heartbroken but hoping

By: e
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The golden furred feline wiped his brow as he left the gym form his tackling drills. She was gone he knew but still he wondered what could have been. His timing had been off almost all week and here it was a month to the day that she vanished. He side stepped a tall white liger his nose picking up a slight scent the told him that the liger had been with someone that was ready fun. They may not have had fun then but with a body like that he would not have to wait long. He walked towards the shower almost smiles as he thought about the irony. As a star on the football team he was socially desirable but he never seem to be able to find anyone. Even the line backer hade found someone and he was gay. Well at least people accepted gays these days his kind was not so lucky. He sighed as he though about skipping the shower today. It would not be the first time and no one gave him any problems about skipping the odd shower. Of course that was because no one knew his secret but still, was their hope? Stopping at his locker he sighed as he looked though the locker form nothing special he glanced at the white liger that was still in the hall with him. "if only if" I whisper thinking about how life was unfair my kind. Unfair to the bisexual.

White was going though hys locker trying to find hys text book as hy only wears shorts to show off hys body as hys tail flicks softly hy looks up and smiles, "Hello there long time in the gym." hy picks up on the scent and shivers slightly as hy knows that hys heat cycle is in two days time, *Damn what I wouldn't give to be his, he so cute, sexy and handsome.* hy thinks to hymself as hy holds out hys paw for the golden fur feline to shake

Almost shyly he takes his hand shaking it firmly but politely. His palms are a touch sweaty but then he's been working out doing drills for the team so it was to be expected. "Yeah I guess. I've got to be ready and I can't let the team down you know." `He's so handsome' I think as I shake his hand. `And that scent it was almost like it was getting stronger.' "Are you a sport's fan? because I don't recall seeing you in the locker with the team" `Dumb question he thinks to himself besides there was more then one team here at school' As I look into his eyes I come to the realization that I still haven't let go of his hand. I release also that I don't want to let go and as I do a embarrassed blush starts to form as I wonder what he'll think of me and if there will be rumors flying around school come morning especially with the dance coming up before the end of the season.

"No I'm not a sports fan I only play darts and that’s the only sport I can play do to what I am," White smile as hy starts to blush also, "so what’s on your mind I won't laugh ok and I'll let in on a little secret of mine that I've kept," hy smiles as hy close hys locker shut softly with the books in hys paw, *Damn I haven't gotten a date to the dance and he is really cute I wonder what is on mind cause I now what is on mine and really want to know him better.* hy thinks as hy picks up on the scent again from the feline, "I'm Whiteliger but call me White and you are." hy whispers into the felines ear softly.

I'm… I'm Ed. Erutan Edwin Sdoiv but everyone calls me Ed. He realizes that he won't be able to impress him with his sports be then he realized that that was fine. `Maybe if I try I can impress with my personality.' "well long story short I was thinking about the up coming dance at the end of the month and that I don't have a date." Sighs unconsciously . "I bet a stud like you has two or three dates to chose form eh white?" he smiles finally releasing the ligers hand. "to bad though if you were free I'd ask you out myself." as he speaks his face suddenly goes flush as he realizes what he said. " that is, I mean, well …" he was sunk. The best thing he could do was grin and bear it. " are you free this weekend? I`ll understand if your not."

"I don't have any dates for the coming dance and I accept your invite Ed but here’s a better idea why not come over to my palace later on and we get to know each other more and I think you smell something that I have to tell about to," White smiles and kisses Ed’s cheek lovingly while whispering into his ear, "I'm male herm and no one wants to be with a male herm let alone one that is liger but now you know please don't tell anyone ok until we have had a chance to each other." Before going of to class.

Ed steps back touching his cheek in aw. Here he'd made a fool of himself and the guy had still agreed to go out with him this weekend. "score!" He leans back sighing as he dose. Then he realizes that he doesn't have white's phone number but that was fine he would be easy to stalk after all he knew where his locker was. "So he's gay what a stroke of luck for me." They will call me gay as well but that doesn't matter, well not much anyway after all if I'm lucky he and I will be together a while. "As he walked to class thing about what White had whispered to him it sank in. `a herm' he thought? Well it didn't hurt his feeling for him but it would be a bit different. Herm's were as scorned as bisexuals if not more. `For him to tell me something like that from the start showed a great amount of trust, gods what did I do to deserve that kind of trust' he moaned in his mind. He when through the rest of the day on autopilot and the nest morning he stopped by whites locker and slipped a not in. the note was simple and said "Call me 555-1714 Ed"

