
By: bahamut90210
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By: Bahamut90210

Writers note: I have always loved werewolves. How they change, the differences in culture around them. In my personal opinion I believe that werewolves exist. We say about how there is still so much out there yet to be explained or found. I believe that the existence of werewolves is one of them. In note of that enjoy the story!

I am a werewolf a so called mythical creature said to be a blood thirsty monster that kills mercilessly without care for who or what I killed. But unlike the tales I have only occasionally thirsted on blood. I live in a pride of were cats that saved my life when I was 3. I swore loyalty to the alpha as soon as I arrived and he took me in with open arms. After almost 10 years of training I mastered all three of my forms. I then became my fathers guard dog. He trained me without saying a word. I learned to always check my surroundings by constantly jumped by my brothers. I could be taking a shower and the next wrestling with Jacob one of my brothers. My father had 8 children all together not counting me or Shawn (a stray we had adopted). One girl and 7 sons of various ages. He also had all of the toms that were loyal to him so he had a close family of about 30 people. I was never safe from there constant playful attacks. I would be getting breakfast and suddenly find myself in a headlock. Well you get my point. For the first couple years of my life with my family I had to always be on guard. But no matter how annoyed I became of there attacks I was always happy to have them. It meant that people noticed me. I loved everyone in my pride. I would trust any of them with my life. I still get jumped every once and a while when I don’t have a job. I usually have to do baby sitting by watching Nichol but when shift switches I get about 5 minutes of rest before having to protect myself. After constantly getting jumped by my brothers I learned to be sigh lent. I could even slip into father’s office without him even realizing I was there until I announced myself. He always said that he heard me come in but I always see him jump. After a while I became Nichols watch dog. Father had let her have some space by enrolling her in a school she wanted to go to. Then she noticed the sentries that father had sent to watch her and she ran for it. Now I had to track her down and bring her back. She made it a pain to catch her because I had to get past her overly protective boyfriend. He went with her everywhere. I couldn’t even get near her to make the grab because he was there. He always seemed to know I was there and could easily pick me out of a crowd. I asked her father twice if I could just kill him but he always refused my request. Finally I saw my chance when I was tailing her when they were walking through central park. He stopped to tie his shoe and she kept going. I jump down and make my grab when something grabs me from behind. I go crashing to the ground and get pinned there. “What the hell do you want with my girlfriend? I see you all the time trailing us. She tries to ignore you but I can’t take it anymore. So we decided to ask you some questions. First who the hell are you?” the boy friend asks pressing his elbow into the back of my neck. “Who I am is of no importance. I demand you let me up this moment and I won’t have to hurt you.” I say trying to get up but soon realized that he had me pinned where I couldn’t move without dislocating something. I watch in dismay as my mark walks up and looks me straight in the eyes. “Tell him to get off me now Nichol.” Nichol looks a little shocked that I know her name and crouches down. “How do you know my name did my father send you?” Nichol asks leaning in and looking me in the eyes. Her boyfriend presses his elbow deeper into my spine. “The lady asked you a question now answer it and also why the hell you wearing a collar?” I groan and finally give in. “yes your father sent me at first it was just to baby sit but when you ran off without telling any of toms your dad asked me to bring you back. Things weren’t supposed to get this bad. He said it would be easy and quick. But then Anthony here had to come along on your road trip and things got difficult.” I sigh and relax hoping to get some pressure off my neck. “He told me that if it got like this to go with you and make sure you stay safe. And” but I stopped not wanting to say the rest but knew I had to under direct orders. “To follow any order you give me except leave.” I say quickly in hopes that she would miss that last part. “Okay Anthony let him up.” She says to her boyfriend and then directly to me says “and you stay were you are on the ground and don’t get up until I say otherwise.” So her boyfriend gets off me and because it was and order I followed it without as much as a groan. “Now tell me why are you wearing a collar?” She asks now standing over me like I was a pup that needed to be disciplined.  “It is like a tracker it tells me when you are on the move among other things that I have no idea of.” I say hoping she would believe my bluff. She walks away some and motions for her boyfriend to come over. She whispers in my ear and in my current state I couldn’t hear a word. “If you to be so close Nichol have you told him about your condition?” I call out and visibly see her back straighten. She turns on me and I knew I was in for it. “Yes I have and he is fine with it.” She says with so much strictness I actually flinched away. “What are you talking about what condition?” Anthony says confused. “Unlike my species that couldn’t care less if we are found out your type hides in the shadows. Your father said that if it came to it I could use this card. I would really hate to blow my cover just yet but what the hell.” I change over to my werewolf form and give them a wolfish smile. “Come on little kitty join in on our little game of show and tell. I swear I wont bite but only if you don’t either.” I could see the fear in her eyes and looks over at Anthony trying to think of a way to explain way what I just said. She whirls on me and kicks me in the side of the head. “How dare you think of what you just did? You broke one of our greatest laws.” She says kicking me again. “One of your laws not mines. I can say what ever I want. Any way it is just you two and your father was going to kill