Lights Cameras and a spark

By: al_krause
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                It was a simple day in the tattoo and piercing parlor, the outside was dark red bricks with a glass tinted door, the roof was a dark navy blue and the name of the place was called “Wildcat Studios” Inside was a dimmed atmosphere, there were a few display cases to the far left of the room with different modifications people could use in their piercings, as well at the reception desk there were several large books full of different predetermined tattoos for those who are indecisive. A large Lion sat at the reception desk; he had tan fur and a black mane with dreads to match as far down as you could honestly care to look.

                Inside just to the right of the reception area was a small well lit booth where a young tiger sat in a chair waiting for his next client. His shirt was a vibrant red and his short dark auburn hair was tucked from his face. Being a body piercer by profession he had an eyebrow piercing over his left eye, and two studs under his lower lip. His shirt had a gold printed earth on it and it had the word “Mother” on it. On the back it said “No crying until the end.” Wearing a pair of blue jeans he heard the jingle of a door opening. “I’m here for my two o clock appointment.” The Lion smiled pointing to the door to his right. “Jei is waiting right in side.”

                The tiger coughed looking around the room, as a large statured red panda walked into the room with a smile on his face. “Hi I’m here to get my left ear pierced today!” Jei gave a somewhat a half smile to him, “Afternoon, I am Jei I’ll be doing the piercing procedure are you familiar with it?” He asked, he always asked the customer in case they didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. His words shook a little as if he were new at this. The panda nodded his head. “I’ve done my research on this; it’s exactly what I want. And with the convention coming up at the end of the week this will be a perfect piece to add to my costume!” The male laughed, he was wearing a black tee shirt and dark blue jeans.

                “A convention, ohhh fun..” He said with a nervous chuckle. The panda smiled. “Yeah, it’s full of people who enjoy video games and anime!” The panda exclaimed. “Well I’m glad you’re excited for it.” He took the needle poking it through his ear rather quickly and placing the stud in his ear. “And you’re all done. Now go enjoy the convention.” The tiger waved him out the door. “Don’t you wanna at least know where it is? I get paid for people I tell and bring to the con. I’m a staff member there! It’s over on Queen City. It’s very small you should at least check it out!” The panda walked to the reception desk and smiled proudly. Paying the Lion in front of him, the lion leaned in whispering quietly. “Don’t worry I’ll see if I can get him to go.” He smiled speaking up. “Have a great day.”

                Sol stood up from the desk and walked over to Jei leaning in the doorway. “You know you should go, it would be good for you. Maybe you’ll make a friend or two.” The tiger took his gloves off throwing them away and turned to the lion raising an eyebrow. “I have friends, just, not ones that you see which aren’t you of course.” The lion shook his head. “Look just take Friday off, and go to the convention, you’ll have fun. And if you don’t I’ll buy ya dinner ok? Is that sufficient enough incentive to get you to go?” Jei scratched his head rustling his hair in slight frustration. “Alright I’ll go. But I won’t like it.”

                The hours passed and the shop closed, Jei walked outside to his motorcycle and put his helmet on, and he turned the engine one zipping off. He slipped through the streets and he stopped over by a large apartment building. He stepped off the bike turning the alarm on and stepped inside. He opened the door to his apartment, turned on the lights and tossed his helmet to the side. It was a quaint apartment nothing extravagant, but it was home. Jei turned on the television to the familiar blue screen turning the light off and hopped onto the couch with a goofy grin. “Alright time to save the princess!” He chuckled and turned on a box which seemed almost ancient.

                As the hours seemed to fly by a passed out tiger lay sprawled on the couch, with a controller in hand and the game consequentially frozen. Sun breaking through the blinds he groaned opening his eyes with a yawn. Sadly to the first sight he saw, his game was frozen. His eyes widened as he stood up clutching his head. “No! And I spent so many hours working so hard..!” He whined, looking at the clock with a hard swallow. “If I don’t start moving I’m gonna be late for work!” He threw his shirt off pulling a black tee shirt on over his messy hair with a big white cartridge on it that stated under it. “Blow Me” In bold letters. He looked at his pants with a shrug grabbing his helmet running out the door. With a quick rev of his engine he placed on his helmet and zipped off.

                As he rushed through the door, Sol was looking at him with a laugh. “Well done, you got here right on the money! A few seconds later and you woulda been late.” He leaned in to the desk. Jei chuckled out of breath and nodded. “Yeah, I am pretty lucky aren’t I? Hey wait, I co run this place! I can come in any hours I damn well please!” The lion shook his head. “Not when you have clients coming in momentarily.” He chuckled to himself and watched him huff and puff to himself, he walked into his parlor. The days passed on through the week and Friday came along rather quickly.  “Ok…Let’s do this.. Man do I look silly..” He muttered to himself.

                At the Queen city convention center there was a small scale convention going on called Queen City Kamikaze. There were con-goers as far as the eye could see. Jei painted his face black sprayed his hair white and in the small amount of time found some cloth to create a near robotic look to him. He had an ivory white harp in his hand. “If I’m going to a convention I might as well fit in right..?” He mumbled making his way to the booth to pay for his ticket. “That’ll be fifteen dollars please.” The young husky took the money giving him a pass to wear. “I don’t know anything about this place can you tell me what I can do here?” The green hair husky smiled. “Certainly, there is a trader’s hall to the left wing here; there is a large room down that hall if you wanna dance or LARP. To the right are the video games, as well as anime screenings later today we will do a cosplay contest if interested. You got a good costume so I’d say give it a shot.” She smiled giving him a wink. As he chuckled he slinked away into the crowds going towards the left wing taking a look at the vendors that were set up, all the different art styles set before him.

