Spotting a Dalmatian

By: dairu123
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Chapter One:


Being a Dalmatian, everyone expected Dairu to be able to do everything and more with his vast storage of energy. However having scoliosis prevented him from focusing on his favorite things. Even driving became dangerous, if his attention diverted from driving to reposition himself in the seat. What's to say he doesn't crash or whatever else. Dairu usually just played through the pain though. He loved reading and writing, and also sewing a variety of plushies, and purses. Dairu lived alone, which left him tight on the bills. Disability only went so far for that sort of thing. Didn't help that Dairu loved the night life and the internet was an almost literal need. Dairu was very short and usually stood to about five foot six. Which would fluctuate depending on how much pain he was in.


Dairu huffed as he returned to his house. The house was rather large for it's price. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a rather decent kitchen and a smallish living room. Dairu had just returned from placing an ad in the paper. He was looking for a house mate to help on the bills. Preferably someone young and in college. Someone that most likely wouldn't be there forever. The white dalmatian usually made a few extra dollars from the custom plushies he made of various anime's, cartoons, or whatever else. That would have to wait for today. Dairu headed upstairs and entered the only bathroom. Throwing off his black button down, and his blue-jeans. His boxers were pink with flowers on them which was his second favorite color. His first was blue, which he didn't care what people thought. It was just easier than cussing them out when they saw a male wearing pink. Dairu rubbed at the paw shaped spot on his right hip and turned on the shower full blast on hot. Steam formed letting Dairu know to lower the temperature before getting in. The dalmatian sighed as he felt a touch of horniness in his blood. He felt too empty to do anything about it though. The reason for this was because of his family and their religious views. They were almost all homophobes. So which intended Dairu dropping his connections to his family and leaving the state. Dairu washed his paws with shea-butter body wash which also doubled as shampoo. Being a fur and all, they had decided it ridiculous that they had body-wash, and shampoo products.


Dairu dried off and just left the clothes on the floor. Heading to his bedroom butt naked. He entered his room and ransacked a basket of clean clothes for underwear, a shirt, and pants. Which this time had a sleeveless gray shirt, blue boxer underwear, and a pair of pajama short shorts. Which Dairu had found in the woman’s department, but was long enough to be considered shorts. The pajama shorts was his favorite light pink. Dairu murred feeling the warmth of the clothes. They had been heated from being on the bed in front of a window directly in the sun. Dairu looked out the window to see that the sun was starting to go down. It was around sixish, but then his attention was snagged as a light flickered on in an upstairs room in the house next to his. It was Dairu's neighbor. Dairu hadn't ever introduced himself but would often enough see the Hyena working on his black Mazda, 1988 RX7 Custom convertible. Dairu would often enough hear the Hyena and his father yelling to one another. At least Dairu guessed it was his father. Suddenly the Hyena looked up and Dairu's eyes met his. Dairu froze for a moment with a blush on his muzzle. Which could clearly be seen through his white fur. Dairu all of a sudden jumped down under the window-seal. Curious as to why he had reacted in such a way.


Dairu turned to edge his eyes high enough to look to see if the Hyena was still watching. Sure enough he wasn't looking any longer. Dairu sighed in relief and stood up. A shrill shattering door bell made Dairu's hair stand straight up all the way up his spine. Dairu's face flushed red, “OMG... he must have seen me and came over to see why I was watching him... he must thing I'm a ss... stalker...”


Dairu froze as the doorbell rang a couple more times, but in a quicker and more impatient rhythm. Dairu quickly ran downstairs, falling down a couple steps as he slipped down the carpeted stairs. Dairu almost collided with the door as he peaked out of the hole. Dairu panted in relief as he opened the door. It was the usual mail lady. She was a mouse which was rather large for the small rodent specie. The lady handed Dairu a clip board and wanted him to sign. Dairu signed his name handing it back to the woman.


“Have a nice day!” The mouse stated as she turned to leave.


