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[Y] twolf's begining part II
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Sexuality N/A
Submitted On Feb23/10
Hits 2343
part 2 making it up as i go. hope you like. im more of a visual person so the paragraph structure sucks balls but yeah.
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Part II:

Slowly coming to from being drugged, once again, the purple wolf regained control of his body ever so slowly. Feeling that his head was spinning he quickly held it in his hands while he moved to a sitting position placing his arms on his knees. After about a minute of him holding his head in his hands, his eyes shut tight, it hit him like a ton of bricks. He could move his hands and legs. He wasn’t bond or blindfolded anymore for he felt his eyes with the palms of his hands and there was nothing in between them. Rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hands, wiping the sleep from them, he sighed heavily and let his hands fall to his sides. Thinking that last night was all some hirable dream he quickly opened his eyes and almost screamed in horror at what he saw. He was in a cage! What happened in his sap sided dream last night wasn’t fake. It actually happened. Looking around some more he saw that he must be in some kind of basement for all that was around him where concrete walls and the...
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i knu i still need to work on my paragraph structure.
and spelling >.<
[Sky Husky]
Very nice Tiny, can't wait for part three. Just a tip to help paragraph structure, when someone else starts talking, its a new paragraph. Example:

Mary was lost and confused in the forest and she looked around for a way out. Seeing a small patch of light, she ran foreward, "I found a way out!" she exclaimed cheerfully. As she burst out of the leaves of the low trees and shrubs, her heart sank. She had not found a way out, but something that seemed much worse: a camp of gruff looking men around a fire, axes strewn about on the ground near them.
One of the men looked at her and gave her a friendly look, but his tone showed that he had no intention of being friendly, "Hey boys, look. Entertainment."
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