My frist story: its my rp entrance with stuff i just felt like writting.

By: docisco
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-a shadow appears on the street of a small figure walking closer. Light footsteps could barley be herd as the figure walks closer it reveals a small feminish wolf dressed in a tight white shirt and baggie military pants with converse for shoes. A large beanie with a Celtic symbol on the front hides his eyes but lets the small delicate outline of his cheeks show and what seems to be the begging of a fu man chu. A piercing on his right ear and on his belly button glimmer in the moonlight, for the shirt cut off just above his abs. The moonlight also showed the outline of a tattoo on his left arm. From a distance it’s hard to tell what it is but closer it appears to be a Celtic knot cross. The wolf stops in front of the bar and grabs himself a small tea cup with no handle and fills it with warm water, and then seemingly out of nowhere he pulls out a small tin from his hidden pocket in his jeans and opens it revealing a soothing sent to the air. He picks out some of the larger tea leafs and gently places them in the drink. He replaces the tine and picks up his glass walking over to a table he sits down in a feminine style and gently blows on his tea and gently takes a sip looking around the bar for some entertainment.

     Continuing to sip his tea he hears the door open and heavy boot steps walk on the hard wood floor. He didnt bother to look back to see who it was or what they where doing. Something he would soon regret. Althought he could not see what this man was doing he could here it quit well. He herd that the man dailed a number and whispered for awhile, and he didnt beleave what he herd but he beleaved that he was describing certain furs around the bar. He blushed when he herd himself being described but thought nothing of it for there are plunty of wingmen around tonight. Siping his tea he was somewhat amazed to see the bartender come up with a drink in his hand and placing it on the table saying someone ordered it for him. He blushesed greatly having this been the frist time that anyones ever brought him a drink before, in his life. Looking around curiously to see if he could find someone that might have giving him this drink, he takes a sip and finds a strang tatse to it but one that he likedd. Finsihing the drink quickly he got up and walked over to the bar tender and asked for the same drink, smiling as he got it he sip it and frowned seeing that it didnt taste the smae. Sighing and srugging he started to walk away as he head started to egt suddenly dizzing and the room started to spin, then feeling the glass slip out of his hand he blacked out and hit the floor with a loud thud. Chcukling somewhat evily another fur, a tall black horse that was superbly built picked the purple wolf he throw him over his shoulder.Nodding to the bar tender he walked out and threw the wolf into the back of a van and then drove off as soon as he got in.

    Waking up the purple wolf found that he couldnt see or move his hands out legs. He felt he was on a cold hard floor and herd water driping from diffrent spots of the room. Struggling to move he almost screamed as another fur touched his back and started to whisper- Its no use we're tied up down here, all of us. -somewhat shocked in disbelif the wolf asked in a frightend voice- where are we, how many of us are there? -with a quick caugh the other fur answered- your in an underground slave action and theres 12 of us. where going to be bid off like pets and then our new masters will take us to their home and do whatever they want with us. -still shocked in disbelif the wolf tryed to brake free again then sighed and started to cry as he knew that he couldnt get out and that his life would never be the same again. then a slam of a metal door caused him to stop crying as he herd cage doors opening and people being carryed away. Soon he was picked up and shuffled out onto a stage. He could see bright lights percing his blindfold and started to hear bids. He was some what astounded at how high the prices where and was amazed to find that he was sold for 25,000. He then startyed to cry as he felt himself being carryed away- For fuck sakes man shhut him the fiuck up so we can get out of here quietly -he then felt a shrape cold prick in his neck and blacked out again.


to be continued. Please leave all comments you can think of^^.

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