                He smiled breathing in the atmosphere and he felt a bit of relaxation from it.  Could this really be what he has been missing out on all this time? He wandered the halls of the convention looking at the different cosplayers as he made his way to the large video game room. He noticed a rather familiar costume, seeing a few people standing taking pictures of it. He squinted looking and stepping closer, it was to his surprise another costume very similar to his own. The tiger got a big grin on his face as he walked up closer to the person in the costume. The cosplayer looked at Jei pointing his rather large sword at him, not saying a word. Jei’s eyes widened as he backed up placing his hand up. “Dear god what have I gotten myself into…I never shoulda came here..!” He thought to himself. “Orpheus!” The cosplayer yelled out. He looked around looking back at the man in front of him. “…M-me?” He pointed to himself. The man laughed nodding. “Do you know who I am?” Jei scared half to death from what happened shook his head. “I don’t know you… But you’re dressed as… Izanagi if I’m not mistaken right..?” The man nodded happily.

                He stood before him somewhat of a shorter stature than the lion with a long white headband on played with a white mouth mask and a large black buckled trench coat look to it, His boots were almost robotic looking. The man laughed putting down the bladed spear and smiled, though you couldn’t really see it. “Hey.. Do you mind if I get your picture? Jei looked at him rather surprised and backed up hearing this. “I guess so, is this a normal thing at a place like this.?” “Yeah, it’s pretty normal especially if you have a great cosplay going on like your Orpheus. That’s outta sight! Come on, let’s go somewhere a little less hectic and I can get a better shot ok?”

                The tiger blinked a few times and nodded walking out the doors with Izanagi, he didn’t know the man’s name but it wasn’t like he could be kidnapped. This was just like he was thrown out of his shell and forced to fend for himself. As they reached an area where the noise level was minimal Izanagi took the face mask off, revealing a young raccoon underneath it. He smiled to Orpheus and took out his camera. “Just go ahead and pose for the camera, anything you want, just go with it.” The raccoon smiled turning it on and adjusting it accordingly.  Jei looked around and took his harp strumming outward holding the pose. With the click of the shutters, the raccoon stepped back. “Thank you so much! My name is..Kurt, Kurt Rasmas..” He smiled. Jei let his harp down. “I’m Ryhara, Jei I mean. Jei Ryhara.” Kurt smiled to the tiger. “It’s truly a pleasure! Say, are you gonna be here most of the day? Maybe we can collaborate for that cosplay contest they got going on. They said you can put on a skit if people wanted.”

                Jei looked down, “I don’t know about entering anything like that. I’m too shy to get on stage like that..” “Well then just come with me and tour the convention! I’m sure you’ll have a blast!” The raccoon gave him a sincere smile, “Besides I’m sure we could honestly attract more con goers if two personas were walking around I’m sure people will love it!” Taking his paw and holding tight running back into the halls. “Hey wai-!” He exclaimed being thrown back into the convention. As the two walked around the convention halls they came across many cosplayers, one couple in particular watched the two going by,

                There was a Labrador retriever with long blond hair down to her lower back, she had blue eyes and beside her was a male wolf of larger stature, brown eyes and wore a black shirt with the letters “QCK” on the front. “Look at those two dear, that’s really cool.” The Lab spoke to him. The wolf gave a grin tapping Jei on the shoulder. “Excuse me, could we get a picture of you two?” He smiled just nodding afterwards. Kurt just stood looking away holding his bladed spear posing, whereas Jei picked up his harp closer to his body. “Thanks you guys, you did a great job!” The two smiled chattering to themselves walking off.

                “That was kinda neat..” Jei smiled. The raccoon smiled chuckling. “Is this really your first convention you’ve been to?” The tiger slunk down slightly embarrassed. “Well..I” Kurt cut him off with “Hey don’t worry about it, everyone at these things is incredibly non-judgmental and if they judge it’s because you have a great cosplay!” The tiger smiled and walked back towards the vendors. As they walked through the halls Jei stopped looking at a small stall that had many different figures on it there were many different genres, there was a Mario keychain, a small one up mushroom, a triforce piece, there was even a little mini cloud from Final Fantasy. Jei’s eyes locked dead on what appeared to be a larger figure of Gilgamesh. The tiger stopped with a giant grin on his face, “Do my eyes deceive me..? Could that possibly be a little Gilgamesh?” He gasped, “And is that Enkidu with him!?” He exclaimed in a hushed voice. The vendor simply laughed. “Yes that is indeed the legendary Gilgamesh and his faithful companion Enkidu. You should take them home with you, they need a good home.” Jei looked at them biting his lip. “I can’t say no to this.. How much are they?” The vendor smiled, “Fifteen for Gilgamesh and I will throw Enkidu in for an extra five, how’s that?” Jei looked at him bringing up his wallet from his pocket. “It’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Handing him a twenty dollar bill, Jei took the two from the stall and turned away. “Hehe get equpiied with Gilgamesh.”

                Looking to Kurt who was incidentally right next to him, “Uhm, you didn’t hear that right?” Kurt laughed shaking his head. “Come on we got a lot more to do.” As the two walked along each other’s side the raccoon asked. “So Jei, I haven’t gotten much out of you, you should talk more. Like, tell me what you do for a living, and what’re your hobbies as well as everything else in between.” Jei looked at him a little startled by the question. “O-oh, well then Well..My name is Jei, I am twenty six years old, I co own the parlor “Wildcat Studios” I am a big nerd.” He looked down a little embarrassed. ‘I play a lot of old school video games, like I play Mario; I’m big into Mega Man. I love the Persona series, especially three.”

                Kurt smiled. “There we go now you’re not a complete stranger to me anymore!” He laughed; Kurt swished his tail looking at the tiger. “Well, since you shared a little with me how about I share a little with you. I find it’s only fair.” The raccoon took a deep breath. “Well for starters my name is kurt I’m twenty three years old I work part time at the Yggdrasil  café right down the street from here, I make the coffee. Go me; I work also as a photographer part time, unfortunately I only do photos for conventions like this, everyone loves having their picture taken here so what better way to further my career than to do It in a place where I won’t be chased away by an angry person thinking I’m the paparazzi. I’ve lost a very expensive camera like that I’m afraid..” He looked down pouting. “On to interest, my hobbies include but are not limited to: I like anime, I am a sap for a good romance anime or manga. Um, I love video games, I like old school video games but there are some of the newer that I just can’t pass up. Like the Gears series, I love Catherine. I play some of the Final Fantasy games, I’m not too big into the new ones but it’s really hit or miss what newer games I play. I like to play accordion music while taking bubble baths.”

