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[Y] a trip to the mall
it's time to go shopping for a few new clothers but white has hir eye mon more then whats in the window display and ed has a few desires of his own
[Y] a trip to the mall

"What do you mean you need a dress?" 

“It’s for White the one she wore here is not in any condition to wear shopping." 

"Sighs if you were not my little brother i would swear that you were hopeless. Look go into the hall closet were all those Cos-play costumes you bought and made are. i think that the ones of Jessica rabbit or Chun lee would be best but take a few more just in case." but will you still" alright but you just do that i'll check and see if i have any dress that she might like okay" thanks sis" your crushing  my ribs Ed" oh sorry"  in a few moments Ed retunes with 5 dress outfits inducing a sailor scout, Chun-lee(both anime and video game), Jessica rabbit, and two others that he can't place at the moment. "Sorry to take so long hon. but Jess is looking to see if she has any dresses you may like. these five are some that i had around the house." Ed holds up a silky looking dress he had bought for his sis before an anime con it was read with a dragon embroidered is a sequin Patten on it the dragon flame and claws were highlight with rhinestones or some other kind of costume jeweler." i for one think you would look stunning in this one."

 Shi looks up at the dress and purrs, "I'll have to try it hun," Shi gets up and walks over to Ed and takes the dress being careful as shi puts it on and turns around for hir mate to see, "mmmm what do you think love." shi giggles softly like a little school girl.

 "i think you look absolutely wonderful love" at the knows on the door Ed with his attention on his mate automatically answers come in then shakes his had as he realizes what he just did but it’s true as the door opens and Jess enters with a couple of dresses on her and mom is behind her.

"You look very nice in the dress White. it suits you well" said mom. Jess is surprises as she doesn’t recognize the dress right away but nods that it is a good match for White.

"Now come along Rick is already in the van warming it up for us"

 "Ok mom and thanks again sis I only wish I did pack something if I known that we are staying here tonight," Shi looks at the Ed and winks to him slightly while walks to up to Jess, "thanks again sis I just wish I could help you in anyway." shi hugs Jess lovingly being careful of the dresses that she is holding.

 With one arm holing the dresses Jess returns White’s hug. "Don’t worry about it.  Ed never throws anything away that can be fixed or used so there were a few special occasions dresses still around”

Ed speeds up. "Okay let’s not keep dad waiting"

Jess looks at Ed suspiciously "Since when are you of all people in a hurry to go shopping?"

"Since i don't want my mother or my mate mad at me"


"He is right and I don't want to miss out Ed’s reaction to seeing my try on cloths that will make him happy and very horny afterwards and besides I want know what he thinks off the cloth too cause I value his input and greatly and not only that I love him to much," Shi purrs softly and takes the dress from Jess and lay them on the bed neatly, "shall go now." shi looks at hir mate lovingly. 

 Ed blushes whiles his sister shakes her head smiling. "Young love” mom smiles to but she says " not just young dear. Your father and i have felt this was for close to 30 years dear"

 "Shall not keep dad waiting mom cause I want to hit the mall and the cloths shops." White smiles while hir tail sways behind hir as shi wants to go shopping with hir new family. 

 Ed smiles following his lover his mother and sister following behind. In the care Rick, Alice, and Veronica were waiting in the van for the other when Alice asked.

"i saw the look on you face dad. Something’s wrong. Will Ed be okay?"

Rick smiled.  "Ed will be fine dear. I’m worry about the stress of what another litter my do to you mother but she's happy about it so i mustn’t worry too much. This is some thing she wants and i want her to have it but i also want her safe."

"Dad you worry to much mom will be fine"

 "i hope so. Oops here they come now"

 White smiles and hugs Ed lovingly purring softly to him as hir tail sways slightly, "I wonder if we can something to help me from leaking milk too Ed, unless you want me to keep leaking milk while at school." shi whispers into his ear and giggles softly as shi walks with him to the car. 

 Ed purrs nodding. Then after holding the door for his sister and lover to enter the van he gets in himself. While dad gets out doing the same for mom offing her drivers seat. "Aren’t you coming hon."

 "Only because you want me to love"

 Mom shook her head laughing. " i swear some times i think you're allergic to shopping"

 “Only when it takes 5 hours or more dear" Rick groans.

"i hope dad’s kidding about it taking five hours"  said ed

 White smiles and purrs and pulls Ed into the van and into the seat between Jess and hir, "Come on Rick stop being such a sour puss and get in already I'm sure Ed would like to get this shopping trip started." Shi pleads looking at Rick while hugging Ed lovingly.

 Ed purred melting in White’s grasp while Rick slips into the passenger seat of the van. Mom checks the mirrors then pulls the out into street.

"Daughter dear when it comes to going places like the mall your mother almost always drives."

 "It’s because you tend to get lost Rick dear"

"i know love i know. White dear child just  play with  Ed for a bit. i don't think that he'll mind the hours shopping as long as you keep him distracted"

"dad you make it sound like this is a deathtrap or something."

"it is dear.  Death to our bank accounts and near lethal boredom"

"Dad!" Ed can't help but chuckle at the way dad summed things up.


"Mmmmmmm not quiet Rick cause I've got enough money that my sire is still paying for when I was young and he try to make me his but my mother caught him and now he is paying the price of course he is a lawyer and makes a lot of money so i get half each month and that'll pay for a lot of things that Ed and me want." White kisses Ed’s cheek lovingly and purrs softly to him as hir tail wriggles around a little on the seat.

 Whites sisters look a little pale as then realize what White is talking about. "White dear" say's mom as she pulls on to the express way. "we understand what nearly happened to you love but you should not dwell on it."

“ she's right sis dwelling on pain only causes the pain to grow and linger."

 " Yes lover" speaks Ed in a dreamy voice "you're safe hon. safe with us"

 "I know Ed but my father nearly got me pregnant with his cubs and my mother knew that I wanted to save myself for the right person and I couldn't be anymore happier then I'm already am but its something that my mother never let my father forget of course he has gotten other females pregnant with his young at work and they are all lioness." White murrs and snuggles with Ed more enjoying the drive.

 Ed nods sighing. He’d heard about lions but still this was just one male.  "I can understand your fear's love. i promise you won't need to  worry about me doing something like that"  Ed's heart hangs a littler heavier as he thinking about what it must have been like for his lover to go through. Despite his heavy thoughts the gentle touch of his mate brought him back to his senses.  "No love our kids will have nothing to fear form us"

 "That’s good love cause I want you all to my self when I'm in heat again and I think our cubs will understand that their sire is off limits to them to have him sire their cubs." White purrs and nuzzle Ed lovingly.

 Ed nods purring as he nuzzles hir his nose brushing up again one of her filling breast as he dose. "So love what color do you think will look good on me for the dance? i'm planning on a black Tux for the wedding"

"and here i though if you ever got married you'd have to were White” joked on of there sisters

"Well i don't think the priest would take kindly to that besides" Ed smiles getting the sexual nature of her joke a vicious lustful smile nuzzled his lover "We plan to have cubs there you know, or do you think your little brother and his mate are evil? " Ed laughs like a villain from a Saturday cartoon show they he loves. His families sense of humor never seemed to stop but that was fine with him.

 "I don't care what color you wear love but make sure that it has some White in it and Jess that wasn't a very good joke but me and Ed are going to have our cubs at our home seeing as my house is cub ready but it needs a few more things to be cub safe, seeing as this is my first litter of cubs." White purrs and nuzzles Ed lovingly.

 Jess chuckles "yeah i know. it was kind of a joke about the fact that until now none of us ever thought that Ed would fall in love so young let along go for the sex before marriage thing."

Ed was a little miffed at this "hey now i may be younger then you but i'm not baby jess"  "now, now kids don't make me ground you two"

"Sorry mom" said Ed and jess together.

"Sorry sis i guess i could help poking a little fun now that our baby bro is growing up." Jess said as she smiled "and going to be a father no less"

 Ed sits up pulling White close to him "i haven’t been a baby in years and I found some one that i love sis."

 "i know” jess replied “but i still remember changing your dippers when you your young"

Ed moans "mom says you tread me like a baby doll"

"that’s not fair "

"it is true jess" said mom. "You treated him well but like he was your favorite baby doll. i had to practically pry him away from you epically for feedings."

“but mom"

"i know i was pregnant  at the time but still you did not need to do as much as you did"

Ed smiled. "Dad has a few home movies of her taking care of me but least talk about the danced instead love?"

 "Mom how long till we get to the mall," White ask while snuggling with Ed in the back seat and purring softly, "I'll have to watch those later love." shi whispers into his ear before kissing his cheek lovingly.

 "Our exit is coming up soon i'm guessing it's about 10 more minutes" mom replies as she switchers lanes to be in the right lane fore the exit. Ed sighs.  10 more minutes to languish with White and enjoy hir closeness then it's off to hours of carrying bags and waiting in line.  Ed caressed White’s leg some as he waits.

 White purrs softly and lovingly to Ed while nuzzling him lovingly, "I don't to have anything bad happen to us Ed." shi purrs as shi lick kisses his neck nipping gently as shi feels him caress hir leg.

 Ed purrs stretching his neck to allow hir better access. "don't  you worry love everything will be find and if we ever need any help  i'm sure our family will  be there for us" despite  the pheromone mask/suppresser that White and Ed are wearing the levels in the van have start to climb and as the van pulled into the mall's parking lot everyone has notice. It’s not just Ed, White but mom and dad that are feeling the effects as well

"Your right love but lets get shopping out of the way first then we can hit the food courts for drink afterwards." White smiles and purrs lovingly as shi nips and kisses Ed’s neck lovingly while hir tail flicks back and froth.

 Ed purrs walking with his love while in the back ground the their sisters are making plans for ahem dressing up their socially awaked brother. Dad locks up the van bring up the rear with mom. "so what kind of dress do you have in mind love? i can hardly wait to see you in them"

 "Well I was going to go with a White wedding dress but I guess you'll have a hard time seeing where it begins and ends but for the school dance I think I'll go with a red-orange dress." White giggles softly as shi walks with Ed into the shopping mall.