your little friend anyway if you didn’t cooperate. I would probably get the honors I say trying to get up. “You want to know what I and Nichol have been talking about. She is a werecat a creature that can change into a giant cat. Her father is an alpha that bought my services. I have been working for him for over 2 years now. You could say I’m mans other best friend. I have been most loyal to your father.” I then change over to wolf form and stay there laying my head on my paws acting like having a 200 pound wolf lying in the middle of central park was perfectly normal. Finally Anthony speaks up. “Im fine with her being what she is. I would love her even if she was a werecat. It is what is on the inside that matters not some outer shell.” He walks over and gives her a big kiss. “Besides I love cats so what can be better than a girl that can be one. It’s like the best thing that could happen to me.” He says hugging her close. Nichol looks a little shocked at this and than regains her composure. “Since we can’t get rid of you what should we call you?” I shift back over to werewolf form and say 2 words before trying to get up again. “Names fang.” But once again I feel my body pulled back down by the collar. “Okay then fang you may get up now. But you have to change over to your full wolf form.” I get up and change over to wolf form and walk over to her and get between her and Anthony. “So now what princess?” I ask with a hint of sarcasm. She thumps me upside the head and scowls at me. “Dogs don’t talk.” She says simply and starts walking again. “yes but I am no” but before I could finish what I was saying she spins around and orders me not to talk unless asked a direct question by her or Anthony. I snap my jaw shut and start to walk again. We get out of central park and start to walk down the street. Then she did the unthinkable. She walks up to a pet store and I shamefully walk in after her. The shop keeper looks at me once and goes back to wiping his counter and then gives me a double take and almost freaks out. “Ma’am you do realize that the animal you walked in with is a wolf do you not?” he asks a little freaked out. “Yes I do I raised him from a puppy. I trained him to do whatever I tell him to. But due to the leash laws I am forced to put one on him.” Nichol says looking over the different leashes. Then the man asked something that I will never live down if she agrees. “Can he do any tricks?” I give Nichol look that told her don’t do what you are going to do. But of course she looks up and says “why yes he can do an amazing number of tricks. Would you like to see some of them?” She asks casually. “Oh I would love to see him do some tricks. If they are good enough ill give you the leash of your choice.” So of course Nichol chooses a heavy duty chain leash. “You got yourself a deal. Where should he do them at?” The man motions for them to come into the back of the shop and clears a good sized space. “Right here should do just fine I believe.” So walk into the back room with Nichol and Anthony right behind. I give her one more I hate you looks and then stand ready. “Let’s start out easy. Sit boy.” So I sit down and look at her with a now what look on my face. “Okay lie down and roll over” So I do as she says and then stand at attention again. “Now a little more difficult one. Fang do a back flip and then sit.” I give her a you owe me look and then do a quick back flip and then sit down on the spot. “That was most wondrous. Here have the chain thank you for such a wonderful show.” He says clapping his hands and leading them out. I follow after her and she clicks the leash on me and leads me out. We continue down the road getting looks from every person that noticed me. I just keep on walking like a good boy. But then I watch this one guy that didn’t look right. I keep one eye on him and watch as he steals some passerby’s purse. Before he can even take off I grab his ankle and pull him to the ground. The girl was just about to call for help when she sees me stopping the thief. I walk over him and take the purse back I my mouth and drop it at the girl’s feet. She stares at it for a second and then pats me on the head and takes her purse. I then look up at Nichol but Anthony was faster and was already dialing 911 to get the police. They pick up the thief and then leave. “Good job fang.” Nichol says not even looking at me as we continue down the road. They finally get to the car rental place get a minivan. I hop into the front seat but one look from Nichol tells me that I go in the back. They had put down the seats so I had plenty of room. They had gotten a van with tinted windows so as soon as we get going I change over to my now naked human form. “So is that all just ‘thanks fang’ I saved a girl from having her purse stolen and all I get is thanks. Sheesh maybe I should just ignore the next one that comes along.” Nichol without turning around in the passenger seat says. “I thought that dogs aren’t able to talk.” Then she actually looks back at me and she frowns. “My god fang your naked where are your cloths?”  I actually look down at my self and then back up at her. All that I had on at the moment was a dog collar so the seen looked a little weird. “I don’t know I usually keep my spare cloths in my bag. Damn I forgot my bag I cant believe that I actually forgot my bag. Hey Anthony you got any extra cloths?” He slams down on the brakes and I go flying forward and crash against the back of there seats. “No I do not have any cloths for a dog so shut up and let me drive I almost ran that stop because of you distracting me.” I roll back away from the Anthony and refuse to look at him. I change back to wolf form and block them both out. I soon was fast asleep. I wake up to light. I look around and see I was still in the van. I also notice that because it was day I couldn’t change into human or werewolf without raising suspicion. And lucky me they had locked the doors so I couldn’t get out. I see through the front window that we were at a motel. I look around for Anthony’s cloths but he must have taken them with him. Great I was trapped in here until they came back. I look around for something to do but there wasn’t anything in here. That’s when I spotted Nichols purse. So I decided to make a little call. I dial in my lord’s number and wait for someone to pick up. Finally my boss picks up.
