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[Y] Meet the siblings
It's time for the family get together and white's changes are really starting to show.
[Y] Meet the siblings

"Mmmmmmm I don't mind hun and besides you get to drive seeing as we are living together now and I can give all those other females a run for  their money in bust size." shi giggles as shi turns on the spot and  gently kisses hir mate on the lips. Ed returns the kiss then chuckles as he gets into the car behind the drivers seat "their bust sizes don't matter dear they're my sisters so they’re icky" * Ed makes a little kids face and bust up laughing as  he does. The whole brother sister thing usually wound up with his getting the short end of the teasing wishbone.* "don't worry love. It's all about family catching up with family. You'll fit in fine"

"Silly I was talking about the girls at school, I wonder what their  faces would look like," Shi gets in the passengers side and belts up  for the drive, "not only that I got outfit that i wanted to try but  couldn't when I was a male herm but now that I'm a female herm I should  be able to fit into it." shi winks to hir mate as shi rest a paw on his lap and gently rubs his leg. Ed's nods "I'm glad you’re happy love" under hir touch Ed's body  reacts telling hir that he is far from done with hir.  He pulls out slowly and drives to his parent's house. There are several cars in the way that were not there last night "well lover it seems we're not the first to arrive. You ready to knock them dead?" 

"You bet hun." shi giggles as shi unbuckles the seat belt and opens the car door stepping out and then closing the door while waiting for hir mate. Shi entwines hir arm with his, "Lets do go in hun I want to see your mother and tell her the good news." shi leans hir head on hir mates shoulder lovingly as shi purrs softly. Ed nods and they walk arm in arm towards the home. From the back yard wafts the scent of barbeque.  There is the sound of several people talking and a stereo system playing. As they near the door it flies open and out runs a young cub followed by mom who stops when she sees the couple. She smiles. "And here I was just about to send your father out to drag you out of bed Ed"

"Ed why don't go and help your father while I talk to your mother ok and besides I really want your mother to know first before everyone  else dose ok." shi kisses hir mate lovingly on the cheek as shi purrs softly. Ed nod and kisses White. "Sure thing love." With a quick hug and pat for luck Ed heads around the back of the house turns at the last second to catch a cub in mid air. The two light and Ed carries the cub out of site. Meanwhile Naomi is apprizing White in hir new dress.  "I tell you no matter how much he grows up I'll still remember him as my little cub. Now then dear you wished to speak with me?"

"That’s right but I want you to keep this a secret cause I want everyone to know later on but I'm pregnant and I wanted you to know first before  everyone else cause its Ed’s and my first time." Shi blushes deeply while purring softly. Naomi nods understanding what White is saying. " Well it was to be expected but this is a touch sooner then i thought." she smiled." I guess that means that you plan to take my youngest son away?" Naomi embraces White hugging her with tears in her eyes. "Now then let me look are you." she was smiling. As she spoke she looked both saddened and proud. "And he i though we were gaining a son instead of a daughter. You're positively glowing White hon" Naomi wiped a tear from her eye then smile rubbing her own belly. "You children grow up so fast. Come inside now White hon. Three of your sisters are here and they are eager to meet the one oh stole there baby brothers heart."

White smiles as shi is lead to meet hir three new sisters, "Thanks  but we have to keep this between the two of us cause I want to  surprise everyone after we have all eaten." shi blushes deeply as waves  back to those that wave to hir and greet hir. "Sure thing, you tell them when you’re ready" Naomi smiles as she lead White into the living room were three ladies were busy cleaning and discussing what the males were cooking. Alice, Veronica and Jessica if you have a moment there is some one here who is eager to meet you"

 "Hello I'm Whiteliger but call me White and I'm your bothers Ed mate. its a pleasure to meet you." shi smiles softly and happy to meet hir mates sisters today while he is off helping everyone else with the food.  The three girls look at each other each other then and then smile. There were evidently surprised. The young women two felines and a canine stop there chores and approach the pair. A golden tabby stepped forward smiling "Pleased to meet you. I'm Jessie this is my wife, Alice "At her name the canine girl step forward smiling "and my younger sister Veronica" Jessica steps back looking White over  again taking into account hir build and bust size. "I must say little Ed surprises me again." The other two started laugh at a shared joke between the sisters.

"Its a pleasure to meet and yes Ed did surprise me but I use to be a male herm but when I went into heat well this happen but I'm more surprise that Ed likes it more seeing as he and I spent two nights together at my house but he is good and a good mate at that but don't worry I'll take good care him and I'll drag him home if he gets caught up in his work." Shi smiles thinking that shi could try and get Jessie and her mate in bed with hir and Ed on a night of pure enjoyment.

 The two felines look at each other as Alice laughs out loud. "You always said he had a better eye for guys then you do Jessie. I guess  he proved you at least half right." Mean while Naomi was smile and veronica spoke up. "Mom what else have you been keeping form  us?" "Dad didn't accidentally turn Ed into a monster again did he?"

Naomi chuckled "Now girls Ed was a human not a monster. And no he's still feline. According to you father his human heritage is seasonal and has to do with some form of energy or another." "But Ed never stays away form home. he's always been ... well you know too afraid of waking up human to stay  away from home" "your brother is in love dear. "

 Alice interrupted the conversation. Calm down girls we all know about the sleep over incident well I think we all do and if Ed loved White as much as you love me Jessie the they'll be fine." Naomi takes charge again. Come girls lets all sit and talk. Ed and the others can watch the kids as you all become acquainted." Alice nods. She realized that the others had not expected Ed to really grow up.  They were losing their kid brother and in a way so was she. Alice held out a chair for Naomi and watched the look on her mats face. In many ways Ed was still a kid in their eyes. Kid. Dad said he was working on a way for her and Jessie to have children. Ed was helping him but deep down she felt he was over reaching himself.

 Sure Ed was smart but he was not very out going outside of school.  It was like school was his only social contact outside of family.  but then you can wake up as a creature not seen on this planet for  thousands of years you need to be cautious. But here she was worrying during the family get together.

 As she came back the present she realized the other were looking at  her. "Are you okay hon" Alice quickly sat down "sure I was just realizing that our little brother isn't so little anymore." She smiles. "Tell me White have you and Ed been dating long or was it love at first site?"

 "Ummm its hard to say but it was love at first sight but I never had the chance to speak to with Ed but until about two days ago that’s when I told Ed I was a male herm but I think he loved me before we even spoke but looking back on it now I wish we had dated but we had gotten to know each deeply in just two days time and I think Ed would say the same if he was in my shoes," White blushes deeply, "anyway like I said I'm his mate as he is my mate but what I really like to  now is how you all feel with me being a herm and a mate to your  brother, cause every time I tell someone that I'm a herm they run for the hills and don't speak to me anymore its sad that herms aren't viewed as equals seeing as I'm both male and female and the pleasure can be good with two but the pleasure you get when your with someone  you love its more then just about the sex its more about who your  with and that they love you no matter what you are." shi sighs softly knowing that talking about this would make hir better and put hir mind at ease.