                Kurt paused watching Jei’s expression turn from interested to a little creeped out. The raccoon chuckled. “Relax it’s a joke, but I do like music. That part isn’t a joke; I usually am listening to eight bit or even songs from the games themselves. I also listen to some really silly kinds of music, like traditional Japanese folk music, or anything with piano in it or even the violin.” Jei smiled, “Well you and I have much to discuss Kurt.” The raccoon smiled sincerely. “Come on let’s get moving, I’m sure there’s much to do around here.”

                As the two walked around the halls of the convention the minutes soon passed into hours, off in the distance in the video game section several characters sat off in the distance, one of which upon closer inspection was none other than Chie Santonaka, and holding her hand was Yosuke Hanamura. Jei and Kurt walked over to the two, who were coincidentally talking to a rather fuzzy Issun. “Hey Chie! Yosuke! Kurt called out, only to have Issun turn around. “Kurt! Hey!” The panda waved. The raccoon smiled waving his blade up in the air. The three of them began walking towards the personas, “Hey O-malley I didn’t think I’d see you so soon.” He swished his tail happily, “So soon?! I’ve been looking for you all over this damned convention!” I’m not your baby sitter you know, and you do have my cell number. You are capable of dialing a prerecorded number in your phone right?” He chuckled. “But that would mean I would have to press two buttons to your one button. And….I don’t know I just don’t ever see it happening.” Kurt shook his head, “Wow I know never to count on you if I am about to die.” He patted him on the shoulder.

                “Who’s your buddy Kurt?” Quinn asked, the tiger simply smiled giving him a wave. “How is your piercing doing?” The red Panda’s eyes widened. “So you decided to come! Great that means they owe me an extra ten bucks!” Jei looked at him, “What? Ten bucks..?” The panda shook his head, “Never mind that heh heh. So who’re your friends here?” Kurt asked. The male dressed as Yosuke gave him a polite wave, he was a Bernese Mountain dog with long shaggy blond hair, he had a large pair of headphones on and held two kunai one in each hand. And to his left was a young Shetland Sheep dog with a lime green sport jacket on with a short matching green skirt. “I’m Alphonse, and this is Emelyn. But you can call me-“Being cut off by a kick to the stomach followed by what sounded like a war cry. “Trial of the Dragon!” Emelyn shouted. The Bernese buckled over to the ground.

                Jei looked at the poor guy kneeling on the ground, “Are you okay..?” Alphonse chuckled weakly. “Yeah, it’s just us in character is all? You know how it is.”  The tiger simply nodded his head unsure. Kurt smiled and stepped forward. “Easy fellas, don’t scare the kid away, this is his first convention. Let’s show him how fun this can really be. And since we’re all dressed why don’t we all put our heads together for that cosplay contest! “We’ve got Chie, Yosuke, Izanagi and Orpheus. “ The tiger looked down. “I don’t think I want to go up on stage, I can barely talk to my clients let alone put on an entire show.”

                `As the hours passed the sun began setting, Jei held several bags in his paw looking at the door, he looked at Kurt, Al, Em,Quinn and he frowned. “Well I guess this is goodbye.” Kurt looked at him with a sincere smile placing his paw on his shoulder. “Well it doesn’t have to be, here let me give you my number and my screen name. “I am Photogenic Delinquent on Keronin. And here is my number. “He placed a piece of paper in his paw with a smile.

                Quinn jumped in and shouted. “You can message me too at Pandamus_Prime! And if ever you wanna talk to me, just give Kurt a call and I’m sure I will be right there in the vicinity.” Jei laughed, “Alright Quinn, I’ll keep in touch. Alphonse, Emelyn. It was really nice meeting you both, if you are ever in this area don’t hesitate to tell one of them or you guys can message me on Keronin my screen name is… Well. It’s ThatFuckingTiger.” He chuckled softly Kurt took his mask off watching Jei unable to stop smiling. “I’m really glad I got the chance to meet someone as kind as you are.”

                Jei smiled as he looked down at Kurt and swished his tail. “I am really glad I met you Kurt, if it weren’t for you, I probably would have left here a lot sooner and woulda called this a failure.” Kurt smiled. “Well let’s meet up again, we’ll go to the bar down the street, Quinn works there so we can harass him while he’s working haha.” The raccoon laughed. Quinn laughed and looked at the raccoon and retorted. “Yes come to my bar, watch Kurt pass out as I pass him a brownie with a roofie in it.” He laughed. “Kurt looked at him with an utmost serious look. “Hey!” Jei laughed and exited the building. “I’d love to, stop by the shop let’s say, next week on Wednesday around five o clock and we can head over.” Kurt’s ears perked up as his tail swished, “Yeah! That sounds awesome! Alright I gotta get going, I’ll catch you guys later, see you at home O-Malley!” Hopping on his bicycle riding off into the dark streets, using the street lights to navigate his way home.

                Jei put on his motorcycle helmet and turned the key revving the engine. With a slow speed he drove home humming a quiet song turning into the parking lot of his apartment complex, turning off his bike and turning the alarm on his bike on. He opened the door to the complex and walked into his apartment; he turned on the light in his apartment and looked around the room. The couch’s throw pillows were a light shade of blue, where his couch was a light cream color. Over his television was a large picture of Miles Edgeworth and the defense attorney Calisto yew. With large bubble text exclaiming “OBJECTION!!”  His television sat upon what seemed to be a small tray that held a moderate size tv and a dvd player on the shelf underneath it. Just in front of it was his hybrid system and a cabinet chock full of games both alphabetized and organized by what system they went to.