 Ed chuckles as he holds the door for hir. "Red-Orange  eh hon? well  i'm sure that it'll look wonderful once we find one you like"

 "Thanks love but what are you wearing to the school dance." White purrs as shi walks though the door smiling at Ed lovingly wondering what he'll wear to the school.

 Ed chuckles." I’m sure you and my sisters will come up with something" he pull hir close "And between the 4 of you I’ll look nice with out looking like mom's baby boy"

 "Mmmmmmm don't let mom hear you say that love." White purrs and kisses Ed lovingly on the lips as shi is held by him as hir tail sways slightly in pleasure of having something so caring and lovingly as hir mate.

 Ed retuned the kiss pulling White close in a passion hug then as they break he hears a forced cough.

Jess has a semi-stern look on her face "You know as thrilling as it is watching my baby brother making out 3 feet in font of me is I’m afraid we've reached the store and your blocking some nice people that want to come out."


White blushes deeply looks at the people that are standing there, "Sorry." hir blush becomes deep red turning hir fur color pink as it shows up under hir fur as shi walks and pulls Ed out of the way so that people can leave and come in.

Ed followed White or rather does not resists being drawn by White and he chuckles a little nervously.

  "Now it's nothing to be ashamed of children "says mom as she watches the couples nervous display. " just try to be a little more awa- ooh"  moms tail wraps around dad's arm and he smiles like a kid caught in the cookie jar. “Just try to be a little more aware of your surroundings okay you two" mom then turns to face dad hands on her hips "as for you Rick. What did i tell you about goosing me in public? "

Dad smiles “not while lecturing the kids i believe but these two are hardly children dear"

 White blushes even more, "Can we go shopping now I want hit the cloth stores first before we do anything else." Shi turns and hugs Ed burring hir face against his chest trying to hir blushing face.

 "Sure thing love" he looks at his sisters. i take it that you three will be busy looking through the clothes ?"

"well" said Alice "i was planning to head over that way my self a little later. You don't mind if i tag along now do you?"

Ed shakes his head. Alice was volunteering as a watchdog so to speak to chaperone him and his love in public. What did she expect him to do? "i don't .you know i have lousy color coronation skill anyway sis"  

 "Well you mom and i have a couple of stores that we were planned on stopping by any way." Says Rick and he loops arms with Naomi  "every on have you cell phones."

"unh no" said Ed looking down

"Ed  why do you never carry your phone?" ask Naomi.

"i just forget about it. After all they always get broke during practice or something"

"Some times i think you don't even what the phone" says his mom

"Maybe he doesn't dear" says Dad

"What teen doesn’t like phones?" ask Naomi

"Don’t worry mom after football season I’ll to carry it" says Ed knowing that he still won’t want to.


"Mmmmmm I'm sure we'll find you all right, right Ed." White smiles and purrs softly hugging Ed while shi wonders what he'll look like in a tux.

 "White is right mom. We’ll be fine" Alice says

"Come on dear they are kind not babies. They’ll be fine." Dad agrees. And with that Ed, White and Alice break off form the main group and herd towards the fabric and clothing store. " i hope i'm not interpreting  you too much bro  i know you two want some time alone"

 Ed looks to White “don't worry too much sis. i'm sure that White and i will be fine with out a baby sitter" 

Alice shrugs "okay but remember your promise"

 "What promise?" White looks to Ed and then to hir sister-in-law wanting to know what promise as hir paw slips into Ed’s paw lovingly.

 "Well you see" begin Ed before Alice cut him of.

"Honestly brother you'll take all day. Ed was going to help me with a quilt I’ve been making for mom and dad for Christmas." Alice shakes her head." he's very good with shapes and patterns even if he has no eye for color" 

"Hey now!” Ed says felling slighted. “what about my paintings?"

"Ed they are almost always earth tones realistic and safe. But you never seem to get daring with your colors in your art projects."

"but i try" Ed sighs trying not to hang his head. he does try but he's never sure it's good enough.

 Come on lets go shopping and we can pick up some more shapes and colors for the quilt so that you can both finish it before Christmas." White smiles and starts to drag Ed to the nearest cloths store remembering that hir dad has an account with everything cloths store and that hir account is now with them.

 Ed follows along half dragged as his mate chooses and leads the way to the store. Alice follows smiles. Her older brother sure picked a spirited mate. "Sure thing sis you want to design a patch too? Most of the others have already

White blushes slightly, "Ummm I don't know what patch I would do and besides if I did it would be one of my and Ed in a hug kissing each other lovingly," White smiles and stops pulling Ed to hir and doing what shi just said, "besides I could never leave Ed after all I love him."

A lice smiles "works for me." Ed does not comment at first as he does not want to say anything but he knows he would be embarrassed. But still it would be nice a few years form now when mom paraded it around the room to see the patch that his mate made for mom's present. "Sure lets do that"

 "Mmmmm thanks love, now lets see what can all get." White purrs softly and kisses Ed on the lips lovingly never wanting to be with anyone else for the rest of hir live.

 Ed nods not sure what to say as he fallows his love happy to have found the one that he loves that he can entrust his heart to. "sure thing love."

 "Mmmmmmm Alice I was wondering if you want to be a brides maid hell I was wondering if you, your mate and sister law would like to be my bride maids for our wedding." White purrs as shi starts looking at cloths and dresses that shi likes picking up some panties and bras too for when shi is nursing cubs and to wear under hir wedding dress.

 "i don't know about them but i would love to" as she speaks she noticed some thing strange about Ed. it's subtle but it's there. "So tell me, what do you think of this" she ask holding up a powder blue top. Meanwhile the fur around Ed’s neck and head has grown since they entered the mall though Ed has not noticed as he looked hoping to find something that caught his eye.

 "I'm going to try on what I got ok Ed your both welcome to join me in the change rooms." White points out the change rooms and walks over to them wondering what Alice was looking it but shakes it off as shi only wants to try on the cloths see what they look like on hir as shi giggles softly. 

 As White departs Ed considers following her only to feel a familiar hand on his shoulder. “are you okay big bro”

Ed sighs "i'm feeling a little anxiety and maybe a tad embarrassed about being here but other then that i'm fine why do you ask"

 Alice whispers to him "because you’re growing an mane and it's almost doubled in length and thickness since we left the car" Ed's eyes go wide and then pulls his shirt up to hide his neck fur and he tries to concentrate on the feline he was this morning. Meanwhile Alice leads him towards the back and shoves something in his hand before they reach the changing room. "here try this on and take your time i'm sure White can help you with that"  Ed's concentration shatters as he thinks about saying some thing about tack to his little sister only to find himself face to back with his lover he smiles and sighs relived. "But don’t take to long” Alice says with a hint oh humor in her voice “or I’m coming in after you

 "Mmmmmm why don't you join me then Ed I'm sure that they don't mind seeing as there is only one left and its big enough for us two to use," White smiles and walks to the back as the women nods giving the ok seeing as White is a vip and knows the owner when shi was still male but holds open the door for Ed to enter before, "come on Ed lets use this one." 

 Ed nods losing some of the fur from his mane. "Sure thing but there… I mean i need to tell you some thing"

 "Of course love now get your butt in here with me or you won't get anything for the rest of tonight." White smiles knowing that shi doesn’t plan on keeping that promise at all as shi steps into the last change room and waits for Ed as shi sets the cloths up on the hooks looking at them and wonders which one to try on first.

 Ed follows White into the changing room absent mindedly hanging the outfit his sister gave him on a hook. he smiles as he watches his lover look over hir collection.

"i can hardly wait to see you in this" he says reaching past White to pick up a lacy piece  "but i need to tell you some thing. i seem to be uhm changing with out my notice. Alice spotted me this time but until we get home ore at least back to the car i'll need you guys to keep an eye on me okay love? “as he speaks he puts the piece down and removes his shirt cause fur that was shed form his reverting to fall from the neckline to the  floor.

 "Mmmmmmm don't worry hun I'll keep an eye you even in the car, but it might have something to do with us now seeing as the male of our family it might be that some lion genes where passed onto when we made love but my mother has to know about this too love not mention dad too we might have to spend some time in the lab he has got at home," White purrs as shi looks Ed up and down and moves closer to him kissing his lips softly, "besides I can't think of anyone that I would like to have as my mate cause your the first one that I had a crush on and you the only one at school that knows what I am." shi picks up the lacy piece and then stripes making sure that there is enough room for hir to change into the lacy piece. 

 Ed purrs with caressing his lover. "i can see mo one else in your place love. Who you are won me over" then Ed thinks about what she said and while it's possible he finds it funny. Ed chuckled. "Now love, don’t discount my mother’s influence. She, unlike dad, was born the lioness she is today. She doesn't do the whole change my species with mad science thing. She sometimes wonders what she would look as this species or that but has the same access to the genome simulator that dad does." Ed's chest puffs up a little with pride as he talks about his parents and their accomplishments. Still they are what they are and White is who shi is and as long as everyone is happy he will be too. He thinks back to the dinner and mom asking him when the wedding would be and smiles.

 White purrs at his caress, "Mmmmm I won't love but let me try this on and then you can tell me what you think of it seeing as its going to be for you that is going to stripe me out of it tonight," Shi giggles softly as shi slips out of the cloths that shi borrowed and then slips on the lacy peace murring softly at well it fit hir bust size and how it hugs hir hips just right, "what do you think love."

 Ed smiles." breath taking love" Ed is not exaggerating. There was the lacy pattern plays over White’s fur enhances hir allure. he smiles. "just wait until we get home love. i'll show you how well it effects me"

 "Mmmmmmmmmm anything that makes you horny is good for me love and besides I plan on letting you stripe me out of it tonight when we get back home anyway," White purrs and starts to strip out of the lacy panties and bra bending over to give hir mate a good look at what is his and only, " you like the view love." 

 With a gentle caress of hir rear he smiles.  "it's a nice view and a wonderful  feel"  he smiles and  squeezes "But nothing compares to when i'm  kissing you and squeezing you tight at the same time love."