 Jessie smiles. "Wow you must have really made an impression on him. He's normally so shy and unsure of himself." Veronica however seems stunned. Two days she mutters as the tried to wrap her mind around the thought of Ed falling for some one that quickly. Then Alice spoke again. "Don't worry White, little things like gender and age don't really matter in this family but I'm impressed. Jessie and i were dating for almost two weeks before we were sure of each other. But I don't think you have anything to worry about. These past 3 years that I've known Ed have let me get to know him rather well. He'll be a good mate for you." Now Veronica found her voice again. "Wow little Ed. don’t worry sis or is that bro? Whichever you prefer. Either way if our little brother loves you then you're family besides Alice has a point." Veronica paused a moment to put things in perspective in her mind. "Look at it this way: Mom's a lioness dad’s a normal tom but also a mad scientist that seems to change his species at the flip of a coin using his science. My older sister is canine and my younger bother has to worry about solar flares and lunar cycle’s changes him in his sleep. I remember one Halloween when he took me trick or treating. It was priceless not that I look back on it. I was 10 he was around 8 but he's gone were for the second time in his life. He was so cute in a scary monster kind of way" 

 Naomi sat back watching her daughters getting to know each other. Alice seemed a bit more thoughtful then normal but then Rick was in his fox form again when the girls arrived. His gene changing concoction had not finished changing him back into his feline self again. Their family was growing up and soon the house would be empty again with Ed marring White. There was not doubt about it. Now her son he was already planning a family of his own. Maybe it was time to think about have a few more cubs. As she was thinking her eyes glazed over slightly.

 "Sis would but you could say that it was when I was going into heat but Ed picked up that I wasn't a normal male and that I was part female but having cubs is one thing that I wanted but with someone that is good to me and that I love and Ed was the one but we should still a few things to do with the school dance coming up soon and stuff to buy for the cubs and not to mention trying to find work." White smiles at hir new sisters wondering what life would be if shi hadn't meet Ed and thinking to all the time that shi and he could have.

 "Maybe he did maybe he didn't. With Ed it's kind of hard to tell some times." At the mention of the dance Alice, and Veronica got excited. "Do you have a dress picked out yet?" meanwhile Naomi deiced it was time for some parental interface. "Now girl I know that you’re eager to take White shopping and to force Ed to update his wardrobe but fist we have a family reunion to enjoy. Then we can fuss over them" the girls smile and nodded but Naomi they are not convinced. not yet. "Don’t worry girls tomorrow we'll all go to the mall and then you can fuss over White and Ed all day besides" she said looking at White. "I'd like to have him sleep at home at least a few more times before he gets married." Jessie pepped up. "Say White have you seen Ed's room yet? His room is here on the first floor I'll show you if you like." "No" said Naomi "Ed will show White When they are both ready." Here Veronica decided to help explain thinks to White. "Well acutely he owns this house but he seems to like the basement and spends most of his time in a study."

 Outside Ed was going through much same with his bother and brother-in-law his dad laughed at the blushing flustered feline who until recently was a cub. "you know you'll be in a mall before the day is out" said Billy who had Ed in a headlock "not if I have anything to say about it" "you know the girls always win Ed why try to fight it" "if the try to drag me away this time I'm sure I'll have help" "still" said Raymond "mom if likely to agree with them this time" "dad a little help here?" "oh not I didn't have 25 happy  years of marriage by being foolish son. Go shopping you could use a few new suits anyway." Ed groaned defeated before he even began. "It's a good thing the football team doesn’t play against my family. They'd never win " everyone laughing and Bill released Ed while little tom and the other cubs watched the parents act silly.

 White giggles softly, "I do have a few dress for dances and a few for formal but not much in mother clothing seeing as my mother took nearly every mothering clothing that shi had, which reminds I told hir about Ed and me getting married I wonder if shi replied to my email if not I'll send hir pictures from the wedding shi would be pleased that I have found someone that I love and a trip to the mall would be good cause my father is still paying for what he nearly done to me when I was young but only Ed knows that so I'm not telling one what happen about me when I was young." shi gets up and walks to the back yard wondering if Ed would like to go with hir so that hir new sisters-in-law won't get anything that shi doesn’t like if Ed doesn’t like.

 White walked back into the back yard she saw Ed on the ground with an unknown tom in a leg lock. "Ed, Ed, Ed" she heard the cubs calling out. As she watch the tom slips Ed's leg lock and sound with a head lock. "Tell me bro. where is this person that mom says You’re gaga over?" "Come on Ed you can get out of this" Dad interrupted "Now, now. Ed has things to do I'm sure. And here comes... White is that you?" dad was stunned by the change in White but as once who changers his form often he was able to recognize hir despite hir changes.

 White nods and smiles thankful for someone who spots hir, "Yes it is and I wanted to speak to Ed alone so that he can understand what me and his sisters have in store for later," shi walks over to hir mate and gently grabs the toms wrist, "I bet Ed didn't tell you that I'm more then just book smart," shi smiles and pulls the toms arm from under hir mates head, "and besides I don't Ed to be in hospital with lack of air and my names is Whiteliger but call me White for short." shi smiles and lets the toms arm go dragging hir mate into a hug and a kiss.  Ed blushes as White saves him then kisses him. "Well bro I guess we’ll have to play later" Billy laughed. He could not help it. White had broken his grip with relative ease "found yourself a strong mate Ed?" He looked the liger over. She is pretty it's true but that grip was stronger then he's expected not that he would have resisted otherwise. They watch as Ed is pulled away smiling to his fate. "She's a looker Rick" said Ray. Rick shakes his head. "That boy sure is lucky. Reminds me of when I found his mother." "This story again?" asked the cub named tom but he did not seems displeased.

 "Well why don't you show your room here I would like to see it Ed and we need to talk cause your sisters have got something planned that I want you to come along too." White purrs softly as shi walks with Ed while hir tail entwines with hir mates tail lovingly, *Not only do I want to see his room I want to stay the night and have him yiff me again I have never meet someone that could give such great pleasure when I'm heat and I'm glad that I we both chose each other to be mates cause I don't know what I would do if we haven't meet.* shi thinks to hir self not wanting anyone to figure out what shi has in store for Ed or for after the trip into town. Ed smiled as he leads White into the house. "Sure thing love, I'll have to show you my study as well." Ed smiled to himself. His study was mostly where he did his home work but he also kept and interning collection of magazines tapes and toys in that room.

 "Then lead the way love I want see your study and your room cause I think after today we'll need a room to ourselves and your room would be good for later on and I would like to be introduce to your brothers too." White purrs softly as shi leans hir head on hir mates shoulder not wanting to do anything then to have fun after lunch and the trip. Ed nods as he leads her to a Room that would be the first floor's master bedroom. "Sure thing hon. maybe you'll help me redecorate this place" Ed opened the door so that White may enter. The room has a couple of trophies in it. Three are for science fairs and achievement and two for sports. It has a computer that looks like it was home made the bed is a full size and there is a television on top of the dresser. This is a painting on the left wall of Ed's parents while not photo quality it was obvious that a lot of effort had been put into it. Aside from that the room is bare. Despite Ed's scent has the feel that it is more for show then living. Truth be told Ed spent little time here as he was not comfortable in the large bedroom it always made him feel so alone but that would not be a problem now.