                His walls were pretty empty, but in his kitchen was many empty packets of Ramen and several pizza boxes. His book case was partially filled with different books varying from art books to graphic novels, even CDs he’s frequently enjoyed over the years. To the back was a door leading to his bed in which he almost never used. His room was painted a dark blue as well his shades matched quite well. And just next door to his room there was a white room covered in splotches of paint, buckets of paint everywhere and a blank canvas waiting to be covered. Jei dropped his motorcycle helmet on the ground and made his way to his kitchen pulling the fridge open placing a tray of Mochi in the fridge and pulling out some orange juice shutting the fridge.

                He walked over to the cabinet over the sink pulling a mug out pouring himself a glass and placing the oj back in the fridge. He took a sip of his juice and traveled into his bedroom dropping his bags on his couch and turned out the light in the living room turning on his bedroom light shutting the door behind him. He had a heavy black blanket over his bed; he took one more sip of his drink and placed it on his nightstand next to his bed. Flopping onto his bed looking up at the ceiling, a smile rolled across his lips as he thought to himself. “Today was a lot more fun than I had ever expected it to be.

                Jei thought about all the people he had met today, he couldn’t help but giggle. Thinking about the raccoon he met, underneath the makeup and the mask he was actually, dare he say. Cute, a flush of heat rushing to his face. A sly grin came over his face as he smiled, “He was really caring, and had a.. Very gentle touch…” He purred softly, he slipped his shirt off feeling a little overheated. Revealing his lithe toned chest and stomach. He smiled placing his paws over his chest letting his paws touch every inch of his body, his eyes closed as his paws trailed down to the brim of his jeans unbuttoning his jeans with a sigh of enjoyment. “That’s better.” He smirked bringing the zipper down on his pants wriggling his pants off and down onto his ankles. He took his shoes kicking them off letting the pants drop to the ground; he lay on his bed in nothing but his socks and his boxers. He grinned feeling his flush face coursing through his body, his breathing becoming heavier as he let his paw slide underneath his boxers, running the tips of his pads along his member. He sighed softly enjoying the sensation along his nipple and along his shaft. His right paw squeezing gently as his left paw ran up and down his shaft feeling the piercing and back down again.

                Jei slowly grasped his member in his boxers and began stroking it up and down gently letting a soft moan escape his muzzle. He smiled taking his hand slipping his boxers off and placed them aside on his bed. His face flush and his member fully erect, standing nine inches taking his left paw grasping the base of his shaft pulling up and down with soft pants with each jerk of his paw. In his mind wandered thoughts of Kurt thinking about it and his paw reacted. “Oh yes..” He mumbled to himself picking up pace bringing his right paw down lower fondling his sac gently feeling his pulsating member growing ever closer to his climax. Bringing his right paw down even farther between his legs panting harder pressing against his tail hole with a gasp jerking faster feeling his climax growing quicker pressing harder to his hole moaning louder. As he gasped he arched his back pressing deeper jerking feeling his cock spurt  several times onto his chest and dribble over his member and onto his paw. He panted heavily and sighed full of relief. His face flushed as he closed his eyes bringing his paw up to his muzzle lapping up a small taste of his fluids. With an accomplished smile Jei closed his eyes curling to the side on his bed dozing off.

                Kurt head down the streets on his bicycle and stopped in front of his front steps, locking it in for the night. He took his key unlocking the security door and going up the stairs to the second floor, unlocking his apartment door. Quinn was already home on the couch eating a sandwich. “Hey didn’t think you were ever gonna show up, you get lost?” He chuckled softly taking a bite. “Yeah well you try lugging a giant blade on your back and not be caught by wind resistance.” He smirked, “Right the only ‘resistance’ I see was you resisting not to hug Jei.” Kurt looked at Quinn and the panda just burst out laughing. “Oh come on gimme the gory details, I wanna know everything. “ The raccoon tossed his blade on the ottoman and sat on the couch sighing softly looking up at the ceiling. “He’s something else, I just.. I can’t describe it. He’s nothing like Alex was, when I was with him I just had the need to just want to hold his hand and just never let go.” He mumbled.

                Quinn looked at him. “Oh geez here it comes, tell me more buddy let it all out.”  The raccoon smiled closing his eyes. “I honestly felt like I’ve known him all my life, he was so adorable when I pointed my prop at him and he backed away shaking his head.” He laughed. “He honestly thought I was going to hurt him, when quite the contrary I wouldn’t ever want to.” He opened his eyes looking at the red panda before him. “Thanks for the talk bro, but I think I’m just gonna head to bed early.” O-malley chuckled grinning. “Don’t go pawing too loud; you’ll get me all excited!” He laughed.

                Kurt laughed, “Don’t worry I’ll keep it to a dull roar tonight.”  He chuckled walking off into his room shutting and locking the door behind him. A quiet chuckle from Quinn, “Haha yep he’s pawing.” He mumbled turning on one of the few game systems they had and turned up the volume a little. “Give him a little privacy.” Kurt’s room was a dark violet, his shades were black with a blue trim and over his bed he had a poster of a blond male with a motorcycle red letters above the man saying “GTO” His bed was a comfortable size to fit two people and had a couple pillows strewn across the top of his bed in case he rolled around. On his walls were different types of weapons, above his dresser was two Tonfas, a few feet over to the right of it was almost a cabinet of sorts holding all sorts of different type knives and blades.

                The raccoon took the head band off and tossed it with his hamper of clothes in the corner of the room, dropping the jacket in the same place. He sighed relieved to get that off of his body, “Well now what?” He asked himself, He took his pants and threw them over on the top of the hamper and grinned, I think I know a good way to fall asleep tonight.” He blushed with a smile. “That tiger did stir up a little something in me after all, and who am I to deny myself?” He smiled crouching reaching underneath his bed grabbing an unmarked box opening it up revealing a few “toys” inside.  Grabbing a bottle of lubricant and a dildo from the box he giggled to himself tossing them up on the bed and placed the box on the ground as he crawled onto the bed swishing his tail, his boxers had little eight bit hearts on it some of them half hearts and some of them whole.