Dairu looked down at the package she had left on the doorstep. Dairu picked it up and locked the door behind him. He placed the package on the table and used a box cutter from a drawer to cut through the tape. Dairu looked with confusion at the weird car part. Dairu then realized that he hadn't been expecting a package and turned it around and froze as he read the name and address, “Luka...”


The address belonged to the neighbor and probably belonged to the Hyena that he had seen through his window. Dairu cussed which was unusual for him, “This... is gonna be awkward...”


Dairu placed the car part back into the box and opened the door. Heading across the lawn to the neighbor's house. Dairu hesitantly knocked on the door. Unsure if he had actually knocked loud enough. Suddenly the door swung open and Dairu's muzzle flourished with a crimson blush as he was confronted by a shirtless Hyena. Covered in grease and sweat. Dairu looked over the Hyena's abs and muscular features before extending the box and adverting his eyes, “I'm sorry... It was delivered to me by mistake... and without realizing... I had opened it...”


Dairu grew nervous as to why the Hyena wasn't reacting. Dairu built up the courage to look and the Hyena was gazing downward. Dairu looked down and his blood began to boil. He had forgotten that he was dressed for bed, in his usual pink short shorts. The Hyena didn't say anything however as he took the box. Dairu turned to leave unsure if he should run back and lock the door behind him, or act it cool and try to act casual.


“Wait!” Dairu halted with nervousness.


Dairu didn't answer but turned to face the Hyena. Dairu waited looking nervously at the handsome Hyena before he finally answered, “Would you like something to drink?”


Dairu's blood began to boil and he started screaming inside his head, “SAY NO... SAY NO... RUN BACK AND HIDE UNDER THE BED...”


“Y... yes...” Dairu spat out without his own conscious permission.


The Hyena turned and extended a paw for Dairu to enter. Which he obediently obeyed and walked in. Dairu wished that he wasn't in his pink shorts. He didn't know if this Hyena was a homophobe or not. Which then again, he wouldn't of invited him in if he was. Dairu sat down at the Hyena's kitchen table and waited. The Hyena went to the fridge and Dairu's eyes went wide as he realized something, “Maybe... he likes what he sees...”


Dairu's gaze was immediately frozen to his finger fiddling on his paws. The Hyena placed a soda in front of Dairu, “Calm down... it's ok...”


Dairu looked up in shock. He had said it so casually but his own shyness could also be heard. Even though the Hyena was trying to mask it.


“So Spots, what's your name? Mine's Luka.” The male Hyena stated.

“Dai... Dairu...” Stuttered the nervous spotted dog.

“Did you just move in or something?” The Hyena asked with a kind tone, in hopes to calm down the dalmatian.

“Actually... I've been there... for a month or so...” Dairu said with his legs bouncing up and down with his tail wanting to curl underneath his legs but was prevented by the chair.

“I suppose I just don't pay that much attention...”

“How... long... have you been working... on your car?” Dairu asked shyly.


Luka seemed to stay quiet for a moment. Dairu guessed that he was shocked that he had been paying attention.


“Have you been watching me?” Was the only thing that came out of Luka's maw.

“I... I... I... I'm sorry... I... didn't mean too...” Dairu started to panic, “It's just... I'm home all day... so I know whenever someone is outside...”

“It's ok, I'm just not used to somefur paying attention to what I'm doing.” Admitted Luka.

“It's... a beautiful car... You doing the work yourself?” Dairu looked down at his paws.

“Actually, I have a fur helping me on it. He's a dalmatian too.”


Dairu's ears perked up at the dalmatian part. Dairu's curiosity perked higher than his bashfulness which ended up with him blurting out, “So are you into dalmatian's or something?”


Dairu had asked that right as Luka was taking a drink of his own and had spewed it all over the table, “Excuse me?”