 "Mmmmmm I think we’ll stay at my house love because we do need the room and besides I wouldn't say no to staying a few nights with my mate at his home." White purrs as shi looks around hir mates room noting the picture and trophies and thinking that why didn't they hook up before now it would have been a lot more fun too but late is better then nothing but shi can think of a few things to make this room more their own.

 "I would like that love but I think the house I have got is a little bigger for the cubs and for us too and besides we are close to your parents so it doesn’t matter if want a night out or I'm feeling horny we can drop our cubs off at there grand parents house and have the whole house to ourselves and besides I think your mother might want some more cubs around the house seeing as we are going to be living together not only that love your sisters have plan a trip to the mall I wouldn't dare dream of leaving you out seeing as we need to a few things for the wedding too and for our cubs but it would be nice to be well stock wouldn't it." she pulls Ed over to the bed and kisses him lovingly on the lips.

  Ed nods approving. "You are the sensible one love.” Ed sits on the bed patting the space next to him. “I know that we’ll be shopping tomorrow but for today let me show you this.” He is holding a box of assorted magazines and adult toys for White to look thorough. These are the he bough and supposedly hid to prove he was a normal teen though the magazines show both males and females of all kinds the toys are not too varied. “I want you to know everything thing about me love. No secrets about who I am.” “Mmmmmmmmm can I plan on knowing you more love," White purrs softly as shi looks though the box and makes plans on using the toys it while looking at the mags as hir jaw drops, "that horse is nailing a tiger I wish I that tiger but I have you and I don't want anyone else but I could do with a nailing my self later tonight if your up to it love."

 Ed similes. “There is no doubt love.” Ed wraps his arms around White kissing hir. He thinks back to some of the forms that dad has come home in and wonders how many of them were at mom’s request. He was so many things. Dad the scientist on the government’s payroll, Rick the genius as they all called him at grade school. Dad the fox, or tiger, sometimes even dad the lion. Once he had even been dad the bear. He never kept in them on long and often had a reversing formula on hand when he did but still it was kind of spooky....  but mom loved dad and so did they.  Ed smiles as he thinks about what White said “So Hon, what was that about wanting to be that tiger?”  Ed lightly gropes White feeling both frisky and   apprehensive. The kids were outside true but did they really have enough time to play before one of the family poked in interrupting them? Did White even want to right now?

 White purrs softly, "I don't mean it hun but I would like to know what it would feel like to have a horse pump me full of seed after I give birth to our cubs and not before but we should continue with the tour," shi murrs softly at the grope, "and we can try out some those toys too late tonight if you want."

 Ed nods purring himself. “Sure thing love it’s just you gave me a momentary insight into dad’s playing around with his species. Ed Pulls White into a kiss surprising himself. “So love would you like to see the study next or do you have some other rooms in mind?” Ed gets a playful look on his face.  “Do you want to see dad’s home lab?” "Mmmmmmmm the study next love we can save your fathers home lab for last." White purrs as shi returns the kiss while pushing Ed don on to the bed and gently nips his neck playfully as hir tail intertwines with his. Ed purrs as White pushes him on his back kissing him. His arms reach without   thought reaching up and embracing the lovely liger herm as shi nibbles his   neck. “sure thing love. It even has a lock on the door though I don’t think   it’s very necessary it will ensure that we can share some time alone with   out worrying about the cubs coming in on us. If we start to play” Ed’s scent   is strong his hormones are slightly heavier then normal as the scent of his   growing desire becomes clear…

 "Then lets play love I want to feel your cock in me now before have something to eat," White purrs as shi gets up and walks over to the door and closes it and locks it while removing hir dress and letting hir dd-breast free as a bead of milk can be seen, "I think my breast need empting again love." shi purrs softly. Ed purrs smiling. They may not have much time before dad burns the barbeque but the still had some. He could guess that dad would probably stall anyway. He always seemed to know what was happening before Ed picked up on thing but then again Ed was not complaining. Removing his clothing Ed smiles sitting on the foot of the bed. There is his love the mother of their children. Ed beckoned White to him patting his lap. “I’m not sure if you’re reading my mind love but you have an uncanny ability to know just what I want or need.” Ed’s arms are open as he welcomes White with a kiss and a loving embrace.

 "Mmmmmm lets just call the bonding of mate ship and besides you know what too and I don't it to stop at all." White purr as shi slips into his arms and straddles his lap with legs hir sheath bulging slightly but it can wait as shi slips hir tongue into his muzzle and French kisses him lovingly and deeply.  Ed purrs into White’s kiss. “Neither do i love." as far as Ed was concerned  this moment will never end. He and White are mates and nothing short of White’s scorn would stop it. But White loved him as he loved hir so surely that scorn would never come. His family, what did his sister's think of hir?  What would his brothers? He was not sure but he got the feeling that Billy was envious of him.

 White purrs softly as shi pushes Ed back onto the bed and leans over him, "You know that we'll have go to shopping with your sisters later today so why don't we make this moment last for a little while before we have something to eat." shi kisses his lips softly while mashing hir breast against his chest purring. Ed nods rubbing the base of Whites tail. A long slow love session sounded fine to him. He kisses hir and nuzzled hir neck. “Today, tomorrow or the day after. It doesn’t matter love we have all the time in the world” with loving care Ed guides White into position rubbing himself against White’s moist folds. There is no hurry on his part for like he told White they have all the time in the world

.White purrs softly as shi feels Ed thrust against hir pussy lips, "Mmmmmm do it love fuck me I need to feel your cock in me again please love after shopping we can have all night to make more love I just want to do this before we have something to eat." shi nuzzles him lovingly and purrs more softly. Ed purrs as he and White’s join physically..  hir warmth is heavenly even as her  tightness brings him even more pleasure. "don't worry love " Ed says as he begins the thrust slowly into his lover's velvet vice. "we can take our time.  they'll understand and if they don't well that’s on them" White purrs softly as shi feels Ed thrust into hir, "Mmmmmmmmmmm I just want to be filled by your cock and to be filled with your cubs love not to mention have my rear filled by your cock afterward." shi kisses his lips lovingly and deeply as shi lifts up and pushes back down as hir pussy walls tighten more over his cock.

 Ed purrs pumping slowly into his lover. "i know how you love" he kisses hir  "i want to fill you. i want to enjoy filling you and feeling your love and  you climax." Ed nuzzles  White’s chest licking hir breast. White moans softly as shi feels hir mate affectingly licking hir breast, "Mmmmmm you can drink my milk love I need to get to know the feeling more when are cubs are born." shi purrs softly as shi rolls them both over onto hir back so that Ed can have better access to hir breast. Ed nuzzles White a few moments longer as they make love at a slow loving pace. With care Ed takes one of White’s nipples into his mouth his tongue running over it tasting his mats sweet milk. The taste of White’s arousal is present in her milk as he drinks and bolsters his own. With one hand on White’s back the other on hir hip Ed thrust up into his lover even as he nurses from hir.

