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[Y] Rage and regret
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A short poem
[Y] Rage and regret

Life, Hate, Rage ,cage Is all I think I'm made for in this one small place I call the world, being born into  so called LIFE with the hopes of a good living meeting nice people, kind people, good everyday people who know how it mean to use the words they use and not try to look for something or someone to ease there guilt

But no, Life is a game, and yet it isn't, We take life and make it as everyday is something to fight for, to  strive for, to die for and never lie for, but then as human as we are we joke about Dope, about how he's this and she's that, about things we have no right joking about but we drilled into our heads, "it's okay, to joke like that" "he don't care", how do you know, how can you tell?

Now I feel HATE for this, this life with others who just use me, abuse me and never once think about what I mean and not what I say, what I saw with my eyes and what I do everyday with myself, friends and loved ones, or how I handle myself everyday from morning to night as myself but they still call me out and hurt me.

Then I let my RAGE flow wanting to Spill the blood on floors and walls and use them to wright words in bold print ready to tell them I'll let the Sin of Wrath take over me, because she already owns me as the other sins Do noting for me

But now I'm CAGED in, locked in a loop that seems to never end, Reaching out but never felt, Yelling out but never heard, always seen and Never known

My Sin may Drag me down into the Flames of hell, but when It does I'll be ready, yes I'll be scared, Crying and bagging for a another chance but in the end, I'll be force to take up for my sin, Ready or Not, that's just how it is.