 "Mmmmmmmmm that love is something that we both can do and besides I want to try on the rest of the cloths knowing that I found something that will be happy." White smiles and purrs softly as shi feels Ed squeezing on hir rear. Shi wonders what he'll look like in the outfit that Alice found. 

 Ed decides that since he his already topless he might as well go the rest of the way and try on the outfit his sister gave him. As he slips on the tank top he noticed that there is writing on it but can't quite see what it says. He shrugs it off and realizes that it's not a normal T but a muscle shirt, not the kind of shirt he would normally were. Then he looks at the pants and finds that there are nice jean shorts. He tried them on and looks at himself in the mirror. He doesn't really know what to think until he sees the words on the shirt. ‘Sorry ladies i'm taken’ he laughs "well love, what do you think?" as he turns around words he didn't see become visible. "EyE Candy"

 "I say keep it love cause it looks good on you," White purrs softly and turns around giggling as shi reads the top and pulls Ed into a kiss breaking softly, "what do you think of adding your sister to our family love seeing as your the male of our pride and need females to love you and to be there for you not to mention Alice would be able to help me around the house when I'm nearly due to give birth not only that she would be purrfect have around the house helping me take care of our cubs."

 Ed shrugged and shakes his head. “You’ll have to ask her. Truth be told i never though about her like that since she's family and well i'm kind of the odd ball. Mom and dad never forbade anything like that but they never encouraged it either." Ed thinks about the k9 girl barely 2 years younger then him. Jessie and Alice fallen in love and married while she was spending the summer on a honor school field trip and in her country it was legal to marry at age 12. Jessica and Alice were both older then that when they marred though. "still i just know Jessie’s going to beat me up if she thinks we’re trying to still her wife form her but i'm sure you know about what to  then i do love." for that past 4 yeas he's thought of her as his sister and before that she was sis's friend. Still for some reason it was tempting.

 "Love we won't be trying to steal Alice away from Jessie and besides they both can help because as a pride male it would be your job to make sure that we are happy and not only that think of the time I get to spend with them when your at work mind you we'll have to buy bigger house too but I guess you know how much money I got, right love." White purrs as shi picks up another set of panties and murrs softly letting go off Ed so that shi can try them on. 

 Ed smiles as he wonders how this is going to work out. Oh well. He slips out of the out fit having made his mind up about getting the outfit his.  Alice. What would she say? What out Jessica say? Mom and dad never said anything about two of their children sharing a lover. Still to have his sister’s lover in the pride and his sister, he was not sure if either of them were by. they loved each other and that was good enough for him. humm well he thinks 'i'll let White deal with this still one last question'  "Sexy panties love but are you sure you want to think about starting a pride so soon?"  d asks.

 "Mmmmm thanks I'll get them just for you love," White purrs as shi stands there turning around for Ed to look hir over,

"Why ask such a question when I don't know how many cubs I'm carrying and besides its safe to be prepared isn't it love." Shi murrs softly and flicks hir tail slowly as shi poses for him lovingly and to see what he can do.

 "I suppose but while i trust your judgment and them both they are my sisters and it seems swell" Ed shrugs

"it seems strange and i'm not sure how it feels to me." Ed thinks about his sister’s heats when they were at the house. Where they became tempting then he never attempted to well do anything. Dad was the same way and he's learned his behavior form watching his father. Like dad never bother the girls’ mom never bother or temped the boys. That was just how things were in the house. "It’s temping love but at the same time it's scary to me."

 "Well you are the pride male love so get use to having a pride of females around the house cause I would need help with the cubs when your at work right and I can't think of two others other then Alice and Jessie and besides they both told us they wanted cubs of the their own and who else is going to give them the cubs they want unless you want them to be raped by some unknown male that is drunk and looking to knock up females when he can't get none at home." White looks at Ed nearly pleading with him as shi stands there in front of him in a bra that only covers hir nipples and a g-sting that gives nothing away of what shi is. 

 Ed smiles cups the exposed part of White’s breast and looks his lover over. “Dad has been working on a way for them to have child love. It’s not easy but it time i think hell find a way still" Ed's minds wonders fore a few moments and so does his had over White’s body and comings but up to hir belly. if they want i would welcome them but it's their choice love not mine. mom will understand i'm sure as tow of her sisters stayed with her father but dad... him i don't know about." Ed looks at his hand and smiles. "have you thought up any names yet love?"

 "Mmmmmm not yet love but you can stripe me out of this seeing as I like how it feels on me and it makes look more female then a female herm," White purrs softly as shi thinks of asking Alice and Jessie if they would like to move in with them and be apart of their pride, "you know if you grow a mane you'll be right for the male part of the pride and not only it shows everyone that your the strongest male of the pride." shi kisses Ed lovingly murring softly.

 Ed lovingly kisses White back. His mind is now longer on the enlarging of their pride. He is not thinking about his sisters and their bodies laying against his. No he is thinking about White and their expect children. He is thinking about how shi will be happy when they get home about there new home once they have a new ideal home many children are in their litter. About how much he can provider for hir counting his trust fun and the job that he was offered at dad’s lab when he graduates school. “we may need some help love but don’t worry Love. Well get through it.”

 "I trust you love but Alice and Jessie will want to help me not only that I think that you can provide them with what they want and I believe they both trust you deeply besides I can see it both Alice and Jessie’s eyes that they want cubs of their own no matter what it takes." White purrs as shi kisses Ed again wanting hir mate stripe out of the panties and bra that shi has on.

 Ed nods. “I know love.” As he speaks he unfastens the bra that White is wearing and begins to remove. “That asked dad to help them two years ago and he has been working on that between trying to me how to control / suppress my shifting. He finally came up with a process but he’s not ready yet. You see it’s not all that easy and they would have at most two children per pregnancy. It’s like artificial insemination but I don’t know all the details.” Ed having removed Whites bra plays his hands along her back and rear enjoying the feel of his mates body. “you don’t think Alice is listening do you?”

 "Mmmmmm I hope she is but if she isn't then I'll ask her and Jessie and see what they do next love but if Alice is listening she can come on in and join the fun." White purrs softly as hir eyes half close in pleasure of feeling hir mates paw run down hir back.

 Ed nods and he draws his lover in close loving how shi feels again him his bare chest getting slightly moist. Out side Alice is waiting for the couple listing to low playing music on her mp3player.  A store attendant approaches her and asked if see needs help. “no I’m just waiting on my sister who’s changing … but on second though do you have any powder blue fabric?”  back inside the changing room Ed slips a hand between the fabric of his mates panties and White’s rear squeezing hir gently. “I guess she’s busy love but right now lets tend to you.”

 "Mmmmmm I'm all yours love so do what you want," White purrs lovingly as shi kisses Ed again lovingly and deeply as shi moans softly as beads of milk leak from hir breast as shi breaks the kiss, "looks like my breast need empting love but it should stop soon." 

 Ed nods and licks Whites nipples “ we don’t have much time if you want I can lighten you lactic load a bit if you want” Ed knows what his lovers answer is likely to be as he licks her breast around hir nipple about to take it into his mouth. But wait’s. “do you think we’ll be interrupted love”

 "I think we will be but go ahead anyway love cause we'll have to look for a milk machine so that I empty my breast and store the milk in the fridge for later if you want." White purrs softly closing hir eyes in pleasure and bliss of feeling hir mates tongue lick around hir nipple.

 Ed nods agreeing with his lover as he licks a few drops of milk form her nipple. He than begins to nurse from his lovers breast not trying to drink it all but trying to enjoy the taste of his mate. while feeling hir rear Ed  pulls the panties the rest of the way downs the  free White form her confinement stroking her legs as he does.

 "Mmmmmm that feels good love," White purrs softly so as not to draw attention to them both as shi shivers at the touch of Ed’s paws stroking hir legs as hir tail sways back and froth in pleasure of having hir mate drink from hir, "you know I'll have drain my breast every morning so that you can have something to drink love but not stop."

 Ed chuckles listening to his mate fawn over him. He pauses for a moment as he's switching breast. "i can see now love that you intend to spoil me but i guess it's only fair since i was planning the same for you" Ed  smiles before he begins to nurse form hir other breast his hand massaging her swollen lips  below hir member

 "Mmmmmm keep doing that hun and your going to have to fuck me right here in this stall." White moans softly as shi bucks hir hips against his fingers wanting release as shi holds his head against hir breast rubbing at his head fur. 

  Ed purrs softly drinking in his loves milk while happily stroking her. how long have they been there?  it doesn’t matter. While taking a breath he says "well love that’s one thing that can happen, but would that really be so bad?"  Ed feels White’s moistness as he rubes slipping a finger inside of her warmth as shi bucks against his hand. hir excitement adds flavor to hir as he nurses form hir breast.

 "Mmmmm just take me love I need to feel you in me." White purrs softly as hir sheath bulges slightly enjoying the pleasure of hir mates fingers as hir juices flow around his finger.

 Ed purrs as he wonders what would be the best way to please hi lover. With a smile he decide that shi need to enjoy some more free-range pleasure. "Why love is this a banana in my hand... "he ask fondling her swelling sheath. "or you way of saying you're happy to see me?" Ed  smiles  kissing his way down White’s body.

 White moans softly as shi arches hir back as hir sheath bulges more from the enjoyment of hir mates kisses on hir body as hir knees tremble, "Oh god oh god yes love pleasure me please." 

  Ed purrs lick hir sheath and kissing around the gender area even as he adds another finger to hir warm moist treasure. dropping down a little lower he lick her form as far back as he tongue can reach  forward and up to the tip of her peaking member. at this moment he had no need for words he would show his lover how he feels about hir

 "Mmmmm so good, so damn good love lets move the cloths to the floor and then you can have me any way you like I need to be pleasured like this it feels so good love." White purrs and pants as hir knees tremble a bit more from the pleasure that he is giving hir. 

  Ed chuckles as he slowly backs White up until hir back is against the wall and the using his strength he slowly spread White’s legs lifting hir up as well. He is supporting his lover's weight thanks in part to his training and in pat to his natural were strength and sturdiness. With his hands full of his lover he uses his tongue to caress hir wanting sexes. he tasting and stimulating hir from her member head to her anal rose bud and back wishing he could do all three at once for hir. 