 White moans softly as hir mate nurse from hir breast as he makes love with hir as hir hips thrust upwards to meet his thrust as shi locks hir legs around his waist  to keep him in hir and to make sure that to keep cock in hir. Ed thrust even harder into his lover guided by hir legs as he does. He licks hir nipple as he raises his head from of the breast he has been nursing from.  Licking around Whites breast he marvels at the taste of his lover’s passion. Belly to belly careful of White’s erection he switches from his leveling forceful thrusts to a slower and sensual pelvic grind. Ed smiles looking into his lover's eyes. He feels hir body insider and out and the more her feels hir, taster hir and hears hir pleasure the more he wants to do for hir.  He kisses White muzzle to muzzle and the slow grind begins to stroke hir erection between their bellies the fur cushioning hir even as it tickles slightly. He wants to do more. To bringer hir even more pleasure but he is after all only one tom.

 White moans into the kiss as hir erection is stroked between their bellies as hir pusses massagers and tries to bring hir mate off as shi breaks the kiss slowly, "Ed I cum twice at once I won't be good for anything other then sleep and I don't want to miss out on anything today but please cum in me and then later I can return the favor when I take you tonight." Ed hearing White’s desires begins to pump harder and faster. His lover wanted to feel him climax inside hir but as the same times shi wanted to save hir own orgasmic pleasure for later tonight. He would do his best as even now he could fill his loins rushing towards bursting.

 White moans out loudly as shi arches hir back as shi feels Ed pump hir faster and harder as hir own climax is nearing its point as shi fights hir male side to stop hir from coming twice in one go. Ed moans as he gives in to his climax. He is not even trying to hold back and he spasm his seed empting out of him and into his lover.  He pants pumping still though at a slower pace and his energy mostly deserts him. White moans out as shi feels hir mates seed pump into hir as hir male side doesn’t climax with hir female side as shi pants in the after glow of their orgasm, "Mmmmmm lets get clean up so hat we can be ready for that shopping trip your sisters have in mind."

 Ed purrs happy in his lover’s arms. with a tings of regret he rolls over and lays on the bed beside hir. "yes love you are right." Ed sighs then  smiles as he gets and naughty ideal.  nuzzling his lover and he begins to  lick and kiss his way  down hir body until he's  reached the mess they made as they climaxed with their love. he nuzzles his still partially erect cock  before he begins to orally bath her cummy vagina. White purrs softly and lovingly as Ed licks hir pussy, "Mmmmm that’s so good love don’t stop please don't stop until I'm clean but I want to clean your cock so sixty-nine me now please." shi begs to hir mate.

 Ed crawls on the bed with White knows that his lover would be disappointed if he didn't. With minimums disturbance he moves into position. he's is still licking his lover taking it nice and slow though he knows that he  is risking trigging another orgasm as he does. White moans softly as shi takes Ed’s cock into hir mouth as shi starts to suck on it lovingly cleaning their juices of his cock lovingly. Ed moans the feeling of his lover’s mouth breaths new life into his love rod.  Even as he laps up the last of their mingled juices still sweet honey flows form hir swollen pussy. Softly he runs his tongue over hir fold as much to keep hir flowing as to stave off the approaching second orgasm.

 White moans out softly around hir mates cock, *Damn I wish that I asked him out before now cause we could've been doing this all year.* shi thinks to hir self as hir tongue licks and warps around hir mates cock lovingly as hir juices flow as hir second climax builds up. Ed  knows he should stop. He knows that White wants to save hir energy to be alert when family time comes around in a few hours but it it hard to resist the call of his  lovers body.  if he  were  to  stop  now  even to  ask hir he is sure that shi'll be disappointed Even  as he things throne this he must  resting  himself as  his  body reacting to White’s talented  tongue  starts  to  thrust  before  he  realizes  that he wants to.  With one hand he spreads White’s vaginal lips the give his better access to her sensitive love bud. With careful strokes of his tongue he massages hir love folds and love bud. His ears perked to lists to his lover’s pleasure.

 White moans loudly around hir mates cock as shi sucks harder wanting him to cum down hir throat as hir second climax nears its peak as shi feels his tongue run along hir pussy lips and clit as waves of pleasure run though hir body as shi warps hir legs around his head and hir arms around his waist to keep him there.

 Ed shivers bucking inviolately as he nears his orgasms.  He licks even faster moments before a shivers runs downs his spine. His second orgasm threatens to rob him of his senesces as his seed pumps for his loins into his mate’s mouth. Two orgasms right behind each other both intense are almost to much for the young tom and stamina only goes so far as he cums a third time in multi orgasmic bliss brought on by his mates skilled oral loving. Weakened but happy he lays in his lovers grasp panting as he laps up hir honey as well. White purrs softly as shi swallows down hir mate’s seed and cleans his cock as shi orgasms again from his tongue.

 Ed trembles for a moment as his mate swallows the last of his seed. He happily returns the favor nuzzling hir crotch to be sure the he's licked hir clean. His rolled off of White panting, exhausted and happy lay next to his hopefully sexually satisfied lover. “I don’t know about you love but I’ll need a few minutes to recover.”  He has no real ideal how much time has passed but then it really doesn’t matter.  Time with his love White is never time wasted. White gets up and lays next hir mate snuggling next him, "Mmmmm thanks love I guess we both needed that and I wouldn’t mind taking you later in the shower after we get back from shopping but right now some rest would do." shi kisses and nips his neck lovingly as they both lay together.

 Ed nods. "Sure thing hun, but right now i think i need to rest for a bit" as the two lovers lay resting there is a knock on the door. Ed groans as if  he recognizes something in the knock. "Well love i think dinner is ready. Can you still move?" White murrs softly as she snuggle closer to hir mate, "Mmmmmm not yet love just a bit more rest and I'll fine." shi purrs softly as shi drifts of to sleep lightly.

 Ed nods understanding. "We’ll be there in a few minutes" he calls. The knocker speaks. "okay but dad wants to see you when you two are done" there is  juvenile laugher in the speakers voice. " Ed sighs." did he say where?" "Yes in the lab" Ed groans thinking not again "more blood test?" "hey I’m  only the massager. Don’t maul me ask him" "tell him I’ll be there." well love do you want to join us or would you rather get ready for dinner with the others?" "I'll join Ed and besides I think you father might want to do blood test on me too if that what he plans and it will the three off us a chance to talk." White purrs softly as shi nuzzles hir mate not wanting to up but pushes hir self up and walks over to hir dress bending down to give hir mate a view to which he can look.

 Ed smiles as he watched his mate walk to then put on hir dress. To call hir a tease would not be fair because for him any thing shi offered shi was ready to give. He sighed and got up walking to the closets he puts on a fairly nice long shirt that he pulled over his head with out ceremony. It fits like a robe but then that was his goal. He slips on some shorts up under his shirt.  with a smile to White he offers his arm." shall we go love?"  White purring and takes Ed’s arm, "Lets go love I want bet this out of the way and besides I want to know if my mother said was true."

  Ed smiles thinking about what shi told  him and the folks at dinner a few days ago. As they walked to the lab he wonders. His lycanthropy is not a natural state like some. He was born with it without the power of the super natural. I’m not allergic to silver; i do not even change on schedule like some of them but still. Could it be true? Could he be stable now? A door opens before the couple and a laughing wakes him from his musing. "Planning you marriage already son?" Ed chuckles. “Now dad i started that last week" Ed and White entered the lab which is fill with charts, books and several machines including an incinerator, centrifuge and a computer aided microscope.. “Well son I called you here to check you levels anyway. Your nearing a unstable cycles and could change in a few days.” "Lets get this done so we can have something to eat after would and don't mention be dragged out on a shopping trip." White smiles as shi takes an empty chair and watches wondering what has got hir mate so worried about this.