Dairu's blush returned and darted his eyes speechless. That was one of Dairu's faults. He would always speak his mind no matter the situation. Which is why everyone opened up to him or why he couldn't keep any secrets. An awkward silence fell over the table as for neither was able to say anything. Suddenly a car door could be heard slamming. Luka jumped up in a hurry and gazed out the kitchen window to see that his father was nearing the front door along with his mom.


“Hurry! You've gotta go out the back...” Luka stated with fear in his voice. Pulling Dairu's arm and leading him to the back door. Dairu pouted seeing that Luka had gotten a large grease spot on his right arm but soon was yanked out the back door.


“I'm sorry... hope to see you again...” Luka stated before slamming the door behind him.


Next thing Dairu knew he heard Luka's dad, “How is the car coming?”

“Fine... Seda will be coming over tomorrow...” Luka sounded sad that he had to speak to his father.

“Well maybe spending time with a real man will straighten you out.” His dad said without any remorse or feeling in his voice.

A clear growl could be heard coming from Luka.


“Don't use that tone with me!” The father said raising his voice.


The father made a huff as it sounded like someone elbowed him in the ribs. Dairu just imagined that the mom was the one to do so. Footsteps then could be heard nearing the back door. Luka coughed loudly as to warn Dairu. Dairu took the hint and crouched low to stay out of sight of the windows and once he was clear. He ran toward his house. Dairu slammed the door behind him panting and falling to the floor. Dairu covered his mouth. His eyes slightly wide in shock and amazement. Dairu was starting to put together the pieces of past arguments that he had heard over the course of a month. Dairu's family was very much the same. Only difference, Dairu's family never knew that he was gay. At least in Dairu's case, he was bi.


Dairu wobbled to his feet. His legs shaking with nervousness and shock of the excitement that had happened. Dairu decided to head upstairs and just sleep it off. He curled up in the bed and waited for sleep to overtake him. However his mind was clouded with today’s events and his neighbor Luka.



The next day:


Dairu grunted as he woke up, rubbing his eyes and looking over at the clock. It was around eight, a lot earlier than he usually woke up. Dairu tried going back to sleep but it was like he never slept. His mind was still on yesterday and after another hour and a half of just sitting there. Dairu decided to get up and get dressed. Dairu dressed in a blue t-shirt and really baggy cargo pants. He went downstairs, took a bagel from the fridge and had breakfast. Wasn't much but he just didn't feel up to anything at the moment.


Dairu looked at the calender and noticed that today was an appointment with a gym. Most of the day passed and Dairu headed on to appointment. The doctor had prescribed a gym that offered disability muscle and health strengthening programs. It was free since the insurance covered it, so Dairu was going to hold up his end of the deal and go see if it could help. Dairu changed his pants into sweat-pants and left for the gym. It didn't take long, maybe ten minutes or so. Dairu pushed open the doors to the smell of musk and heat from all the furs working out. Dairu headed on in and blushed and froze at what he saw. Luka and a Doberman seemed to be talking. Dairu could faintly hear a couple words here and there. Dairu nearly jumped out of his fur as a rather large paw was placed on his shoulder, “Hello! You must be the dalmatian with scoliosis, am I right?”


Dairu turned and swallowed seeing the extra muscle panther that seemed to beam over him. Dairu nodded as he acted a little afraid of him.


Well...” The panther looked at his clip board, “Dairu! Let's go get you some light walking in on the treadmill.”


Dairu looked back at Luka seeing that he seemed a little happier now. Dairu just tried to shake him from his mind before being led to a treadmill.


So, we will set you at the minimum and just try to keep up.” The large panther stated, “Excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back. My name is Zero so just call out for me if you need me.”


Suddenly Dairu was left alone walking at a casual pace on the machine. Dairu used his peripheral vision to look back and Zero was looking at a magazine babbling to himself and Dairu's heart sank as Luka and that Doberman headed out the gym. Suddenly a figure walked up and was fiddling with the machine to his right. Dairu looked up to notice a female black panther was walking about the same pace as him. She was wearing a tank top and showed a slight view of her stomach. Her shorts were snug but loose enough to let air in. Her shorts were a dark shade of purple, and her tank top was a light shade of blue.