White got to school after having a belated breakfast, *Damn alarm I'll shoot it next time it doesn’t go off.* hy heads to hys locker and opens it taking the slip of paper and smiles "I will Ed I promise you I will call." hy slips the note into hys pocket and takes out the books hy needs and looks at hys time table seeing as hy has got two free classes hy takes out a piece of paper and writes, 'met me at the gym so that we can talk more.' as hy slips it into Ed’s locker before rushing off to class

Ed was running late for his last class but he knew the teacher would let him slide. He was the top scorer in class and that was not because he was one a sports team. As he opened his locker to change books a piece of paper fell out. He picked it up and glanced over it. He chuckles and smiled. Passing notes was so grade school but here he was doing it in high school. The bell for class rings and Ed grabs his book dart off. The gym he thought. I'll be there White.

As White hears the bell hy takes off to the males bathroom and locks hymself in a stall, *Damn it I nearly pounce that male and I'm so close to my heat I can't go on like this I need Ed and I need him now.* hy thinks as hy unlocks the stall and opens it slowly as hy looks out and not seeing anyone rushes out of the male bathroom and heads to hys locker to drop hy books off before rushing to the gym, *I need Ed he is the only and he is so cute I wonder if he'll mate with me, no I can't think that not know but I wouldn't mind being his mate and his mate only, I might just have to like football but only for Ed.* hy thinks as hy gets to the gym and sits down on the bench leaning back as hy pants.

The teacher had caught Ed daydreaming again and called him to the front of that class. After turning in his work and explaining that he was worried about his performance and that he was eager to hit the gym. The professor let him go early with some of the other students groaning but no one truly complained. Ed ran to the gym minutes ahead of the bell and striped for a quick shower. It would not do to meet White smelling to high heaven of lust. As he stepped out of the shower and into the dryer heard the bell ring. Time was running out an was white would be here soon. Slipping on his loose training pants Ed heard a noise in the gym. He put his shirt off to the side and peeked of into the gym. He saw white there and he looked kind of distressed. On second though stepping into view wet and half dressed was not he brightest thing to do but where the heart leads the head can only moan and follow. "White are you okay?" he asked fearing the worst would be his answer.

"Ed," White smiles and gets and rushes over to Ed, "Umm I nearly pounce a male in my class but he was so cute but not as cute as you are," hy stops in front of Ed and smiles as hy steps closer, "is there some place we can go cause you smell so good, oh and my heat is tomorrow if your wondering and I was hoping to ask you if you want to come over to my house after school so that we can talk more." hy hugs Ed lovingly and with need.

Ed stammered and stepped. He was expecting a lot of things but not this. Not this at all. Shaking his head Ed tries to compose himself. "Your heat is starting tomorrow?" ever as he spoke his body was already responding. "I was going to ask you to my house tomorrow as I was having a bit of a get together but now I think we should have dinner tonight." He shuffles a bit as his desire was starting to push at the loose fabric. "That is of course if you don't mind meeting my parents tonight." He could smell White's need building and it was starting to fuel his own recently suppressed desires. "Please say you'll come." Ed winced inwardly at his choice of wording. "I have special plans for dinner anyway." It was talking a toll his self control not to rip off Whites shirt and pants right then and there but that was not a good way to start a relationship.

"I'll come only if we stop by my place cause I need a shower and I've got a spray that makes my scent smell like a male and then you won't be so on edge cause it would ease your need as well as mine for the time ok," White hugs Ed lovingly as hy feels Ed’s eagerness , "or we could take care of each others need right now."

Tempting Ed thought he , she , shi was so very tempting willing to take him or be taken now if he asked. Ed sighed as he though it over. This was an honest offer of love or maybe it was lust. It was not a test he didn't think and White was sincere he was sure. All it would take would be a little push from him and they could be having sex in the next few minutes. Well if White pushed him for sex he would fold as well. "White that is a very tempting offer but there is something I want you to know about me before you commit yourself to me completely." Ed kisses white enjoys the scent of his musk as his heat became more evident. "It's something of a secret even more so then a most but it's easier to show you then to tell you. You would not believe me if I told you anyway." And if you did believe me White you might rethink your wish to get to know me. He thought to himself. "And if you want a shower the gym showers are free at the moment" Ed shook his head as he tried to think.. "I think you smell great but if you're right it is a bit distracting"

"Ok but tell me your secret seeing as you know mine and why I'm away from school for two weeks," White smiles as hy kisses Ed lovingly on the lips as hy breaths in his musk, *Damn it I need him now more then ever and I don't care about his secret everyone knows that his bi and he dose get tease for it but I've had my sure teasing to.* hy thinks as hy hugs Ed more lovingly as hy breaks the kiss, "why don't show me the showers Ed I have never showered after gym cause it hides my heat scent for awhile until I can get and lock the doors."