 Ed nervously nods and takes a seat by the computer. Dad looks at him scanning his head.  "i will never understand why you are so fearful of needles son.  You heal over almost as soon as it is removed. "Dad please" "i know not in front of your mate." Ed nods and winces as his dad shaves a path of fur from his arm. he smiles at White hoping that shi does know hon nervous he his as the computer read out shows his brain activity and his heart rate spiking. The blood sample taken with out difficulty dad smiles and whisper to White. "Do you think you can be here next month to? " "dad!" "just kidding son now look at you reading while i draw a sample form White if he's er shi's willing"  "have you gone yet dad?" yes before i sent for you. its in a print out on the table" dad puts a sample of Ed's blood on a slide the reason of the vile  going into a machine before turning to White. “Do you mind if take a sample?"

 "Not at all Rick or do want be to call you dad," Shi smiles as shi holds out arm for Rick to take a sample of blood from hir, "and besides I don't mind this its lets spend more time with Ed and it also lets know if there was anything wrong right." shi ask Rick with a smile on hir muzzle. Rick smiles as he shaves a small part of the fur on her arm to draw blood.  "Dad is fine, after all you're part of the family now even if you haven’t had your ceremony yet."  the blood drawing is painless as he hears Ed mumbling in  the background.  "dad i need you to check this data" in a moment Ed. dad looks into White’s eyes. shi sees love an worry in them. "Look after Ed for us White. I’m sure that he'll want to look after us but he's got to learn we'll   be fine. After all his mother and i aren't you cubs like you to."  Ed walks over to White and Rick. "Dad this data it says that you're what you DNA is " “ Opened? yes. i tweaked it once to often it may be permanent i don't know yet but if I’m lucky" Ed fall back against the wall not hearing anymore. His fathers DNA open? His dad had warned him what could happen. As he and White watched his father becomes a golden fox then becomes himself again. The shots won’t change me back but i can still be myself for a while at least." Ricks look to White. "i guess   you want and explanation daughter?" "Yes an explanation would be good dad." White smiles to Ed and pats his arm as shi purrs softly to him watching Rick change before hir eyes.

 Rick sat downs sighing. "This is going to be a long explanation but well let me put it to you this way. You know of lycanthropy right? It works under the principle of a genetic switch. the switch is trigger by certain things including hormone levels and ambient energy. In the case in of a science born lycanthrope ambient energy plays a smaller part in the equation then in it’s supernatural counterpart.”

 As he spoke Rick or dad as those in the room knew him as started to display singes of stress. He stands up and walks around the seated pair "in studying my sons condition i dissolved that the healing ability of a lycanthrope comes from the bodies need to repair itself form the stress of near constant transformation. The restructuring of the body is slight compared to some of the other changes that take place. Long story short is if a lycanthrope loses their healing ability they will die.

Their in are situations and it happens some times in the case of a were that has were parents of different kinds. Like say a were cat and a were wolf got together. Their child my take after on or the other but in some cases the were powers are so equal that neither is dominant. in this case the gene take on a special condition in when they can become both and some times even more then their parents could. It's called and open ended genetic abnormality. i only ran across one such case in  my life time." dad smiles as he looks towards his children. "Do you remember the fables of the wandering Jew? it's real and though he is not immortal he is  almost ageless due to his condition ages almost a month for every ten years. When i met him he looked to be in his late thirties. I may not be as lucky as either him or Ed."

Though dad is not trying his body is changing. He is now a  lion a small lion but a lion none the less. " Ed seems to age normally and his changes are rare as for me i could suddenly stop aging or age to death over night. My genes are not normal lycanthropy genes and though i have a good measure of the healing ability i was not born this way like Ed. my genes could unravel if i don't stabilize and I’m worried about Ed as well."

 Dad walks over to the fridge and grabs a pink glass form which he drinks retunes to normal as he dose. "also your mother may be expecting again" Ed is visibly frighten for his fathers health. "how long until you know for sure?" " I’m  working on it Ed but i don't know.  Don’t worry i still have samples of my original DNA both here and at the government lab. The don't know about this yet but i’ll have to tell them when i go back." Rick smiles to reassure Ed and White “don't look so worried. I’m a mad scientist i can fix this" Ed is not  reassured but he has faith in his fathers skills. "I’ll help if i can dad"

 "No you won't Ed we have a have school dance and then we have wedding to plan and don't forget that if you help  I'll drag you back home and fuck your brains out, so don't think of doing anything until after our wedding and honeymoon ok," White looks at Ed with a fierce look in hir eyes saying 'that if do I'll tie you to the bed mister' as shi looks back to Rick and wonders if hir mother could help, "Dad my mother can help you as long as you a web cam so that shi can talk to you and help you out if needed."

 Seeing the helplessly confused look on his son's face Rick laughs in good humor. "listen to you mate son. I’m sure you'll be happier for it." he smiled knowing that White would take care of Ed. "if you would be so kind as to put you mother in contact with me then we can discuss my conditions but  enough about this old bag of bones" dad said taking Ed and White  pulling them both  into a group hug for a moment. "lets talk about your wedding you two"  almost as if on cue a light begin to flash above a sign reading : "family time" Rick looks at the light and nods to himself. "Tell you what kids  hurry down to dinner whiles i record the data form Ed's test. I’ll check yours later White. after all if we don't hurry your mother will be made at me again."  Ed nods. five minutes that all we can stall okay"  Rick nods.  "go to it then" White purrs and smiles, "Ok Rick but I would want my test results to but Ed and me are going to be dragged of on a shopping trip so that I can buy some more cloths and buy a wedding dress and Ed can buy a tux but some family time would be good now, come on Ed we better get back stairs or your mum while have fit." shi smiles and starts to walk to the stairs hir hips swaying slightly.

 Rick smiled watching the couple leave the lab. "Ed you picked picked a mate every bit as special as you mother.” He smiled to himself  "I bet you two will be as happy as we are " Rick checked Ed's data and put the vial White’s blood sample in the cooler. Ed data shoes that his body has shifted at least once in the past week and then the hormones are still high enough for an involuntary shift. Chances were it would be coming in the next three or four days. The DNA fragments seem to suggest lion... maybe feral lion in his near future. He was not sure but he was under the impression the he might find a way to stabilize himself in his son's Patten at least temporally. The light flashes again and he shuts down the lab heading  to the rest room to wash up focusing on his normal feline self.  he hopped Naomi would understand White purrs as shi climbs the stairs and hides in Ed’s room wanting to surprise him with something that shi knows he'll like.

 Ed walks like a feline lost. He is torn between worrying about his father's health and his devotion to his mate. "What am i doing" Ed muttered. "Dad can fix this. he would never leave mom. I’m sure he'll think of something" White jumps out at Ed and kisses him lovingly on the lips while purring lovingly, "Don't be down love I'm sure your dad can fix it and besides we have a dinner to go too." Ed surprised nearly falls and his arm wrap around White as he regains his  balance. "You startled me love" Ed smiles kissing his lover muzzle to muzzle. "but your right. Mom’s waiting on us." White purrs softly, "Ok love but lets go I'm hungry and I don't want to miss out on the food before your sisters and brothers eat it all on us." Shi returns the kiss lovingly as hir lounge licks hir mates lips lovingly.