The panther looked over to notice she was being watched, “Can I help you?”


Dairu blushed as he looked away and replied, “Sorry...”


“Don't be, my name is Yuri by the way.”

“I'm Dairu, nice to meet you.”

“Come here often?” Yuri questioned.

“It's my first, I'm supposed to be exercising in hopes to help my scoliosis.” Dairu explained.

“What's scoliosis?” Yuri asked with confusion.

“Scoliosis is a side to side curvature of the spine, but unlike most. Mine had two curves and my spine also twists as it curves.” Dairu stated word to word from what doctors had told him.

“Ah, I'm sorry. So I guess you don't work then?”

“Nope...” Dairu stated worried that she would think he was worthless.


Yuri looked down at her wristwatch and quickly stopped the treadmill, “Sorry hun, I gotta go to work.”


Dairu didn't get a chance to say goodbye as the panther ran toward the showers to get cleaned up before work. Suddenly the treadmill started to slow and Dairu's attention was turned to Zero that had turned off the machine.


“Don't want to over work you in the first day. Go ahead and get washed up and come back the day after tomorrow, same time.”


Dairu nodded and walked toward the showers. Surprisingly just the short time walking had made Dairu all sweaty and he was slightly panting. His back was tensed up and he seemed drained. Dairu quickly showered and headed home. Dairu locked the car and was walking toward the house when he looked over to see somefur under the hood of Luka's car. Which was probably Luka. Dairu breathed deeply in as to help build courage and he jogged over to the car.


“Hello Luka...” Dairu started.


The figure pulled away from the car and to Dairu's surprise, it wasn't Luka.


“I'm Seda, not Luka. He's at work while I pull out some of the machinery for him.” Seda explained.

“Yeah... he mentioned you.” Dairu blushed adverting his eyes.

“Oh? Are you and Luka close friends?” Seda asked with slight worry in his voice.

“We've only recently met. I live in that house next door.” Dairu pointed.

“So... does Luka ever have... you know... like a girl or something?” Seda asked with a slight blush on his muzzle.


Dairu curled his lips slightly showing his teeth. Dairu took a deep breath and calmed himself before Seda realized he had hit a nerve. Dairu didn't understand why he was acting like this. Dairu would usually didn't really care about relationships. Of course he has had a couple relationships here and there. However nothing too serious. Yes he has had sex before, but then again they usually used him for it. Before Dairu could think about it, he started babbling, “Yeah, he has a couple girlfriend's actually.”


“Really!” Seda asked with utter shock.

“Yup, he's a real player if you know what I mean.” Dairu said with an evil grin.


Dairu knew lying like this was wrong, but he couldn't help it. He didn't even understand why he couldn't control what he was saying, it was just coming out.


“So... he's not gay?” asked a hurt Seda.

“Nope, he's straight as can be!” Dairu smiled a victorious grin.


Seda seemed to have an apparent hurt on his face.


“I... gotta go...” Seda stated before placing the tools back in the garage and darting down the road in his own car.


When the other dalmatian was out of sight Dairu frowned. Never has he been this devious. He had lied in order to insure he didn't have any competition. Now Dairu was sulking and he felt like he didn't deserve anyone. No sooner, Dairu heard a car pull into the driveway. Luka stepped out and seemed to be looking around, “Where did Seda go?”

“I don't know, just mumbled something and then said he had to leave...” Dairu felt even worse now. He was now lying to his crush. Dairu's ears drooped without his knowing, but he tried to seem happy.


“Everything alright Spots? You seem upset.” Luka asked with deep concern.


Dairu sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah...”