                He sighed softly and his paw trailed from the bed up and straight under his boxers and took his member gently rubbing the tip with his thumb, his heart began to beat faster. His thought began to think about the caramel colored tiger’s smile, his laugh, his body. He began to blush closing his eyes and started rubbing up and down his shaft feeling himself becoming hard. Slipping his boxers off and kicking them off the bed he took the dildo in his right hand bringing the lubricant over adding a small amount to it and rubbing it along the toy. He proceeded to widen his leg’s stance bringing a finger down rubbing along his tail hole gently pressing inside himself with a gasp of enjoyment.  Using the remnants of the lubricant he pushed his finger a little deeper, prepping himself and biting his lip in anticipation for his toy.

                Sliding his finger in and out a little bit he became more comfortable and added a second digit with a soft moan of delight. Taking his two fingers that were rubbed with lube he wriggled them around inside of his hole with soft pants and moans of pleasure as he took the dildo readying it sliding his fingers out from inside of himself placing them on his erect manhood. He grasped his shaft firmly and pushed the toy slowly into him as he arched his back feeling the rubber toy fill him. Stroking his member he moaned sliding the fake cock in and out of him picking up pace rhythmically, bringing himself closer and closer with each thrust of the toy inside of him. He groaned as he took his paw grinding the toy inside of him jerking his shaft harder and faster whispering softly. “Jei..” Bringing himself upward “I’m gonna..” He uttered as he spurted hot seed onto his shirt and a little on his cheek, he panted heavily as he left the toy inside him for a moment bringing up his paw wiping the cum licking it up with a quiet content grin, slowly pulling his toy from inside of him with a satisfied exhale.

                He placed the toy on the bed and put the lubricant in the box taking getting up, a little wobbly and taking a towel wiping it off and placing it back again in the box and hiding it under his bed. He smiled up at his ceiling as his heart pounded thinking about the tiger rustling off his bed and turning the light off, getting under his covers and drifting off.

                The following day Jei slowly opened his eyes stretching on the bed and slipping from the covers; He noticed his nudity and chuckled opening up his dresser’s top drawer grabbing a new pair of boxers, down to the third drawer for his shirt and second shelf for his pants and made his way into the bathroom setting his clothing down on the sink. Turning on the hot water and turning on the shower, slipping into the hot waters of the shower.  Soaking his head and scrubbing the black off his face, as the white and black dripped from his body turning to gray as they dripped to the bottom of the tub. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo taking a small amount in paw and scrubbing his hair rinsing it out. Taking the body wash pouring a liberal amount scrubbing his fur closing his eyes enjoying the heat from the shower with a soft rumbling purr.

                Once Jei finished with his shower he turned off the water shaking out his hair and reached to the towel rack grasping a towel wrapping it around his waist stepping from the shower and began drying off, once finally dried off he slipped his boxers on leaving his bathroom taking his clothes to his bedroom and looked at his laptop seeing he had a few messages on Keronin. “You have a new message from Photogenic Delinquent” Jei seemed to have a smile creep upon his face. As he pressed enter opening the chat.

“Photogenic Delinquent: Hey! ^_^ It’s kurt from QCK!

ThatFuckingTiger:Hey: I was just thinking about you. J

PD: hehe aww really? n_n That’s awful nice of you.

TFT: Well let’s just say I can’t wait till we see each other again.

PD: r-really? n///n I’ve been  excited myself!

TFT: Oh really? Well I am glad to hear you’re excited.

PD: hehehe,  well I just wanted to make sure you knew it was me, I gotta head to work. Ttyl ^-~

Photogenic Delinquent is now AFK.

                Jei chuckled softly closing his laptop placing it atop his dresser. “Well time to get ready.” He slipped his towel off and tossed it into the hamper mumbling to himself. “Gotta go to the Laundromat..” As he dressed he headed out the door locking the door behind him climbing onto his bike turning it on. Zipping down the streets and into the parking lot of Wildcat Studios, he opened the door with a jingle of the door. Sol was sitting there grinning watching him come in. “Well hey there.” The lion said with a sly grin.

                “Hey, how’s it going?” He said with a smile. “Not too much, workin. You’re certainly in a cheerful mood today. I assume that I don’t have to buy you dinner?” He chuckled. The tiger chuckled grinning, “No payment necessary, although..” He slumped a little bit. “I’ve got no food; I spent the last of my money on Gilgamesh and his trusty sidekick Enkidu.” His ears flattened. Sol chuckled, “Sure but as payment you have to tell me about the convention.” He grinned. “Fine, but I won’t like it. I walked into the convention, I met this guy we hung out and we parted ways the end.”

                He started walking away. “Whoa slow down tiger.” He laughed, “Details, who was this ‘guy’ and apparently he must have had some kind of hold on you, for you to actually hang out with him during the entire convention. What’s his name? I wanna know more.” The lion leaned over the counter anxious to hear what he had to say. Jei paused and turned back to him, “His name is Kurt, he works at the Yggdrasil cafe, and he works as a part time photographer at conventions. He more or less didn’t have a ‘pull’ as he scared the life outta me when I first met him, and from there he kinda just grew on me I guess.” A warm smile crept upon his face. Sol leaned back in his chair closing his eyes. “You know what this means right?”

                “No…?” Jei said a little apprehensive of what his friend was going to say next. “It means, we have to go meet him! I must see this for myself. We don’t have any appointments until later so why don’t we just open a little late today. Come on.” The Lion grabbed his car keys and grabbed Jei by the paw tugging him out the door. “Hey wai-!” He was interrupted being pulled out the door and into Sol’s car it was a nice little white car two doors. “So instead of getting all the details from you I wanna hear it from your new buddy. We can enjoy a nice breakfast together as well, how’s that sound?” Jei closed his eyes and shook his head chuckling.