 "Mmmmmmmm love please suck me off so that I don't have wait until we get home I need to cum as a male dose please give that pleasure." White mews and moans out softly as shi locks hir legs around Ed’s backs not wanting him to stop what he is doing.

  Ed purrs having thoroughly tasted his lover he is happy to concentrate on hir male have as well. He had been missing the feel of her love rod against his tongue. As he slows licking he concentrates more and licking hir shaft and  sheath and  rod  lapping up any  pre that manages to escape hir member.

 White moans out softly keeping the noise down so that others won't hear them as shi shivers in pleasures as pre leaks from hir cock tip as shi starts to pant, "Pleasure love suck my cock off I want to feel your tongue against my cock." 

  Ed purrs his tongue wrapping around White’s member as he lick his lover again before taking hir into his mouth. he purrs a little more as he swallows before he beginning to bob  up and down hir erection.

 "Mmmmm that feels good love." White purrs softly as shi bucks hir hips slightly matching Ed’s bobbing as shi holds onto the hooks for support. 

  Ed squeezes slightly as he holds up his lover. he continues to bob and swallow his tongue playing over the surface of his lover's hardened member. The purring is his throat causes his muzzle to vibrate some as he bobs his head along White’s fleshly love rod.

 "Oh yes that’s it love keeping going your going to make cum soon." White purrs and moans softly as more pre leaks out of hir cock and into hir lovers mouth and throat as hir tail coils around one of Ed’s arm as shi shudders in pleasures as hir tongue hangs out of hir mouth panting.

 Ed purrs as he swallows hir salty pre. hir pleasure was like honey to him. as long as he could make her happy he would try anything. He bobs steadily sucking even harder as he tries to bring his lover to orgasm. his chest heavers slightly partly form supporting about half of his lovers weight with his arms while blowing her off partly form the excitement of it all. He found himself hoping as he swallowed even more of his lovers pre that nothing would interrupt them.

 White moans softly as shi stops bucking hir hips as shi cums into hir mates maw mewing softly in pleasure so that no one can hear what they were both doing as shi shudders in pleasure and release of hir male side. 

  Ed swallows his lovers seed happily purring as he does. he listens to hir muted cries of pleasure and roles his tongue around hir sanative head. hirs pleasure seems to invigorate him as he releases hir member and licks around hir spent love rod his arms shaking a bit. His licking coxes a couple of squirts of post cum form her member but that’s fine with him.

 "wow love " Ed says in a muted voice "it seems you needed that even more then i did.” Ed nuzzles hir and tries to let hir down gently with his tired arms.  “i guess there's no point in trying to hide what we've been up to form them but" Ed smiles " tell them no pictures until the wedding video"  Ed is smiles even as his fur  darkens half a shade and his growing mane tries to lay flat and unnoticed around his neck.

 "Mmmmm that was good love and your right they'll have wait for the wedding video." White puts hir arms around hir mate lovingly nuzzling him lovingly as shi purrs softly coming down from cloud nine of pleasure.

  Ed purrs holding his lover in his arms. He had been joking about the pictures and all but he didn't mind. All was well.  There is a Knock on the changing room door but Ed ignores it wanting to hold his lover a little while longer.

 "Shall I get what I got here love seeing as they are meant for you to strip me out of when you want too and besides I love seeing you try and hold back," White purrs softly as shi too hears the knock, "I wonder who it is love I hope its Alice outside." shi whispers into hir mates ear softly

 Ed nods. “yes lover we can have a lot of fun with these things”  the nock comes again but the air is so full of hormones that Ed can’t tell who it is that comes a voice. “hey are you two  ready yet? Mom and Jess have some suites for Ed to try on” Ed groans “ not yet sis.  We’ll be out in a couple of minutes” to his lover he whisper “are you ready to get dressed lover?“

 "Yeah I'm ready to get dress love but you'll have to get that shirt of yours back on and give me that shirt Alice found seeing as I'll get everything on my account." White purrs softly and kisses hir mate lovingly on the lips while still hugging him lovingly. 

 Ed nods reach down he pick up the shirt a hands it to his lover. "Here hon. and will you get the shorts as well?" as he speaks he takes up his own shirt and slips it on.

 Out side Alice answers her cell phone again. “Yeah okay we'll be there, you sure? yes they’re in the changing rooms now... yes i know how to find it okay. Bye Hon, love you" Alice folds the phone and put it back in her pocket. “Ed if you aren’t out of that room in two minutes i'm leaving with out you!"

Ed slumps as he slips his leg into his pants leaning against the wall. "Hon do you think you can calm her down?"

 "Alice if you leave we'll have no way of finding you and the other and besides we're getting dress right now so wait at the casher for us ok," White calls out as shi slips the hir shirt back on and reaches for the shorts to and slip them on and then goes about picking up the cloths, "Alice if you want something from this store I would advise you get it and let me pay for it ok." 

 Alice sighs shaking her head. Ever since the touchy feely display in the car she'd been a little horny. now as she waited for so long while Ed did who knows what with White she was more the ready to grab Jessie for some alone time.

"Alright after waiting all this time i guess i can let you do that but Ed don't let me find out your taking advantage of her" 

"i would never do such a thing sis" Ed protested a little wounded at the accusation.  "You’d better not" said Alice with a trance of humor in her voice. Ed gives himself a quick once over in the mirror and discovered he's put his shirt on inside out. He takes a moment to take it off and put it on again then look to his lover with a smile.

 "Shall we love seeing as I have to pay for this lot?" White smiles and purrs softly knowing that shi will try and get Alice and Jessie to come back to their home for some fun and getting to know each before shi ask both hir two new sisters something along with Ed there too.

 Ed nods. They will see soon enough. Dressed properly Ed put his hand on the lock. "Ready love?” ed asked “i think Alice is kind of anxious to get back to the others"  Ed's main had stopped growing and while it was not impressive it was there as his lion gene made him into an adolescent leonine heartthrob his muscle slight bigger his define better and his confidence in himself risen a notch or three. There was no telling how long shift would last but he would enjoy it while it did. His tail twitched a littlie he was on the prowl and the truss of the sway with the motion.

 "I'm ready love but lets ask Alice and Jessie if they would like to be apart of our family tonight in your room." White smiles as shi takes in the lion mane and tuff at the Ed of hir mates tail knowing that full well that he won’t be able to back out of this seeing as his lion gene is kicking in. 

  Ed chuckles. “This may get fun still there are some thing about it that seems strange.”  As the two exit the stall he has already given up puzzling over what’s been bother him. Let White take care of it instead were say you just make sure shi has a happy home and everything else will be fine.

"Hey sis you look a little annoyed" said Ed as he looking I at his sis’s frown.

 "You two have been taking forever." Alice said in a scolding older sister voice despite being younger then Ed.

 "Sorry sis but by that way can you and jess come by the place later so we can look over this quilt?" Ed asked.

  Alice shrugs “Sure lets pay for this stuff and go.” she pauses “You do have your bank card?"

Ed’s hand goes to his wallet "yes why?"

Alice smiles "since White’s is paying for this you’re treating us all to desert after we're done" it sounds like and order but Ed can see his sister is just having a little fun with him.

 "Sure thing sis" he says trying not to chuckle

 "Are you all ready?" asks the casher.

 White smiles and nods and hands the casher things shi wants and then points to what hir mate is holding and nods knowing the casher understands that shi has an account with them for helping out setting up a contention with hir sire cause of something that happen when shi here last time, "Oh and Alice there is something that Ed and me want to ask you and Jesse in private after we have looked at the quilt."

 Alice's mind is still on the though of cuddling up with jess. "Huh? Oh sure. No problem"

 Ed shakes his head. "Alice we have time slow down"

"oh like you do" she asked a little miffed.

 "sure like we "said Ed

 "oh Ed I’m not that bad" said Alice wondering what Ed is getting at.

 " i only mentioned it because you seem to be a little more hasty then normal" said Ed. It was not like her to rush through things.  she loved to check and double check what was going on.

 White picks up the bags and looks at Alice and hir mate, "Ok we can go now and if you have don't clam down I don't even want to think of what I'll do if you both keep fighting like two wild lions now grow up both of you we are after all shopping." shi is on the verge of tears as shi tries and clams hir self down not wanting to fight with hir mate and sister-in-law.

 Ed sighs. Shifts were never easy and he was probably speaking rougher then he's intended to be. "I'm sorry sis it's just that it's not like you to be in a hurry like this."

 Alice however has snapped out of her daydreaming and is listening to the tone of White’s voice and watches hir posture. "i know what you meant to say Ed. I’m not sure but right now we should hurry. The others are waiting for us and you need to get home and try to unwind and i do mean unwind. You’re a bundle of nerves and testosterone" Alice gets in close to Ed and whispers "and your mate can sense it as well. i don't think this is the best night for you to be out on the town"

 Ed starts to speak but stops. Alice it probably right. He is barely strong enough to maintain his appearance and his normal attitude but if he just let it go and embrace the shift like Alice is suggesting... once they get home that is then he'll be fine. "yes you're probably right. i need to apologize to White for all of this as well." The two hurry after the ligeress herm were Ed offer to take the bags and  Alice explains that this is no bad blood between them.

 "I know Alice but try and not get carry away in a row with Ed seeing as he seems to be shifting into a male lion but I'm ok I'm just worry Ed would do something when he shifts but I'm ok now just a little shaken at watching you talk like that and with Ed shifting tonight," White sniffs slightly and brushes a lock of hair out of hir eyes, "anyway last hurry and meet up with the rest." 

  Alice pulls White into a sisterly hug. "oh I’m sorry dear." Alice pats Whites back and shoulders " i know that you're new to this and are not used  to this kind of thing."

 Alice sighed hugging White while Ed wisely remained silent. He felt a little defensive but right now he could easily forget himself and say something he would not normally say. Alice continued "Ed can sometimes be a hand full when he's shifting be a stern voice and  a steady glaze can do much to help him keep his self-control. Last time he when he when wolf i think it was 3 years ago he and dad got into a big argument. he stalked into his room and when full feral."