“What whose there?” a gruff voice answers
“It’s me boss I am with your daughter.” I say in a hushed tone.
“Where is she?” he asks a little worried
“Uh that’s the thing I don’t know the windows are tinted and they took my cloths I am in the middle of the parking lot and only have my collar on if I walked outside now I would raise suspicion.” I say with a sigh
“That is true so tell me everything.”
So I told him everything that has happened so far. Excluding telling him about how I had to take orders from her and obey them without question.
“Hmm kill the boyfriend. I want my daughter back and no human is going to get in my way.”
“Uh yeah about that. I kind of had to swear obedience to her or they would have killed me. I am sorry sir the man she was with made a trap and I fell for it. He had a knife to my throat and if I didn’t swear obedience he would have killed me. Please forgive me my lord I underestimated the genius of your daughter.”
“All is forgiven you did what you had to do. But when you get back you will have to become part of my pride and drop the mercenary gig. Also if you can’t get them to come back try to get your coordinates and keep them at the place until my men can get there.”
“Thank you sir I am forever in your debt.” I see Nichol and Anthony leaving the building. “I have to go sir they are coming and I wish not to blow my cover.”
“yes of course good bye” he hangs up and I put her phone back in her purse, change to wolf form, and pretend to be asleep before they get back. I hear the jangle of the keys as Anthony opens the door and unlocks the van. I hear both the doors slam shut and the van start. I open my eyes and stretch out hearing a couple satisfying cracks as I did so. “Good morning what time is it.” Nichol looks at her watch. “About 3 o’ clock why?” she asks with a yawn. “Just wondering do I still have to be quiet Anthony or do I get free speech today?” already knowing the answer. They both say it together. “Dogs can’t talk.” And then they both left and we took off for places unknown to me. I hunker down and try to get some more sleep but fail miserably. “Boy that breakfast was great what did you think Nichol?” ”It was okay I guess. The bacon could have been cooked a little longer.” I whimper a little bit and they pull into yet another pet store.  I look at them both and knew what they were thinking. I tried to disagree with there plan but because they didn’t ask me a question I couldn’t talk. Anthony walks inside and after a couple minutes walks back out with a bag of dog food and a metal bowl. He pours me some of the food and starts to drive again but I knew that they both enjoyed watching me lose the last of my dignity having to eat out of a dog bowl like a house pet. But I knew that was all I was going to get so I ate it. The wolf part of me was pissed at being treated like a dog but knew that we couldn’t do anything else. After I finished my bowl of insult I walked up behind the driver’s seat and looked over Anthony’s shoulder out the window and I let the drool fall over him as the wind whipped over my face. I then turned to look at his face and I sneezed at that exact moment. My satisfaction was short lived as his hand snapped up and hit me square on the snout. I back up quickly blinking away tears at the pain in my nose. I change over to my werewolf form and is about to snap his puny neck when Nichol sees what I’m up to. “Fang down!” I feel my collar pull at my neck and I go crashing down and lay there twitching slightly over the shear force of the pull. I try to get up but was sufficiently pinned by her command. “Fang change to wolf form and don’t change to anything else unless I say otherwise.” I feel my body shift over to wolf but had no control over it. We then went to a rental place owned by the same company as the last one. They then exchanged the minivan for a work van with a metal wall between the back side of the van and the cab. There were no door knobs on the back end of the van so I could get in but I couldn’t get out without help. There were only the windshield and the driver and passenger windows so I couldn’t look outside. They forced me inside this cage of there’s and then happily crawled into the front seats. I paced back and fourth until the call of the wild told me we had to stop. I started to whine and finally Nichol yelled into the back “what is it fang?” I whine again “I need to go to the bathroom badly.” I slam into the wall as Anthony pulls into a rest stop. Nichol grabs my leash and opens the back door. I walk up and reluctantly let her put the leash on me and then I get walked over to the trees. A couple minutes latter we come back out of the forest and I get loaded back into the van and we head out again. After another couple hours we finally pulled into a gas station. “Anyone want anything?” Anthony asks out of the blue. I see my chance to talk but before I can say anything. “No we are fine thank you. You hungry fang?” I was about to say yes when she pulls out the bag of dog food. I suddenly wasn’t hungry. Anthony comes back in with two hot dogs and I start to drool. The only thing stopping me form getting one of those dogs was a steel wall. It would be so easy to get through it if I was able to be a werewolf but of course I couldn’t. Nichol notices me drooling and does something nice for the first time since I met her. She took one of the hotdogs and pushes it through the grate. I give her a thankful look and then devoured the hotdog like I hadn’t had anything to eat. I awake to the sound