“Come on, I know better than that... you can tell me.” said the Hyena with concern in his eyes. Making an almost puppy dog look.


Dairu adverted his gaze and crossed his arm over the halo emblem on his shirt. Dairu grunted deciding it better to just come clean, “I...”


Before Dairu could say anything a drop of water dropped on Dairu's nose startling him. In seconds it started with only a few large drops and then a great downpour. Both Luka and Dairu were soaked in minutes.


“Come on!” Luka yelled over the loud downpour as he took Dairu by the wrist and pulling him inside his own house.


Dairu wasn't scared because no other car was home. Dairu frowned, now he would have to run to his house in the rain. Then again he was already soaked. Dairu didn't know it, but he was looking at Luka with a pitiful 'what the hell' pout.


Luka chuckled as he said, “Come on Spots, I'll let you borrow some clothes.”


Dairu followed Luka upstairs to his room and started rummaging through his closet. Luka then tossed a shirt, pajama pants, and some of his boxers to him. Luka's cell rang and he picked it up. He turned his back and started whispering. Luka covered the phone before leaving the room. Dairu couldn't hear what they were saying but when he came out Dairu asked, “What was that about?”

“Don't worry about it...” Luka sounded upset.


Dairu didn't try to pry and decided he should first try to change.


“Where is your bathroom?” Dairu asked clenching the clothes extended from his wet body.

“You can change in here, I wont look.” Luka claimed as he turned around.


Dairu blushed a furious red but decided it was ok. He slowly started to undress and once he was totally naked, he looked up to make sure Luka still wasn't watching. Dairu gasped when he saw that Luka had closed the closet and a full body mirror hung on the door. Luka was eying Dairu's body head to toe. Dairu grabbed the clothes hiding his crotch, and using an arm to hide his chest like he had breasts.


“PERVERT!” Dairu hissed slightly while he skimmed the room for something to throw.

Luka seemed to chuckle as he replied, “Come on Spots... Can you blame me?”

“YES!!!” Dairu snarled before running from the room, giving Luka a clear view of his rump.


Dairu changed and looked over the clothes to make sure they weren't anything perverted. The clothes were just regular blue-jeans and a blue t-shirt. Dairu gathered himself before leaving the bathroom. Dairu jumped as he saw Luka waiting outside the door, fully dry and dressed in cargo pants. Dairu glanced over the Hyena's body before blushing, “Now look here...!”


Luka seemed to grin evilly as he took that phrase as an invite to look over Dairu's body.


“NOT LIKE THAT!” Dairu growled loudly.

“Spots... do you like me or not?” Luka asked with his evil grin disappearing.


Dairu fell silent at the question. He adverted his gaze as he whispered, “I do...”

“Then why not prove it?” The Hyena stated as he moved forward.


Dairu stepped forward, unsure why he decided to give in, “Ok...”


Dairu was losing his will and couldn't stop himself. He looked over the Hyena and blushed at the hungry look that he was giving him. Dairu melted at the Hyena finally placed his right paw on Dairu's cheek. Luka tilted his head as their maws met. Dairu instantly felt his blood begin to boil. Then out of no where a flash of Seda popped into his head, “Wait!”


Dairu halted and pushed Luka away, almost knocking him to the ground. Luka just watched with confusement.


“I'm sorry... but I lied about Seda...” said a frantic Dairu.

“What... do you mean?” Luka's ears perked up.

“He was asking me... things like if you had a girlfriend and the relationship between you and me... I told him you had several girlfriend's and that you were straight...” Dairu's heart seemed to lift as the guilt melted away.

“So that's why Seda doesn't want to be around me anymore.” Luka acted like he had just finished a puzzle.

“What... do you mean?”

“That call I got earlier... Seda said that he didn't think it best for him to hang around anymore. I just thought that he decided he wasn't interested or something...” Luka admitted, “That's why I came onto you. I was trying to decide which one liked me, and which one I liked. When Seda was out of the picture, you remained.”