"My secret?" Ed asked drifting back to earth form a day dream. "Come with me" he whispered to White leading him into the locker area. Once inside he started the showers and barricaded the door and looked around. This was a bit much but he was worried. Only two people outside of his family knew his secret and one of them was his best friend the linebacker. "I'm not a full feline." Ed holds up his hand for moment of patients knowing that that doesn't seem like much. "My dad could explain it better then I can but once a year I change. I become a creature that exists mostly in legends and myths." He chuckles sadly. "I guess you could call me a monster but it's more complained then that." He looks at white his eyes showing fear or rejection as he did. Herms were rare but proven real in this world but to find out that your prospective lover was an actual monster, albeit part time was enough to cast some serous doubt on things. "But before you runaway form me in fear please give me a chance to prove myself to you. Please?"

"I'm listening Ed," White smiles as hy starts to get undress needing a shower to make hym think straight is one thing hy needs and to find someone to share a shower with was hard but hy knew Ed was here and would protect hym and him in return, "tell me please I love you and I know deep down you love me too."

Ed smiled. White was taking this a whole lot better the he thought he would. "well white I'm sure you heard of were right?" thinks back to the number of were movies he's seen in the past few years. "Those fur's who's body and often mind would revert to a feral form at the call of the full moon?" Ed thinks if only it were that simple for me. White I'm a something were-cat I would say and he could still love me. "While those movies are an exaggeration the condition dose exists it's called lycanthropy." Holds up his hand again though White has been very polite and has not tried to interrupt once. "No it's not a magic Condition at least dad doesn't think it. He's been studying it since before I was born. He says that what I become is in a way his fault. I'm not a true lycanthrope but I suffer a similar condition. Can you deal with this?"

White walks up to Ed and kisses him on the lips again, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't love the fact that I love means we can deal with this and besides how many have said that their lover is a were-cat." Hy kisses Ed again this time with lust and passion for him as hy hugs his lover close feeling his erection though the pants.

"If only it were that simple love. the first time it happened I become a creature called a human and dad says that it's from his side of the family." Ed's member is at full alertness and ready. He leans into White's arms his fur reeking with lust as he steers White under another shower nozzles rubbing his hands through his back fur.

What is last part of the your curse Ed cause I would like to help you more and I don't want to you while your in human form cause I wouldn't know what I would do," White smiles at Ed with tears running down hys cheeks as hy is enjoying the back rub, "you think we go to place after dinner cause I want you to sleep over tonight and the next, oh stuff this, Ed well you be my mate." hy blushes deeply as hy said it

Tears both of joy and despair start to well in Ed's " It's not magic hon. though it is a curse non the less." He hugs white. Burying his face in his masculine chest. "But don't worry, all is not lost. You see it doesn't last long. One day and one night then I am myself again. For almost a full year" looks into Whites eyes smiling "If you'll have me as your own then you'll make me happier then you can imagine"

White kisses Ed lovingly not wanting to let him go as hys paws go to towards his mates pants as hy breaks the kiss, "I know what I wouldn't mind having and that’s you mating with me but if you want to wait until tomorrow that’s fine by me but pre mating is fine for now and we'll beat this curse." hy kisses Ed again lovingly.

Ed smiles nodding. It was a curse maybe not a magic one but a curse nonetheless. "Hon" Ed spoke slowly his body shaking with relief and need . "Hon we can do whatever you want." Ed reached up and pulled White into a fierce kiss. It was a kiss laded with all of the emotion that a heart set free could muster. "Know that I know you will stay with me White. That you accept me for what I am love I will do all in my power to make you happy." He was in love full bloom. "I was so afraid that you would leave me that I wanted you to know what you were getting into." It was no crush like with that girl that disappeared this was love and what a glorious feeling it was.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm and I will stay by your side love for ever and ever no matter what life throws at us we'll met it haed on and beat this curse too." White purrs as hy kisses Ed agian lovingly as hy knows that the doors are still bolted to the showers and not wanting to go anywhere with out Ed.

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