of arguing. I open my eye and see them squabbling at each other and then noticed the flashing lights behind me. “Just calm down okay ill take care of it.” He rolls down his window and puts on a nice guy look. “Good evening officer what can I do for you this fine evening?” but he cop didn’t look fooled. “You do realize that you were speeding don’t you?” that’s when the cop noticed me in the back. “What do you have back there?” the cop shines his light back at me and I freeze. I then lay back down and let out a sigh. “Is that a wolf you have back there? I’ve never seen one so big before. Is that thing real or what?” he says backing up a bit. “Don’t worries he is completely tame and is trained to obey my every command.” Nichol says quickly hoping to get this over with. “Okay well drive safely.” The cop says not even remembering why he stopped us in the first place. Thank you very much. Anthony and Nichol both let out sighs and then pull out and continue down the highway. “That was close.” I hear Nichol saying but it didn’t have anything to do with me so I ignored them. Suddenly the cop lights show up behind us again and we get pulled over again. The same cop walks up to the window but this time his buddy was with him. “Sorry to bother you again but my friend didn’t believe me about the wolf in the back of your van. I was just wondering ma’am if you could show us a few tricks he can do. If that’s no trouble o’course.” Nichol looks back at me and I just shrug so she gets out with my leash and pops the door. She hooks me on the leash and I hop out the back of the van. I get a couple hushed words between the two cops and the chubby one of the 2 steps forward. “Is it safe to pet ‘im I’ve never touched a wolf before and I want to tell my kids when I get back.” Nichol just smiles and nods. I walk forward and sit in front of them and they both pet my head. I just loll out my tongue and get the humiliation over with. After about a minute or so the cops stepped back and just looked at me like I would disappear any second and they would wake up. “Would you like to see some tricks he can do.” Nichol asks snapping the two officers out of there trance. “Oh we would love ta see some tricks if it’s no trouble.”  So Nichol looks down at me and I get ready for what she had in store. It basically went just like the shop keeper with sitting to laying to the big back flip. I got a couple nods for my quick moves on the first couple but I got pure awe from them when I did the stupid back flip. They both start to clap and then they say thanks and we could go. I get loaded into the back of the van and we head out again. “That was complete waste of time.” Anthony says obviously annoyed. “Lets stop for the night im getting tired and were running low on gas.” So we stop at a near by gas station Nichol fills up the van and Anthony went to get something to eat. I get my ration of dog food and as much as I hated it I was hungry. Anthony comes back out with a couple bags. He opens his door and puts the food between them. After the van is full of gas w headed out again. I had no idea where we were or where we were going. I tried to talk but my mouth wouldn’t open. Then I did the unthinkable. After finally getting annoyed of being trapped as a dog I activated the override code I had made. It was supposed to only be used in emergencies and my boss would instantly be sent my exact coordinates. I had enough of being caged. I change to werewolf form and walk up to the grate. “pull over now if you want to live.” Nichol looks at me and realizes something was wrong. “I order you to change back to wolf and stay sighlent.” I just smile and shake my head no. “Sorry I don’t take orders from you anymore. Sorry to say but I activated the override so don’t bother. Now pull over or ill make you pull over.” I say putting as much menace in my voice as possible. “you couldn’t make me if you wanted to. Your stuck back there little dog.” That tipped me over the edge. I grab the grate and pull with all my strength. I rip the steel straight off the bolts and crumple the metal like it was paper. I put it down beside me and grab Anthony’s neck. “I said pull over. This would be so much easier if you just did as you were told.” So he pulls over to the side of the road and puts it in park. I see Nichol reach for the door handle. I growl at her and she instantly pulls her hand back. “I may not be able to hurt you sweet heart but you try anything and I might do something you will regret. And don’t even try to morph. You pull something like that and you’ll have even more to worry about.” I watch as 3 black S.U.V’s pull up around us. Then my bosses top men jump out and open the doors. I let go of Anthony’s neck as 2 toms take him. I then change over to human form and get a trench coat thrown to me. I nod to the one who threw it and pile into the back of one of the SUV’s.  I watch the as Nichol and Anthony get loaded into another van. I then see two of the toms walk over to my car and hop into the open seats. I remember the scent of Phil and turn to see him sitting next to me. “Good job fang didn’t think it would take so long though.” Phil had been the person that had found me when I was just a pup. He had brought me before my boss the alpha of his pride and let me in with open arms. When I began to better develop my powers he trained me. But we were finally going home I just hoped I would get to stay there. I get some rest and sleep peacefully all the way home.
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