Dairu blushed as his eyes went wide, “You... like me?”

“Spots... didn't you realize I was about to jump you?”


Dairu looked away and he knew exactly that he was. The part about him not using him for sex was the part the skipped his mind.


“So now that you know... Seda was interested... will you go after him?” Dairu looked down with disappointment.


Dairu was expecting him to say yes, or just dart away. Instead what happened shocked Dairu. His maw was met with his. Dairu's heart skipped a beat and he seemed to melt once more. Dairu gasped as Luka groped his sheath through his pants. Luka expertly undid Dairu's pants letting them fall to the floor. The kiss was halted and Dairu wrapped his arms around Luka's neck and rested his head on his shoulder moaning lightly.


“Meep!” Dairu yelped as Luka picked him up and carried him back to his room.


Luka gently laid him on the bed before crawling on top of him. Licking Dairu's cheek before pulling off his own pants revealing that he wasn't wearing underwear. Luka pulled Dairu's underwear off leaving the blue shirt before grabbing some lube from the side table. Dairu just watched in nervousness as Luka lubed up his fingers and pressed against Dairu's flower, “Ahhhh...”


“You ok?” asked Luka in concern.


Dairu only managed to nod with a whimper and a thrust. Luka added another finger as he stretched his tail hole. Dairu's member was throbbing vigorously to life and grabbed hold of his own legs to give the sexy Hyena more access. Luka then moved in between Dairu's legs and positioned himself, “You ready Spots?”


Dairu nodded and could feel the tip of Luka's red cock pushing in. Followed by his knot which was just slightly bigger than his cock at the moment. Dairu gasped at the slight pain but the pleasure was clearly more intense. Which still got a reaction from the sensitive and caring Hyena, “You ok?!”


“Yeah...” Dairu nodded trying to thrust downward against Luka's member.


Luka pressed in after Dairu adjusted and stretching him wide. Pre drizzled from Dairu's throbbing red tip and he couldn't help but clench his eyes from the pleasure. Luka was now pounding away and Dairu couldn't stop the short pants and moans. They weren't too loud but they were still there. He could feel Luka's meat rub against his walls, making his member leak white goo all over his shirt. Dairu could feel the orgasm closing nearer and nearer without ever touching his own cock. He wasn't going to last anywhere as long as he normally would. Dairu could also tell Luka was close, his knot was swelling inside his tail hole as he thrusted. His soft fur covered orbs slapping against his rear end as he pounded his hole. Dairu yelled out as he felt Luka thrust in one final time as he exploded into Dairu's hole. Dairu's member convulsed rapidly as he himself started cumming string after string onto both Dairu's and Luka's shirt. Luka had tied with Dairu and he collapsed onto Dairu's chest placing a kiss on his cheek.


Suddenly a car door could be heard slamming closed. Luka panicked knowing it was his homophobe dad. Luka pulled out suddenly making Dairu yelp before being yanked downstairs and being shoved out the door. Being kissed on the nose before saying, “I'm so sorry.” and slamming the door. Luka could be heard running back upstairs and Dairu was left out in the rain. Cum dripping from his tail hole and sticking to the fur in his inner thighs.


Dairu didn't care though. He was clearly satisfied yet he felt weird. Dairu didn't know exactly what it was. It felt like a mixture of love and guilt. Maybe the guilt of not cuddling like with every previous lover he had ever mated with, or maybe it was love. Dairu didn't really know. Dairu took his exit and headed back to his house, butt naked and wet once again. Dairu went into his house and up to his bathroom. Jumping in the shower and washing off the cum before exiting and heading to the bedroom for some sleep.


Dairu's mind was ravished with the thought of his dear Luka. He couldn't get the mixed feeling of guilt, and butterflies. Dairu was clearly happy though. He just didn't know how to handle being with someone that went a step further then everyfur else. Dairu murred happily before falling asleep.

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