  Ed smiles resisting the urge to pick his lover up. "lets hurry to the dinning room the though i doubt we’ll be late to dinner." Ed smiled mom was notorious for meal times. if you were in the house then you were present. No exceptions not even dad got away form that though it did cause a few rumbling bellies waiting of the truant members. The two lovers head toward the dinning room were mom is receiving help setting the table and Billy is flipping the switch to call dad down to dinner. White giggles softly as shi walks in with Ed and nuzzles him lovingly while purring as hir belly rumbled, "Mmmm looks like this feline is hungry love I wonder what is to eat for dinner."

 Ed smiles rubbing White’s tummy. "well then love lets go put something yummy  in your tummy" the two entering the dinning room and all but three chairs are occupied. The children are eating at the table with the adults and for this occasion the table has been enlarged with two folding tables to make room for the entire family.. "well here come the love birds "snickered  on of the  young males. Ed chuckled saying "tweet, tweet"

 White murrs and swats Ed with hir tail as shi purrs softly and lovingly, "Who said anything about love birds cause all I see is are my new family and my new mate and that’s all." shi smiles and kisses Ed lovingly on the cheek as shi giggles softly. Ed chuckles acting cringed before his mate's ire. "See you do the joke and I’m the one who gets in trouble for it." "what else is new?" asks Rick  coming up behind the pair. everyone at the table  starts to laugh including the cub who started it by calling the couple love birds.. "come now" said mom  clapping her hands for attention. "lets all sit and eat"

 White purrs softly as kisses Ed on the cheek again while whispering into his ear, "Don't worry love at least we'll have cubs of own to care for in four months time." shi smiles and leads him to two chairs while purring softly. Ed purrs know White is right. After they are seated dad says grace like with every year. The serving plates are filled with potato salad and barbeque of all kinds an several pitchers of tea , fruit juice and pop are also on hand, Ed  takes a hamburger, polish and some rib tips form himself while asking that  the iced tea is passed to his area of the table. "Dad looks at White as if wondering something but put it off.

 White smiles and grabs anything that shi likes, "Ed can you pour me a glass of juice please." shi ask softly and gently while digging into hir meal as hir tail entwines with hir mates tail lovingly. Ed nods passing her a pitcher of fruit juice. As the meal goes underway and small talk begins to spread around the table. Mom coughed for a moment. A moment  later dad whines as he is kicked under the table.

  Dad then taps his glass for attention. "well as you know this our family reunion is often a time of  remembrance. we remember those that came before us and we’re connect with those that we still have with us. With that i mind i have an announcement." dad waits  watching the looks of anticipation on the look of the family. "the will soon be new additions to our family. " He watches them as they look at White smiling like a devil " no, no. not your new sister White" dad pauses for a moment unsure of himself. “Your mother may be expecting again. i plan to run the test again after dinner" "you'll do no such thing. There are a few gasp of surprise and some of the grand cubs seem confused the others of family members clap.

  "Wow dad i didn't think you two were still young enough to have kids" the speaker finds himself the recipient of several slaps to the back of his head.  "hey no disrespect meant but i was used to Ed and Alice  being the babies of  the family" "Billy you father and i aren't ancient yet" replies Naomi  shaking her head.  Ed looks at White the whisper to hir "do you want to tell them love? Or should we wait?" "You tell them Ed I don't like giving this kind of news and besides I blush to much to even speak." White whispers back proving that shi can't talk while blushing as hir face fur fluffs up as it turns to a light shade of pink with black stripes though it as shi untwines hir tail from Ed’s tail and smiles to Naomi.

 "No problem love" Ed taps his glass as well "I would like to congratulate mom and dad on their wonderful news." Ed waits a moment. "and now while the family is here i would like to invite you all to our wedding the only problem with that is that my mate has not told me when and where it is to be held yes" there are a couple of chuckles around the table but mom looked Ed in the eye.

 She knows something is coming as she listens to Ed ramble. He is nervous she can tell mothers always can. “And not before our food freezes from the onset of winter because i spent the entire summer talking i would like to say:" most of the family was on Edge. Ed gave pretty good impromptu speeches but that was because he's nervous. Now he would tell them what he really wanted to say from the begining. “Mom, dad, brothers and sisters. I’m going to be a father."  Ed is grinning as he looks around the table. "White and i are expecting our first litter, and I’m hoping for a large healthy one"

 White blushes deeply as smiles and nods looking at everyone around the table, "Yes it is true I am pregnant and I have only one regret and that is for not going out with Ed in the first place and not opening up you anyone but I'm glad that I've Ed cause when I was alone I felt alone and I ended up in rut every time I was in heat when I was male that is cause my other found out that when I become pregnant I change to a female herm and can still bear cubs but I'm glad that loves me for who I am and not for what I am." shi looks up at Ed blushing even more deeply then shi then before.

 Ed chuckles smiling and blushing as bad as his mate. One of Ed's older siblings chuckled. "i expecting nothing less form my younger brother." the others nod and mom speaks up. "That’s enough worrying about what happed in the past children. What i want to know is:" she paused an predatory smile on her muzzle. "When is your wedding going to be?" "I was thinking after high school would be good cause then Ed and me can enjoy our honeymoon and I think Ed would like the place I have in mind." White smiles and drags Ed down into a kiss that tells him he means the world to hir.

 Ed embraces White in the kiss purring. hir message is coming though loud clean as a couple of the young male cubs not quite understanding go "Ew mushy stuff" "Just wait" says dad(Rick) " one day you'll understand." White purrs lovingly as shi breaks the kiss, "Just remember that is going to come back and haunt you little cubs when your older and have a family of your own." shi giggles softly as shi hugs Ed lovingly while purring.

 Ed purrs snuggling with White. "Listen to your auntie.  shi's very wise" Ed snuggles contently with his mate and the family after the initial chuckles nod in acceptances. They had all gone through this and if they were lucky it would not end any time soon. Mom and dad still had random snuggle sessions and they had been happily mated for years. The family mean continued it's meal and one of Ed's sisters tapped Ed saying. "You’d better make sure you send us the wedding inventions Ed. i know how forgetful you can be when it comes to social events" "yeah you'd better remember to invite all of us and not last minute jitters Ed"  Ed stopped for a moment. "Last minute jitters? No way!"  Ed murrs nuzzling White. "their never was and will never be a doubt about my love for White" "Mmmmmmmm I won't forget at all and besides your all invited," White purrs softly as shi kisses Ed lovingly, "you want to go shopping with me and your mom and sisters later love." shi whispers to him lovingly. 

 Ed Chuckles. "even if i didn't i'm sure that between Veronica and Jessica i would wind up going anyway" "that’s right. jeans are okay for everyday wear if you must but i won't have my baby brother going to a school dance looking like a pauper" said Jessica. "You are going this time, aren't you?" asked Veronica. "Wild baby sitters couldn't drag me away from a dance with White" they all laugh as they remember the times when he was the wild one that scared off non family babysitters. And that was before his shifting began.