Alice stopped remembering the innocent. it was the fist time she had seen Ed losing himself to an unexpected shift. It has scared her bad then and Jessica had had to comfort her though that night. Her father had been a full blooded wolf but she had never seen a feral wolf before that night. she shrived as she held White

 Alice continued her explination. "when we tried to talk to him he just curled up in a ball and refused to talk. He did growl a bit but he would have nothing to do with anyone until morning. Later the next day i found out that he didn't shift back because he couldn’t.. he was too lost in this mood to do anything but curl up and sulk. right now something similar may be happening."

Alice released White looking her sister in the eye. "that’s why i was so hard on him. Well that and mom said for us to hurry. i think that dad may be having trouble as well."

  Ed hears that last part and thinks 'dad in trouble? But his stabilization serums... did they fail him? i hope not'  still Ed remained silent but not there is a look or pained reflection and worry on his face.

 "Lets go then Alice," White purrs softly while smiling at hir sister, "Come on Ed or I'll drag to along my self if you don't move," shi looks at hir mate and winks playfully and slips hir arm around Alice’s waist gently while slipping hir other arm around Ed’s waist and curls hir tail around his tail lovingly, "shall we go then."

 Ed smiles "we shall" he knew that Alice would explain things better then him.  despite being some what younger then him she was level headed and understood what had to be done.

As the made there way across the mall Alice points "there that’s the store”

Ed groans. "That store? The one that Dad's high school friend owns?"

"Yup. And don't you pout like that." Alice said sternly waging a finger.

"Last time I shopped here they had me trying on clothes for 3 hours" Ed complained.

 "Well look at it this way.” Said alice with a sly grin “Now you've modeling for your honey"

Ed chuckled. she had a point and this was one of the few stores were if he walked out a different mass or build then the way he walked in no one would notice. “Yeah you have a point sis and judging by the look on dads face I’m going to be doing a lot of  modeling.”

 Rick was waiting for them at the stores entrance. "That bad?" asked Ed a little fearfully.

Rick smiles “6 outfits and around 16 ties don’t get me stared on the watchers and so forth that they want you to try on." Ricks eyes narrows. "son is that a main?

" yes dad" Ed answered know that Rick would be concerned but know there was noting else to do.

 "Soon this is far to soon" said Rick both concerned and upset.

"i'll be find dad. but are you okay?" Ed said trying to make it sound like nothing.

Rick sighs. “I’ll be fine son but i need to get away. Relax for a while my body seems stable but my fur is acting like i'm part chameleon."

"dad you didn't" Ed said both a little shocked and a lot worried.

"No i didn't” said Rick knowing what his son was thinking “but then i didn't have to"

  Ed looks past dad towards where mom and sis are busy talking. He does not even see the suit and tie they are matching and he worried about his father and mother. "Don’t look so worried Ed things will work out" Rick said again.

 "I'm sure they will dad, but you need to let my mother know about this too maybe you two can found something but right now I mind Ed’s mane cause it makes him even more lovely to be with." White purrs softly and kisses Ed on cheek while squeezing hir tail lightly around hir mate’s tail.

  Ed is surprised to find himself purring. "Like you told me a while ago dad 'don't argue with you mate, especially about maters of ascetics ' right dad"  Ed winks to dad his arm slipping around White.  Mom catches sight of them and waves for them to enter. Alice gives White and Ed a quick hugs the brushed past dad to go embraces her mate.

 "yes White i still need you mothers contact information and all but that can wait until morning." Rick yawns "I’m a bit tired and my bubby has been kind enough to close the shop for us so that Ed can try on his suits in private. also" Rick leaned in close  "White dear, Naomi, Jess and Veronica picked out a few dress for you as well. please just humor them okay?"

 "Sure thing dad." White answer softly as shi lets go of hir mate walks over to Naomi, Jess and Veronica looking at the dress they had picked out for hir as shi giggles softly, "Well I am going to need more then these mum if I'm to go out in public without everyone know that I am a herm." shi whispers that last part so that only mum, Jess and Veronica can hear.

 As mom, White and his sisters go over the dress that they picked out for hir Rick shows Ed several suites including a navy blue, a powder blue, classic black, pinstripe black, charcoal gray and a almost golden suite in classic style. Ed looks over the suites. “Let me guess you chose black mom chose the golden one and you fussed over the rest?” said Ed fairly confident in his understanding of his family’s taste

Rick Smiled it was not often Ed was this wrong “actually Naomi chose the blue ones and jess the pinstripes and veronica the golden one she said it would compliant your eyes and fur.”

“Really?” asked Ed “I was not expecting that.”

“I bet you weren’t expecting me to have had a hand I picking the dresses either?” asked Rick

“dad you did that?”  asked Ed surprised. Dad did not shop lightly.

“well I helped the wanted a males perspective.”  Said Rick

Ed nods understanding.

 White smiles softly as shi looks over the dresses, "Which one should I try on first mum." shi asked Naomi while looking the dresses and then to Alice and Jess wondering what their reaction would be later on.

 As Ed and Rick pick through the suits and the girls help White look though the dresses that gather for her. The first is a sleeveless powder blue dress which may need to be adjusted for White’s endowments..

 White purrs softly as shi looks at the powder blue dress, "This one I like but we'll have to adjust it so that I don't feel uncomfortable in at while I'm wearing it." shi looks  at a few others with hir mum and sisters picking out a light red dress and a bluish green dress.

 Mom smiles as she watchers her daughter pick through the clothes.  “oh and do take a look at this yellow on too dear" she says with a smile. What the color is familiar but

White can't place it for a moment then it strikes her. it's the same shat of yellow  that dad’s fur had been the night that she met them.

a smiling civet in a loose fitting ash grey tea shirt and some  cut off acid wash black jeans walked up to them.

"Do you like what you see?” he asked White and the others as she steps around the group with a special interests in White. He reached in his jeans and pull out a roll of white tape that he handles for a moment. He can see that some alterations would need to be done to the fit of the dress but it was better to wait and be sure. They were wanted first.

 "Yep these dresses will do mom and thanks for picking out the yellow dress," White blushes slightly as shi smiles and then looks at the shop attempted and hands over the dresses, "I just you can make these fit on me." shi smiles softly and gently as hir tail sways back and forth.

 Ed sighs as he looks at himself. He did not really care for the look but he wondered what his mate would think of it. “All come on Ed it’s not that bad.” Said Rick

 “No dad it’s not.” Ed agreed “It’s just well, why do I need a gold suit when I have gold fur already?”

 Rick chuckles. “never you mind about that. just go and show it off for your mate. Let her decide”

Ed smiles the civet form earlier stops him though. He takes a couple of measurement and nods.

“Ed you have to stop being so tense. You look fine” the civet says as he measures Ed’s arms and inseam again then around his chest “your body is trying to build muscle mass Ed. Are you going to let it this time or just press it’s energies into strength and endurance again?”  asked the Civet.

“I don’t want to look like one of those I’m in love with my muscles type of guys. Besides I… well I…” Ed stops unable to put his thoughts into words.

“you’re worried about what you’ll be when you finished growing up?” asked the Civet making a few notes.

“yeah kind of”  Ed admitted.

“It doesn’t matter what you are Ed. We will still be there for you” Rick says for the thousandth time and it is no less true then the first time he said it. The civet grabs Ed and turns him pushing his towards the girls. As Ed leaves to model for the girls the civet sighs and waits by Rick.

“They grow up so fast don’t they Rick?”  he asked. Rick nods.

“they sure do. But I’m worried about him. He spends so much time trying to be who he thinks others want him to be that he’s rarely himself.” Rick said in a sad tone.

“has he ever… you know become one of them again” asked the civet.

“not he hasn’t.” Rick replied “I don’t think he could handle it again.”

“but if he did what would happen?”  asked the Civet.

“who can tell? I’m expecting some help soon through as his condition goes beyond my realm of expertise” said Rick as the watch Ed try to look normal.

This was a surprise. Rick was expecting no asking for help? The civet had to know “From who?” he asked

 “my new daughter’s mother.” Rick answered. “She seems to know about the other side of Ed’s condition.” Rick sighed worriedly. “Even Naomi is worried and she never worries.”

 The Civet winced. “Ouch. Oh well good luck man now go save you son before he makes a complete fool of himself”

“thanks and take care”  said Rick and he headed to join his family.

“you too. Oh and I’ll make the alterations no charge. You can pick them up Monday evening if you wish.” The Civet said.

“thanks I’ll send Alice and Jess. They want some time alone anyway” Rick said.

 White smiles as shi sees Ed and purrs softly while letting out a small growl of pleasure as shi sees the suit, "Mmmmmm damn Ed you make that suit look good. damn good it almost makes wish that i was male again but I cause it can't be help, but seeing you in the suit makes me wish that we could get marry this week but we do have the school dance and I wonder what everyone will say when we rock up together not the just the guys but the girls will try to do something." Shi smiles as shi thinks of ways off trying not to get caught out.

 Ed smiles blushing as he turns around to allow White a full view of his body in the suit and suddenly finds himself wishing he had a walking stick to spin. Naomi smiles. Her little boy was growing up but he was still unable to strut with a strait face. he just didn’t know how to be himself. “if you want we can arrange a wedding by Friday but we’re rather not rush it this is yours and Ed’s decision not ours” says mom Rick arrives and is filled in. Ed nods and thinks. He’d been thinking about the wedding himself but had not had a chance to fully plan it out. “are you really ready love?”

 "Of course I am Ed and besides your the only that i want to be with all my life not knows of what I am but you and your family and not only that I had crush on you when I saw you at game but I just never got the nerve to talk to you after the every game cause of the girls were always there wanting you but I want to be there for you and not only that I'm pregnant with your cubs that’s why I change into a female herm liger cause I found someone that I wanted to be with." White purrs as shi hugs Ed to hir nuzzling his neck lovingly.

