Fluff- the beggining

By: abcd
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Before you read this story, look up my profile and check out the character "Fluff", i don't describe him in this story 

It was late in the day and the football team was just finishing an hour of punishment 110's, Fluff never got to run them, as a matter of fact Fluff would never run them again with his teamates.

"I can't beleive it" said Fluff with his eyes still wide in astonishment. He could still remember all of the events of that day, the coaches yelling "thats it Fluff, your off the team" "but coach, the guy attacked me when he found out I was bisexual!"

"ohh man" Fluff said to himself "what am i going to tell my parents?!"

"Tell them that some crazy Tight end attacked you for no reason" said a voice from behind Fluff.

"oh, hey Dallas did'nt see you there" he said to the big wolf as he sat down, Dallas had been Fluff's best friend for years, and thought he knew everything about him.

"It's not fair man" said Fluff "he attacked me" "I know, but yall the coach saw was his star tight end with a set of broken ribs, you'd think people would know not to mess with you by now" said Dallas with a chuckle

"so i gotta know" said Dallas "why the hell did that guy attack you?"

"well" said Fluff, dreading what he was about to say "you know how i'm considered a ladies man in some circles?" "Ya"

"well... you swear you won't freak out" "on my life and left nut" said Dallas with a laugh

"okay, well i've mated with about ten people" Dallas's eyes went wide "i'm not through yet, so don't be impressed... only four of those mates were female"

there was a long, awkword pause after a while Dallas spoke up "so... what are you going to tell your parents?" "whoa, slow down, who said anything about telling my parents?!"

"dude, you know that the coach is gonna rat you out anyway"

"Oh crap" he thaught "so... I have to tell them?" "pretty much"

there was another long pause, after a while Fluff got up and left without so much as a good bye

"shit" thaught Fluff as he walked out to his old crapper Torino "well, who knows, they might actualy be understanding for once" said Fluff to himself

The next hour was just a blur of yelling and anger, the last thing he remembered was his father yelling "Get your crap and get out"

Fluff got into his car with everything he could carry that was his

Fluff was crying in the car. "my Teamates *sob* my friends, and now my family"

"why don't i just die" thaught Fluff as he was driving "i could do it" he thaught "the lake is right there, all i have to do is turn my wrist" Fluff could'nt stop thinking like that while he was driving "if i died who would care?"

"dammit" said Fluff in between sobs. Fluff pulled over to the side of the road and broke down, crying like a baby. crying because he was, in everybody elses eyes, a freak, crying because he had just lost everything, crying because his own family had kicked him out during his junior year in highschool, but mostly he was crying because he was to much of a pussy to just end it"

he decided to go to a local bar and try and drown his troubles in tequila.

once he got in, the first thing he noticed was the fact that he had accidentally walked into a gay bar, he did'nt care anymore, he no longer had that image to mantain

after about five shots of tequila he started to feel hollow "oh well, at least most of the pain is gone" he said as he took another shot

"I think you've had enough for tonight friend" said a big husky taking the seat next to him, Fluff found himself sizing the man up, about three inches taller and ten pounds hevier. "what the hell do you know about enough" said Fluff as he tried to down another shot, but was blocked "listen buddy, i've seen that look before, your family just found out you were gay, right?" said the big husky "bi" said Fluff in a depressed voice.

"i know how you feel kid, alone, emmpty, angry, and insuggnifficant" that made Fluff lose it again, he leaned up against this man he did'nt even know and just started crying his eyes out and telling him everything he could get off of his chest fast enough.

"whoa, slow down there, let's start with this, hi my name is bob" "*sob* Fluff"

"well Fluff, do you have a place to stay tonight?" Fluff looked up at him, wiping his eyes "no" "well, would you like to stay with me?" Fluff just nodded

later that night Fluff was at Bob's apartment "first thing you need is a shower" said Bob "it's down the hall on the left. "thank you Bob" said Fluff walking to the shower.

"Shit, i don't know if this is the tequila talking, but I realy like bob" said Fluff as he was suddzing up his dark fur.

as Fluff climbed back out of the shower, naked, he ran into Bob. "oh, did you need a towel" said Bob, thinking that this was an innocent mistake.

Fluff did'nt answer, he just reached up and pulled Bob into a deep, passionate kiss. "Fluff what are you..."  Fluff put his finger to bob's lips "shhhhh"

Fluff started to notice a bulge growing in Bob's pants. "Did i do that" said Fluff, getting on his knees "well, were just gonna have to fix that" Fluff pulled down Bobs pants and weant to town, doing his best to swallow his huge member. "here" said Bob "I think it will be esier if... oh god" Bob's legs started to tremble as he shot his load once... twice... three times down Fluffs throat; he savored every drop "hmm" said Fluff "still hard" Fluff knew exactly what to do with this.

Fluff leaned up and whispered into bo's ear "mate me" Bob did'nt need to be asked twice as he set Fluff down on his back. Bob slowly lifted up fluffs tailhole pressing his member against Fluffs entrance, slowly, he started to push in.

"what are you doing!" said Fluff, taking Bob aback "but you told me to" said Bob defensively. Fluff leaned back up to whisper in his ear "i said mate me, make me yours, hard and fast"

With that Bob slammed into Fluff as hard as he could "o F*ck" yelled Fluff "i'm gonna, gonna ungh" Fluff said as he started to cum all aver Bob's stomach and slowly black out "oh shit that was good" is the last thing Fluff thaught consiously while still being pounded

to be continued?

check the post at bottom if u want more

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