  "Mmmmmm I glad that I have such a wonderful mate and a wonderful family that will be there to help us though the times but most of all we have each other and the ones we love." White whispers something that hir mother said along time ago when shi a young male but it fits with hir new family now as smiles to Jessica and Veronica wondering what stores will be hit first. The family adults clap and as dinner draws to a close Rick goes into the kitchen and brings out dessert. Two cakes lemon pound and pineapple upside-down and some home made pudding. Mom had made the pudding because dad always seems to burn it. “Well everyone dig in. and Ed will you and White be staying here as well tonight?"

 “I wouldn't mind either way just as long as Ed and me can get a good night sleep with out any of the cubs coming to wake us up." White smiles and nuzzles Ed trying to figure out what to have. Ed nods smiles. "Sure we can sleep in my study it has a bed down there anyway" mom nods approving. "After all the times i found him sleep down their i insisted on him having a bed to lie down on." "Sure put a bed in out sons study, yet you insisted that my comfy chair come out of my home lab" "if i didn't you would have kept sleeping in your lab dear. The day you went three days strait in that lab i knew enough was enough" Rick blushes. "But it was only one time hon. i was working on..." "dear you’re always working on some thing. if i didn't make sure you spent time taking care of yourself who knows what would happen" dad raises his hands in defeat. "Yes your right. i'll try to behave better." she smile. "That’s good or else i would have to ground you form the lab" dad shivered. It was no joke she could, would and had done just that in the past. Mom looks to White. "i hope you're taking notes hon. Ed takes after his father quite a bit."

 "I know that mum and I think Ed knows what I'll do if he isn't home on time from work or anything else." White smiles softly and nips Ed’s neck lightly getting hir point across with out letting anyone know that shi was taking notes from mum while looking at the pudding and shi tries and figure out if Ed wants any. Smiling Ed takes a slice of the pineapple cake. He has a very good ideal what White means and knows that his lover would make good on any thing shi said. he glances outside to see night has fallen and thinks about all the things he would rather do with his night then go shopping but maybe their was a better way. "Say it's getting kind of late. Can we go shopping tomorrow?"

 "No I want to go shopping with mum and your sisters and don't think you’re getting out of it either Ed because most clothes shops are open until late." White nips his neck a little too hard and licks and kisses where shi nipped his neck while entwining hir tail with hir mate’s tail lovingly. Ed sighs. He had been hoping to put it off but there was still time to go shopping. "Now can i get some volunteers to help clean off the table and wash theses dishes?" "i will" said Ed "Nice try son but got get read to go shopping and don't forget your wallet / bank cards this time." replied dad. Ed shrugged. He had no chance to get out of this might as well enjoy it. He stands up stretching then turns to his lover. "Well you've got me. Do you have any favorite stores that you want to stop by on the way to the mall?"

 White gets up and kisses Ed on the nose, "Well I was going to let mum and your sisters chose love and besides I don't want to stop at any shops on the way to the mall," Shi purrs softly and takes hir mates paw in hirs, "shall we get ready then love."  The dishes vanish and the family members head off to other activities including getting ready for the shopping trip.  As White and Ed head for his room they see mom carry the golden fox aka dad to the upstairs bedroom. Ed smiled as dad did not seem to mind. Even after all these years those two were still frisky. Ed's thoughts a cut short by a sudden tug on his shirt as he is pulled into bedroom by his own frisky mate.

"Where were you walking to love? You still have to get ready but before that I want you drink from my breast again they seem to be full again and they need empting." Shi kisses Ed lovingly on the lips while purring softly and lovingly.

 Ed smiled realizing that his mind had been wondering again. His parents well still soo in love after gods knows how many years together. He hoped White would still feel that way about him when they reached that age. "Sure thing love i was just thinking about the future."  Ed kisses White lovingly as he thinks to himself i may not know a lot of things but i know my future is grand just for having White in it. He steers White over to the bed so that he can with pleasure help her light her lactic load

 White purrs softly as shi walks over to the bed with Ed murring softly wanting to feel his lips around hir nipples again, "You know we are going to have to hide when we do this at school when my breast become full of milk love unless we get the week leading up to the dance off." shi purrs thinking about having Ed drink from hir nipples lowering the milk content in hir breast if they do get the week off.

 Ed purrs as he sits on the bed pulling White into his lap. "Well love i have some pull in the school but i don't think i can get a whole week off.” He shakes his head “Not with out a doctor's note or something" Ed nuzzles Whites chest through hir top. “Lets get you your breathing room love otherwise you may soak your top."

 White purrs softly, "I didn't say that my top would be soaked hun but it will be over the week if you keep drinking my milk but you must understand love that if you keep drinking my milk I won't be able to go to the school dance." shi sits in hir mates lap lovingly.

 Murring Ed continues nuzzling White’s breast. "Ahh love i was sure you enjoyed my nursing form you as well" sighs and kisses White’s cheek. "I won't force you love one way or the other love but i do enjoy nursing form you" Ed smiles rubbing his face on White’s chest.

 "I know love but I don't want anyone to see you nursing from me at school and besides I could I'm sick and can't come go in to school that way you have me all day and not only that you can nurse from me all day too if you like," Shi smiles and purrs lovingly to Ed as shi kisses the top of his head, "but lets get ready to go out then that way you can have me all night long to drink and pleasure."

 Ed purrs licking White’s neck as he rubs and strokes hir chest. " I’ve got an ideal love but let us worry about that later." His hand caresses hir and squeezes lightly. "For now let's just have some us time." Ed kisses hir breast softly.

 White purrs softly as shi feels hir mate kiss hir breast, "Mmmmm your right love but we can't have to much of us time before we have to go shopping with our family." shi giggles softly knowing that shi is happy for the first time in a long time with someone that shi loves.

 Ed smiles as he gently helps White remove hir dress then licks her chest lightly "well love we may not have much time but well make the best of what we do have." Ed smiles then  lowers his head licking around White’s nipples letting then the nice and ready.

 White purrs lovingly as shi feels hir mate licks hir nipples, "Mmmmmm so good, but did you close the door love." shi shivers as shi feels hir nipples become hard under hir mates lovingly tongue.

  Ed blinks as he realizes that the door is open any of the cubs could walk  by ""uhm yes soon love i wasn't thinking clearly"  indeed Ed's mind and gone form his father to his mate.  and the world in general had tuned a littler hazy. Now here he was with hir on his lap licking Hir breast and the door to the room was wide open. "Uhhmm yeah the door,,, can you get that  for me love?"

 "Anything for you love," White kisses hir mate lovingly getting up of the bed and walking towards the door hir hips swaying slightly as shi reaches the for door and looks out trying to see if there are any cubs around giving hir mate a good view of breast and hips as shi stands at and angle looking out of the before closing it, "you like the view love." shi purrs softly standing there a little bit longer making sure hir mate got a good view.

 "Indeed i do love." Ed smiles. White was one of a kind and he was lucky to have hir. he smiled thinking about  how kind but stern a mother she would be to their cub as well as how sweet and loving a mate shi was to him right now. "it's a view i could see a thousand times in a day and I’ll never get tired of it."