 Ed hugs White lovingly lifting hir form hir feet momentarily.  He has fallen in love with hir at that time a hym on the day that the met. It was in part hir ease in dealing with him and her forwardness. He was not attached at that time and had been moping that he did not try to talk with some one else that had caught his eye. He had be so confident and so… so alluring. Then as the spent time together and shared their bodies he knew he was in love. He had not expected it and had been on the verge of giving up the White had appeared before him as an angel. The presser from his hug was on hir chest and upper body caused her breast to milk some but still he did not notice. He was happy and he spun around purring and holding his love. “Yes love.  Lets Get married!”  he was forced to put hir down and release hir from his grasp as he got dizzy. As his arms were getting tired but still he was smiling. His love wanted to marry him. he was on top of the world. The rest of the family going in a group hug as Ed and White stopped spinning.

“oh dear this means more shopping for wedding dresses this time.” 

“sure” said Ed.” Dad I need an tux and a nice one too. I want my mate to be proud of me as we walk down the aisle together”

 White purrs happily as shi nuzzles under Ed’s chin as shi returns the hug lovingly, "It looks like every female at school will want to know where the male White liger went to love, what do think should I tell them that I'm a herm and that when I become pregnant I turn into a female herm liger." shi can feel two wet spots in the costume where hir milk leaked out from the hug. 

 “That my love is up to you.” Ed said as he nuzzled hir purring. He wondered what was on hir mind but knew shi would tell him when shi felt like it. “I won’t force you to tell anything that you don’t want to love just like you wouldn’t force me” Ed has a good ideal what his love is like and he is happy that shi is happy.  “we have so much to do now White. Wedding halls to view and a menu to plan.” Ed stops a moment as his face lights up. “Your mother! We must  find and invite hir to the wedding!” Ed goes one about little details that he and White must go over and Naomi leads him away slipping him out of the suite which she hands to the civet  talking to him in a calming tone. Ed’s body changes slightly his fur taking on wolfish qualities with out losing his feline form as he talks about family members that must be invited. “sisters. Yes we mist invite …” he goes on naming names that White in unfamiliar with. "don't worry about his White dear. he'll be fink but he's just a tad bit over whelmed at the moment. he wast to share this moment in his life with everyone it seems" says Rick watching as Naomi reminds Ed that on the her sisters that he named had passed on.

 "Hys not the only one dad but I think my mother will be hard press to get here for the wedding but we can always send photos to here via email," White purrs softly as shi walks over to Ed and whispers into his ear, "love we have time to get everything ready and besides lets just do one thing at a time and thats the wedding hall and the menu and besides we can then send the invites to everyone." shi kisses his cheek lovingly while purring softly.

 Ed purrs nuzzling his lover as he regains his composer. “yes love you’re right I was getting overly excited” Ed sighed looking around. “We can check online for a good wedding hall but in this I trust yours and mom’s judgment” as Eric spoke he became aware of the fact that he had been striped down to his underwear. He looked around a little lost and then he realized that his fur was grey as well. “uhm what happed to me?” Mom was busy with dad talking to the Civet that owned store. The girls are best looking at dresses as they all felt that Ed and White would like some time to plan alone.

 "You were changing hun but get your cloths on or I'll drag you to the nearest change rooms and fuck you silly." White growls playfully as shi runs hir paw though Ed’s fur softly as shi nips at his neck lovingly.

 Ed blanches then blushes. Finally as he thinks about it all he and he chuckles “not in front of the folks or they’ll feel entitled to do the same love and once those two get started well we’ll be here all night” Ed nuzzled his love then stood looking for his clothes. “When we got home love we can do anything and everything thing that you want.” Alice earls perk and he nudges Jessie point to the couple as Ed looks around bewildered with his lover White purring near by. “Ed’s color is returning to normal but it’s is going to take a little while to do so love” Says Jessie. “he must have really gotten excited”

 White smiles while purring softly to Ed, "Ill see what other dress we can get love cause I don't where something day in and day out not only that I want something to wear to the school dance," shi walks back over to Alice and Jess purring softly, "lets find something for me to wear to the school dance and I want to ask you two something when we get back home I'll make sure that Ed is with me cause I want his ok on this too." shi smiles to Alice and Jess. 

 Ed purrs stealing a kiss before his lover parts. He then cast around for something to wear. As White approaches Alice turns and just follows suit. A nod they hear White’s request. “Sure this sis ways jess with out a second thought.” Alice was more thoughtful as she looked at White. There was something about the way White as carrying hirself.  She surged it off. It was not unusual but still she got the feeling that sometime White looked at jess with hungry eyes.. “Sure thing sis. How about were work this out at you house? I’m not sure that it would be easy to keep mom and dad’s present hidden while we work on it.” She waggled a finger. “Don’t you forget that Ed promised he would help so that means you cant keep dragging his away to play”

 Alice started to giggle. She wasn’t too good at keep a strait face with anyone but Ed. “ And besides I want to see where you and Bro plan to live.” Alice was smiling as she thought about it.  White was probably just a little nervous. This was a big step and knowing Ed he had mentioned it then backed off afraid to scare off his mate.. “ here take a look at this dress. I think that Ed would love to see you in it” “”knowing Ed he’s be happy to see hir.. it’s odd saying that but as I was saying he’d be happy to see hir in anything as long as shi was happy”  Alice giggled. Jess was right Ed did worry to much about hurting the feelings of others. “So” asked jess “are you going to clue us in on what’s on you mind or do we have to wait?”

 Meanwhile off the side Ed is talking the civet, mom and dad and getting a new set of casual clothes to wear. Dad makes a joke and Ed blushes. Then everyone, including Ed, laughs. Ed then jokes and it’s dad’s turn to blush. “my little cub’s growing up to a full blown adult Ed? You make me proud but don’t forget that you’ll never be too old for you old man to set you strait. Like that time you thought you were a robot and… ” “okay dad I give. Just don’t bring that up again, epically not in front of White.”

Back the girls Alice was surprised but Jess’s question but smile realizing that she’d been wondering the same thing. Jess was not going to beat around the bush she would as and is told to wait she would wait but she would always be honest with herself and others. Alice waits with jess to see what White’s response would be.

 "Mmmmm how about we wait until after we get back home and the four of us can talk in Ed’s room about what me and Ed were talking but we can keep mum and dads at my place what I am saying at our place your more then welcome to over I don't mind if you have to bust in but not when I'm heat or really horny cause I don't to have to explain my self about what I did but I should get a couple of spare keys to give to you two so that you can let yourselves in and besides me Ed and you two can drive back to my place the car is big enough to fit all of us and bring what you need too." White purrs as shi looks at the dress as a shiver of pleasure runs down your back as shi thinks of teasing Ed in it at night. 

 Jess nods. “sure thing sis and i’m excited for you too” she hugs White as Alicia hugs them both. “ you so you and Ed are planning something? “ asked Alice. She wondered what on Ed’s mind as he rarely does anything small. “ I can hardly wait to she what you two have in mind.” She says.  The two mates watch as their sister day dreams for a bit. “Come on sis lets go get Ed before the tries to buy out half the store”

 White purrs and nods slipping hir arms around Jess and Alice waist, "Well it'll have to be asked in private and I don't anyone to know but seeing as I've got lion blood in its telling me I need sisters that'll help with the upbringing of their sires cub and but I'll tell you both the rest when get home." shi adds in a whisper as shi as all three of them walk towards Ed.

 The three sisters arrive just as Ed is admitting defeat. “okay dad I give. Just don’t bring that up again. epically not in front of White.” Dad chuckles  patting Ed on the back “ your still embarrassed about the little things.” “maybe so but he’s not the only one streaky” says the civet and they laugh again. E’s ears prick and he turns around.

 “hey love hey sis, hey sis. Is that a new dress love?” on the table there are several casuals outfits a three more suites. “the girl is a miracle worker” says mom. “This is only the second time I’m seen Ed happy to shop.” “mom I’m not that bad” mom laughs and shakes her head. “No guess you’re not but still you should enjoy shopping more… when it’s not about computers son” Meanwhile the civet is bagging up Ed’s not clothes. Shall I put this on you account Ed?” “huh sure and add my wife and sister’s new dresses as well.” “no problem.” The civet scans the tags “That’s 8000$ before tax and discount 6733.90$ after discount.” “Not a problem” “with all the patens your family owns I should hope not. How man did you file this year?” “Two the products roll out around Christmas but I’ve already netted a heavy sum form them”

 "If Ed’s wants I can pay I don't mind really but it'll have to wait until we get back home cause my cards are back in Ed’s room," White giggles softly knowing hir sire gives hir more then enough cash to buy what shi needs now but thinks back on it now and sighs wondering how hir mother is going to take this after the cubs are born but pushes the thought aside and hugs hir sister to hir and smiles at Ed, "and Ed we need to talk just the four of us in your room tonight when we get back."

 The civet chuckles. "No worries miss Ed’s fine in fact he should spend more money here” Ed groans. “All come on am I that bad”  “ well you have a 250,000 credit line here and to date your balance is 6727.90$. You had a store credit form the last time you shopped here.”  “see I do shop” “that was 2 years ago Ed and you spent around 600$ then” “well I “Ed you’ve never had more then 10,000 on you account at any give time and that was when you were shopping for you sister’s wedding” “well this time I’m shopping for mine so you can be sure we’ll be back” Ed smiles. “Don’t worry about little things like money love I many not use it must but I know it has it’s place. My patent money goes into 3 accounts separate form my bank account. There is one of each that I own. The others that I’m on as a team member or adviser all pay into my main bank account hence the reason I buy most things on my atm card.”

 "Mmmmm well that’s good to know but then there is my account which I believe has just near one million dollars thanks to my sires law firm." White smiles as shi lets go of Alexis and Jess and hugs Ed lovingly kissing him on the lips softly and then nuzzles under his chin knowing that everyone saw what did as hir tail sways slightly.

 Ed purrs as he returns White’s kiss purring. He never really bother to track his account asking his mother to keep an eye on them for him but not if shi didn’t mind he would ask his mate. He whispers to hir. “so love what is the good word?” he ask purring

 "The good word is we are talking with Jess and Alice or did you forget that love." White whisper softly as shi nuzzles and purrs lovingly to Ed as shi hugs him to hir smiling softly thinking of something to do tonight after their talk with Jess and Alice in hir mates room.