                Meanwhile over at the Yggdrasil café Kurt was standing at the counter starting a pot of coffee waiting for the scones to heat in the back. His coworker was washing the tables getting ready for the day. “How’s the cleaning coming?” Kurt asked, the young kiwi bird looked back and replied. “I’m just finishing up here, what’s next on the task list?” She asked. The raccoon walked over to the clip board hanging up checking off what was done skimming through notes. “Well all that really needs to be done is we need to put the prepared products under the glass and we’re done and can get crackin.” The two were wearing forest green polo tee shirts, with a small black tree insignia on the top left area of the chest. Kurt was wearing blue jeans, and Marci was wearing tan khaki pants.

                Kurt walked into the back of the building grabbing a pair of mitts to remove the confections from the oven. Meanwhile Sol and Jei parked the car getting out. “Come on, a coffee will do you some good in the morning, will perk you right up!” They walked into the café being greeted quite politely by the girl. “Hi, welcome is there anything I can get you fellas?” “Yeah I’ll have a large coffee, black. Jei what’ll you have?” The tiger looked at the different coffees. I’ll just have a medium coffee extra extra, and I guess I’ll get one of those blueberry scones.” Marci smiled. “Coming right up.” Sol grabbed his card swiping it and finishing the transaction. “Hey, Kurt can I get one of those scones back there?” Both of their ears seemed to perk hearing the name. Sol chuckled. “So I get to meet him after all what a touch of serendipity.” As the bird prepared the drinks as she placed them on the counter. If you guys want to go sit down Kurt will bring it right over to you, “ The two males took their coffees sitting over by the window and waited patiently. Kurt came walking from the back with the tray placing them under the glass and wrapping one in a wrapper bringing it over, “Here you are gentleman.” He seemed to pause for what seemed an eternity, as he looked over at the tiger. “Hey, Jei! Oh man I wasn’t expecting to see you today!” He smiled. “Who’s your friend?” He asked curiously. The tiger’s face seemed to flush bright red almost embarrassingly. “Yes Jei, tell him.” Sol smiled, “This lunk beside me is my dear friend Sol, and he is co-owner of Wildcat Studios.” The lion smiled, “It’s nice to meet you Kurt, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.” Kurt smiled sincerely. “Really? And you guys came down here to see me? That’s really thoughtful. “His tail swished happily. He couldn’t help notice the blush upon his face and smiled. “Hey, why don’t you join us for a coffee, I would love to see what you were able to do that got this hermit out and actually had him having fun.” Kurt smiled, “well I get a break in a minute so I guess I could see down.”

                The raccoon smiled pulling up a chair sitting down. “So tell me a little about you Kurt, and also how was the convention?” Jei sat there silently and stuffed his face with the blueberry scone. Kurt chuckled looking at Jei and turned toward the lion. “Well I work here, obviously. When conventions open up, I go to the conventions and I do photography for the people in costumes, in hopes to build a portfolio. One day I hope to either get published in a magazine or even one day publish my own.” Sol smiled. “Really, well that’s very ambitious of you. Well, care to tell me about the convention?” He asked nudging Jei in the leg with a grin.

                Kurt smiled. “You mean he didn’t tell you?” The lion chuckled. “Well not entirely. Getting things outta him can be like cracking a safe sometimes. So I thought I would come to a more open source.”  He let a smile creep up looking over at the increasingly embarrassed tiger and giggles. “Well what happened was he and I met in the game hall, coincidentally we were both dressed up in the same game series. I was dressed as Izanagi and he was dressed as Orpheus. I don’t know if you know who either of them are but, I had a large blade and I had pointed it at him and I was trying to get his attention but he was shaking his head backing up.” He laughed; Sol turned looking at Jei who put up his paw trying to hide his face. “So after that I asked him if I could get a picture, and we just kinda pal’d around, he made quite a few friends I must say, and my room-mate was his client who came in for the ear piercing. Go figure.”

                The lion nudged Jei again, the tiger looking at him. “Well I gotta get back to work; enjoy your coffees, bye Jei.” He smiled caving to him walking off. Sol kicking Jei in the leg gently, “Ah! Hey!” Sol grinned happily. “Hey, hey, hey Jei. You know what?” He leaned in smiling. “He looked at him with a puzzled look.”…What?” He dared question. “I think you like him. And you know what else? You. Should ask him on a date.” He smirked, Jei’s face turned red mumbling into his cup of coffee. “Come on bring him to the apartment, go see a movie, do something. If you don’t go over there, and ask him I will leave you stranded here.” He grinned. “What! That is completely unreasonable.” He groaned. “Oh if I didn’t you wouldn’t ever dare even think about it. So what will it be Jei?” His tail flicked smiling. The tiger closed his eyes taking a deep breath letting a large sigh out.

                “If I do this, you owe me.” Jei said with a little frustration. “You love me, you know it.”Sol smiled proudly. “I have faith in you Jei don’t forget that.” Jei stood up taking a deep breath walking over to the counter where curt was. His face was flush red as sweat beaded the top of his head. “K-kurt?” He spoke up. The raccoon looked at him with a smile. “Yeah?” He responded simplistically. “Well.. I was just.” He paused, “I was wondering, if.” He took a deep breath. “I was wondering if you would like to, go on a date with me.” He was stammering and sweating, his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. His hands were trembling standing for what felt like an eternity. “Jei…” He smiled feeling absolutely smitten.  “I’d love to.” He bit his lip unable to keep from grinning. “So what’s the date? Dinner? A movie?” He was so excited, “I hadn’t thought of that yet..” He paused. “Well how about we go for dinner and see how it goes?”   “Yes! That sounds wonderful! Kurt exclaimed quite happily. I’ll see you around say.. Five?” He wiggled around anxiously. “S-sure. I’ll pick you up alright? I don’t think we’re both gonna fit on your bicycle.” He chuckled. “Y-yeah you’re right. Alright I’ll see you then!” He smiled happily, Jei walking back over to his table exhaling heavily looking at Sol. “Well, I did it.” The lion laughed patting him on the back, “See now was that so hard?” He smiled.