 "Mmmmmm and it seems I have to take care of something else to love," White purrs and spies the bulge in hir mates pants, "care to yiff one last time love before we go out shopping with family." shi purrs softly walking back to the bed as hir hips sway slowly and slightly.

 Ed purrs pulling his mate into his lap kissing hir. His mate was so considerate but he knew what kind of ordeal they were in for. He wondered briefly if mom and dad were busy yiffing but quickly put those thoughts out of his mind.

"As tempting as that is love you’re going to need to need your strength." he grinned with a touch or feral lust boiling up into his eyes.

"Besides”, he smiled “that just means more fun when we get home love. You may even need to tie me down so i don't yiff you senseless when we get back love"

 "You win this time love," White purrs softly and returns the kiss lovingly while pressing hir breast into hir mates chest breaking the kiss slowly, "how about you finish what you started love." shi licks his nose pad softly and lovingly.

 Ed purrs and returning to doting attention on his mates nipples. he laps on them softly then begins massager hir right breast even as he starts to nurse softly from hir left breast Ed's other hand is  gently massaging hir hip and he squeezes softly as he nurses.

 White purrs lovingly to hir mate as shi feels hir milk flow into hir mates maw, "Mmmm so good." 

 Ed pauses for a moment smiling. "i'm glad you are enjoying it." he smiles licking hir nipple "the way you taste love, with your hormone all rushing is wonderful. i can taste you desire even as i feel my own growing" he kissed hir again before returning to nursing switching to hir other breast.

 White purrs lovingly as shi wiggles hir pussy over Ed’s bulge, "Why don't you fuck me love that why you can nurse from me and I can take care of that bulge in your pants." shi moans softly while purring loudly.

Ed wonders what he is going to say. he knows that he can not resist his lover's desire much longer but he also know that they don't have much time to have fun and that shopping with the family was a busy affair. There was a i knock on the door

 "Ed mom and dad are almost ready. You have five minutes." says a familiar voice on the other side of the door.

Without thinking Ed replies. “Just a few more minutes, sis”

 "Shall we get ready love or do you fuck and then get ready cause I think I can make you cum in three minutes flat if you want." Shi whispers into his ear softly so that hir new sister doesn’t hear hir.

 Ed smiles, he knew the answer even before his impulsive kiss ended. "Sure love i just didn't want to tire you out" he nuzzles White and he slips his hand under White to release his cramped member form his shorts. The knock came again as they are remained that he is needed on this shopping trip and both mom and his mate told him not to try to skip out. "Why don't you take this one love" Ed whispers to White as he slips his hand down hir pants. He’s a bit regretful that shi changed before dinner but in his eyes shi’s sexy what ever shi wears.

 "Give us four minutes ok Ed is just trying to find something so that I look at it," Shi calls back while stifling a moan of pleasure as shi feels Ed’s hand down hir pants, "damn it love just move my pants aside and stuff your cock in me now i need have you cum in three minutes or we'll be found and do you have anything makes our sex scent cause I don't want to have to answer any questions about what we were doing instead of getting ready." shi whispers into his ear as shi sniffles another moan as shi thrust hir hips against his hand.

 Ed nods smiles. "I’m a teen football star love. of course i have sent maskers. "With gentle but hungry hands he slides White’s pants down. Soon hir legs are far enough apart that he after a moment adjusting hir angle so that he can slip in with minimal difficulty. The feeling of his mate's hot flesh engulfing him yet again stirs up his desire even more. "Never leave me love.” he whispered in hir ear “ I’ll go mad without you and not in a good way"

 "I'll never leave you love not ever and not for some else," Shi moans softly in his ear as shi squeezes his cock lovingly inside hir pussy as shi whimpers softly wanting to feel his seed flood hir again, "do it hun please cum in me." 

  Ed pants thrust into his lover. he's not holding back his speed or his lust feral desire he moans burying his fact into hir shore as he nears hir peek. he had never pumped like this before not even during all those nights alone with only his hand and a fantasy to keep him company. He moans again half panting. This was in it's own way quite a work out and he hoped that White was enjoying it as well.

 White moans out softly as shi pants feeling hir mate thrust into hir again and again fast and hard as hir own climax builds, "Do it hun flood me with your seed and I'll fuck you later tonight as a special reward but i'll do it differently then the rest." shi moans out softly into his ear as shi pants harder. 

 Ed moans griping White as he holds hir close to him. he erupts into hir most of his strength leaving with his seed. He pants still holing hir to him. "how was that love? did I do well?"

 "Better then I could hope for love but we need to get ready now or your mother will have a fit about us taking our time when have shopping to do." Shi whispers into his ear as shi purrs lovingly to him climaxing quietly as a low moan of pleasure escapes hir lips as shi feels hir mates seed flood hir warm depths again.

 Ed nods stirring his will. "Yes love sure thing. lets check my closets for thins to were the so that I’ll be easy to slip into/out of while cloths shopping and i'll grab the scent masker i hide it under the bed in the box springs" Ed does not really feel like moving the he will not let the stop him. Some very import people as count on him. His mate, his sisters and their mom were among them.  They were all the more reason to call on the stamina that made him stand out in football and other things.

 "Mmmmmmm thanks for the quick fuck love I really need it and so did you cause I don't my mate to have to wait to be told to fuck me if you want to fuck just do it next time ok and besides that was quickest you pumped me full of cum love next time I'm in heat again lets make it a night to remember." Shi purrs as shi lifts hir self up from hir mates lap as his cock slides out of hir pussy as a little bit of his seed runs down hir thigh as shi gets of the bed.

 Ed smiles watch’s hir hips sway a bit before getting up and going under the bed to find his musk masker. He’d only used it ones during a night prank at a rival school where the team stole and replaced the rivals’ mascot flag with a cartoon one. It was fun and the real flag was return clean and pressed the nest day so no charged were filed still he felt a littler guilt about how much fun it had been. "Here we go love, see anything to wear in the closet?"

 "Mmmmm thanks love," Shi takes out the musk masker and sprays hir self with it while spraying hir mate with it too to mask their sex scent, "sorry about that love but you do need it too so that your mom won't ask questions ok." Shi kisses him lovingly on the lips while hugging him to hir lovingly.

 Ed retuned hir hug in kind rubbing her back above the base of the tail. With a sigh they part and he goes to the closet where most of his lost non jeans cloths were hanging. As he pushes aside out door shirts and cutoff slacks / shorts he sighs "maybe i should go borrow a dress love or would you rather have one of my ceremonial robes?”

 "A dress will do love and besides I can try on one your robes later tonight," Shi purrs softly and lovingly standing in front off hir mate in only hir panties as shi smiles lovingly to him as shi giggles slightly, "you know that we going to be a little horny trying on all those cloths right." 

 "Don’t worry love their may be a little teasing but our sisters will understand". Ed slips on jeans and kiss White be right back love. Before he leaves the room hi loves his lover up and down again smiles and he slips to get hir a dress

Shi pursr and sits down on hir mates bed and then lays back purring and thinking, *Dam nit would be good having my mate and our cubs nursing from me but we'll have to be careful at school so that no one can tell us what we are doing is wrong but I wonder if we'll be able to away earlier from the school dance.* shi murrs softly thinking about their future and their cubs.