 Ed blinks then chuckles. he had forgotten about that. " i was asking about your dress love. Did you find one for the dance?" Ed nuzzles his love and purrs. " i know you will want to shop for the wedding dress tomorrow but there is some where special i want to take you. We’ll need a car though and i'll drive because i want to surprise you."

 "Ed you saw me in the dress that I'm going to wear to the dress and besides we can't put of our talk with Jess and Alice either you are after my pride mate and I want you to happy." White purrs softly nuzzling Ed lovingly while smiling softly as shi still thinks about what to do later on tonight but then the special surprise that hir mate mention makes hir think what it is. 

 Ed purrs. White love I’ve been happy since the day ever you came into my life and i realized it was not a dream to vanish with the morning sun but on that would withstand the test of time. in short a dream come true" since then love i have been happy because i knew that i could turn to you for everything form companionship and understand to supporting me in my hopes and dreams. i knew also that i would do the same for you love." Ed smiles. "that brought me much happiness and the you brought me more telling me not only did you want my cubs but that you were having them.  You also accepted my family as all their special habits and teasing. Not only that you have agreed to wed me well what more could i want then to have a loving lifetime with you rising healthy cubs helping them reach their dreams even as we reach for our own." reached  into his pocket then remembers that the ring he wanted was being sized for White. the wedding had been accepted and  caught him early and he was glad. In stead of dropping to one knee with a ring in his hand he steps back and took hir hand " may i have this dance? There’s no reason to wait for Friday love when we can dance now."

 Alice elbow's Jess who nods.  “Ed is getting over excited again.”

 "Well as much as we'd like to see that Ed it is late and you and you mate have to get ready for tomorrow not to mention that we have to make some plans as to what to play at the ceremony ad all. " Jess was looking at him with that look.

He blinked and looked at his beloved. "well i guess we cant be overstressing or selves yet. That’s what the honey moon is for” he drew White into a kiss them reluctantly letting her go and dropping his arm to hang around her waist.

 White purrs softly and nuzzles Ed lovingly, "Well I guess the dance will have to wait until the school dance love and I couldn't dream of anyone else I want to spend my life with." shi lets hir tail entwine with hir mates tail softly and lovingly as the inside of hir ears turn a little red from blushing slightly.

  Ed purrs happily ready to head to the car when he feels a paw on his arm. " hey bro  i hate to break this  ups but you need to help with the bags." Ed nods kisses White on the cheek. " be right back lover." when Ed and Rick are seen again each is holding 7 or 8 bags and Alice mom and Jess each have 1 or 2 special bags that  they don't want to share. Ed smiles and nods for his mate to proceed him. The bags aren't heavy but they are bulky.

 "Mmmmm two big males to carry the bags lets blow this joint and head home Jess, Alice when get home can you two meet me and Ed in his room we need to talk about something that I'll need help on later." White purrs and slips hir arm around Ed’s right arm purring softly to him lovingly.

  Rick chuckles and  shakes he head. not many people other then his wife ever called him big. his new daughter was really something.  Ed purrs as he walks with his lover arm around him. "the sooner we leave the sooner we arrive at home and the love  we can know for sure"

 White nods and giggles softly while keeping hir arm around hir mates waist, "Ed you know what have do to when we get back home don't you and I do mean after we have talk with Alice and Jess about something."

 E nods understanding his mates meaning and desires.. "Sure i do love" he says with a purr. his lover was insatiable and he was close to being the same. still he understood that shi wanted as much fun as she could before shi got to far along to play.

 "then lets head home before I find anything else I want to buy." White purrs as shi winks to Alice and Jess as they all walk.

 " they soon arrive the car and dad and Ed load up the bag in the back of the car. everything the bought today less a few things that were left for modification.  the family enters the car Ed waiting for his love to enter before him give hir a playful  grope as shi does.

 White smiles and purrs softly as shi gets into the car and then drags Ed into the car snuggling up to him lovingly as shi reachs over and close the door, "Lets go home I want to spend some time in a nice hot bath with someone if they up to it." shi nuzzles unders hir mates chin lovignly.

 Naomi smiles as she has had similes thought about a certain Tom that was by her side. the drive home was fain uneventful as three couples  as played around a bit and the hormone levels in the van rose again. all to soon it seemed they were pulling into the drive way. Ed and dad were help to unload but  the other males that were waiting  in the house. As the last bag was carried in Ed practice picked up White as he led hir to his room.  he kissed her greedily knowing that it would be a while before Alice an Jess have had their time together and would come to them.

 White purrs and returns the kiss lovingly before breaking it, "What dose my mate want to do with his mate unless its something to do in the bath love." sh purrs softly and nuzzles him lovingly wondering what he has plan for them. 

 "i want to  take my times reveling in you lovely body. to hear you  purr ans her nibble you neck and i want to feel your pleasure as i try to bring all of you fantasies to reality. " Ed says to hir as he pulls hir onto his lap. but "he says heisting.. you want to bath first right? "

 "Mmmm that I do love and I can't think of anyone that I want to enjoy a with except for my mate cause I want to feel that cock of yours along my tongue and then in my pussy love." White purrs softly as shi kisses him lovingly on the lips while hugging him mashing hir breast against his chest.

 He purrs  holding hir close and  Squeezing  hir rear with a familiarity born of their loving bond. "you say the sweetest things and then make me so horny love. i want to take you right here and now"

 "Mmmmm I would like that love but we'll make mess on the bed if we did and don't for get that we still have to talk to Alice and Jess too, so let do what we want in the bath that way you can have me anyway you want." White purrs as shi giggles softly while a hand runs down hir mates back and around to his crotch and gently rubs his sheath.

 Ed purrs his consent. "sure thing love. lets use the rest one on this floor though. mom and dad are probably in the one upstairs." Ed rubs White's leg once more kissing hir before he releases his grip on hir so that she can get off of his lap and the can Head to the bath room.

 "Mmmm sure love." White purrs as shi gets up kissing his nose softly as shi turns around and heads for his door as hir sways slightly as shi turns hir head and winks to him playfully as shi stands in the door frame waiting for him.

 Ed is up and following his love in an instant. He happily slips his arm about hir as they exit the room and head towards the bath room. Ed stops a moment to grab a couple of towels outside the bathroom door. " after you my dear" he says.

 "Mmmm my pleasure love." White purrs as shi opens the door and enters the bath room as shi looks around and purrs even more at the size of the bath tub and wonders what they can both do in it.

  Ed smiled at her approval. h had had Jacuzzi hot tubes instead in the bathrooms instead of normal tubs because mom liked a good soak not his mate was approving of it as well.  Ed walks over the tub turning on the water so that it could fill her also turn on the heater as well. the water jets would have to wait a while though. " it was something of a mothers day preset to my mom hum. so that she could  soak in the privacy of home and not had to go to the  gym to enjoy herself. she also wants a steam room but that's going wait until next year.

 "Mmmm well seeing as i do have enough money for both of us Ed why don't we make a Christmas present for your mom that way she won't have to wait till next year and besides it'll us a little privacy for when come over during Christmas and we also enjoy each more in the steam room too." White purrs as shi strips out of the cloths that shi was wearing as shi walks over to the Jacuzzi as the final bit of clothing falls to the floor as shi steps in and then slides down into the water.

 ed murrs thinking it over. yes when can do that..."ed gets a crafty grin and he make plans to replace his present ideal for a Christmas gift to he folks and give it to someone else. He pauses though this could be a problem as Alice knows what he'd planned for them already. “Yes love that’s what well do. We’ll give them a nice sauna room for Christmas. I’ll call the contractors in the morning.” Ed slowly strips off his clothes as White test the tub to feel water. His lover was both graceful and beautiful as shi leaned over to tub to adjust the water to her liking.

 "Mmmm you like the view love cause I plan on get a good fucking from you while we're in here and I just mean wham, bam, thank you ma'am at all but I do plan on giving the sauna as a gift from me to your mom cause that quilt will be finished when we are all working on it and besides you gift can also be added too." Shi smiles before sliding into the water and relaxing while purring in pleasure at the feel of the water.

 Ed nods. He planed on an extend session with his lover but as for his gift to mom and dad. He shrugs “well love” her murrs as he comes up behind hir rubbing her shoulder in a sensual matter. “ I was planning on sending the folks on a nice round the world cruse were the would spend new years in Paris  France and have a whole month with nothing to worry about except how much they love each other.” Ed rubs his chin “ Still with mom expecting  maybe I should save that for us and give them a trip to Hawaii instead. It might be easier on mom that way.” Ed works White’s shoulder with his sensual massage. “what do you think love?”

 "Mmmmmmm purrfect idea love and besides while they are in Hawaii the sauna can be built, now get in here or I'll drag you in love cause I want that cock of yours to play with while you relax." White purrs softly as shi slips out from under hir mates hands and goes to the other side of the Jacuzzi and begins him in.

 Like all wise males Ed knew it was best to listen to his mate and his body was more then ready for the fun that shi had in mind. he slip into the hot tub pausing only to turn  the jet on medium. as he slips into the tub his grey fur gives his the look of storm clouds hanging over the sea. he crawls half in half out of the water like a crocodile and his hand rubbed hir inner thigh.  he grins as his touch gets even more familiar

 "Mmmmm now I know why I wanted you as my mate and sire to my young love you’re so tender and loving to me even though we have had only two days together but it feels like we've been doing this for all year." White purrs softly at the touch of hir mate as shi leans forward and gently pushes him back before dipping under the water and kissing his sheath softly before kissing the opening and breathing warm air onto hir mates cock tip hidden inside.

 Ed leaned back shivering at the sudden rush of pleasure to his wanting member. The past few times that they had made love he had been in control but this time. He smiled as her relaxed into his lover’s control. With out so much as a second thought his body floats under his lovers command. He purrs. “love this just the start of out life. Things that we will share are always special because we are sharing it with our love.” ed says as he purrs under White’s complete control

 White purrs back lovingly as shi slips hir tongue into hir mates sheath wanting to feel his cock slide into hir mouth as shi comes up for air before going back to pleasuring hir mate as shi wants to make him cum in hir mouth as hir lips seal the top of his sheath as hir tongue enters again.

