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[Y] Becoming Warm (Story In Progress)
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Sexuality Gay
Submitted On May14/13
Hits 3601
Two long-time friends discover each other
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[Y] Excerpt
This is a project I've been working on for a while. Future sex in the works, so be patient.Michael:
It was over. That much was clear. My tail hung listlessly, the moisture in the air clinging to the fur, dampening it thoroughly. The fur on the rest of my body was somewhat dryer, due to the fact that I wore a long coat over shirt, pants, and shoes, and had a hat firmly planted on my head.
The rain fell rather softly, and the dreary evening left a grey pall over the entire town. I walked briskly down the sidewalk, the wind buffeting me from the side, and blowing the rain into frenzied sheets at my face. Even the feral dogs that roamed the streets were compelled to seek shelter at this time.
The temperature dropped quickly as the sun continued its incessant journey westward, and downward. As I walked, rain turned to sleet, then snow. I had yet to reach my destination, but still I walked, unheeding of the inclement conditions.
Yes, it was over. My love life had simply ended with th...
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