                “Yes, yes I do believe it was.” He looked at him with a rather nerve wracked expression. “I feel as if you took several years off my life with that one.” He smiled happily though in the end. “I do feel a lot happier though after I… you know. “ He giggled, “Where could I take him.. The movies playing weren’t really all too fantastic, “Maybe I can cook for him… Maybe he would enjoy that..! And it has more heart in it that just going out to eat!” He smiled. “Come on Sol let’s finish up and get the ball rolling. After all I have a date to prepare for tonight.” He grinned excitedly. “Alright alright settle down, let’s get back and finish up this work shift. “ The two of them stood up walking from the door, Jei smiling waving to Kurt with a giggle.

                As the two got back into the car driving back Sol asked. “So where are you taking him?” Jei looked out the window smiling, I don’t quite know yet..” Closing his eyes, “It’s funny; I haven’t been with someone in how long? And he just dropped into my lap, so to speak. “He blushed, Sol laughed. “You would love that part wouldn’t you?” Jei simply turned his head blushing. “I’m being serious, he.. Talks to me and I just feel like he’s known me for so long. “ Sol smiled as they parked off to the side. “Well as long as you’re happy, all I can really say is I wish you the best. And if he hurts you, well you know what I am gonna say.” He smiled. “He’s not gonna hurt me Sol.” The tiger said with a smile. “Well let’s get this day done, I gotta prepare for my date.” He blushed wiggling his tail excitedly.


                As the day past rather quickly Jei stood up from his chair looking at the clock, the hand one minute away from his shift ending. He pats his paws impatiently waiting.” Sol looked at him and smiled. “Just take off, it’s okay, and remember what I had told you.”  Jei smiled pulling his keys out heading to the bike and turning on the ignition and zipping over to the grocery store rather quickly and grabbed a few simple things zipping to his house leaving them on the table and checking the clock, “I’ve got ten minutes to get over to his work. “ He smiled with a grin “Let’s do this, putting his helmet on and a dark jacket. The weather was getting murky out as if it were going to rain, he grabbed a second helmet and clipped it to the back end of the seat.  He zipped from his house getting on his bike again and heading to the Yggdrasil café.

                He stopped at the café and panted softly. He was nervous feeling his heart was pounding nearly out of his chest as he opened the door. Still wearing his helmet, he lifted the visor looking at the raccoon looked at him completely stunned at what he was wearing and blushed smiling. “I take it you’ve come to pick me up?” He giggled softly. Jei nodded lifting his helmet, “Yeah, you ready to go? I changed up our plans just a tad. I don’t think you’ll be too disappointed though.” His tail swayed. Kurt blushed smiling. I’ll get my things and we can go.” He chuckled heading into the back grabbing a backpack. “Shall we go?” Marci smiled giggling. “Have fun Kurt! I wanna know everything that happens!” She shouted as they left waving her wing.

                As the two walked out to his motorcycle Jei smiled hopping on the front. “Your helmet is on latched on the back, since I don’t have a passenger car you’re gonna have to ride in back with me, I hope you don’t mind.” He blushed, “N-no not at all.” He unlatched his helmet fitting it over his head pressing his ears down in the process. It fit quite snugly on his head covering his muzzle and face quite comfortably. Jei hopped on the bike turning on the vehicle lifting his visor. “When I lean you have to lean with me okay?”  Kurt nodded quickly and sat just behind the tiger snugly, shakily taking and placing his paws on his hips Jei perked up looking back at him smiling beneath his helmet as he took Kurt’s paws wrapping them around his waist. The raccoon mumbled to himself in his helmet and under the roar of the engine. “Just keep breathing, it’s gonna be okay.. You’re just holding onto a rather well toned male and he is driving you around on his motorcycle which is truly just a dream come true.”

                “Are you okay back there? We haven’t even left yet.” He called back to Kurt. “Y-yeah let’s get going.” The tiger nodded as he revved the engine driving out of the parking lot, Kurt holding tight to Jei’s waist. As the two stopped at a red light Jei looked back at him, “How’re you holding up back there? Ever ridden a motorcycle before?” He chuckled. The raccoon stayed silent shaking his head. “Hang on tight, we’re almost there okay?” He smiled, as the light turned green the two of them zipped off and as they parked and got off the bike taking his helmet off. “How was the ride Kurt?” He smiled shaking out his hair looking at him. Kurt nodded underneath the helmet a little too embarrassed to take it off just yet.

                The raccoon couldn’t stop grinning underneath the helmet. As they walked up the stairs they made their way into the first doorway and traveled to a door with the letter and number “3E” on it. The tiger fumbled through his keys opening the door to his apartment. “This is the surprise I was telling you about, or should I say. The change in plans,” He smiled, ”Instead of going out  to eat I thought I would cook for you instead, y’know… Make it a little more..Personal.” He blushed looking down. Kurt took his helmet off looking at Jei coming closer to him taking his paw gently chuckling. “I honestly couldn’t ask for something better Jei. Thank you.” He smiled letting go gently as his gaze looked about his apartment. “My, what a lovely apartment,” He smiled taking his shoes off walking towards the couch noticing his game systems. “No way, you have this Final Fantasy?!” Jei looked at him smiling walking towards the kitchen. “Yeah, I must have beaten it at least a hundred times now. “ Kurt’s eyes widened looking at it.

                “You must teach me master Jei.” He spoke with a cheesy accent. Jei laughed; “Maybe sometime we can beat it together.” Jei came back from the kitchen holding a couple of glasses. “Care for some wine?” He smiled, setting the two glasses. “S-sure what kind?” The raccoon asked. “It’s a white Zinfandel since it’s going to be white meat, I thought we could have a nice glass of wine before dinner and unwind. How do you feel about a spaghetti dinner?” The raccoon’s ears perked up. “I’d love a meal like that. “ He churred softly and walked towards the tiger taking the glass. “I’d love a glass,” He giggled and looked up at him. Jei smiled walking over to the fridge grabbing the bottle of wine peeling the wrap rummaging through his drawers for a corkscrew digging it into the cork twisting it down pulling it out with a loud pop sound. Walking to the raccoon pouring the white wine into his glass and some into his own.