  Ed moans his erection swelling to fill his sheath and meat his lovers tongue. his tails swishes slowly in the water as her moves forward to caress White's breast though he does not currently have the practice to wrap his tail around them he tries to stimulate hir with his tail.

 White purrs softly as shi keeps licking hir mates cock inside his sheath as shi feels Ed’s hands on hir breast shi purrs even louder wanting to feel his cock slide into hir mouth as hir sheath starts bulge slightly with the touch of hir mates tail stimulating hir softly.

  Ed moans as he erections swells  pressing White’s tongue against the inside of his sheath as hir member  started to push out of it's confinement. he pumps a bit as he feels his body's desire.  he continues to play with his lovers breast brushing across hir hardened nipples as he does.

 White shivers as shi sucks and licks hir mates cock lovingly as shi pushes forward with hir breast wanting to feel Ed’s hands more on hir breast and nipples as hir sheath bulges more with hir cock becoming hard.

  Ed moans purring in pleasure. as much as he was enjoying letting his mate play with him he also wanted to ensure that shi was enjoying hirself as well." love.. are you enjoying having me as your little sex kitten ?" Ed's purring rises a tempo as he feels even more desire build and some pre leaks out of his member.. "but maybe you can spare this kitten a little milk as we have some more fun?"

White just purrs as shi sucks softly on hir mates cock not wanting to answer him just yet as shi wants to Ed’s seed pump into and down hir throat as hir cock tip pokes out as shi uses both hir hands to steady hir self as hir tongue flicks over his cock tip gently.

 Ed moans and he eh grabs White’s head his toes curling lustfully. he thrust into his lover's muzzle. he had been trying to hold back. to let his lover have all the fun shi liked but now he desired releases. The release that his lovers tongue had been promising him.

White purrs under the water softly as shi licks and sucks on hir mates cock wanting to feel him pump hir mouth full of his seed as shi gently slides one hand under hir mates rear and gently slides a finger into him wanting to give him the full pleasure of what shi can do with him.

 Ed moaned and thrust faster into Whites muzzle. he was too close to stop as his pre wet hir tongue. "love i'm going to" but before he could finish his balls constricts and his seed shoots up into Whites mouth like an over due geyser.

White purrs softly as shi feels hir mates seed pump into hir mouth as shi swallows it lovingly while sliding hir finger into hir mates tail hole while wraping hir tounge around his cock.

 Ed moans as he lets his lover pleasure him with out interfering. he relaxes himself completely into hir grip as he being to feel hir finger  stroked him poking at his just released passion stirring it back to full force. "love you re going to to let me feel you inside me tonight right?"

White purrs softly as shi slides hir out as shi sucks one last time on hir mates cock before coming up for air swallowing the last of his seed, "Mmmmm you will love cause I want to take tonight and after we have had a talk with Alice and Jess about them coming to stay with us and help me with our cubs," shi kisses him lovingly on the lips while shi sits hir pussy on the head of his before lowering hir self on it, "besides I want you to stay as lion that way you can clam me every night after you get home from work even if I have to drag you away from work but I want to have fun before I become to big to have fun."

 Ed purrs as he is engulfed by his mates warm folds. he holds hir close to him and licks hir neck lovingly." i understand love. I want you happy so i'll do everything that i can to the keep you smiling that lovely smile." as her holds her close he can feel hir member hard and ready rubbing against his belly. he smiles nibbling hir softly.

"Mmmm mate me my love and afterward I'll mate you." White smiles and purrs lovingly to hir mate as shi lifts hir self up and then slides back down onto hir mates cock lovingly the feel of hir mates cock deep inside.

 Ed purrs hands on White's hips as shi begins to move. he pumps into his lover a hand slipping  back to squeeze hir rear as they take their time making love.. “sure thing love I know hove you feel.” Ed  kisses White  his desire and lust  evident as he did. “Even if we have a pride love there is still only one you.”

White purrs softly and lovingly to hir mate, "That maybe true but I am your liger and your mate as you are my mate and lover." Shi kisses him lovingly and deeply on the lips while moaning softly at the feel of his cock and hands.

Ed's tongue rubes again White’s lips requesting entrance. as he pulls White into a faster tempo. he would be hir's until. his heart was already devoted to her and he would even try to change is still his mums words on lines did give his pause.

White moans softly opening hir mouth slightly as shi licks at hir mates tongue as hir cock throbs between them enjoying the pleasure of being taken by hir mate again as shi runs hir paws down his back lovingly while mashing hir breast against his chest shivering in pleasure.

 Ed purrs as he thrust into his lover. his hand slips in between there gyrating  bodies. he grasps hir member and begins to stroke hir lovingly

White moans into the kiss as shi feels hir mates paw warp around hir member as shi slides down onto his cock while thrusting into his paw.

 Ed moan breaks the kiss to lick the side of White’s neck and He  thrust into her his hand moving at a slightly different speed as her works hir member. "cum for me lover. i want to hear your pleasure as you do"

White moans loudly but not enough to make anyone come looking to see what shi and hir mate are up to as his bucks hir hips as shi feels hir male climax building with each thrust into hir mates paw as shi pants softly, "OF course love but you'll have to cum inside me afterwards love."

Ed's purrs are getting more lustful and he thrust are getting more forceful has he made love to his lover. his arm holding her read reach up Holding her back pulling her into a fierce embrace

"Make my male side cum love I have to much pent up seed." White moans as hir breast mash more into hir mate’s chest as shi starts to groan and pant from the pleasure of hir mates cock and paw.

Holding hir close with one hand Ed continues to pump her member. He continues to pant lustfully as he reaches his second climax still pumping and thrusting into his lover though his thrust are losing steam as his seed floods White’s insides. Yes lover i want you to cum for me.  Shoot that seed so hard that you paint my chest and face"

White moans as shi feels hir mates seed pump into hir again as shi hilts hirself down onto his cock while moaning as hir male side climaxes after coming down from hir female climax sending hir into  long male climax as shi paints hir mates chest and chin and hirself with hir seed.

 Ed kisses his lover. much tension eased. "feeling better love?" as he asks hir Ed wipes his chin with a finger and licked that finger clean

"Mmmm very much love but lets get ourselves clean up but you keep your cock in me cause I want to feel you around while cleaning me." White purrs lovingly and shi kisses his lips while getting his finger between their lips.

 Ed purrs licking White’s finger as he grabs the shampoo and beings and rub it into his lover's back and rear.

"Mmmm so nice love." White purrs softly and lovingly as shi leans forward slightly mashing hir breast against Ed chest as shi feels his hands rubs the shampoo though back and rear fur lifting hir tail up for him. 

With a finger Ed begins to rub and probe his lovers puckered backdoor pushing in lightly. he squeeze her and kisses hir ever and he works a finger up her rear entrance.

White moans into the kiss as shi feels hir mates finger work into hir tail hole as shi wiggles hir rear on his finger and in doing so wiggles on hir mates cock deep inside hir.

Ed purrs moans a little as his mate's body massages him. he works hir rear with love as he inserts a second finger. this is a slow and casuals time together. it's not about lust or even about the eventual climax. it is about spending time with a lover.  as his one hand  slowly working hir rear his other guides his lover into another kiss. this was paradise.

White purrs into the kiss as shi feels another finger enter hir rear as shi mashes hir breast against hir mates chest while pressing hir member against his belly as shi shivers in delight of the feels Ed is giving hir. 

The two lovers sat in the bathroom hot tub caressing each other as the as the sat in the water. belly to belly they were content to  slowly rub shampoo into each others fur and to just enjoy the company of the other. " you know love were going to have to get one of these for the other house as well." says Ed purring lowly as  her  squeezes hir rear lovingly.

"Mmmm I know but for now lets just enjoy this together although I'm surprised no one has come barging in on us yet." White purrs and softly rubs hir mates chest while nipping his neck lovingly.

Ed purrs  leaning back pulling White with him. "It’s true that my family likes to play especially my dad. It's like he never truly grew up but they respect privacy and the fact that couples need time alone" Ed smiles as he wonders what his sisters are up to but that can wait. E's  free hand wonders all over White’s  back and thighs and for a moment he wonders what it would be like if he could completely embrace White but that moment passes as he removes his fingers and  hugs his lover  eyes close and purring.

"Mmmmm now I know why I love you Ed cause your so good and your so much more a lover and mate and you care for me and your sisters, why don't you take my rear I want to feel that cock of yours in my rear claiming it as your second hole to sink into when i'm near to give birth." White purrs and nips his neck lovingly not wanting to let the time they have go.

Ed purrs his member pulsing deep within White's warm vice. " love you are insatiable" he nuzzles his lover his own passion responding to hir desire. up stairs a similar scene is drawing to a close as the lovers leave the bath room for their bedroom. “So do you think the kids are alright?” “I’m sure there fine. Not lets go dry off.” The smaller tom purrs as his lover carries him into there bed room.

White purrs and kisses hir mate, "Well lets save that for after wards right now I want to talk with Alice and Jess and I don't care if we talk in the nude just as long as we can settle something out with what we want and what my mate wants and what your sisters want to."

Ed nods as he sits up with whit sill on his lap. "Well love you know best and with our stamina and passion we could bee here all night if we don't finish up soon." Ed purrs kissing his lover the tiers to concentrate on cleaning the cum out of their chest with out groping her more then usual which is still a lot as his mind drifts and her begins to caresses and massage hir milk laden breast.

 "Mmmm that feels nice love but we need to be cleaned but I guess you can drink my milk I don't mind seeing as you can't keep your hands of me." White purrs lovingly as shi brings Ed's muzzle close to hir milk laden breast as hir nipples become hard.

 Ed purrs licking White's breast. "not now love i can't be too greedy after all we have a few sisters to think about." Ed massages Whites front  tearing himself awakens form his love's breast for a moment to rub hir belly. he wondered how many young they would have. it would be a wonderful time.