he rushes at everyone, army member, demo...
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