                The raccoon giggled taking a sip. “Ooh, just don’t let me drink too much you can’t be too sure what’ll happen when I get tipsy.” Jei blushed brightly taking a sip of his glass turning and walking into the kitchen placing the chicken in the oven, chopping some lettuce for the salad placing it in a large bowl. “Just keep calm Jei… Don’t think about it..” He began chopping faster. Kurt walked around his living room looking at all his stuff. Making his way into the kitchen, sipping his glass more with a serene smile. He came behind the tiger placing his hand on his side with a smile. “What’re you doin here?” He chuckled. “You haven’t given much of a tour.” He smiled finishing his glass. “I’ll grab myself another glass if that’s okay.” He swayed his tail picking up the glass bottle refilling his glass with a pleasant sound sipping from it once again.

                “O-oh, right.. I’m sorry, my manners are elsewhere I guess..” He grinned placing the knife down turning around to the raccoon almost chest to chest looking at him. Kurt blushed looking at the tiger in front of him and placed his glass of wine down on the counter. “Well.. Maybe I can forgive it just this time…” He spoke softly leaning closer, his heart pounding. Jei placed his paws around the raccoon blushing looking into his eyes. “Kurt..” He closed his eyes leaning and pressing his lips gently against his. The raccoon’s eyes widened surprised by his boldness as they fluttered closed bringing his hands up to his chest breaking the kiss for a moment looking up at him. “Jei… I..” He smiled rubbing his chest. “I didn’t think you, felt this way…” Jei smiled bringing his paw up to his cheek. “Honestly I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. I’ve never been so swept up by anyone ever.” He looked away, “I was honestly lucky when I met you at the convention.” He smiled taking Kurt’s paw gently lacing his digits with his. Kurt looked at him absolutely speechless. “I…I don’t know what to say Jei.. It’s certainly one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard. “The tiger smiled pulling him closer with a gentle voice. “What do you say… Would you… Be mine?” “Jei..” He spoke softly kissing him gently wrapping his arms around his neck.

                Jei kissed him back with such tenderness, his heart pounding. Bringing them into the living room and onto the couch, he blushed setting him down looking into his eyes. “I’ve wanted to say this since the moment we parted ways at the convention.. I know I may sound crazy as hell, but I just.. I want to be close. I want to be close to you, I want to hold you, kiss you, hold your hand. I ….” Kurt took his finger placing it over his lips shushing him quietly. “Relax..” He removed his finger leaning over pressing his lips against the tiger’s and smiles. “Just… Let’s take our time here and see where it goes.” He giggled, “But to answer you. Yes. And I’ve been thinking the same way Jei.” He smiled kissing him again. Jei looked into his eyes leaning into him kissing him and standing up. “Crap…! I forgot the chicken in the oven!” He rushed over to the chicken only to realize he never actually turned the oven on. Looking at it with a look of frustration, “Gah! I forgot to turn the oven on!’” Kurt laughed walking into the kitchen grabbing his glass of wine. “Haha, smooth move, Jei looked at him with a grin. “Oh really you’re gonna be like that huh?” He stepped closer taking his glass of wine taking a sip placing it back down, getting right up close to him. “Well I…” His ears dropped to his head stepping back stammering. “I..I..” He murmured stepping back.

                Jei looked at Kurt concerned. “Are you okay..? I was only kidding Kurt, I wasn’t upset with you.” He pulled him closer holding him in his arms gently, closing his eyes. The raccoon’s body shivered clinging to him. “It’s not your fault Jei.. I probably should have said something..” The tiger set him over on the couch sitting with him. “Tell me what?” He asked, “Kurt sighed softly taking Jei’s paw. “A few years back I was in a very rough relationship I guess you could call it. I was terrified to speak out of turn.. And if I did..” He stopped gripping his paw tighter. Jei’s eyes narrowed as he pulled him closer holding him tight. “Well you never need to worry about that ever again.. So long as you’re with me I will treat as my equal, my partner, my mate.” The tiger looked into his eyes stroking away any stray tears he may have had on his face. Kurt looked up at him and smiled kissing his cheek. “Thank you..” He pressed his nose against his smiling.

                “I think I might be able to bring a smile to your face.” Jei smiled leaning Kurt back upon the couch leaning closer to him. Pressing his lips gently against his, the tiger purred loudly pressing his chest against Kurt’s kissing him sensually. Kurt blushed kissing him,  Jei pulled him closer to his body kissing him firmly, closing his eyes. The raccoon was utterly shocked by how affectionate he was becoming. His face was flushed as he began to sweat. Kissing the tiger he wrapped his arms around his body pulling him closer. Jei looked at the raccoon with a blushing smile. After dinner I think I got a good idea for dessert.” He grinned nudging his neck upward kissing the raccoon’s neck gently and giving a soft bite.

                Kurt blushed with a quiver looking back at Jei. “Jei, what’s gotten into you?” He asked with a giggle. “Being alone for so long and having a partner who is as beautiful as you,” Kurt blushed looking away. “I’m not beautiful; I’m just a boy who has feelings for a handsome man.” He smiled stroking his cheek gently. Jei looked at him kissing him with more passion in it, his lips parted gently in the kiss, as his paws traveled down his chest gently. Kurt blushed feeling the movements of his lips responding by opening his lips slowly as well. The tiger’s paw slowly reaching up Kurt’s shirt running along his chest up to his nipples dragging across them lightly with the tips of his digits. The raccoon gasped softly looking into his eyes swishing his tail intently. Jei licked his cheek, his rough tongue slowly gliding as his nose came down pressing to his neck going to the base of his neck and shoulder licking upwards. The roughness of the tongue making it all the more stimulating, his teeth raking gently against the raccoon’s sensitive neck. He squirmed underneath the larger tiger with a smile.

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